Embrace Me (2 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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That would be enough to help me face my fears and finally become who I was supposed to be.

Chapter One

If someone had told me a year ago that I was the lost daughter of the multi-billionaire, Jennet Downing, I would have called them insane. But after the dramatic rescue by the love of my life, I knew differently.

I lay on the Dubai beach, watching the grains of sand disappear from my hand and catch the midday sun
before they hit the ground.

It felt so good to finally be able to clear my head. The last few weeks had left me more dazed than usual.

Even now, my life was hard to come to terms with. I had so many questions rushing around my head, and I knew I would have to be patient for the answers. My mother and I were still adjusting, getting to know each other. Twenty-two years was a long time to catch up on, whether you were an heir to a fortune or not.

Shannon, are you coming in?” Charlie shouted in all his perfection. I watched his gorgeous bronzed body gleam in the sunlight as he walked through the waves that were crashing their way towards me.

Yeah, I am coming,” I beamed, pulling myself up. Charlie reached for me, drawing me gently into him.

You’ve been a little distant today, Sweetheart,” he commented, running his hand through my hair. My heart soared at his soft touch.

I’m sorry. I just wish we could stay here a little longer,” I sighed.

I know, but we have to go back to New York sooner or later.”

I wish it was later.”

I know what you mean. It’s so much harder to get you alone in New York these days,” Charlie laughed.

Mr. Collins, you know you are more popular than me,” I teased as he pulled me tighter against his strong chest, laughing. “You know it’s true.”

That’s only because I am dating the most beautiful woman in the whole world.” I rolled my eyes, smiling up at him.

A lot of things in my life had changed apart from one. As I looked at Charlie glowing in the sun, his beautiful blue-green eyes burning into mine, I was more in love with him than I could have ever dreamed possible. Being able to finally love him with no restraints opened my heart in ways I never realised. Every day I loved him more.

Shall we go back to the hotel room?” Charlie smirked, running his hands down my spine. My whole body tingled with pleasure. It was an offer I couldn’t resist.

Charlie lay across the bed later that day, stroking my hair while watching me in contentment. “What are you thinking about?”

Do you think I will be good enough?”

Is this still about your new position at Headcom?” he asked.

What else?” I sighed. My mother had appointed me Senior Marketing Director at her company. It was such a big obligation.

You will be amazing. You always are. You should have more faith in yourself.” Charlie touched my face, stroking my cheek.

It’s a big responsibility. I can’t believe my mother has that much faith in me.”

Of course she does. You are incredible, Miss Downing.” I frowned at him. He was so biased. “You know how much I love you, right? I will always be here for you. You can do this, Shan.”

I think I might love you a little more,” I teased playfully.

Well, I can’t be sure of that.” Charlie smiled, kissing me softly on the lips. “I mean, how many love notes have you ever written me?”

That’s not fair,” I complained. I only
I could write like Charlie. His words still sent thrilling shocks to my heart.

Well, I have to use what I can to keep you. You are the daughter of Jennet Downing, after all. You might get bored of me someday,” Charlie winked.

I could never be without you,” I whispered, remembering the pain in my heart when I thought I had lost him.

Good, because I’m not going anywhere,” he smoldered. I bounced on him, kissing him passionately—joyful at the thought of his words.

Charlie and I had been in Dubai for over two weeks because my mother thought it was a good idea for me to have a break before I started my new role at Headcom. It was going to be difficult adjusting there. I had no idea what sort of marketin
g director I would be or how the staff would treat me after the way I left last year. Mostly, I hoped I wouldn’t let my mother down.

Are you all packed?” Charlie asked later that day.

Yeah,” I exhaled.

Sweetheart, it will be fine.” Charlie put his arms around me in reassurance.

What if they start to ask questions? I am so young. How could I possibly be a marketing director? Plus, six months ago I was at Field Organisation, engaged to William Field. Everyone will be talking behind my back,” I panicked.

