Embrace Me (36 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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are everything I have ever dreamed of,” he smoldered, pulling me to his lips, and with his confession, I was lost in him.

Mac made great progress over the next few days, and Charlie hardly left his bedside. It gave me time to think about my future. Patrick’s betrayal had affected me more than I let on to anyone. Was I really that lost before Charlie that I couldn’t see my friends for who they truly were? All of them had let me down in some way before he came into my life. This whole mess had all been about greed.

So Mac is making good progress?” my mother asked over the boardroom table.

Yes, he might be getting out next week.” I smiled, running my fingertips over my water glass.

What’s on your mind, Lizzie?”

Have you ever thought about splitting the company up?” She looked at me in confusion. “I don’t mean selling it. I mean having partners to invest so that you and I aren’t the main heirs to everything.”

So that’s what’s going on in that mind of yours,” she mused. “Is this because of the ransom? Shannon, it’s over. Patrick is behind bars. Maisy Field will be back safely with her family in a matter of days, and the Russian Mafia have run away scared. No one is going to touch you.”

It’s not my safety I’m worried about.”

Charlie can take care of himself, and we still haven’t spoken about you putting your life in danger to protect that man of yours,” she glowered.

This isn’t about Charlie, either.” My mother looked at me, baffled. “What about when I have children? I don’t want to live in fear each time they step out the front door. I want them to live a free life, and I want to live a life without fear.”

I see,” she beamed, sipping her coffee. “Well, you do own half of Downing International. What do you suggest?”

I think we should break the company into ten parts. We don’t need all this money.”

I want you to be provided for, Shannon.”

I will be. It isn’t as if I will go without. I don’t need billions of dollars holding me down. The money will still be there, but invested back into our company.”

If we introduce partners with shares in our company, it means we can’t make decisions on our own.”

So we offer shares to partners we can trust.”

You have really thought about this, haven’t you?”

Last week gave me a lot to think about. I want a life with Charlie, Mom. You and he are the most important things in my life. I’d risk my life for him again if I had to, so don’t be angry with me. You and Charlie are
to me.”

Why do I feel like there is more you want to tell me?”

I took a deep breath. “I want a silent role within Downing International for a while.” My mother gasped. “The limelight isn’t for me right now. Maybe it will be later in life, once I’ve had some quality time with Charlie and the press are hounding someone else.”

Shannon,” she stressed. “Give me a second. This is a lot to take in.”

I waited a few moments before carrying on. “Ever since Charlie saved me from the Field family, our feet have hardly touched the ground.”

This is your life now, Shannon, you can’t run from it.”

I’m not. I
asking for time, though. I want to get married and raise a family. You will be a huge part of all this, too. Let’s enjoy our years together. Sell some of our smaller companies and create ten new partners to run and share our profits. I won’t be a target, and neither will your grandchildren.”

You make it all sound so perfect,” she sighed, searching my eyes.

Just think about it.” She nodded just as Rachel wandered in.

William Field is in the boardroom. He asked if he could speak to Shannon alone.”

Alone?” my mother snarled. “I don’t

Mom,” I soothed, “it’s fine. I think I can handle it.” It was the truth. Will didn’t scare me anymore; I had finally overcome my fear.

I brushed my suit down before entering the boardroom. Will was pacing the room when I entered.

I wasn’t sure you would see me alone,” he stated, watching me take a seat.

Is Maisy home yet?” I asked as he sat opposite me.

Megan and my mother flew out to get her and got home this morning. It was an emotional reunion.”

I can imagine,” I smiled. “I’m glad she’s safe.”

My family sent me to say thank you.” I gasped, looking at Will from across the table. “I know. This is strange for me, too,” he snorted.

Did you offer to be the peacemaker?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

Yes…it only seemed right.”

Do you and your family accept that what you did to me was wrong?”

Of course,” he winced. “It all got so out of hand. I never meant for…shit…any of it.”

Was it always about the money—even with Megan?” I asked, my voice trembling a little at the memories.

Megan will say it was just about the money,” Will said sadly, “but I know it would be a lie. She valued your friendship. I can see it in her face when she thinks I’m not looking. She misses you, Shannon.”

That bridge is never going to be mended!” I snapped.

She knows that. We all do.” He sighed heavily. “Look, I’ve come here to give you closure.” My eyes widened at his statement. “You wanted answers? Well, I have them. My father told me everything from the day you were taken as a baby, to ending up at Field Organisation for your work placement. It’s the least we could offer you after what you did for us.”

I already know most of it, Will.”

You don’t want to fill in the blanks? I even know why you ended up with the name Shannon Davis.” My eyes widened. Did I really need to know all of this? “You were named after one of the nurses who delivered you. She was Irish.”

