Embrace Me (5 page)

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Authors: Ann Marie Walker

BOOK: Embrace Me
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When enough time had passed, Hudson downed the rest of the amber liquid and methodically set the crystal on the table in front of him. He pushed to his feet and strode with a single-minded purpose down the length of the plane. When he opened the door he found Allie waiting for him, her bare skin pebbled from the anticipation of what he had planned for her.

Without conscious thought he loosened the knot of his tie and tossed it to the side. Allie tracked his movements as his fingers began to work the buttons that ran the front of his shirt. When he was done it joined the tie. The pants followed with a clang of his belt buckle, and all the while his gaze never once left Allie's body.

Hudson came to stand at the foot of the bed. He was hard. Rock hard. So hard he could swear the cock between his legs had a heartbeat.

“Move down to the edge of the bed.” His deep voice cut through the silence. Allie obeyed without hesitation. “Spread your legs for me. I'm going to fuck you with my mouth first.”

Allie's breath hitched. Her legs moved apart and her hips lifted ever so slightly as if she was already imaging him between her thighs.

“Fucking perfect,” Hudson breathed as he looked down at her. He shifted forward, gripping behind her knees and splitting her legs even wider for better access. Leaning over her he swept two fingers between her glistening lips. He loved how her body reacted to him, as if it was a natural instinct. She was soaking wet . . . for him.

With his palms caressing the inside of her thighs, he lowered his head to one of her nipples and sucked it into his mouth. A low growl sounded at the back of his throat as he rimmed his tongue around the taut peak. He dragged his open mouth between the valley of her breasts and down her stomach. The privacy and freedom they had seemed entirely at odds with his brother, her best friend, and an entire crew just beyond the doors. But flying thirty-five thousand feet above the ocean made them feel untouchable.

Hudson knelt down and his hands moved under Allie's hips. His fingers dug into her ass as he pulled her closer, licking her silky skin before thrusting inside her with his tongue.

“Oh god, yes,” Allie panted. The strokes of pleasure and deep rhythmic penetrations had her hips lifting into his face, her head falling back, and her thighs splitting wider. “Don't stop.”

Hudson grinned against her swollen flesh and extended his tongue again, flicking the top of her sex, then sucking it into his mouth. She rocked against him, her hips moving with an undeniable need for release. And damn him if he was going to stop before she got there.

“That's it, baby, come for me.” His deep voice vibrated against her, and Allie moaned his name on a breathless cry. The sounds of her orgasm shot down to the tip of his cock, which was begging for a release of its own. He stayed with her as her nails scored his shoulders and her back arched, but the moment her climax had receded, he jacked up, his hands pressing into the mattress on either side of her. God, he loved seeing her like this, ready to take all he gave her. “I'm going to fuck what's mine. Now.”

Allie turned her head and bit the pillow, muffling her own scream as he entered her on a powerful thrust. The ache of his raw shoulders and the tightness around his cock was the perfect combination—the lick of pain and the searing pleasure. He was way past the slow and steady; his ass flexing and releasing as he drove in a smooth, pistoning motion. Her fingers clutched the sheets beneath her as he continued to stroke in and out in a relentless rhythm.

Hudson looked down to where they were joined, watching the tip of his cock slip out before driving deep again. “Fucking hell,” he groaned. When he felt the sensations of her second orgasm begin to coil around his cock, he bit down on his molars and locked his lower back in order to keep a steady pace. Goddamn, he needed to come. He felt like the head of his dick was about to blow off.

He cranked his eyes shut and a breath shot out of his mouth as he began to orgasm. His body reared back and his cock kicked deep within her as he rode out his release. Once the tremors subsided, he stilled, laying heavily against her as their combined breathing slowed to the hypnotic hum of the plane's engines. After a few moments passed he pressed a kiss to Allie's lips. “Ready for round two, Mrs. Chase?”

Allie's eyes grew wide. “Already?”

