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Authors: Lainey Reese

Tags: #Embracing the Fall

Embracing the Fall (21 page)

BOOK: Embracing the Fall
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“All right now, ladies.” Evan raised his voice so that it carried back to where the
two were still fussing with themselves and their mirrors. “Come on out here and let’s
get finished so we can go. I ain’t about to be late.” There was a big dinner party
at Cade’s place.

Z came out first and the sight of her stirred his blood. She had on a deep purple
dress that was probably called passionate orchid or something to that effect, all
he knew was the color suited her perfectly. It was made of a soft-looking fabric that
was thick and warm, with long sleeves and a skirt that flared out around her knees
as she walked. It hung lovingly to her athletic form and showcased her slender build

“Beautiful, sugar.” Evan walked over and kissed her gently on her juicy painted lips.
He wanted to stroke her silky hair but he didn’t dare, as she had it piled up in one
of those buns that look like a sexy mess with little bits dangling around her face.
“In that color, I should call you sugarplum. You are stunning.” She blushed and smiled
and her skirt swayed around her knees as she rocked back and forth in pleasure at
his complement.

“Cami is the slowest person on the planet,” she told him in warning. “I kind of feel
sorry for you, because you are never going to be on time for anything ever again.”
But then she smiled at him. “Only kinda sorry though, because now I’m not suffering

“Oh yeah?” Evan headed toward the hall. “We will just see about that.” He opened the
door to Cami’s room, ready to drag her out no matter what state she was in, but the
sight before him froze him to the spot.

Cami had chosen one of those long-sleeved wraparound dresses in black for tonight.
It cut low between her amazing breasts, parted high up her thigh and tied at her waist.
The material was slinky and moved sinuously around her with her motions when she turned
to face him. Evan tried, but he could see no indication of any undergarments and the
spit dried up in his mouth. All those blonde, honeyed curls had been straightened
and brought into submission in a tail that gathered at her neck and poured down her
back. There was a small part in it, far off to the side just above her left temple
that brought attention to her perfectly arched brows and the gleaming jewels of her
eyes. Those lips that could tempt a saint were painted a deep shiny red and the beauty
of her about brought him to his knees.

“I have no words.” Evan walked to her with his hands turned up in a gesture of surrender.
“There are no words for how beautiful you look right now.” A blush warmed her cheeks
and made her even more appealing, as Evan took her by the hand and led her out of
the room. These two women, who were so different in both looks and personality, appealed
to him on every level he had. Talk about your cup over flowing, Evan thought.

“I’ve got a surprise for you girls.” They stood side-by-side in the middle of the
living room and tried to look like the idea of a present didn’t thrill them. Evan
hid his smirk, because he knew his surprise wasn’t going to be what they were expecting.

Reaching into his jacket pocket Evan pulled out a small egg-shaped toy and turned
to Cami first. He knelt before her. “Open your legs for me. Come on, widen your stance.
Wider.” She obeyed with a curious and eager smile. “Now lift your skirt. Higher, get
it out of my way.” Once she did, Evan saw he’d guessed wrong, she was wearing panties.
It was a miniscule thong made up of a couple of strips of lace and a tiny triangle
of black satin. He moved that so-called barrier out of his way and swirled the egg
over the lips now revealed. She was as beautiful down here as she was everywhere else.
The delicate folds of skin, pink and glistening as he caressed them, were like an
exotic flower. Arousal brought a dark rosy flush to them and he could hear her breath
already getting choppy. He played for a moment, nudging her clitoris and stroking
in and out, before placing a hand on her hip and pushing the vibrating toy deep inside.
When she cried out for him and clutched at his shoulders, Evan leaned forward and
kissed her right on her mound, drinking in the perfume of her arousal like the sweetest
of wines. It took all his will power to stop himself from staying exactly where he
was for the rest of the night.

Then he turned to Ziporah. “All right, your turn. You know what to do.” She was wearing
a thong, too; hers was white lace with a purple ribbon and a cute little bow. As he
eased the panties aside, he pondered how they were different here, too. Z’s skin tone
was darker and her fragrance was all her own, yet every bit as enticing as Cami’s.
Evan pulled a matching egg out of his other pocket and repeated the same motions on
her. When Ziporah became aroused, the lips plumped up and became ultra sensitive,
begging for the stroke of his tongue. Denying himself the pleasure of exploring them
was no small test of his control. He consoled himself with the promise of the coming
night and teased the small vibrator in and out and rubbed it over her clit until her
slender hips were following his motions and her pussy was glistening wet. He was so
hard, he could hammer nails with his shaft.

“Okay, rules for this evening.” Evan stood in front of them and felt his chest swell
at the site before him. His ladies were stunning, and so turned on he could practically
see the arousal coming off them like heat waves of the pavement. He smiled at them
then held up two innocent looking devices, one in each hand. They could easily be
mistaken for remotes to unlock a car or disable its alarm, but considering what just
transpired and what lay deep within each woman’s pussy, they knew exactly what he
held. “I am going to turn these on whenever I damn well please.” Then he tucked one
in each pocket and turned toward the door. As expected, they burst out laughing.

“That’s it?” Of course it was Cami, his sweet brat, who was going to poke at him first.
“You stand here and say we’re going to discuss the
but then the only thing you have to say is that?” He turned on her remote. Her squeak
was like foreplay to his ears.

“Yep.” Then he shrugged into his leather jacket and turned for the door. Both girls
continued to laugh, even as they joined him.

