Embraced by Fire (22 page)

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Authors: Louise Delamore

Tags: #Vampires and Shapeshifters, #Dragons, #Suspense, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

BOOK: Embraced by Fire
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“Hot and spicy it is.” Ryu pulled out of the car park.

They grabbed gumbo from a place Kait knew would crank up the heat on demand, then they headed to her place in a car filled with the tantalising aromas of garlic, celery, Creole seasoning, and chilli.

She was glad when Ryu didn’t make small talk and the conversation was limited to her giving him directions. She had a sneaking suspicion he already knew where she lived, but he didn’t stop her from telling him which turns to take, for which she was grateful. She’d rather pretend she’d never been investigated as a suspect in his investigation

While they drove she tried to get her mind back on an even keel, but the thought of Ryu spending the night kept intruding. He was there to
protect her life
, she reminded herself, not to give her the
time of her life

She’d seen too many movies that was the problem. Movies where bodyguards became more than simply bodyguards, they became lovers. What would she do if he asked to become more than her protector? She glanced at him out the corner of her eye. Stupid question. After that kiss the answer wasn’t in doubt. She’d never experienced a kiss like it, one that affected her right down to her toes.

Maybe he wants me as much as I want him
, her inner-wanton suggested. Except he didn’t.
Shut up,
she instructed herself
, now is not the time for little fantasies. He has a job to do, nothing else. He doesn’t want to be my lover, he never did. It’s time to grow up and get over him already.

Ryu turning off the car’s engine brought her back to reality. She looked over at him. His face was hidden by the shadows, unreadable. She wished she had the courage to bring up the kiss. She wanted to talk to him. Ask why he’d kissed her, why he’d stopped. Sure, he’d told her at the time. Maybe she was a sucker for punishment, but she couldn’t help hoping if they spoke about it again his answers would be different. She looked away. She didn’t have the courage, not when it was clear he’d rather pretend the whole thing hadn’t even happened.

“Don’t worry, everything will be all right.” His voice was a caress to her overheated imagination.

But he wasn’t trying to seduce her, he was trying to comfort her. She bit her lip, fighting back hysterical laughter. If only he knew, right now she was more afraid of him than Johnny. Johnny had always been a cheerful, harmless-seeming man, Ryu reeked of danger. Although it was her heart at risk rather than her body. Not wanting him to see her face, she hurried out of the car and toward the house. Danger followed her.

Chapter 21

Kait hung her handbag on its hook then flicked on the lights. Ryu dropped his gym bag on the floor by the door and followed her in. She looked around her living room. It seemed much smaller with him standing there, and the soft pastels she used to decorate reinforced the impression.


“No, Sookie, stop that.” Kait scooped up her cat, which was putting a lot of effort into looking as big and scary as possible. “Sorry, usually she’s very good with strangers.”

“Cats take awhile to get used to me.” Ryu put out his hand slowly, palm up for Sookie’s approval. Sookie lashed out with her claws. He dropped his hand quickly, narrowly avoiding getting slashed. “Looks like this one’s going to take longer than most.”

Kait opened her study door and closed Sookie inside, ignoring the furious meowing from behind the door. She turned around, smoothing down her skirt uncertainly. “Do you want a drink?”

Ryu nodded and held out the bag containing dinner. “I don’t know about you but I’m hungry.”

She took the bag and went behind the open counter top into her little kitchen. Quickly grabbing plates, fresh bread, and glasses, she organised their dinner.

Ryu turned in place, examining her setup. “Sookie’s in the study, so…your room and the bathroom?” he asked, pointing at the other two doors.

“Um, yes.”

His eyes roved the open-plan living-dining-kitchen before he nodded decisively. “Simple layout, it’s good.”

“I’m glad you approve.” She wasn’t sure why she felt offended, but she did.

“No, really, it is good. Easy to defend.”

Okay, it hadn’t been a criticism at the size of her place, she was overly sensitive tonight. With just cause she reminded herself. “What can I get you to drink?”

“Water’s fine.”

“You sure? I’ve got beer, juice, and soda.”

“No, just water.”