Hudson flashed a broad grin. “I only have until we land baby, and I intend to make good use of the time.”

Chapter Six

Allie sat down on the tapestry sofa in Nick and Harper's suite at the Villa del Balbianello. The luxurious room overlooking Lake Como was decorated with all the modern amenities of a five-star hotel, while still somehow managing to perfectly reflect its Northern Italian eighteenth-century heritage. Hudson had reserved the entire villa exclusively for their wedding party, and since the property was only accessible by boat, they were all but guaranteed a relaxing weekend with just their closest family and friends. Allie couldn't have imagined a more perfect way to renew their wedding vows. But then her husband always did have a knack for knowing exactly what she needed. In just a few short months he'd become quite adept in all things Allie. Whether organizing a few days away in Lake Geneva or merely suggesting a night in, relaxing with a pizza and a glass of wine, Hudson was a master when it came to reading her and his instincts were always spot-on.

“Tell me again why I'm spending my first day in Italy hiking instead of stuffing my face with pasta?” Harper asked. She squatted to tie her neon running shoes and rolled the cuff of her boyfriend-style jeans. “And bread. Oh, and cannoli!”

“Because hiking the Castello di Vezio is considered one of the highlights of this area. From what I've read, the views are unparalleled. And besides, it will be a lot crazier once the rest of the guests arrive tonight. This way Hudson and I can spend a bit of quality time with you and Nick before the ceremony.”

Harper stood and straightened the Peter Pan collar of the shirt she wore under her oversize sweater. As expected, her outfit was a perfect mixture of functional whimsy that looked to be straight off the set of
New Girl
. If Allie didn't know better, she'd have sworn Harper had some sort of in with their wardrobe designer. “We could spend a bit of quality time in a nice trattoria,” she suggested with a lift of her perfectly arched brows.

Allie shook her head and laughed. Harper was nothing if not consistent. Food first. Always.

“What?” Harper said, feigning innocent ignorance as only she could. “Just saying a nice espresso with a chocolate-covered biscotti would make for a lovely afternoon as well.” She pulled a headband through her bobbed hair to keep the auburn waves out of her eyes. “And what couple goes on a romantic getaway to Lake Como and wants to spend time with their friends anyway? I'd ask if there was trouble in paradise, but judging by what I heard last night on the plane . . .”


“Hey, not my fault those cabin doors are thin. Tell your Buff Billionaire to invest in a little soundproofing if he's got to rock his woman's world at thirty thousand feet.” Her bright red lips curved into a knowing grin. “Twice.”

Allie could feel the heat rise in her cheeks. On the upside, at least she'd managed to be a bit quieter the third time.

“Hey, no judgment here.” Harper held her hands up, palms out. “Seems those Chase boys are both a bit gifted when it comes to bringing out our more . . . vocal side,” she added with a giggle.

“Thanks, babe.” Nick came strolling out of the suite's bedroom cocking a proud grin. He wore a white T-shirt along with a pair of tan cargo pants that hung loose around his hips, and his hair was still damp from the shower. In his hands he held a guidebook with several of the pages dog-eared. “Did you guys know this villa is where they filmed
Casino Royal
Ocean's Twelve

“Really?” Harper asked.

“Yep,” Allie said. “And it was used as the planet of Naboo in the second Star Wars film.”

Nick shook his head. “My brother, the Star Wars nerd. Has he asked you to wear the gold bikini yet?”

Harper elbowed him in the ribs.

“Oww,” he said, playfully rubbing his side.

“There are some things we don't need to know, Nick.”

He chuckled to himself as he made his way to the wet bar in the corner of the suite. Harper waited until he was out of earshot before leaning closer to Allie. “You can tell me later,” she whispered.

“So where is that brother of mine anyways?” Nick asked. He cracked open a bottle of water and flopped on the sofa next to Allie.

“Not sure. He said he had a few last-minute details to go over with the catering director.”

