Embrace Me (29 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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I’m sorry, Shan.” Charlie dropped his head. “I promised myself I wouldn’t pull you into this. I don’t want it to get in the way of

I work with Mac, Charlie. We need to learn to deal with the situation, not avoid it. I don’t want this coming between us a moment longer, either.” His eyes were wet as stared at him. “I love you. I’m not prepared to lose you over this.”

I can’t lose you, Shan. I refuse to.” I couldn’t help but run my hands through his hair in comfort as he rested his head on my shoulder. “How do you get over the fact that your father never wanted you?”

You talk to me about it,” I said as I smiled against his hair. “I’ve had a lot of experience in that area, remember.”

I don’t deserve you.” Charlie grinned before kissing my lips passionately. It almost knocked me off my feet as he pushed me back against the kitchen worktop. His hands were slowly gliding up my night dress. We were both lost until we heard someone clearing their throat.

Did you need me this morning, Miss Downing?” the chef asked, a little embarrassed.

Oh…” I knew I was blushing. How could I have forgotten we have a cook? “Sorry, we can just go upstairs. I’ve burnt it anyway.” Charlie was looking at me still, clutching my waist with a bewildered expression on his face.

It’s a good job you hired me, then,” the chef sniggered. “I’ll get Daisy to call you when breakfast is ready.”

Um…thanks,” I muttered, pulling Charlie out of the kitchen with me.

We have a cook?” he laughed, shaking his head as we ascended the large staircase.

And a housekeeper, a gardener and a butler,” I added, rushing up the stairs as Charlie began to chase me.

I think all this money has gone to your head,” he smoldered, closing our bedroom door.

It was my mum’s idea. I had no say in the matter,” I giggled as I jumped out of his way. I had really  missed playful Charlie.

Do you really think you can get away from me, Miss Downing?” he smirked as his arms engulfed me.

I would never want to get away from you,” I sighed, leaning back to rest my head against his bare chest.

You don’t know how good that is to hear, Sweetheart,” he muttered, picking me up and carrying me to our bed.

Chapter Twenty-Two

So Charlie is back?” Mac asked in the boardroom. This was what I had been worried about. I was not prepared to be stuck between them.

Mac, I really don’t want to talk about Charlie with you. I have only just gotten him back and fear it will make things worse.”

I understand. I just wanted to make sure he was okay…that the two of you are okay.”

We’re fine,” I smiled, pulling my laptop open. “So can we get on with bu

Certainly, Miss Downing,” he smirked. I couldn’t help but smile as I noticed how much he looked like his brother when he did that.

Charlie never asked about Mac. I knew it wasn’t the best way for us to move on—acting as if none of it had happened—but it was the only way we
move on at this moment in time.

I hadn’t approached the marriage subject with Charlie since his return, either. It still stabbed at my heart, knowing that if I hadn’t lied to him, I would have been his fiancée by now.

The only person I could really confide in at the moment was my mother, and I took so much comfort in that. She and I were really bonded now, sharing the relationship that I had dreamed of when I was younger.

So, Charlie has officially moved into the mansion?” she asked, sipping her white wine.

Yes, but we both found it a little difficult letting go of the apartment. We had some wonderful memories there.”

You will have many more in the mansion, Lizzie.”

I hope so,” I sighed, resting my chin on my hand.

What is it?” she asked.

We haven’t really talked about anything.” My mother smiled, nodding as if she understood. “Not his proposal, Mac, or even the future. Do you think I should bring them up?”

Give him time. Charlie has had a lot to digest.”

What if he…doesn’t see a future with me anymore? What if I’ve ruined everything?” I whimpered, trying to fight back my tears.

Shannon, you are stronger than this. You know how much Charlie loves you, you just
to give it time. You can’t expect everything to go back to the way it was before. Look at what the poor boy has had to deal with.”

How is Rachel now after her vacation?” I asked.

Useless. She mixed up two important telephone meetings last week, and I came so close to firing her.” I widened my eyes in shock. “I couldn’t do it, of course. Rachel and I have been through so much together.”

Charlie is hardly speaking to her,” I muttered, picking up my wine glass. “I can’t believe this mess she’s created. Why did she have to lie to him?”

I don’t know,” my mother huffed, tapping the table. “We should just bang all their heads together. If Charlie gave Mac a chance, I’m sure he might enjoy having him as a brother.” I laughed slightly in agreement. “We need to talk about your security, as well, Shannon. Frank told me some disturbing information yesterday.”

What is it now?” I already had twenty security men on permanent patrol wherever I went. How much more could I possibly need?