Kait poured him a glass of chilled water and herself some lime juice, setting them on the small table pressed against the wall. Ryu quickly helped her put the plates, cutlery and dishes of gumbo and rice on the table.

“I hope it’s not a problem, my being here?” Ryu asked between mouthfuls.

“No, no problem.” Problem, no; temptation, yes. “I feel safer knowing you’re in the house.”

“How long have you lived here?” he asked.

The conversation drifted over superficial topics and Kait found him remarkably easy to talk to. Sitting at her little dining table over sensational gumbo, she couldn’t think of anything she’d rather be doing. He genuinely seemed to enjoying listening to her, and she found herself talking more than usual.

The tension of her day eased away while she shared anecdotes about events Fantasia Alive had organised and bizarre performances she’d seen. As she explained exactly where the acrobat’s hands ended up, his mellow laughter rumbled out, soothing and surrounding her senses like sensuous velvet.

He made her laugh in return by telling her strange or ridiculous things which had happened to him on a variety of missions. Yet, even as she chuckled, she noticed he gave away no information about the missions themselves, and under the humour lay an infinite depth of danger.

She was reminded of the day he walked into Fantasia Alive. She’d thought looking at Ryu was like looking at a real dragon trying to appear as harmless as a toy. Nothing since had made her revise that opinion. It only got stronger as the warrior inside him became more difficult to hide.

Ryu dished up the remains of the gumbo, eating with obvious enjoyment. When he ordered, she’d thought they would have plenty of leftovers, she’d been wrong. She wondered where he put it all because he didn’t appear to carry any excess fat. Sipping her drink, she leaned back and watched him eat. All the time he spent practicing his routine must keep him fit. She shook her head, wait a minute, fire-eater wasn’t his real job. Of course he spent time working out, but it probably wasn’t doing his fire routine. He would have to be in top shape to do the kind of work he did, the real work he did.

The meal over, Ryu helped her tidy up then looked at his watch. “You’ve had a long stressful day, I think we should call it a night.”

A cold wave hit her, and it wasn’t the open fridge. Where was he going to sleep? Her spare room played duty as a study and it would be a tight fit to get a blow-up mattress in there. The couch would be too short for him…Her room? Cold vanished as heat flooded her cheeks. She peered deeper in the fridge, hoping the cool air would hide the blush.

“I’m going to crash on your couch, if that’s all right? It gives me a clear view of the whole place.”

“It’s going to be pretty uncomfortable.” She pulled her head out of the fridge, glad he’d taken the decision out of her hands.

“I’ve slept worse places.” He shrugged, unconcerned, and had another quick look around. After surveying the room, he headed for her bedroom and she felt her stomach tighten. Hadn’t he just said he was going to sleep on the couch?

“I want to check your bedroom window then we can get some sleep,” he said over his shoulder.

“Window, right. I’ll get you some sheets.” It was her bedroom, not her bed, he was interested in.

She sincerely hoped her bedroom was clear of anything embarrassing. She flung open the linen cupboard as soon as he vanished into her room and grabbed sheets and pillows. When he returned, she helped him turn the couch into a reasonable facsimile of a bed.

“Why don’t you use the bathroom first?” she said, heading for her bedroom.

After making up the bed shoulder-to-shoulder with him, her stomach was dancing the fandango, and she needed the solitary haven of her bedroom. She sat on her bed breathing deeply. How was she going to sleep knowing he was right outside her bedroom all night?

When she heard the bathroom door open, she waited a few minutes then exited her room. The lights were still on and Ryu was in the kitchen getting a glass of water. She walked serenely to the bathroom, at least she hope she looked serene.

When she finished, she opened the door. The main room beyond was dark, with just the faint gleam of moonlight shimmering through the kitchen window. Of Ryu there was no obvious sign, he must be on the couch. Darting to her bedroom, she was aware the modest nightdress her mother had given her last Christmas shone a luminous white in the gloom. She snuck a glance at the couch as she passed and saw the glint of Ryu’s eyes. He was watching her.


Ryu stretched and winced. Sitting up slowly, he rolled his head on his neck. He hadn’t lied last night. He had slept in worse places, but that didn’t make the small, green couch any more suited to a man of his stature. Not that he’d got much shut-eye. He’d slept lightly and little, a combination of being on guard and hearing every noise from the other side of Kait’s door.