Shannon, it will be fine. Jennet has already told them she hired you because of your talent. No one knows about your rescue from the Field family. They simply think you just left Will for me. You have nothing to fear.”

What if they guess who I really am?” My mother was still keeping me a secret for my safety, which I was grateful for. I knew I wasn’t ready for the limelight yet.

I doubt anyone will be thinking, ‘you must be the lost daughter of Jennet Downing.’ Anyway, why would you have tried to marry a billionaire if you already were one?” Charlie snorted. “Unless you’re William Field, of course.”

I am being paranoid, aren’t I?” Charlie nodded. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to stop.”

Stop apologising. You know you can always be yourself around me. You have had a tough year and it will take time for you to adjust. It’s only been six months.”

I hope this year will be better,” I replied, resting my head on his shoulder. I felt Charlie kiss my hair and rub my arm in comfort.

We really need to get going. The jet only has a certain amount of air space.”
I sighed, following Charlie as he carried our bags down the stairs. I knew my tranquility wouldn’t last much longer.

Some parts of my New York life were the same. The main thing being that my dear friends Lorna and
Bradley were still a big part of my life. Charlie and I now lived in his stunning penthouse flat together in Brooklyn. By far, the best part about living there was waking up every morning in Charlie arms with the New York skyline surrounding us. I always felt as if I was home.

Luckily, I had seen nothing of the Field family; my mother made sure of that. I could only imagine what she must have said to them in their board meeting once we left our island. A few months later, I noticed the Fields lost a lot of stock in some unstable deal, which would have cost them dearly. I had a feeling my mother was making her point.

The only major change in New York was my high powered job and how much I loved it.

Charlie had been right, and I threw myself into making Headcom the best marketing front line company New York had ever seen. Contracts were coming in from all over the world. As the workload began to double, I took Lorna on as my Assistant Director. She almost squashed me to death in celebration.

No way! Are you being serious?” she screeched as her long red hair danced frantically behind her back.

Yes. I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d rather work with.”

You do realise you don’t have to do this? I mean, I know you are grateful that I helped save you from the evil William Field and find your mother, but I did it because you are my friend. You don’t owe me anything.”

I know that, silly,” I laughed. “I am doing this because you are the best. You have had input in every major contract we have gained. Lorna, you deserve this.”

Thank you, Shan. I really don’t know what to say.” She wiped the tears from her deep brown eyes.

Just say you and Bradley will come and celebrate at Charlie’s and mine tonight?”

How could I refuse?” replied Lorna, catching me in another body crunching hug.

The four of us sat on the balcony watching the traffic glide across the Brooklyn Bridge. Dusk was slowly falling in the distance as we sat sipping our red wine.

Did you watch the game last night?” Bradley asked Charlie.

No, I was working late.”

Did Forever America go for your ideas in your meeting yesterday?” Bradley remembered.

Yeah. We have signed a six month contract.”

Charlie, that’s wonderful!” Lorna beamed. “You never told me, Shan.”

I was going to,” I replied, embarrassed that I had forgotten.

I only told her this morning. Shannon has had an eventful week, promoting some annoying girl at work.” Charlie smiled at me, noticing the panic on my face. He could tell I felt guilty as he changed the topic.

I am not annoying,” Lorna protested, looking at me. I just laughed.

Are we all still up for the charity ball on Friday night?” I asked a few bottles of wine later.

Of course,” Lorna replied, refilling our empty glasses.

Have you sorted your dress?”

Yeah, I went to Bloomingdales. They have the most amazing dresses. What about you, money bags?”

I rolled my eyes, grinning. Lorna was always so witty. “I have a dress but, no, I haven’t spent the price of a car on it.”

Why not?” asked Bradley. “It’s not like you can’t afford it.”

Shannon is still a secret, remember? It’s safer this way—for everyone,” Charlie replied, stroking my face. “She would be a target for so many people. Not to mention the press. Jennet wants her prepared for that before the announcement is made.”

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