Eluded (10 page)

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Authors: Lyra Parish

Tags: #erotica, #suspense, #adult, #dark, #london, #organized crime, #dark romance

BOOK: Eluded
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After she pointed her ass up in
the air on the side of the bed, I stood and inserted myself into
her. Each time I gave her my length, she moaned with

"Harder," she said, and I fucked
her as hard as I could, but it never seemed to be enough. I slapped
her ass, and she begged for more of me, so I gave her more. When I
was about to come, I took it slow and deep, then pulled out and
came on her back. I helped clean her off then I ran my fingers down
her back and cupped her tight ass.

We both lay back on the bed
smiling and staring up at the ceiling.

"Usually, I know a person's name
when I fuck them," she said.

"I think it's better this way," I
replied, and she laughed. I knew that this blond with perky tits
and a tight ass wouldn't be my next victim, because she wasn't weak
or broken. She didn't need answers. Hell, she used me as much as I
used her, and that was okay.

"If you need another fuck," she
said, "I'll be here until next Sunday. Just come see me any time
after three." She rolled over onto her side and ran her hand across
my chest.

"I might." And that was the truth.
I'd been looking for someone with no obligation for quite a while,
and considering she'd be here for ten more days, that meant ten
days of a good fuck with no attachments. I stood up, put on my
clothes, leaned over the bed, and threaded my fingers through her

"Thanks, babe," I said, and she
leaned up and bit my bottom lip.

"Where are you going?"

"You don't do relationships," I
said, "and I don't do pillow talk."

She tried her best pouty look, but
honestly, that pleading shit didn't work on me. Before I left, I
wrote my number down on the hotel-provided notepad with the parting
words, "You want a good fuck, call me."

I knew she would call; there was
no doubt about that.

I went home and bathed. It was
something I did after I slept with strangers. I felt that if I
showered immediately afterward, I would wash off all of their sins
along with mine. But I knew it wasn't that easy. On the way back
home, Liam called and let me know that the woman driver of the van
had awoken.

Then thoughts of Lauren entered my
mind again, and I wondered if she was okay, but I had to push the
thoughts aside. That woman was intoxicating, and even after sharing
a moment of intimacy with someone else, Lauren, the American girl
who was way too fucking friendly, invaded my thoughts.

After I took a shower and pain
pills, I would head to the warehouse and take care of the situation
at hand. Hopefully the woman driver would have answers, and if she
didn't, there'd be no reason to keep her alive.




he sun moved across the
floor, and I knew by the positioning of the shadows that it was
midday. I lay out on the cool floor and tried to think about
something other than water. It almost burned to swallow, and I
couldn't produce enough spit to coat my throat. All I wanted was a
sip of cold, tasteless liquid on my tongue.

A man with a metal cart and
screeching wheels went by and threw plastic bags into our cells. I
heard the shuffling of the contents all around. Sophie walked to
both and threw me mine. When I opened it, I saw a sandwich and a
bottle of water. Food meant nothing to me, but I had never been so
happy to see water. It wasn't cold, just room temperature. I opened
the lid and drank every single drop until it was gone. Then I
opened the sandwich and peeled the meat and cheese from the

Sophie watched and slid her bottle
of water across the floor to me. I hesitated until she insisted
that I go on. I drank only half, saving the rest for her in case
she became thirsty later.

"They'll be back around in a few
hours with water. Finish it if you need to. I'll be

I sucked in a deep breath,
thankful for the kind gesture. I'd love to drown myself in water,
because my thirst couldn't be quenched.

She sat back on the floor and
refused to eat or drink. I wished I were as strong as her. I wished
I had enough strength to refuse myself of anything these men
offered, but I didn’t.

"Derrick will be returning," she

"I know."

"Don't challenge him. Do whatever
he says. The last girl defied him, and he killed her in front of me
to prove to me that we didn't mean anything to him. I've become a
game, a stubborn mule that he hopes to break. Only, I can't be

As promised, Derrick arrived in
the afternoon. His eyes were wild with rage and hate. I didn't know
what scared me more, the way his hair was disheveled, or how his
chest rose and fell rapidly. On anyone else, that smile, tight
black shirt, lean muscles, and that fuckable hair would have been
sexy, but he was a pathetic piece of shit who killed women for
enjoyment, just to let them know that he was in control. The devil
had the face of an angel, the lean muscular body of a swimmer, and
he made me sick.

We backed against the wall
together, but he didn't take his eyes from Sophie, who stared
daggers into him. He grabbed her by the throat, causing her to gasp
for air. She wouldn't beg for him to stop. I saw his hand shaking
as he used all of his strength to block her windpipe. My stomach
twisted in knots so tight, I thought I would lose the turkey and
cheese I ate a few hours prior.

With adverted vision, I watched,
then slammed my eyelids shut. I wanted to scream for him to stop. I
wanted to push him from her, but I didn't want to make the
situation worse for either of us. He was a ticking time bomb of
fury, waiting to explode. Was he testing me? Testing my

Gasping and coughing, she sucked
in deep breaths, trying to get oxygen to her blood. I watched her
face turn a deep purple as her legs went slack, and that was when
he released her. For a small moment, I was happy that he stopped,
giving her a break, allowing her live.

"You constantly fuck with me,
giving your dirty looks and attitude, Sophia. I've only been gone
for a few hours, and the look on your face has haunted me ever

She didn't speak, and I saw his
nostrils flair. He wasn't done yet. He wanted her to respond and
constantly tried pushing her to the limit.

