Ellie Quin - 04 - Ellie Quin in WonderLand (18 page)

BOOK: Ellie Quin - 04 - Ellie Quin in WonderLand
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Sean wanted to say this to her. Quickly. Before the memory deteriorated into an incoherent jumble of thoughts. Before he died.

She looked up from her work tablet. 'What?'

Ellie, I love you. I always have. I won't leave you

She smiled at him, and the first of those frozen tears slid down onto her cheek. She smiled, beautifully…and that was the very last thing he was left with.


'Flatline, sir.' The technician pointed at the holoscreen. A scrolling display showed one last spike of brain activity shifting slowly to the left then it disappeared off the edge of the screen leaving in its wake a relentlessly final, plateau. 'That's it, he's now officially brain dead, sir.'

Deacon nodded. He turned to the boojam sitting beside the medipod. 'Did you get anything from him? Anything at all?'

The alien nodded slowly. It's trunk coiled back from what was left of the dead young man in the pod and disappeared back inside its hood.

'Am knowing location,' an almost feminine voice rasped dryly.


'Ohhhh, don't stop,' Jez closed her eyes and sighed. 'That's just totally uber- drool.'

'Down a bit further?'

'Uh-huh,' she purred contentedly as his hands worked the knots out of her lower spine. 'Oh, yeah…that's got it.' She opened her eyes and sighed again, blowing a curl of steam away from her face. It twisted and spun across the hot and bubbling bathwater and drifted out over the lip of the tub. Beyond the fading curls of vapour she could see Gray's hellish world. The hot tub was perched on a small platform, right at the end of a long walkway protruding from a tower at the very top of his gothic castle. Sitting in the tub, they had a birds-eye view almost all the way round them. Above, the sky continued its endless turbulent churn, dark crimson storm clouds wrestling with each other and threatening at any moment to drench the world below with a deluge of blood coloured rain. Below them, Gray's sea of tortured souls squirmed mournfully.

'Might change my design again soon. After the war game,' he said. He surveyed his world silently for a moment. 'It was fun, but the whole Prince of The Underworld thing gets kind of old after a while.'

'What will you change it to?'

He stopped massaging her back. 'Well now….what would
like it to be?'

She turned to look over her shoulder at him. 'You'll let me choose?'

He shrugged. 'Sure. Why not?'

She twisted a little further to see his face more clearly. 'Seriously?'

'Of course. I want you to like it here.' His smile was disarming and genuine. And hopeful. She got it. She understood what he was saying, what he was cautiously suggesting.

'You…you want me to stay on, don't you? When that supply shuttle comes you want me to
to get on it with Ellie?'

His mouth twitched at the end, ever so slightly. 'It's just an idea.'

She turned back to look out over the edge of the tub and he resumed caressing her back with hot soapy water. 'I dunno,' she said. 'We made a promise to each other. Ellie and me.'

'What was that?'

Jez bit her lip to slow her mouth down. To stop it flapping carelessly and saying something she shouldn't say. There were a whole bunch of secrets to be
kept here. Important secrets. Foremost, that they were on the run from The Administration. For whatever reason they were probably right at the top of the Persons Most Wanted list on the system-wide network. On top of that she knew something Ellie
. She knew that Ellie's whole family was dead. Mother, father, brother and sister. Dead. Slaughtered by The Administration. Something she might possibly have to tell her one day.

She'd made a promise to Ellie, and one even more solemn promise to Aaron, that she'd always stick by Ellie, always have her back whatever happened.

Secrets. Big secrets. And she'd better think before flapping her lips to Gray.

'What promise?' pressed Gray.

'We uh…well, we promised each other we were going travel this universe together. To see it all, me and her.'

She heard Gray laughing softly behind her back.

'What's so funny about that?'

'I'm sorry, babe,' he squeezed her shoulder. 'It's just that there isn't that much to see out there. It's mostly half-baked colony worlds like Harpers Reach. Or,' he shrugged, 'over-baked ones in the case of Celestion. That, or your older core worlds like Liberty…horizon to horizon cities stuffed with lazy, fat complacent dullards living on top of each other like battery cattle. You got that, and then you got about a million empty and dead planets that will never support life. Nothing more than round hunks of nothing.

