Emerald Dungeon (8 page)

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Authors: Kathy Kulig

BOOK: Emerald Dungeon
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down in the dungeon for a more intense session.

Heat traveled through her body and her nipples tightened beneath the green

brocade dress. The corset-like bodice pressed her breasts in rounded mounds above the lacy trim. Moving her arms while stroking the harp was restraining not to mention

difficult for breathing.

Under the long skirt, Dana spread her legs and held her harp in the proper position

between them. But without wearing panties, her chemise brushed over her bare pussy,

making her more sensitive and wet each minute. And by the added movement of her

playing, her clit swelled. She wanted Jack’s hand between her legs, touching her slit, rubbing her clit. Her pussy throbbed as she plucked each note in the song.


Kathy Kulig

Jack glanced her way, a slight smile on his lips. Could he tell she was turned on?

Would he do the things to her that Damon did to Shannon? Heat traveled to her face

and she could hardly focus on her performance.

Halfway through the dinner, Shannon sang a solo and Damon played the violin. No

other musical pieces or singers participated. The other entertainers stood and moved to the side of the room.

Jack graciously took Dana’s hand and led her offstage for the performance. While

they were aside he whispered into Dana’s ear. The movements he did in a theatrical

way so that it appeared to the audience his conversation was part of the show. “You’re naked beneath your dress?”

“Yes.” Dana followed his lead for the sake of the audience. They were acting like

two peasants carrying on a little mischief while the lead performers entertained the

Earl’s guests in the castle. Although the guests could not hear the real conversation.

“After the show,” Jack whispered in Dana’s ear, “take that door down to the

dungeon and close it behind you. There’s a sign on it that says ‘No Admittance, Staff Only’. When all the guests have left, I’ll meet you there.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you in the dungeon. It’s safe?” Her pulse was racing now

because many of the guests were nearly finished with their dinner.

“Yes, it’s very safe. No one will disturb us. The others have plans tonight. There’s a turf fire already in the fireplace so you’ll be warm enough.”

“Warm enough for what?” Her voice was shaky and she felt a little afraid.

“A lounger is in front of the fire. Wait there. After you’ve removed your dress and

all your underclothing.” He patted her bottom, then gave it a squeeze.

She gasped, glancing shyly into the crowd. There was a snicker in the audience, and

Dana covered her mouth. Leaning into Jack, she whispered, still trying to play a part and hide her anxiety. “You want me to be completely naked before you come down?”

“Yes. If you’re not naked, then I’ll know you’re not ready for the dungeon scene.”


Emerald Dungeon

“No, I want to do this.”

“Good. Then, my lady, after the banquet, your dungeon awaits.” He took her hand

and led her back to her harp for the final performance of the show.

After the show, Dana waited for the guests and entertainers to leave the hall then

walked down the spiral staircase in her medieval costume. She felt like she’d stepped back in time for a moment, as if she was a maiden sneaking off to meet her knight.

When she entered the dungeon, she smelled the sweet woody scent of a turf fire

blazing in the large fireplace. Even though the room was lit by sconces on the walls, the stones were dark, probably layered with centuries of soot. A straight-backed chair stood by the bottom of the stairs and a lounger was placed in front of the fire. The lounger looked comfortable but the rest of the items scattered around the room looked like

devices straight out of a Dark Ages torture chamber.

The hammock swing with all its chains and straps hung from eye hooks in the

ceiling. Another slanted bench with various pads and straps stood next to the swing. A table contained numerous items like floggers, handcuffs, dildos, condoms, a pitcher of water and a few other things she couldn’t identify. Hanging from a hook on the wall

was one of the black robes. Her body began to shake. Her pulse thrummed in her ears.

This was going to happen.

With shaky hands she unbuttoned her dress and let the bodice slip from her

shoulders. The cool air whisked across her skin and her nipples instantly puckered.