It was going to be a fun night. They were ready for this step. Cami and Z had been
the ones to approach him about the club. He loved scening in public, but both his
girls were new to the lifestyle, so he was content to play in private for as long
as they needed. When they had timidly brought up the subject of playing with the others,
they’d talked over every concern the girls had and then he’d made the calls to put
this night in motion. As their laughter continued to bubble around them on their way
to the elevators, Evan felt their eagerness and anticipation of the coming night as
clearly as he felt his own and it was as potent as a shot of whisky.

Cade Marshall owned an exclusive nightclub that catered to the elite of New York City.
The restaurant adjacent to the club had the longest reservation waiting list of any
place in town. The private rooms in the back of the club were exclusively member-only
and it was the most well equipped BDSM establishment that Evan had ever seen.

The evening had started with a five-course gourmet meal that had Evan’s girls moaning
with each bite. He could hardly blame them, the food was that good. All throughout
the meal, Evan tormented his ladies with their toys, turning them on in the middle
of a sentence or turning them up, just when one of them would take a drink. They were
flustered and off center, just how he liked it.

Sitting around the table with Cade, Trevor and Riley, plus Brice and Terryn along
with Gage and Zoe had truly been a blast. All of them shared the alternative lifestyle.
Cade and Trevor were married to Riley, and the three of them lived happily as an unconventional
married unit. Riley had just given birth to her second child a little over a year
ago and they were already talking about adding a third. The kids were tucked away
in a suite with Riley’s parents for the night. Evan thought it was hilarious that
the men chuckled at Riley for her nonstop texts to check on them, even as they did
the same thing when they thought she wasn’t looking. The love and passion between
the three of them was undeniable and considering Evan’s current situation, it was
also an inspiration that planted a seed of hope in his heart.

Brice and Terryn, as well as Zoe and Gage were also in Dom/sub relationships, and
so the conversation was unguarded and lively. Evan’s trained eye told him that his
subs were not the only ones wearing equipment tonight. From the looks of things, all
the subs were. And didn’t that just make things fun.

“What I wanna know is,” Terryn asked the table at large, “when Evan knew he was a
Dom. I know everybody else’s story but yours.”

“Ooh,” his Cami squealed in agreement, “yeah, I want to hear this one, too. How old
were you when you figured it out?” She looked at him with her big blue eyes widened
in curious enjoyment and denying her never even crossed his mind.

“I was about six, I think.” As expected the entire table erupted in laughter.

“Oh my god, please tell me you are joking.” Ziporah, his beautiful dark haired angel,
laughed as she reached over and put her hand on his leg. Evan felt his chest expand
with the familiar warmth he felt every time she touched him and he clasped his hand
over hers to keep it there. Wanting nothing in the world more than for both of his
women to never stop touching him.

“Nope, serious as a heart attack,” he told her with a shake of his head. “I didn’t
know that it was a BDSM thing until much later but, yeah, I think six is about right.”

“So what was it that triggered this knowledge then?” Brice wanted to know.

“Dudley Do Right.” He had to wait for the laughs to die down before he could continue.

“What is that?” Zoe asked, baffled by the laughs around her.

“It’s a cartoon from before your time,” Gage told her with a rueful shake of his head.
“Infant.” More laughter followed. Gage was more than a decade older than his young
bride, and though the two were deliriously in love, the age difference was a startling
adjustment for her family, not to mention for Gage, who had resisted mightily when
she had set out to seduce him.

“To be a bit more specific,” Evan continued, “it was Dastardly Dan.” More laughter,
Evan even chuckled as Cami’s giggles bubbled forth nonstop. “See, he kept tying Penelope
Pitstop up in ropes and leaving her on train tracks. I was fascinated. I used to root
for poor Dan and get so miffed every time all his pretty ropes came off. I never understood
why I liked seeing her tied up like that, but on the playground at school, I was known
as the double D. As for when I connected the dots and tried it in real life? I was
twenty-two the first time I joined a BDSM club.” He smiled and winked at his ladies
before he added, “And I registered under the name of Dan.” Laughter was as plentiful
and rich as the food and both were lingered over.

Cami and Ziporah were not the only ones who kept jumping in their seats and shooting
glares at their man, either. Evan thought it was funny as hell, sexy too. As the night
wore on all five women became flushed and breathless. And all the men, himself included,
lost more and more of their civilized veneer along the way.

By the time the party moved to the dance floor, the mood was no longer playful but
hungry. Cade and Trevor were the first to cave. Not one for sharing their treasure,
they only danced a few songs before the need to have Riley naked overrode everything
else. It was no surprise to anyone when Cade and Trevor each manacled a hand around
her wrists and marched her to the private elevator. It led to their penthouse on the
top floor of the building, where they lived.

Brice and Terryn were the next to go. The two of them slipped back toward the private
rooms within moments of the first three’s departure, with Brice’s hand tangled in
his redhead’s fiery locks.

That left Gage and Zoe with the three of them. Evan didn’t usually dance, unless it
was to country music, so he was sitting at a table watching Gage get his groove on
with all three of their women. The man was as big as a mountain and yet he moved like
Fred Astaire. He twirled and swirled, lifted and dipped all three women without ever
missing a step. It was a sight to behold.

The club was an edgy one, filled with people who knew there were no-holds barred and
they were safe to act as they desired, so the mood had a sexually greedy undertone.
The music was pulsing like the throb of an aroused cock and the dancers on the floor
moved free of inhibitions or worries of judgments.

BOOK: Embracing the Fall
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