Ellena (15 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ellena
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“I noticed that you arrived with an entourage. Are you sleeping with those men, too?” he asked.

She gasped then began to stand up but the agent grabbed her wrist.

“Remain seated, Ellena. You need to understand a few things here. Your boyfriend placed you in serious danger. He’s a ticking time bomb, and he’s going down. You’re a pretty young woman, and those men out there think they can protect you, but they can’t. This guy Parker has people everywhere and they’re watching. For some reason he wants you, and he’ll take these men of yours out to get to you.”

“And how do you know that? I thought you were investigating Leon.”

The agent smiled as he fixed his tie and stared at her.

“Mark my words. If you care for these men at all, you’ll end your little play relationship with them now. I’m placing you down as an alibi for the assault charges. Those will be dropped, however…” He reached up and placed his fingers under her chin to look at her cheek. She turned away from him, feeling chills from his touch and the sense that he wasn’t who he said he was.

“However, the sexual harassment charges still stand and so do the drug dealing charges. You can leave, but just remember, Leon and his friends can’t protect you. Staying away from them is your safest choice.”

She stood up, and he walked behind her as she exited the room. Leon pulled her into his arms and she couldn’t help the feelings of regret and confusion. She should tell Leon and the others what this guy said to her. But not now. Not when they were in the sheriff’s office.

Everyone shook hands and said good-bye, and they headed out the door. She watched Jessy as he gave her a wink, and she smiled. He led the way to the SUV, and then they heard the shots. Mack and Leon pulled her to the ground and covered her body in a protective shield. She felt the weight of them, and her arms were scratched against the sidewalk. Two more shots took out the front window of the sheriff’s department as people screamed and then ran for cover.
Oh my God, what the agent said is true. Parker can get to any of them. He is going to kill Leon, Mack, Troy, and Roy if I continued to stay around them.

“I need an ambulance here!” Eloi yelled. Other police appeared around them. She heard Leon moan, but she couldn’t move. Mack and Leon had her completely shielded.

Slowly they began to move off of her.

“Are you okay, Ellena?” Mack asked. She started to get up and cringed from the pain in her arms.

“You’re hurt,” Mack said as Troy and Roy knelt down on the ground around them.

“Fuck, Leon, you’re hit. How bad is it?” Roy asked and Ellena saw the blood on Leon’s arm.

“Oh God, Leon. No, oh no, they shot you.”

“It’s okay, Ellena. It’s just a flesh wound.”

“Not for Jessy. Jessy’s been shot, too,” Troy stated as they all looked toward the small crowd right behind them. Eloi was talking to Jessy. Jessy was moving, trying to sit up.

“Eloi, is it bad?” Leon asked as he pulled himself up.

Ellena was shaking as the tears rolled down her cheeks. Jessy was shot, too. All because of Parker.

“You crazy son of a bitch!” Eloi yelled as Jessy slowly sat up.

“We got them, Sheriff, so we should be wearing them.”

They all smiled, and Ellena couldn’t see what Jessy showed them, but he seemed okay.

“He had on a bulletproof vest, sugar. He’s fine, so don’t you worry,” Mack said as he slowly pulled her up. Leon was fine, too. The bullet grazed his arm and there was hardly any blood at all. She was shaking and her mind was wondering a thousand thoughts.

“Let’s get a look at these cuts,” Troy stated as he turned her arm slowly over. The other police were scanning the area trying to locate the shooter. As she looked up around the chaos, wondering what she was going to do, she saw Agent Michael Quincy leaning against the doorframe where the shattered glass was and looking smug as could be. He raised his chin at her indicating an “I told you so.”

The bastard wasn’t lying. Parker was everywhere.

Chapter 12


“Calm down, Ellena. I’m fine,” Leon whispered as she looked at the bandage on his arm and stared down at him sitting in the chair.

