Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4) (10 page)

BOOK: Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4)
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ord couldn’t believe
he’d shifted in front of Piper, but the sight of her naked body had forced the transformation. He’d truly believed that after he’d made love with her the first time he wouldn’t be as affected. Boy, had he been wrong.

After he’d stowed her at his apartment, he’d driven all of one mile when he’d debated turning around and insisting she stay with a friend, but then realized he’d never know for sure if she were safe.

The moment he’d returned home with lunch, he’d sensed her intense need, and that made him want her even more. He hadn’t tried to stop shifting into a bear because he really wanted to see her reaction. But the moment she sucked on his cock, he hadn’t been able to stop the second shift, letting the more powerful inner panther take over. He wanted to tell her that she was his mate, but right now, he needed to enjoy her at least one more time.

“My turn.” Cord swooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

“My stuff is all over the bed. Sorry.”

“Not to worry.” She seemed to have a habit of leaving her things everywhere. He set her down, shoved her clothes back into her suitcase, and placed the case on the floor. “There.”

Her arousal had heightened, and Cord found it increasingly difficult to hold back. He lifted her again and placed her near the head of the bed. When he widened her legs and crawled between them, he had to close his eyes and concentrate to keep in human form. His desire overwhelmed him, and as much as he wanted to plunge into her, he needed to please her first.

Threading two fingers into her wet hole, he licked her little nub back and forth. With each flick, she groaned, drawing his balls into a tight wad of need. She grabbed the comforter and clutched it, as if she, too, were holding on by a thread. He tried to block the waves of lust rolling off her, but it was too easy to sense her desperation. Knowing that everything he was doing excited her, his need skyrocketed.

“I want your cock,” she pleaded.

Those words were like a red flag waved in front of him. Wanting to give her what she asked for—and help quench his desire—he crawled on top of her and supported himself on his elbows. He then dragged his thumbs down her cheeks and kissed her lightly.

“I want to love you the way you deserve,” he whispered.

“You already have.”

Her unconditional acceptance opened his heart. For now, he’d pretend she was his and deal with the fallout later when he told her about all the things he couldn’t give her.

Cord lowered his head and nabbed her nipple between his teeth, tugging and twisting until the tip hardened. Piper grabbed his shoulders and dug her nails into him, sending primal signals straight to his brain to brand her. He longed to mark her, but that wouldn’t be fair to her. There was too much wrong with him.

“Take me, dammit. I’m about to blow.” She gritted out her words.

Piper’s plea pushed him past his limit of restraint. He lifted his head, captured her mouth fully, and plunged into her. Her back arched as she received him, and the urge to mate brimmed again.

She reached around his back and clung tightly. He wanted to protect her, love her, and make her his, only now wasn’t the right time. With each thrust, her groans grew stronger, and when she lifted her hips, it was either explode or shift, so Cord let his dick blow. As his cock expelled his seed, he gently nipped her shoulder, pretending he was claiming her.

Her release forced her to take in a long inhale and she then shouted his name. Her inner walls clamped down on his cock, squeezing out the rest of his cum.

He didn’t want to let her go, but when her body went limp he rolled over, taking her with him. “This was the best dessert I’ve ever had,” he said.

She chuckled, but it seemed to take an effort. “Me, too.”

Footsteps sounded outside his door and his senses shot to overdrive. He rolled her off him. “Someone’s outside.”

“I didn’t hear anyone.” The worry in her voice tore at him.

“It’s me, buddy, Jackson
,” his good friend telepathed.

Cord relaxed. “It’s someone I know from my days with the DEA. Get dressed and then come out and say hello.”

“What? You’d be embarrassed if I walk out naked?” She failed to keep the smile off her face.

“Try it and I promise you won’t like the consequences, young lady.” He’d probably shift and take her again. He leaned over and kissed her. “Now get dressed.”

He rushed out of the bedroom, making sure to close the door.

“I’m coming
,” he telepathed, as he grabbed his briefs and tugged them on. He chuckled to himself about the fact he’d already come.

Unfortunately, as soon as Jackson took one whiff, he’d know what had just happened. After dragging on his pants, Cord opened the door.

His friend grinned. “Am I interrupting?”

“We’re finished. Come on in, you old dog.”

“Who are you calling a dog, you mangy barn cat!” Jackson laughed as he stepped inside.

Cord smiled and shook his head as they half hugged and slapped each other on the back. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I was in the mood for a road trip and thought I’d stop on by and see how life is treating you in North Carolina.”

“I’m great. Can I get you a beer?”

“Sure can.” He looked around. “Where is she?”

“In the bedroom.” Just as Cord was grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge, Piper’s cell rang in the living room.

“What me to get that?” Cord called out to her.

The door opened and Piper emerged, causing his libido to flare again. Damn woman had to go and put on a radically hot outfit. What was she trying to do to him?

Only then did he spot her discarded clothes on the floor and understood why she hadn’t redressed in her sweats—not that her baggy gear had prevented them from having sex. He scooped them up not wanting to embarrass her.

“Don’t mind me,” Jackson said, clearly trying not to laugh.

Cord sent his panther buddy a lethal stare, not that it did any good.

“I got it.” Piper said, apparently only focused on reaching her phone. “It’s probably Brody telling me he’s back at his apartment and wants you to call off Dram.” She nabbed the phone off the coffee table, and he immediately sensed confusion when she spotted the name. “Hello?”

As she listened, her whole body went still and her face paled. Cord glanced at Jackson and then stepped over to her. She held up her hand then cast her gaze downward.

“I…I don’t have that kind of money.”