“You know, if world domination ever gets old, Hudson could always come work with me at Better Start,” Harper said. “The man definitely knows how to throw a party.”

“Yeah, about that,” Allie began. “There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.” She'd barely gotten the words out of her mouth when her phone sounded with the alert she'd designated as an incoming text from Hudson.

Meet me on the dock in 5. Bring my brother and the redhead.

Allie rolled her eyes. So formal. But she'd no sooner had the thought when her phone chimed in her hands.

What are you wearing?

She smiled. Hudson Chase could do romance like nobody's business, but he was still a red-blooded male with a one-track mind.

Jeans and my Wellesley sweatshirt
, she typed in reply. While some might have called her favorite sweatshirt faded and worn, Allie preferred broken in and well-loved. Ninety-five perfect of her life was spent in skirts and heels. When she could let her hair down, or in this case pull it up into a ponytail, she went full tilt and her cozy Wellesley sweatshirt was her go-to choice.

Bubbles filled the screen as Hudson began to type.
I see. Seems it's true what they say about old married couples. Next you'll be telling me you have a headache.

She knew he was teasing, of course. There was nothing Hudson liked more than seeing her lounging in comfortable clothes, except maybe peeling her out of them. Still, he drove the point home with an emoji that had one eye closed and its tongue sticking out. Hudson texting naughty versions of Shakespeare was one thing, but when he used acronyms, or god help her, emojis, she couldn't help but laugh. This was his playful side, the one others so rarely glimpsed. But while to the outside world Hudson remained the sometimes overbearing, often over-the-top yet always in control CEO, with Allie he had the chance to let his guard down, to relax and to be himself, even if that meant amusing his wife with ridiculous emojis. Well, two could play that game.

I didn't say anything about what I was wearing underneath
, she typed, adding a purple devil emoji.

The reply came almost instantly.
Tell me more.

She had him hooked; now it was time to reel him in.
Let's just say it's not a sports bra
. Allie suspected she would come to regret her choice in lingerie about halfway up the mountain, but for now she was enjoying their game, not to mention the effect it seemed to be having on her husband.


Oh, the full name. He was affected, all right. It was so easy to wind him up. And there would no doubt be retribution of the most delicious kind. A devious smile formed on her lips as she taunted him a bit more.
You'll just have to wait and see.

Cancel the hike.

Allie giggled. Her husband was nothing if not predictable, at least when it came to the subject of her scantily clad body. She shifted her weight in an effort to quell the ache that had been building between her thighs from the moment he'd asked what she was wearing. What was it about this man that he could affect her so easily, even when he wasn't in the room?

And disappoint Harper? No way.

I won't even dignify that with a response.
Even Hudson knew how much Harper disliked exercise. She was fairly vocal about . . . well, most things. But one of her more frequent topics of pontification was her utter disdain for anything that caused her to break a sweat. Except for sex, an exception she was always quick to point out, much to Hudson's dismay. He would look at her with an expression that was part bewilderment, part annoyance, and although he would never admit it, part genuine affection, and simply say, “Filter, Ms. Hayes. Get one.”

Be right down
, Allie replied. She tucked her phone into the pocket of her jeans and turned her attention back to Harper and Nick. “Hudson is waiting downstairs with our ride.”

Their “ride” turned out to be more of a yacht than a boat, and didn't even come close to the typical ferry that Allie had been expecting. In fact, as the four of them crossed the wishbone-shaped lake, Allie found herself hoping Hudson had booked the luxury accommodations for their wedding night. Not that he would have told her if she'd asked. She'd thought Hudson had been tight-lipped about their honeymoon itinerary, but that was nothing compared to the level of stealthy maneuvers he'd employed once he assumed control of the wedding plans as well. In fact, she wouldn't have been surprised to discover he'd enlisted Max to activate his team of private super spies. But as much as it went against her own control freak tendencies, there was something quite sweet, not to mention completely romantic, about the way Hudson had not only taken the stress of wedding planning off her plate, but that he'd done it with such thoughtful touches. Their adventure to the Castello was a perfect example. There were probably a dozen options Hudson would have preferred to spending the day on a double date, but he not only knew that Allie wanted to do more with Harper and Nick as a couple, and that she'd been missing the quality time she used to share with her best friend. Which is why she wasn't at all surprised when Hudson motioned for Nick to wander ahead with him as they passed through the stone walls surrounding the castle.