Too many thoughts were going through his head right now. He wanted to kill Parker. He wanted to hunt him down and terrorize him as he had just done to Leon’s family. He could see the fear and worry in Ellena’s eyes. She had been awfully quiet as Roy tended to her scrapes during the chaos back at the sheriff’s department. He was relieved that Jessy wore his bulletproof vest. They knew that Parker was capable of a lot of shit, but this? He just took it to the next level.

He refocused on Ellena just in time to see her eyes fill with tears. He reached for her hand and squeezed it.

“It’s all right, sugar. I’m fine and we’re going to work this all out.”

“No. No it’s not fine. None of it is fine. You could have died today.” She knelt on the rug and laid her head on his leg as she squeezed him. He looked down at her shoulder-length, shiny black hair and caressed it.

“Please, sugar, don’t be scared. Ain’t no stray bullet gonna take this ornery bastard out like that.” He chuckled low, and she looked up at him, pulled back, and sat on her heels. The V-neck shirt she wore had spots of blood on it and wet spots from her tears. Her eyes glistened, and she stared at him then around the room at his brothers.

“I think I should go home.”

He didn’t like the sound of that. Didn’t she know that home wasn’t safe?

“Honey, that isn’t an option,” Mack said as he walked over toward her. When he went to caress a strand of hair from her face, she pulled away. She got up quickly and stepped away from them. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at them as if scared out of her mind.

“Ellena?” Roy said her name. Damn did she look so pretty and delicate right now. She was barefoot, her petite size more obvious around four men over six feet and filled with muscles.

“You have to stay with us. He’s out there,” Troy stated.

She stared at him, still appearing shocked. They hadn’t given any concern to how this situation at the department affected her, especially after all she had been through.

“Sugar, I’m sorry. We should be trying to make you feel safe and ease your worry. I’m so caught up in this and pissed off as damn hell.” He ran his hands through his hair.

“I know that. I don’t need you to coddle me, Leon. I am scared. Don’t get me wrong. I get it. I get all of it. He’s everywhere, and he’ll do whatever it takes to kill the four of you.”

Mack pulled Ellena into his arms and hugged her. Leon watched her wrap her arms around his waist. She looked so small compared to his brother. Her face barely reached his chest.

“Come upstairs with us, Ellena. Make love to us.” Mack bent down to lift her into his arms in a cradle hold before carrying her out of the room.

Leon looked at Roy and Troy.

“She could have been shot and killed today.”

“We know that. Right now, let’s all be together. She’ll feel safest with all of us around her,” Roy said.

“Then, when she falls asleep tonight, we’ll talk about how we’re going to handle this situation, old school,” Troy said then walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Roy and Leon followed.


* * * *


Mack set Ellena’s feet down on the rug in front of the bed. He held her gaze as he reached behind her, undid the zipper to her skirt, and let it fall.

“You trust me, don’t you, Ellena?” Mack asked as Troy, Roy, and Leon entered the room and began to undress.

She nodded her head. He reached for the hem of her T-shirt, and she lifted her arms up as he pulled it up and over her head.

He stared at her body. The way the cream-colored lace bra cupped her breasts caused a valley between the mounds. He nibbled his lip and felt his cock harden beneath his dress pants.

Placing his hands on her narrow waist, he pressed his thumb under the thin material of her matching thong.

“You have four men who care so much for you. We want to be one unit, one family, and tonight we want to make love to you together.”

He saw her swallow hard and felt her body tense, but then her nipples hardened.

He smiled down at her.

“We’ll take it slow, but we need to get you ready for us.”

He heard Roy open the tableside drawer then place the tube of lube down on the bed. Ellena looked down, and she looked so unsure.

Mack cupped her cheek and pulled her against him.

“You belong to us, just as we belong to you. You said that you trusted me, Ellena. I promise you nothing but pleasure.” He kissed her deeply, feeling his own excitement and anticipation of sharing her with his brothers like this.