'What were you expecting to see out there? Huh?'

Jez hunched her bare shoulders. Soapy water sloshed against the sides of the tub. 'I dunno. Freaky looking aliens. Weird and spectacular worlds. Loads of shiny spacey stuff. Cool things.'

'The great big exciting universe you see on all those toob shows, eh?'

She had an inkling that he might just be making fun of her. All the same she nodded. 'Yeah, and why not?'

'Trust me. The reality never quite lives up to the dream. The truth is its a largely monotonous and homogenous universe out there, Jez.'


, wherever you go. As a general rule, and this is something I've learned over the years, reality sucks.'

She pouted her bottom lip like a sulky child. Not that Gray could see that. 'You're making it all sound like total crud.'

'It is. Now, here, in WonderLand on the other hand…' she felt him shift position, the water sloshed gently. 'Here, you can make reality exactly what you want it to be. This world could be an exotic alien homeworld one week, an Old Earth tropical island with silver beaches and perfect surf-able waves the next. Could be a giant marshmallo volcano spewing out a fountain of chocco-sludge surrounded by villages populated by tasty little jello beany men the week after.'

She chuckled at that.

His hand rested on her shoulder and began to caress the curve of her neck. 'You want to see the universe, Jez? You could see it all right here. We could programme all of the best worlds of Human Space in, one after the other….if that's what you wanted. Make 'em as authentic as you want, or as outlandish and fantastic as you want.'

'Sounds fun.'

'It is. That's why I decided to work here. This place is the perfect playground. A synthetic heaven of your choice. We never run out of things here. We'll never need for anything. Most important of all…you'll never be bored.' He paused. 'And
, being bored…I suspect that's the one thing that really frightens you, doesn't it? Being stuck in a rut? Trapped within a tedious life? Jez…you're a bright spark in a dull universe. A free spirit.'

'You make me sound…kinda…
.' She hunched her shoulders. 'Okay, so maybe I am, but I'm not
shallow, you know?'

'It's not being shallow to want everything. To have and see it all. I'm guessing that's why you and Ellie ended up out here. What I'm saying is you can do all of that without ever needing to travel.'

She twisted to look at him again. 'You really want me to stay?'

He shrugged casually. 'We'd have some fun. Why not?'

It sounded tempting. But then…

'Maybe I'll talk to Ellie about it.'

'Sure. Hey, she could stay too…if she really wanted.'

Tempting. Really quite tempting. She could talk to her, but Jez suspected Ellie would want to move on from here at the first possible opportunity. Jez had always thought she was the
person out there with enough of an insatiable wanderlust to get offworld and out of this system. But it seemed Ellie, despite her shyness, her reserve, despite her many insecurities, was the real
of the two.

'Speaking of your friend,' said Gray after a while, 'I wonder what kind of creatures she's been dreaming up for the war game?' He chuckled. 'Gonna be highly amusing to see what you two girls can come up with.'

A set of 'rules of engagement' were something Shelby had absolutely insisted upon. Gray had started this thinking it would be kinda fun to sit back and witness what bizarre creations two girls might produce given a totally blank canvas and some nebulous objective: to fight a battle. Shelby, on the other hand, had decided if it was to be a battle, then a clear winner would need to be decided.

So…obviously, there had to be

Both Jez and Ellie were going to be given the same amount of 'biomass' to work from - the raw material from which products were fabricated. The size and
design of their combatants and the number they made would be entirely up to them, the only limitation would be the volume of raw material they'd been given, and the fact that the product design had to be entirely
their own
work. Shelby insisted he and Gray would have only minimum input, other than to show them how to use the design suites.

The battlefield would be randomly selected from a number of preconfigured templates a few days before their battle to allow time for the world to be fabricated.

'Had any thoughts yet?' asked Gray.