Fuck. Every animal instinct in his body shot to life. One of the attackers must be asking her to pay what Brody owed. As much as he wanted to listen into the conversation, if she put it on speaker, the caller would probably hang up.

Her chin lifted. “I want to speak with my brother.”

Good girl. Even under duress, she was thinking.

“Why not? Well, I can’t pay you until I go to the bank and withdraw the money. Just don’t hurt him.” Her brows pinched and her hand began to shake.

Being helpless angered him. Cord wanted to grab the phone and shout at them. Staring straight ahead, she lowered her arm, and clicked off the cell.

He helped her sit on the sofa, and Cord worked hard to keep his frustration in check. “What did he say?”

“He said he had Brody, and that if I didn’t give him the ten thousand dollars by tomorrow, he’d killed him.” She hiccupped and her bottom lip trembled.

“He’s bluffing. I would’ve heard from Dram if a bunch of men had tried to take your brother. Let me call him to make certain.”

His fellow officer answered on the first ring. “I think I might have to take up fishing. It’s nice out here.”

Cord wished he had time for pleasantries, but he didn’t. He quickly explained the phone call. “I’m trusting no one stopped by?”

“Nope. It’s been peaceful here.”

“Better warn Brody. I’ll be in touch when I decide what to do. Just keep him safe.” He disconnected. “Brody’s good. The men are either desperate, stupid, or both to think you’d hand over money without speaking with him.”

Piper’s eyes watered, and she scooted closer. Cord embraced her and kissed the top of her head. He didn’t let go until she’d stopped trembling.

“I was so scared. They asked if I got the note and said not only would they kill Brody but that they’d be back if I didn’t pay.”

“Want to fill me in?” Jackson edged closer.

Cord told him about the beating because of her brother’s gambling debt. He also mentioned that he had a cop stationed at her house just in case they returned.

“What are we going to do?” his friend asked.

He liked that about Jackson. His former co-worker was always willing to lend a hand. “I’m not sure.”

“It might not be any of my business, but it seems like a sting operation could work. Remember when we wanted to capture Craig Jimenez and how we went undercover pretending to be the buyers?”

“Can’t forget that. I see that scar every day of my life.”

Piper sucked in a breath. “I don’t want you to do anything that could get you killed.”

She was the sweetest woman on earth. “I was in my bear form at the time, so I barely felt the bullet. We can take a bullet as long as it doesn’t hit a vital organ.”

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t have that kind of money anyway. I lied to stall them.”

“I figured, but I don’t think we’ll need any money.”

She grabbed his hand. “How are we going to pay them? Or aren’t we?”

“We will. Kind of. That’s why it’s called a sting operation.” He stroked her face, needing to touch her. “We’ll pretend to give them the money and when they pick it up, we’ll arrest them.”

She shook her head. “They said
had to deliver the money, but I’m scared that they’ll kidnap me or something.”

Cord cupped her shoulder. “I would never put you in danger. As I said before, I’m not letting you leave this apartment until those men are in jail.”

“I don’t understand.”

He didn’t expect her to. Cord looked up at Jackson. “I know you came here for a visit, but I have an idea that involves you doing a little undercover work. You up for it?”

Jackson grinned. “I’m chomping at the bit. Just tell me what to do.”

*     *     *

Jackson Kenner hadn’t
been totally truthful about the reason for his visit. While he had come to see his friend, he was also hunting for a job. Like Cord, working at the DEA had burned him out. Every time the two of them spoke, Cord seemed to have found some kind of peace living in Hidden Hills. The fact his coworkers had accepted him as a double shifter implied the people of the town were open-minded—something he yearned for.

With directions in hand, he found the police station easily. Apparently, an officer by the name of Selena Niles would be playing the role of Piper Capshaw. From what Piper said, she didn’t believe the men knew what she looked like, and while Jackson wanted to help his friend, this operation would hopefully act as his interview.

Cord had called Chief Sanders Hardy and set up the meeting with Jackson and Selena, a cheetah shifter. On the drive over, Jackson had come up with a plan. While he and Selena worked out the details with the Chief, Cord would be finding a place for Piper to stay. As much as he wanted to remain with her, Cord was the only one who could identify these men.

Jackson parked and entered the station, and though it was small in comparison to those in Virginia, there were a number of people bustling about.

He stepped up to the receptionist. “I have an appointment with Chief Hardy.” Jackson flashed his DEA badge, and the woman’s eyes widened, as if she were impressed. She gave him directions, and he thanked her.

As he headed down the hallway, his chest began to squeeze tight, and he pounded a fist over his heart, thinking perhaps the meatball sub he’d eaten for lunch wasn’t agreeing with him. Pushing aside his discomfort, he knocked on the chief’s door.

“Come on in. We’re not into formality here.”

Jackson liked that. He stepped in and was immediately overwhelmed with desire. Holy fuck. He turned his focus to the beautiful woman sitting in the chair across from the chief and couldn’t keep his gaze off her insanely long legs. She wore an auburn wig, a long sleeve T-shirt, jeans, and boots. At first glance, even he thought it was Piper.

The strange vibrations swirling around his heart and his gut threw him off kilter, but he sucked it up, and held out his hand. “You must be Selena, Piper’s double. I’m Jackson Kenner.”

When their hands touched, a bolt of electricity charged up his arm. At first, he thought she was just another super hot chick, but then realized he’d never felt anything like it before. He wasn’t ready to even consider she could be his mate. Every male in his family had ended up with panthers.

“Nice to meet you,” she said. Her words came out terse, but there was enough interest in her eyes to drown him.

Boy, was he in trouble now.

Chapter Ten

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