Slowly he moved her back toward the bed. He unclipped her bra, removed it, then laid her down. Mack took his time exploring her breasts and licking and sucking on her until he felt her thrust her hips up toward him.

“So delicious. So beautiful,
mon amour
.” She was his love and that of his brothers.

She reached for him and caressed his head as he made his way lower. Roy and Troy took position on either side of her and began to explore her breasts with their mouths and tongues. Mack ran his fingers under the small straps of her thong and removed it. Spreading her thighs, so her ass and pussy hung slightly off the bed, he stared at her glistening cunt.

He looked up at her. She was breathing deeply, and Leon was holding her hands above her head. He was naked.

“You already nice and wet for us,
mon amour
. That makes me happy,”

She moaned. He leaned down and licked across her pussy lips, absorbing her taste, feeling the power and connection between the five of them. He pumped his finger in and out of her slick cunt as she wiggled and moaned then thrust upward.

“So fucking hot,” Roy whispered then did something to her breast because she squealed right before Leon kissed her from above.

“She got a really nice ass, Roy. I think you gonna love fucking it,” Mack stated as he ran a finger over her puckered hole. She tightened up.

“Oh yeah, brah. Been thinking about that ass all day. You gonna get it ready for cock now right?” Roy teased as Leon released her lips. She moaned loudly.

“Right now I am.” Mack pulled his finger from her pussy and reached for the lube. He added it to his finger then looked up at Ellena and his brothers. Everyone looked hungry.

“Nice and easy, sugar. Let Mack get you ready for us. We big men and we don’t want to hurt you,” Leon told her. He then pulled her hands back so that she could touch his cock.

Her eyes widened as she tilted her head back, causing her breasts to lift higher.

“You see,
my love
, you got my dick so hard. I can’t wait to be inside of you,” Leon said as he caressed her hair, and she stroked his cock.

Mack took that moment to press a digit to her sacred hole.

“Oh! I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She moaned louder as he pushed deeper.

“You so fucking tight, sugar. I can feel you sucking me in. You want it, baby, don’t you? You want a cock in your ass?” Mack asked.

“Yes. Oh God, please do something.” She lifted her hips.

Troy and Roy both caressed along her breasts. Troy pulled at her nipple as Roy held her gaze and reached down to press a digit to her pussy.

“You are so wet for us. I can feel your pussy pulling my finger in deeper.

“You’re killing me. I can’t take it. Please,” she begged as Mack and Roy pumped their fingers into her.

“Sweet Jesus, she got the voodoo for sure,” Roy yelled as Ellena screamed and exploded around them. The sounds filled the room, and Leon lost it.

“Now,” he demanded.

Roy and Mack pulled their fingers from her body, and then Mack lifted her up, turned her around and placed her on top of Leon. His legs lay off the bed. Immediately he grabbed her hips and impaled her on his cock. In a flash Ellena was riding him hard, trying to ease the need burning inside of him.

“That’s it, baby. You ride him good. We all gonna have you,” Roy cheered her on.


* * * *


Ellena never felt strung so tight. She needed them. She felt like a wild animal, driven crazy by the need for them to scratch an itch that was so deep she feared they couldn’t get to it.

Leon pumped his hips upward, and then she felt Mack’s finger push into her ass.

She screamed.

“That’s it, baby. You ride that cock and that finger. Mack and Leon gonna get you ready. Oh, baby. You look so fucking hot. Doesn’t she, Troy?” Roy asked.

“She does, brah. Like a bayou goddess.” Troy reached over and pinched her nipple.

Ellena screamed as she thrust her hips and pressed down hard over Leon’s cock, trying to get him deeper.

She felt Mack pull his finger from her ass, and she was about to complain when she felt the tip of his cock. It seemed too big to fit into such a small hole. She felt herself slow down and tense up.

Mack’s hands ran up and down her spine. “Nice and easy,
. You relax and let me in. I promise you’ll love it.” He pressed her against Leon’s chest.

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