Jez nodded slowly. She recalled a particularly exciting 'flashback' episode of Shuttle Stop 12 where the heroic shuttle pilot was dwelling on his military days. He was recounting a particular adventure where he'd crash landed on a planet populated by exotic aliens. While waiting for the military recovery team to inevitably home in on his distress beacon he'd found himself heroically wading into a storyline where he had to save a treetop 'town' full of revoltingly cute little furry hominids - little more than teddy bears with butt-ugly faces.

They were being terrorised by several giant tripodal insect-like monsters with black chitinous carapaces, large jagged claws and mouths full of saw-like, serrated teeth. They spat jets of lava…or was it acid? She couldn't quite remember, but she did recall squeeing with delight as those irritating furry little bastards burst into flames, or dissolved into a puddle of fur and offal uttering pitiful chirruping cries of agony as they did so.

'How big can I make my creatures?' she asked.

A smile spread across Gray's lips. 'Pretty big. Why….what're you thinking?'

She twisted round and returned his impish grin. 'You'll see.'


Shelby leant forward until he was all but pressing his thin nose up against the warm plastic sphere of the nearest organic fabricator. Inside, floating in green foggy liquid was a small furry creature with stumpy arms and legs. The fabrication process was nearly complete on this one, most of its form had been assembled, from the head downwards, by a dozen tiny articulated nozzles that spewed tiny curls of a pale paste-like substance. Right now they were knitting the paste together to form the soft pink pads of the creature's feet.

'It looks like…' he frowned, 'like a child's toy. Like,' he turned to her. 'It looks like a
teddy bear

Ellie nodded. 'I saw something like these on a toob show once. They were really, really cute.'

Shelby put his hands on his hips and looked at her disdainfully. 'I'm not entirely sure you're taking this seriously. See, this is a
game. Your side verses your friend's. You do understand that they'll be
each other?'

She nodded.

Shelby looked at the small bear inside the sphere. 'What's it going to fight with? I see nothing at all that looks like an offensive capability.'

She shrugged. 'It's got claws on those paws. And see those teeth?'

He turned to look again then slowly shook his head. 'Claws? Pfft…this thing couldn't claw its way out of a wet paper bag.'

Ellie almost chuckled but stopped herself in time. He looked serious.

'And those teeth? Oh please, those are
teeth! You need big, gnashy, grrrr-like teeth,' said Shelby, bearing his own tidy row of small teeth. 'You need to
this design more.' He stepped back from the glowing goldfish bowl and looked down the nearest row. 'How many of them have you got Mother fabricating?'

'Umm…well…all of them.'

'Your entire biomass budget?'

She nodded. 'Three hundred and twenty-something of them.'

Shelby's face twitched with frustration. 'I'm not letting Graham win,' he hissed under his breath. 'He's not winning this one. He'll be insufferable.'

He flicked his chin absently with the tip of his index finger then turned and headed down the line of fabrication spheres looking in to several of them. He came back up the row towards her again.

'All right…they're not all completed yet. It might not be too late for a final modification to the design, at least, for those at an earlier growth stage.'

'Like what?'

'Bigger claws and teeth!' He looked back at the nearest row of spheres. 'But for those nearly finished?' He shook his head. 'We can't flush them and start over, because that'll mean using more biomass. And you've already used your entire budget.' He shook his head and frowned. 'You'll just have to accept some of your teddy bears are simply going to be cannon fodder. Lambs to slaughter.' He grabbed her hand. 'Come on, we need to hurry up to the design suite before too many more of these are completed!'

An hour later, with Shelby instructing her, Ellie had submitted a last minute modification to the design. Mother acknowledged it could be applied to the approximately forty percent of her little army still at an early fabrication stage. Which of course meant about sixty percent of it was going to be able to do little more than try hugging something to death.

Ellie studied the virtual projection of her modified creature design. Whereas beforehand its little face had looked kindly and innocent; small twinkling all-black eyes above a rabbit-pink nose and small pursed lips, now it looked like some kind of abomination. It's small mouth had been forced permanently open by long barbed and serrated incisors. Its paws, previously tipped with retractable cat-like claws which Ellie had figured already looked pretty nasty, now sported several jagged blades of chitinous material, each of them the size of a dagger. She imagined a hearty swipe from just one of those could easily disembowel someone.

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