Bare from the waist up, Dana approached the angled bench with the straps. She

knelt on the pads and rested her forearms on the other side of a raised cushion. Ah, now she got it. This was used for either spanking or fucking from behind. Her chest

tightened. Would Jack try fucking her ass? That was not something she was fond of. She could always use the safe word if she didn’t like what he was doing.

Dana was so hot she didn’t care where he fucked her. On this restraining bench, in

the swing or on the lounger by the fire. All of it was a little frightening but she was more turned on than she’d ever been in any other relationship. Her pussy was soaking


Kathy Kulig

and throbbing. In the shower this morning, she’d shaved herself smooth and her tender skin was tingling. On the table she found a set of metal clamps with a chain. Nipple

clamps. Shannon had worn these when she’d interrupted their encounter.

They looked like they would hurt. Picking them up, Dana tried to pinch them onto

her hardened nipples. “Ouch!” she cried out and the clamps dropped onto the table.

She tried again and got one clamped. The pain was sharp but after a moment she got

used to it. She attempted the other, but it kept slipping off.

“You’re not naked,” Jack said from behind her.

Dana yelped and spun around, the nipple clamp dangling from one nipple. “Jack.”

He had his brocade costume draped over his arm and was wearing the white silk shirt

and jeans. The shirt was open at the neck a few buttons. Damn, he looked good. “You


“I guess you’re not ready for the dungeon.” His voice held a tone of

disappointment. “Get dressed. Maybe another time.” He turned and started back up the


“No, Jack, wait. I was distracted by all the devices. I was trying the nipple clamps.

Without much success, I might add.” She laughed, trying to lighten his dark mood. “I

guess I need some instruction.” She let the clamp hang from one nipple as she gazed up into his eyes.

He came back down into the room. “A slave who doesn’t follow her Master’s orders

is asking for punishment,” he said firmly.

“Then I suppose I deserve to be punished.” Her voice was edged with defiance. The

thought of punishment didn’t frighten her at all even though her body was shaking. She hoped he would use the flogger on her again to relieve the ache that inflamed her. “But what if someone had come down here before you did and I was naked?”

“What if they did? Some women like being watched.”

An odd answer, she thought. “I don’t.


Emerald Dungeon

He smiled. “You’re safe here.”

“Yes, you said.” She relaxed a little, glancing around at the other contraptions in the room. “I’m still new at all this. How about you show me how this works? It looks like fun.” She pointed to the slanted bench with the pads and straps.

Pressing his lips together, Jack tensed his jaw. He placed his costume on a straight-

backed chair by the door. Then he moved closer to her, removed the nipple clamp and

tossed the item on the table. Lifting her chin, he gave her a gentle kiss. “This isn’t a game. It’s true a sub or a slave has all the power, even the control of a scene. One word can slow or stop what’s happening at any time.” His lips were a breath away from hers.

The warm, moist heat of his mouth and tongue drifted over to her ear and down her


“I understand that,” she breathed, her eyes closed as she indulged in his touch. His

hands skimmed over her breasts and the pads of his thumbs rubbed her already raw

nipples, which made her clit throb. “Not a game,” she echoed.

His hands moved lower and finished unbuttoning her dress and chemise and let

them drop to the floor in a pile of green brocade while his fingers slid up her thighs and over her hipbones, gliding toward her pussy but not touching her sensitive flesh. God, she wanted him to pleasure her there. She resisted the urge to beg for it. He was the Master and she the sub.

“It’s more like a dance when two people try to lead. You’re tugging each other in

different directions on the dance floor. When one person leads, and you both hear the beat of the music, the dance is like magic. Does that make sense to you?” He drew her close and she felt the warmth of his hard body through his shirt.

“Yes.” One arm held her possessively against him as his other hand worked her

pussy. “That feels good.” Dana arched her back and wriggled her hips.

Then he slipped a finger deep into her cunt. She gasped as a jolt of intense pleasure shot through her. “You want more?”

“Yes, more, Master.”


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His thumb circled her clit and her knees buckled. If he kept moving his hand and

finger in just that rhythm, she could come. “That’s incredible.”