Right now, since he couldn’t hear her stirring, he headed for the bathroom. Knowing he was awake first was a relief, otherwise he would have been sitting on the couch with a cushion on his lap until his body sorted itself out. The last thing he wanted after invading her privacy was to embarrass her.

He doubted she was used to finding horny men on her couch in the morning—in her bed, maybe. Any man waking up next to her would be horny as hell. He imagined she was a firecracker in bed. Okay, that line of thought wasn’t helping.

He turned on the shower, heat and steam rapidly filling the small room. The warm, damp air wrapped him in aromas of her body wash and lotions. Shucking off his clothes, he quickly retrieved his own soap from his bag. As much as he relished her fragrance, the last thing he wanted was to smell her scent on his skin all day. She was already too distracting.

His body, which had been lusting after her even before the added stimulation of her perfumes, reached an uncomfortable intensity. It was tempting to take care of himself as he stood under the pounding spray. Instead, ignoring his need, he turned down the water temperature and washed swiftly and thoroughly.

After getting out the shower, he let the dragon approach the surface, initiating a partial shift to shake out the kinks. Regrettably, the bathroom was too small for a full transformation. It had been weeks since he’d taken to the skies, and his soul cried out for the freedom to stretch out his wings and soar. Flexing the razor sharp claws that had damaged Neil’s desk, he promised his inner-self the chance to change soon.

As he turned away, he caught sight of himself in the mirror, his copper scales glistened eerily in the steamy light, and his eyes flashed to full dragon at the sight. Dragons found the modern world a trial. Unlike his friends, he couldn’t change into his beast and go for a run in a deserted park at night. He needed space and plenty of it, both on the ground and above it. His shoulder blades rippled as his wings fought for freedom.

A rapid knock broke his concentration and he spun toward the door, hands instinctively raised to fight.

“Ryu, are you in there? I need the bathroom.” Kait’s voice called through the door.

He concealed the dragon, quickly pulled on his jeans and opened the door. Steam escaped, surrounding him as he stared at the sleep-tousled angel waiting for him. Her eyes widened at his shirtless state and he hoped it was desire, not shock, making her pupils dilate.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to take so long.” He stepped out of her way.

She hurried into the bathroom, eyes averted, and closed the door with a resounding click. Ryu pondered her reaction for a moment, then shrugged. Certainly there was chemistry between them, but it was flattering to imagine she was as attracted to him as he was to her. Unfortunately,
it was neither the time nor the place
. He was starting to hate that phrase, especially when he added,
nor was he the man

Neither his job, nor his nature, made him an ideal mate for a fully human woman. It was true shifters ended up with humans on occasions, but he couldn’t imagine trying to explain to Kait that he was a dragon. Modern women didn’t believe in magic, faced with the reality of what he was she’d probably crumple.

Not that it was something he went around telling the women he dated, but something about Kait made him want to tell her the truth. As he sorted through his gym bag, he sighed. He had a friend who’d kept his true nature from his wife for years, and lived in hell for the duration. When the truth finally came out she ended up in an institution.

It was easier in the olden days. Pulling on his shirt, he imagined Kait bound to a stake in the middle of a village green. As virgins of old had once been offered to Dragon Lords, to pacify them in times of trouble. He’d never seen the temptation until now. Not that Kait was likely to be a virgin, but the idea of losing his freedom to a life-mate suddenly didn’t seem horrifying.

What was he thinking? Madness. Of course losing his freedom was horrifying. He sat and tugged on his boots. He needed to focus on the mission not on the delectable Kait.
Mission. Not Kait. Mission.

He went into the kitchen and put on the coffee. He needed caffeine, clearly lack of rest was playing tricks on his mind. Food too, dragons didn’t like being hungry, made them cranky. He wondered if he should make Kait breakfast…

Why not? A peace offering for being in the bathroom when she needed it this morning. He quickly collected the ingredients for pancakes, as well as bacon, bananas, and syrup. Shifting used a lot of energy.

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