Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple II (31 page)

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Authors: Tales From The Temple 02

BOOK: Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple II
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Reaching under her body with both hands, he caught her breasts and began tugging and twisting her nipples. The sweet pleasure enhanced the torturous delight of his thickness stroking her core. “Jack!” she panted, as the first hot pulse of her climax squeezed around his cock. “I love you!”

“I…love…you!” he groaned, his sweat-slick body grinding against hers as he cradled her, jamming as deep as he could reach.


Taming Jack

She felt so impossibly slick and tight around his cock, so soft and fragile in his arms.

For months, he’d dreamed of this in his cold bed—not just taking her, but being with her. Then he felt her tiny muscles clamping hard around his cock.

” She threw up her head, writhing in his arms, coming.

The naked pleasure of it tightened around his balls like a fist. With a shout of raw pleasure, he shoved to his full length as the climax hit, hammering through him. Hot pulses of cum shot deep inside her velvet grip. “Lark! God, Lark!”

Still the orgasm went on, lashing along his nervous system like a velvet whip. Hot, burning strokes that made him writhe in a pleasure so glorious it was almost pain.

Until, at last, it was over.

Panting, he sagged against the car, feeling boneless, with Lark still wrapped in his arms like the erotic treasure she was.

But even as he thought about collapsing with her into the grass, Gav’s voice rang in his mind.

Don’t go to sleep, lad
,” the Paladin said. “
We’ve still got work to do. And, unfortunately,
this is the perfect time to do it.

Jack stirred, drawing Lark protectively close. “What? What are you…?”

Brace yourselves, children
,” whispered an unfamiliar female presence. “
Here it

A hammer blow slammed into his mind. He felt something crack.

Pressure. Light. Voices babbling at once.

Jack reeled as minds that didn’t belong to him stuffed their way into his skull—not just Gav’s, but others. He could feel them pressing in on him, crowding him. Panicked fury rose, and he gathered himself to force them out. Gav was more than enough. He was damned if he’d allow…

Warmth. Love. A sweet, glowing presence he knew so well.

He stopped dead, arresting the wave of mental force he’d started to fling against the invaders.

Yes. Lark.

Something deep and primal in him recognized the essence of his woman. His hostile fury drained away.

“You’re…in my head?”
she asked. He could sense her confusion, a perfect mirror for his own.

“I think you’re in mine.”

Actually, you’re both just where you’ve always been
,” the female voice said. He realized suddenly it was Lark’s Spirit Rider, Xedda. “
We’ve just opened a link between


Angela Knight

The last of Jack’s panic disappeared, replaced by startled joy. Lark was with him.

They’d done it—forged the link he’d never been able to form with any of the others. The link he needed to save him from becoming one of the monsters he fought.

“Are you going to resist us any longer?”
Xedda asked, sounding cautious. He saw in her thoughts that he was much stronger than she’d expected.

“Resist this?” Jack stroked Lark’s nipple as he cradled her in his arms. He could feel how each caress felt to her, and he groaned in pleasure. Withdrawing his softened cock from her wet depths, he turned her in his arms. She smiled up at him, and he felt the love in her like warm sunshine spilling through the cold darkness that had filled him for so long. He sent his own love back in all its sweet intensity.

“God, what sane man would resist this?” Jack asked aloud. “We’re both exactly where we belong.”

As he lowered his head to kiss her, he knew there’d be other Dark Riders to pursue, other killers to capture, but his soul was no longer in danger.

He had Lark. And nothing, no matter how evil, could ever touch the hot, sweet love between them.

The End


About the author:

Angela welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, Suite 13, Stow OH 44224.

Also by Angela Knight:

Captive Dreams


Mercenaries: The Thrall

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