Emerald of the Elves (43 page)

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Authors: Richard S. Tuttle

Tags: #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Young Adult

BOOK: Emerald of the Elves
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“Well, it would have been nice to capture all of them,” sighed Bin-lu.

“We will in time,” promised Colonel Nolan. “I have another job for you.”

“What is it?” inquired Bin-lu.

“The elves of Elderal have been invaded by Black Devils and Dark Riders,” explained the colonel. “That just happens to be where King Arik must go when he finds the Book of Things. I do not think that this is a coincidence.”

“I would doubt it,” agreed Bin-lu.

“We need to get Sarac’s people out of Elderal,” continued the colonel. “We can send the Red Swords out and do battle with them, but that may be exactly what they want us to do. That would leave Tagaret at risk.”

“What else can we do?” questioned Bin-lu. “We cannot afford to let them get near Arik.”

“What Prince Oscar and General Gregor have decided to do,” explained Zackary, “is to lure Sarac’s men away. That is where you come in. We have a Black Devil in Tagaret who has decided to help King Arik. He has been giving us the names of Sarac’s agents in the city. He delivered three such names this morning. Normally, we go out and arrest them, but we did not today.”

“Why not?” asked Bin-lu.

“Because you are going to leak important information to them,” grinned the colonel. “You are going to let it slip that the Rangers are marching to attack Sarac. We are convinced that Sarac will pull his people out of Elderal to intercept the Rangers.”

“And I am supposed to pass this information to Black Devils?” asked Bin-lu. “Why would they trust my word? They do not know me.”

“It is true that you are unknown to them,” agreed Colonel Nolan, “but I think we have a believable story set up for you. We arrested two Black Devils yesterday. You will try to convince the three Black Devils that you were entrusted with vital information by one of the men we arrested. Your story will be that you were with one of the men when he was about to be arrested. He gave you the name of the man you are going to talk to. He also gave you the message to pass along. You will state that the message needs to get to Sarac. Can you do that?”

“I can do that,” nodded Bin-lu. “I have to tell you that if I were on the receiving end of this scheme, I would be extremely critical of it.”

“I suspect that you would be,” nodded Zackary. “Still the story must be passed to them. Make it as believable as you can.”

“Won’t the Black Devils in the city realize that I am just passing off a false story?” asked Bin-lu. “Surely they would be able to detect troop movements. Won’t they suspect something when the Rangers are still in the city?”

“No,” replied Colonel Nolan, “because all one thousand Rangers will be seen leaving the city. I am sure that Sarac will attempt to track their movements, but General Gregor has worked out a plan to confuse them. Basically, one thousand Rangers are going to disappear.”

Chapter 27
Knights of Alcea

The northern gates of Trekum were wide open. A steady stream of warriors converged from roads, trails, and out of the forest, all angling to enter through the gates. The warriors wore the colors of various rogue armies and mercenary companies, their territorial differences apparently cast aside. The Rangers merged cautiously into the flow heading for the gates. The gathering warriors paid no particular attention to the Rangers with the exception of some curious stares when it was noticed that a dwarf was among the riders. Even those stares were cursory. The warriors were gathering to fight a massive battle in which many would die. Even a dwarf would be warmly welcomed in Trekum this day.

Inside the walls of the city, shouts of recognition rang through the air as various warriors encountered long time friends or foes. There was no animosity shown for past differences, only friendly taunts and cries of welcome. The hammering of smith shops rang clear from every quarter of the ancient capital of Sordoa. The streets were crowded and people bustled about in steady streams. Everywhere the Rangers looked, clusters of men stood talking, discussing past battles and new armor. As the Rangers moved towards the center of the city, the topic of conversation seemed to be centered on the advancing army of Emperor Hanchi and estimates of its strength. On one corner men were loudly wagering their gold, betting on when the Lanoirian army would appear outside the walls of Trekum.

Outside the old Royal Palace of Sordoa, a massive crowd gathered. The gates to the Royal Palace stood open, and its courtyard was filled with military leaders waiting to speak with General Mobami. The Rangers rode silently by the Royal Palace. They eased out of the massive throngs of people traversing the streets and into an alley leading towards the Continental Shipping Company. Alex knocked distinctively on the door to the warehouse, and the door opened promptly. Alex smiled as he saw the surprised look on Eddie’s face. He dismounted and led the Rangers inside.

“Don’t tell me that you have come to fight the Lanoirians?” asked Eddie as the Rangers led their mounts into the warehouse.

“This is not our fight,” Alex shook his head, “although any warrior could feel the camaraderie in the air of doomed fighters ready to stand fast before an overwhelming army. I am impressed with the number of men that have heeded General Mobami’s call to defend Trekum.”

“It is more than the defense of Trekum to these people,” responded Eddie. “They are fighting for all of Sordoa, perhaps all of the world. Trekum is just the place that has been chosen for the confrontation.”

“There is some truth in that feeling,” nodded Alex. “Emperor Hanchi’s drive to the north has been expected for some time. There is no human army in the world that can easily oppose him.”

Eddie nodded and asked, “What does bring you to Trekum?”

“We are looking for a ship to take us to Tagaret,” replied Alex. “Can you accommodate us?”

“We will do whatever is required for the king of Alcea,” smiled Eddie as he bowed to Arik. “We do not have any ships in port at the moment, though. We have been ferrying men and supplies into Trekum from all over Sordoa. I expect a ship in at any time, though.”

“So you have developed a relationship with General Mobami then?” asked Arik.

“Oh, yes,” nodded Eddie. “I must say that the approaching Lanoirians has changed his attitude a great deal. These days, he acts more like a monarch than the general of one of the rogue armies. He has appealed to old enemies for help, and they have responded with a steady stream of warriors. I doubt that there is an army in Sordoa that has not already started heading towards Trekum. The battle here will be decisive.”