“What's the hurry?” Harper asked, stepping over a fallen log as she made her way down the steep and rocky terrain. “He already made us rush up the hill, can't we take our time coming down?'

“Hudson only really has one speed.”

Harper laughed. “For your sake I hope not.”

“Funny,” Allie deadpanned. “Actually, it gives us a chance to talk.” She had been wanting to have a serious conversation with Harper for weeks. But between her duties at Ingram and the settling of her parents' estate—not to mention being a new bride with a husband recovering from a serious gunshot wound—she never seemed to find the right time. Until now.

“We talk every day.” Harper laughed. “All day, according to your husband.” She wrinkled her nose. “He does know I have a first name, doesn't he?”

Allie ignored what was clearly a rhetorical question. Harper and Hudson weren't fooling anyone with the game they played where they pretended to dislike each other. They'd bonded in France over their mutual concern for Allie, and although their adversarial banter had remained, it had taken on a different tone. “I wanted to have a conversation about your job at Ingram,” Allie said, keeping to the subject at hand.

“Like a performance review? God, you're not going to fire me, are you? Because if you are, I'm totally returning the wedding gift I bought you.”

Allie stopped walking and reached for Harper's elbow. “Will you be serious for one minute?”

“I am being serious. I blew like a week's pay on that thing.”

“You better be joking or you are definitely taking it back.”

Harper dropped her voice to the tone she used when she mimicked Hudson. “Focus, Alessandra,” she said, then broke out into a wide grin. “All kidding aside, what do want to talk about?”

“Your future.”

“So you
firing me?” She wiped her hand across her mouth, and her teasing grin gave way to a more serious expression. “Sorry, that was the last one. I promise.”

“You know I think you do an amazing job at Better Start.” Harper had assumed Allie's position at the charity back in November, and in just a few short months had not only reached their annual goals, but exceeded them. “But I think your talents could be put to better use at Ingram.”

“You want me to come to work at corporate?”

Allie nodded. “Better Start is only one of the charities the Ingram Foundation funds. There are twelve altogether, thirteen if you count the new women's shelter.”

“Colin was showing me the sketches for that last week when I stopped by your office. Looks amazing.”

“The new facility won't be completed until next year, but we will be offering housing and job training at the temporary location starting next month.” Allie had made the shelter her first order of business when she assumed the reins at Ingram. Julian's attack was something she would never forget. But thanks to Hudson's intervention that night, not to mention the love and support he'd shown her then and since, she'd been able to heal more than just her physical wounds. But there were others who weren't as fortunate, and providing them with the resources they needed had become her top priority.

“Well, if there's anything I can do to help . . .”

“That's my point. I think there's a lot you can do to help. Not just with the shelter, but with all the charities.”

Harper's green eyes grew wide. “All of them?”

“Mmmhmm. I want you to come work with me at Ingram headquarters and run the foundation.” Allie cut off Harper's protests before they even began. “And before you say anything, hear me out. Hard work and dedication goes without saying.” Allie grinned. “I know all the tricks for bribing you to work late.”

“That takeout place with the cute delivery guys and the death by chocolate cake?”

Allie nodded slowly. “But I also know how good you are at your job. And more important, that I can trust you explicitly.”

“I don't know, Allie. It's a big responsibility. What if I fall flat on my face? I hate the thought of letting you down.”

“Which is exactly why it won't happen.” Allie brushed a stray curl out of Harper's eyes. “I have total faith in you, Harper. You will rock this. And besides, I miss seeing you at work.”

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