I opened my mouth, but then closed
it immediately. The sound of my lips opening and closing brought
unwanted attention to me. Derrick turned his head and narrowed his
eyes, daring me to speak, and taunting me with an evil grin. But I
kept my face forward with a blank expression plastered across my
face. Maybe one day I would learn to shut the hell up. Maybe one
day I could take myself from situations and be emotionless, but
today wasn't that day.

"Did you have something to fucking
say, Lauren?" His voice was full of ice.

I had to think quickly. I had to
play his game, the one he was in control of, the one that Sophie
and I set out to destroy together.

"I wanted to thank you for your
generosity and kindness. That's all." I verbally sucked his dick,
and as his shoulders relaxed, I could tell he enjoyed it. A perfect
smile crossed his lips, and when I turned and looked at him, I knew
I was staring into the eyes of a fallen angel. One sent here to
destroy all women, capture their pride, and steal every ounce of
their humility.

"Finally," he barked, causing me
to jump.

The entire warehouse went silent,
and I knew everyone there heard as his voice echoed through the

"Someone who appreciates what I do
for them."

I would play his game, and I would
master it. If Henry taught me anything, it was to pretend, to wear
a fake smile as a mask, and to ultimately fake every waking hour.
If I made it out alive, I would have to call him and thank him for
being such a bastard and for teaching me to live in a fictitious
situation where everything seemed perfect.

Derrick moved to me and his eyes
seemed to pierce through every place on my body that he looked. By
taking his attention from Sophie, I had volunteered myself as a

"You're welcome." He grazed my
jawbone with his icy touch, then rubbed his thumb over my bottom
lip with lust and hunger in his eyes. "So pretty. So polite. You're
growing on me, Lauren."

I froze but forced out a fake
smile. He bought it, and smiled back, but it didn't quite reach his
eyes. True happiness, I didn't think ever would. He turned to
Sophie and wrapped her ponytail around his fist, pulling it until
she looked into those cold eyes. As he whispered in her ear, she
held back a whimper, and I heard every word he said. "Take some
lessons from your fucking cellmate, babe . . . or you won't see the
light of another day. That's a promise." Then he pushed her
shoulders against the wall.

Before he left, he leaned over and
kissed me on the cheek. I pretended to be shy, and tried to show my
gratitude with a smile. When he exited, I heard the roll-top door
slam closed, and I let out an exasperated breath. Then I rubbed the
skin where he kissed me until it hurt.

"Thank you," Sophie said, her
voice was deflated. "He's smitten with you. It's a dangerous

"Then it worked. I had to stop
him. He could have killed you."

"He's choked me until I've passed
out. He says he will kill me, but I don't think he will . . . yet.
He tries to show me how close death really is. And as much as I try
to prepare myself for what's about to happen, I'm never

I had nothing to say. I'd pretend
to like Derrick, though the more he came around, the more I
despised him. When I left Henry, I thought I was done pretending,
but I'd do it to stay alive.

The blood puddles on the floor
were a reminder of what Derrick would do, and I didn't want to
personally find out.




waited until dark before
I met the woman who held the answers to my many questions. As per
the drill, she was tied to a chair with her hands behind her back.
Unlike the other fucks who were brought here, she looked me in the
eyes when I entered. Most didn't. Most waited. But not her.

Her blond hair was thin and
damaged in places, and her face was hollow, like she had been on
drugs for way too long. It was quite possible that she

"Do you plan to kill me now?" she
asked, her voice strong and confident, not matching her cowering
appearance whatsoever. I looked at her and thought about answering,
but I asked the questions here, not her. The best the she could do
was not talk.

"Duct tape her mouth, for

Someone grabbed the tape and
pressed a large piece across her lips and cheeks. I knew it would
hurt like hell when it was time to rip it off. That made me

Bending down until I was eye level
with her, I rested on one knee.

"Now. I have a few questions for
you, and I want honest answers. Somehow, I know you're familiar
with my mantras. You know I don't kill women because you don't seem
to be afraid of me . . . but my men here"—I turned and looked at
each of them as they stood behind me—"one of them would love to
kill you.” I pulled the knife from the sheath and admired how the
light glinted on the blade, then continued, "I don't have to
physically kill you, I can just give an order and it will be done."
I stood up straight and turned my back to her. "I'll need you to
answer me . . . or . . . well, you know how it will end." When I
turned around, I saw the fear creep into her eyes.

I paced for minutes before I
spoke. "There was a woman. Her name is Lauren Baitey. She has red
hair and green eyes, and I'm searching for her. Have you seen her?"
I nodded my head at one of my men, and he ripped the duct tape from
her mouth. Screams filled the room because I had ripped off a layer
of skin. Industrial duct tape can be harsh, but then again, that
was why I used it.

"I remember the name. Big wig
fiancé works at a law firm or something downtown."

"Have you seen her?" I

The woman shook her

"Who are you working

She closed her eyes tight, and I
saw a single tear fall.


It seemed the skeletons in my
closet were wandering free, and my face went slack.

"Who? Derrick who?" I asked, and
she knew she had gained my attention. I hoped the name that came
out of her mouth wasn't who I thought, but I had a suspicious
feeling that it would be him.


My adrenaline spiked, and I could
feel the anger blazing. I hadn't heard that name in what seemed
like centuries. When my hand shook, I balled it into a

"What did you say?" I asked again,
just to confirm what I had heard.

"Derrick Black. He says he will
take over London. He's increasing the number of people who work for
him now. Please. Please don't kill me. I've got two children at
home. I'm only doing this to feed my kids. I'll help you. I'll do
whatever you want me to do."

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