There have been a few attempts.”

What do you mean

Kidnapping attempts, Lizzie…on you,” my mother whispered sadly. “They’ve been linked to the same gang who took Maisy Field.”

They’re after
?” My mouth went dry and I shuddered, thinking about poor Maisy. She had been missing for over six months now, and was feared dead. The Fields had paid her ransom but came home empty handed in the end. She was so far underground that her whereabouts were untraceable.

More so than we first feared,” my mother stressed.

Please don’t tell me I have to go into hiding again,” I sobbed. I couldn’t leave Charlie, not with things being the way they were at the moment.

I don’t think even
would help.” She took a quick look around the room. “We all need to be extra vigilant. Frank is pretty sure the gang has someone working on the inside.”

You mean my security could…”

No. Frank has double, and even triple checked everyone, but it would explain how they got Maisy Field so easily.”

Am I in a lot of danger?” I already knew the answer.

You were the moment we went public with your identity, Shannon.” I could see the sorrow in my mother’s emerald eyes.

I knew what I was getting myself into,” I whispered, touching her hand across the table. “I’m not afraid. I have too much to fight for.” She smiled, squeezing my hand gently.

You have your grandfather’s strength inside you, my Lizzie.”

No,” I grinned, “I have

I sat at the dining room table opposite Charlie. I had hardly said a word since I got back from the office.

Okay,” he huffed, pulling his chair back to stride over to me, stooping down to my level. “What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”

I have no idea where to start,” I whimpered. There were so many things I wanted to address that I
had no idea where to begin.

Shan, you’re scaring me.”

I decided to go with the easiest situation first. “Frank found out some disturbing information about my safety.”

Charlie’s grip tightened on my hands. “Which is?” he encouraged.

He believes the same gang who took Maisy might be coming after me.”

Charlie was up in a flash, fisting his hands in his hair. I didn’t want to burden him anymore than he already was, but I had to admit I feared for us both. This wasn’t just one family—the Fields—after me. This was a powerful, underground criminal organization, and who knew what else. I was a powerful pawn to anyone that wanted my mother’s wealth.

Nothing is going to happen to you, Shannon.” He pulled me from my chair and into his embrace. “I will never allow it.”

This isn’t like before, Charlie,” I winced. “You can’t protect me from everyone.”

I know I can’t, but I can at least try.” I closed my eyes as I felt his hands sweep across my neck, moving my hair behind my shoulders. “I love you, Shannon Downing. I am
losing you again.”

I don’t want to live my whole life in fear,” I sobbed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

We won’t,” he cooed. “We’ll think of something. There has to be a way of taking this gang down. I wonder if the Fields have any further information.” I moved to look deep into his blue-green eyes, knowing we were thinking the same thing. As crazy as it sounded, it might be our only hope of stopping those responsible.

Please tell me you’re not thinking what I’m thinking, Shannon,” he winced, resting his forehead against mine.

We have the same interest, Charlie. If we can learn more about this gang, they might be able to find Maisy.”

How could we even trust them after what they did to you and your mother?”

We can’t, but can you think of another option?” Charlie was at a loss for words. There was no other way and he knew it. However we looked at it, with the two companies working together, we would be unstoppable. The entire world knew that.

You can tell you mother about this brain wave of yours,” he breathed against my neck. “Good luck with that.”

Thanks,” I sighed as I pressed my lips against his. He had a point. How was I going to approach this subject with my mother?

I was happy Charlie didn’t press for anything else that night. Joining forces with the Field Organization was more than enough to scramble my head for one night.

I sat watching my mother’s face. For once, I couldn’t read her.

Do you have any idea what you are asking of me, Shannon?” Her voice was pained as she sipped her wine.

It could work.”

I can’t see
alliance with the Fields
,” she stressed, running her fingertips across the top of her glass.

Surely you could at least find out what they know about Maisy’s abductors.”

Shannon, please,” my mother scowled. “This isn’t an easy topic for me…not when I have only just gotten you back in my life.”

It’s not easy for me, either,” I whispered. looking away from her gaze.

She sighed, taking my hand in hers from across the table. “I’m sorry, Lizzie. I forget how difficult this must all be for you.” She gestured around at the general wealth that followed us everywhere. Even in this grand restaurant, my mother was treated as if she were the Queen of England. “You have made me so proud. Never did I think you would settle into this lifestyle so quickly, but you have and I couldn’t be happier.” I hadn’t settled into this lifestyle yet, but I wasn’t going to tell her that. “Are you sure about this, Lizzie?”

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