“Your clit is swollen and your pussy dripping. I bet I could make you come like

this. Am I right?”

“Yes.” She gripped his shoulders to keep from falling.

“Am I your Master?”

“Yes.” She rocked on his hand, fucking his finger. When she moved just right, he’d

hit her G-spot at the same time. “Please, Master, let me come.”

To her disappointment, he withdrew his finger from her cunt and slowed the

stimulation of her clit. “Not without my permission. As your Master, I control your

pleasure. I’ll tell you when you can come. When you do get close to an orgasm you tell me the word, edge. I’ll know to slow down, or give you more, depending on my


She nodded as the peak of her orgasm faded. Damn it, she’d been so close.

“We’ll go at this slowly.”

“I don’t know if I can go slowly,” Dana argued. “What if I were to come without

your permission?”

“Your punishment would be more severe.” He turned to the slanted bench. “You

need a bit of punishment for not following my order before.” He stroked her buttocks in a gentle caress. Was he trying to let her know he wasn’t cruel with his gentle touch? His words were firm and they made her pulse kick up a few beats. She longed for the

punishment almost as much as she ached for the release of an orgasm.

What was wrong with her?
Was this normal?

“Yes, Master. I need to know.” Her voice almost broke with emotion. She took a

breath and tried to relax. But how could she if she was naked and he wasn’t? Her bare pussy was getting more soaked by the minute.


Emerald Dungeon

“Need to know what, slave?” A grin twitched at the corner of his mouth. His hand

brushed her hair back so tenderly her throat tightened.

She swallowed. “To see if I can feel the intense passion that Shannon seemed to feel

while she was in that swing.”

He smiled. “I think you will. If you trust me. But you’ll need to communicate your

needs during and after a scene. If I’m about to do something you’re not sure about or you can’t handle, use the safe words to slow or stop.”

“I’ll remember. ‘Butter’ to stop. And ‘slow’ to slow things down.”

“Tell me when you like what I’m doing too.”

She glanced over toward the stairs leading to the great room but she didn’t mention

her hesitation.

“We won’t be disturbed here.”

She wasn’t so sure but she wasn’t about to argue with him. She wanted him so

badly she didn’t care anymore if someone did come down those stairs. Her body was

on fire, and she wanted him now. “Thank you, Master.”

“Clasp your hands behind your back.” She did and watched as Jack unbuttoned his

shirt, yanked it off and tossed it on the chair. Then he stroked her breasts in a gentle, sensuous manner, pinching the nipples between thumb and forefinger tighter and

tighter until she yelped in pain. “You’ll handle the clamps quite well.”

Although he’d told her to keep her hands behind her back, she wanted to roam

them over his magnificent chest, down his stomach and take his thick cock in her hand.

But she’d submit to him, learn the ways of a submissive because by doing so she might reach that state of ecstasy that Shannon had. More than that, she wanted to please him, wanted to give over the control.

Jack’s mouth captured a nipple and tugged on it, and his teeth scraped across the

tender skin. He worked the other nipple in the same way until they both were raw and

puckered. “Feel good?”


Kathy Kulig

“Yes, very.”

He stepped over to the table and picked up the nipple clamps and approached her.

“I’m going to clamp your nipples now.” Dana bit her lower lip, anticipating the pain.

As he tightened the clamp, the pain increased but she tried to work through it. The pain became excruciating but at the same time a jolt of pleasure shot to her pussy. She closed her eyes and moaned, part from the pain and part from the pleasure.

Then the pressure eased up a bit. “Brave girl,” he said with a short laugh. “You’re

not telling me when you’re feeling too much pain. But fortunately, you have very

expressive eyes. Is that better?” He adjusted both clamps until there was pressure and a slight amount of discomfort but the kind that was pleasurable.

“Better, yes.”

She knelt on the slant bench, and Jack strapped her forearms and ankles down. Her

upper body rested lower on a padded board so her ass was elevated.

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