Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Embracing Trouble (Trouble Series)
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“Whatever you want, beautiful. Your wish is my command,” I said, already harder.

I’d teach her every position there was if that’s what she wanted.

She turned in my arms and pushed her bottom against me as her arm went up behind my neck. I tried to remember to breathe as my hand went into her jeans and she softly moaned.

“You want me to take you from behind?” I whispered against her neck as I felt her wetness.

“Yes,” she moaned softly, rubbing herself against me. “Hard.”

I swallowed, wondering if I had imagined her saying that one hot word.

“Say it. Tell me what you want,” I whispered into her ear.

She closed her eyes as she leaned back into me, her cheeks flushed.

“I want you to fuck me hard.”

It was the hottest thing that I had heard from her sweet lips and it rocked through me and made me nearly explode. I pulled her jeans down and she kicked them away before I grabbed her and kissed down her spine.

I moved her over to the bed where she climbed over it, her ass in the air for my own private viewing. Had I seen anything hotter than that? No, I seriously hadn’t.

I shucked my jeans off in record time and rolled a condom on, knowing this was going to go hard and fast, because I was already so worked up. I kissed her back, pushing her hair to one side so I could kiss her neck as I felt if she was ready for me.

I heard her pant under me, and I thrust into her, making her gasp in pleasure. I pulled out and did it again, and her body shuddered under me. She was so responsive to me, and it was going to be my quickest on record if we kept going like this. I tried to think of something other than my dark angel beneath me.

“Fuck me,” she begged in a whisper.

Her verbal demands made me unable to think of anything else than that. I thrusted into her, over and over as I grabbed her hips to keep her in place. I went harder, my hand going under her, bringing her to orgasm as I felt her climax around me. She pressed her face into the pillow in an attempt to drown out her groans, her fists tangled in my sheets.

I let my own orgasm claim me and I groaned long and hard as I emptied myself into her. I felt completely shattered. I gently collapsed onto her, feeling her warm skin under me as I kissed her neck. Aftershocks still travelled through me.

She rolled out from under me and I moved onto the bed beside her. My eyes were still closed in agony and ecstasy. Her hand clamped over my mouth and I opened my eyes.

She looked worried, sexy, and thoroughly fucking pleasured.

“You were too loud!” she whispered.

I chuckled and closed my eyes. I didn’t care if I was too loud. Let them hear me and know how fucking lucky I was to have my beautiful dark angel.



I awoke to the sound of his phone, knowing it was Janey’s ringtone before I opened my eyes. He swore next to me and sat up, trying to find his phone. I jumped up and grabbed his jeans from the floor. While passing him his phone, I saw that it was 2:00 a.m.

I listened to him answer it with a curt tone, the phone providing the only light in the darkened room.

“Where?” he asked suddenly, pulling away from me. “Just get out of there and wait for me. I’m coming right now. I’ll be there in ten minutes,” he said already out of the bed and starting to pull his jeans on.

I got out, too, and started to dress as he looked at me.

“I’ve got to go.”

“What’s happened?” I asked.

“I’ll be back later. I just need to go,” he said quickly putting his shoes on and grabbing his wallet and car keys. He slid his phone into his pocket.

“I’ll come with you,” I said, following him to the bedroom door.

He turned back to me.

“For fuck’s sake, Ava, no way. I can’t protect the both of you. Go back to bed.”

I must have looked shocked at his outburst and I almost wondered if this was all a dream as I watched him stride out of the bedroom door. I heard him swear again and then he turned back to me.

“Come on then, let’s go.”

I ran after him, out of the unit and down the stairs as his car flashed unlocked. As soon as I closed my car door, he was skidding in reverse up the driveway.

“Put your belt on,” he demanded as the car came to a sudden halt on the road, and then the wheels squealed as he sped off.

I gripped my seat and watched the streets flash by. He was changing gears like a race car driver and turning corners on two wheels. He was furious at whatever situation he was driving to and obviously because I had come with him.