I don’t see the point of filling in the blanks. It’s all in the past, and I’m looking to my future now.”

I understand that, but just know that if you should decide…”

I won’t be looking back, Will,” I interrupted. “There won’t be a need.”

Okay,” he inhaled, getting up. “In that case, I will take my leave.” I stood up to see him out. It all felt so formal, but also extremely invigorating. It was over. I had no fear left in me.

Look after Maisy,” I muttered as he opened the door. “She’ll need you and Megan.”

Charlie is an extremely lucky man. I watched you risk your life for him with Patrick. I can see it now, Shannon—you and Charlie
unbreakable,” he commented. I could just imagine Charlie’s reaction to that…William Field
giving up.
It was true, though. I could see it in his eyes. Will had let go of everything.

Just be happy, Will. None of us need to live in the past anymore,” I beamed to myself as he nodded before taking his leave.

It was truly over.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

I hope I’ve packed enough,” I commented, stretching my arms out on the private jet.

Shannon, you brought everything except the kitchen sink. I think you’ll be fine.”

You should have told me where we’re going.”

And ruin the surprise?” Charlie smirked, leaning in to kiss my lips softly. “You should sleep. It’s a long flight.”

How can I sleep? I’m too excited.”

Try,” he breathed, kissing my cheek.

Out of all the places in the world, London wasn’t the city I expected to touch down in.

Is this a joke?” I teased as we checked in to a five star hotel in the city.

I just thought it would be nice to visit some old haunts before I take you to our secret location tomorrow.”

What are you playing at?” I smirked as we entered the elevator.

Why would I be up to anything?” Charlie laughed, pulling me into his arms.

I know you, Mr. Collins.”

I’m aware of that,” he smirked, kissing my lips softly. “But remember, I know
just as well.” I giggled as he grazed his lips against my neck, lightly nipping at the sensitive skin. “I love you, Shannon.” The force of his gaze almost knocked me down, and if the lift door hadn’t opened, I would have pounced on him.

We walked hand-in-hand to the penthouse, and once our bags arrived, I couldn’t wait a second longer. My body was burning for him. After everything we had been through, I wanted to savour these moments with Charlie. It felt as if I had waited a lifetime for them.

What did you have in mind to do tonight, Miss Downing?” his voice was husky as his hands glided down my back.

I don’t think we need to visit any old haunts,” I smoldered, running my hands down his chest. “I think we should stay here instead.”

That’s fine by me,” he smirked, lifting me up as he crashed his lips urgently to mine.

Charlie had rented a car for our secret journey.

Where has the security gone?” I asked while he loaded the car.

I gave them all a few days off.”

Does my mother know?”

Shannon,” he chuckled. “You’re safe with me.”

know that.” I rolled my eyes, joining him in the car. “I just don’t want my mother to freak out.”

I want to be alone with you for a few days, especially after everything that has happened.” I didn’t think he and I be more in tune with each other.

Sitting back, I enjoyed the journey. Charlie seemed really content, too. I hadn’t seen him this carefree since our early days in New York.

It wasn’t long until we were on a coastal road. The sunshine on my face felt so rejuvenating. The coastline was a pure blue, with the sun cascading across the sea I was hypnotized by the beauty of it all.

Once Charlie pulled onto a dirt road, I knew we had to be close. I tried to keep my excitement in, but as an old farmhouse came into view, I couldn’t control myself. It was the most picturesque house I’d ever seen. It was so homely, with its brown bricks and thatched roof, and it reminded me of the sort of home I imagined the Bennet sisters lived in Pride and Prejudice. I noticed a small out house in the distance.

How did you find out about this place, Charlie? It’s absolutely breathtaking!”

I have my contacts,” he smirked, pulling the car to a stop.

It’s so
. I haven’t seen another car for at least half an hour.”

Do you want to take a look inside?”

We’re staying here?” I grinned.

If that’s okay with you.” I was out of the car before he could even open his door. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Once we were inside, I felt like a child on Christmas morning. I raced around the rooms, taking them all in. Each room had wooden beams and original fireplaces. There was just something about this house that comforted me; it was as if I had come home. Never had a house made me feel that way before.

So, what do you think?” Charlie asked, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

This place is stunning. Do you think the owners would let us buy it?” Just one glimpse and I had fallen in love with it. I could see an entire future here with Charlie. I’d pay any price for it.

I’m not sure. We’d have to ask them,” he breathed, kissing my neck.

How long do we get to stay here?”

As long as you want, Sweetheart.” I sighed, completely content as I leaned into his chest. The past really was behind us—I could feel it—and now we had this magical house for as long as we wanted.

We fell asleep quite early the first night. I wanted to stay awake, but the warmth of the log fire was sending me into a dreamy state.

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