He went through two amber lights, and I braced myself for impact as he overtook a slow car. We came to a busy intersection, and he was forced to stop at an already red light. He revved the engine, waiting for the light to turn green.

“Is she okay?” I asked quietly.

“No,” he said, plugging his phone into the dashboard. The screen lit up, and he pressed a couple of buttons. A map appeared.

“She never fucking is,” he said, accelerating off as the light turned green.

I swallowed and gripped the door. I looked at the screen and saw a marker on the map, which was moving slightly.

“Is that where we’re going?”

“That’s Janey’s phone,” he said, braking hard and then overtaking onto the wrong side of the road.

I closed my eyes.

He was changing gears again and then slowing down. I heard a soft beeping noise. I opened my eyes and saw that he was driving normally. I turned to him.

“Police,” he announced, driving past them.

“You get a warning?” I asked, as he started to speed up again.

He gave a tormented smile.

“There are some advantages to what I do.”

I looked at the map again.

“So is Janey in trouble?”

He turned a corner sharply and sped down a residential street.

“Yep,” he said turning another corner.

We pulled up at a house that seemed to have a party going on inside. He took the keys out and passed them to me.

“Stay in here,” he demanded. “Do not step foot outside this car.”

I took the keys.

“Promise me.”

“I promise,” I said.

“Lock the car when I get out,” he said opening the door and jumping out.

I locked it and watched him stride into the party.

It wasn’t long before he was leading Janey out of the party and towards the car. She was only in her bra and short skirt with her top scrunched into her hand as she walked across the lawn with bare feet with Zac holding her arm. Her makeup was smudged all over her face, and her hair was a tangled mess. She looked terrible.

I quickly unlocked the car and he got her into the back seat, slamming the door closed. He was then back in the driver’s seat and taking the keys from me and starting the engine. I looked at his hand and saw that it had blood on it. I cringed. What had happened? What did he have to do to get her out?

There was silence in the car as he sped off. He turned the screen off and concentrated on driving. I didn’t know whether to turn around and speak to Janey or not, because she hadn’t made a sound since she had been put in the car.

I looked at Zac and he glanced at me. He gave a slight shake of his head, so I turned to look out the window instead. I wondered what the hell was going on.

We were soon pulling up at a townhouse and parking in the driveway. Zac got out and I didn’t know whether to stay in the car again.

He pulled Janey out and I watched them walk past the car. An automatic porch light turned on, letting me see Janey properly. I took a sharp breath at the sight of her, her eyes unseeing, like I was looking at a vacant and dazed stranger.

He unlocked the front door and then took her inside, leaving the door open and motioning for me to come in. I jumped out and followed them inside, looking around at the large living area and the kitchen over to the right. Zac and Janey disappeared upstairs, and I waited for them as I took in a packet of Zac’s cigarettes on the coffee table and his hoodie hanging over one of the kitchen chairs. It was obviously their place, and as I heard water running, I imagined Janey was having a shower.

I sat down on the couch and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling it out. I had seen another side of Zac’s life that I had no idea about, and I could clearly see that there was something wrong with Janey. I knew he had tried to warn me that night all those weeks ago, telling me that she lived in a different world than me, and now I believed him.

He seemed to be Janey’s knight in shining armor, too. He was managing the only way he knew how, and my heart went out to him.



I found her in the kitchen later, sipping a coffee and smoking a cigarette. She wordlessly passed me her coffee and I took a sip.

“Smoking kills, you know,” I said with amusement.

She smiled and exhaled a stream of smoke.

“It’s all part of the bad girl program I’m on”.

I smiled and felt the strain of the last hour start to fall away from my shoulders. Janey at her worst was usually a force to be reckoned with but tonight she had been different, completely shut down. She was on a downward spiral again and I knew she needed proper help.

I focused on the beautiful girl in front of me. I could see that she had questions, but she wasn’t asking them and I was grateful for it. I didn’t even want to try and explain the complex world of Janey tonight.

I leaned in to her, capturing her lips softly with mine. I needed to lose myself in perfection for a while so I could pretend that everything was okay.


Chapter Thirteen: Temporary




We talked while we watched the sun rise from his bedroom that morning and with every word, every stroke, I fell for him just a little more.

“How many boys have you kissed?”

I blushed.

“Why? Am I terrible kisser?”

“No,” he said kissing me before adding, “I just want to know. There’s some things I can’t find when I hack into people’s lives.”

I pulled back.

“You hacked into my life?”

He gave a slight shrug.

“Maybe a little.”

“What did you find?” I asked in a panic.

He laughed.

“Relax, you’re probably the cleanest person I know. I didn’t find out much.”

“Oh,” I said, lowering my eyes. “I guess clean means boring.”

“I wouldn’t describe you as boring,” he said kissing my neck. “I’ve had a constant hard-on, since the night I met you,” he murmured against my neck. “You’re a pretty fucking perfect package, if you ask me.”

I glowed from his words, my senses reeling as I leaned back and let him continue to kiss my neck. Then the self doubt crept in and the realization that this was all temporary.

“If only that was true,” I whispered to myself with my eyes now closed.

His lips stopped kissing me and he pulled away slightly.

“All those horny douches around you want in, Ava. That first night at the party, they were all eyeing you over with their tongues hanging out. You’re beautiful.”

I looked away from his piercing eyes, truly not believing him. If I was such a perfect package then he would want to keep me forever.

“I know it, everyone knows it. That’s why I tried to stay away. You deserve only the best, not some bottom feeder like me.”

“Don’t say that,” I said emotionally.

“But it doesn’t matter. You’re mine for the month, and then you can go and find your perfect boyfriend,” he said kissing me again. “And get what you deserve.”

The thought sent pain into my heart, and I shut my eyes tight to stop myself from doing something crazy like telling him I wanted more.

“So how many guys have you kissed?” he asked again.

“I’ve kissed two, well, three now with Tyler.”

“Pretty boy,” he said against my lips. “The one who wants in the most.”

I kissed him, not wanting to even think about Tyler.

He looked at me again with his piercing eyes. “Why don’t you speak about your mother?”

I paused at his question, nowhere near expecting it. Then I pulled back. He watched my reaction, his eyes narrowing as he waited.


“She disappeared five years ago.”

“As in…a missing person or disappeared from your life and moved on?” he asked next.

“I don’t know. I was never allowed to talk about it. My father was furious for years and would lose it if I ever mentioned her. I was always told to keep quiet about it all. She didn’t want to be with us, and I had to accept that.”

“You never tried to search for her?”

“I did, but she left with nothing. No phone, no driver’s license or bank cards. I had nothing to find her with. After the first year, the police kind of gave up, and so did my father. He always said that she had these foolish dreams of going to Paris. He suspects that she disappeared over there. It’s one place that I have always wanted to go, just in case it made me closer to her somehow.”

His eyes narrowed once more and he was about to say something else when I kissed him hungrily, wanting to stop the conversation. It hurt to talk about it, and I couldn’t deal with any more questions. She had left an empty chasm in my heart, and it would never heal.

He kissed me back, leaving the conversation alone as his hand slowly made its way over my breast. I leaned in closer to him, needing more.

“Did any of those douches get to second or third base when they kissed you?” he asked.

“No,” I gasped as he tweaked my nipple with his fingers.

“So this body is mine, every first touch, and every bit of pleasure belongs to me,” he breathed into my mouth.

“For three more weeks,” I whispered, trying to pretend that the idea was okay when it wasn’t. I couldn’t fathom how my life would be without him in it and a deep sadness and anxiety settled in my chest.


* * *


I awoke alone, hours later and took the opportunity to sit up in his bed and look around the room. He had a laptop set up on a desk against one wall and a bookshelf against the other with a stack of CDs. Posters of bands were up on the wall and clothes were piled up on a chair near the window. It was a typical guy’s room, and I wondered if he brought girls back here like he did at Noah’s.

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