“What are the odds of recruiting these men to fight for Alcea?” asked Arik.

“Right now,” frowned Eddie, “I do not think they would respond. Sordoa has been their home. Many would see Alcea as their old enemy, Targa. Perhaps after Sordoa falls before Emperor Hanchi, but not until then.”

“Any news from home?” asked Alex.

“Some interesting items,” nodded Eddie. “It was discovered that the assassins were using the sewers to get into the Royal Palace. A nest of them was eliminated and the sewers were fortified to prohibit their use as a clandestine entry point.”

“Good,” nodded Alex. “That is one less avenue open to Sarac’s henchmen.”

“There is something more worrisome if King Arik is destined for Elderal,” frowned Eddie. “Thousands of Black Devils and Dark Riders have converged on Elderal. General Gregor is trying to lure them away towards the Boulder Mountains using the Rangers as bait.”

“So Sarac does know where we are heading?” mused Tanya. “I suspected as much.”

“My heart skipped a beat when you said Rangers,” frowned Arik. “Perhaps we need to call our own small group something different now that the Alcea Rangers have truly reformed.”

“I think that is wise,” nodded Jenneva. “I thought of Tedi, Wylan, and Bin-lu when Eddie said that.”

“Not to mention Niki and Fredrik,” added Tanya.

“Prince Oscar spoke about a different group when I saw him last,” interjected King Arik. “When he left Tagaret after the Collapse, he asked General Gregor to create a group when I was found. I think the name he spoke of is a grand name for our little group.”

“What is the name?” asked Alex.

“The Knights of Alcea,” smiled Arik. “I think it fits us well.”

“You are the king,” grinned Tanya. “I like the name.”

“Then that is who we shall be,” decided King Arik. “From now on, we shall be the Knights of Alcea.”

“General Gregor is actually taking the Rangers out of Tagaret?” Alex asked as he turned the conversation back to his concern. “I would think that the group in Elderal are the garrison from Toresh. Even the Rangers will not fare well against them.”

“I do not know the details,” admitted Eddie, “but I do not think the Rangers are meant to engage Sarac’s people. I think they are meant strictly as a lure to get Sarac’s people away from Elderal so that King Arik could get there safely.”

“Then we should be swift in our return to Tagaret,” declared Jenneva. “That is one group that we need to keep Arik away from if possible. I have seen the effect of just a hundred Black Devils focused on a single person. My mother, Kirsta, died in that battle. Egam almost died as well. Perhaps, we should use our unicorns over the sea to return to Tagaret?”

“It worked for me,” shrugged Alex, “but that was only for a short trip. I suspect that we could do it if we avoided places like the Pebble Islands. Prince Darok would have to double up with somebody.”

“Will you be alright here, Eddie?” asked Arik. “I mean after Emperor Hanchi invades.”

“I think so,” nodded Eddie. “He seems amenable to merchants and shipping companies. Besides, General Mobami has close to thirty thousand men here. It will not be an easy battle for the Lanoirians. There is time yet before the Emperor enters Trekum.”

* * *

It was in the dark of night when the Knights of Alcea glided onto the wharfs of Tagaret. The Alcea soldiers posted there were alert and immediately ringed the group despite their wonderment of the unusual approach.

“It’s King Arik!” exclaimed one of the soldiers.

“Quiet,” scolded another soldier. “There is no need to announce his arrival to the world. Welcome home, Your Highness.”

“Thank you,” smiled Arik. “We must make haste towards the Royal Palace. Are there any problems within the city that I should be aware of?”

“No problems that we have heard of,” answered the soldier. “We would be pleased to provide you with an honor guard.”

Arik was about to refuse because he thought it was important to maintain a vigil on the wharfs, but Tanya interrupted him.

“I think the king would be most pleased,” she smiled. “It was impressive to have observed your vigil here tonight. Can the men be spared for an honor guard?”

“Only half of us will leave,” nodded the soldier. “And we shall return promptly.”

“Then let us be off,” nodded King Arik.

“That was very diplomatic,” Jenneva whispered to Tanya as the honor guard led the Knights to the Royal Palace. “You seem to be able to anticipate what Arik will say. Is it a magic spell that you have kept hidden?”

“No,” giggled Tanya. “I think I just understand him well. I know how he thinks now.”

“Amazing,” Jenneva smiled. “You never cease to amaze me.”

The Red Swords saw the approaching group and recognized the king. Runners were sent through the Royal Palace, and Red Swords swelled in the courtyard. When the Knights of Alcea entered the Royal Palace, General Gregor, Colonel Nolan, and Bin-lu stood ready to receive them.

“Welcome home, Your Highness,” bowed General Gregor. “There are some things that you need to be made aware of.”

“I have heard about the sewers and Sarac’s people around Elderal,” responded Arik. “Were the Rangers successful at luring Sarac’s men away?”

The general’s eyebrows rose in surprise, but he smiled. “So far they have been successful,” nodded the general. “I would suggest a swift visit to the Elderal. Sooner or later, Sarac will determine that he has been tricked. The Rangers are scaling the Boulder Mountains. Sarac has been led to believe that an attack of Sarac’s castle is the objective. We can keep them guessing with the Rangers. They have a great ability to disappear in the mountains, but the thousand horses are another problem. If Sarac’s people are smart, they will keep an eye on the horses and figure out the ruse.”

“What will happen when the skies clear?” asked Prince Darok. “Remember the attack at Dorgun? You will be in great danger, Garala. I suspect that Sarac’s people will converge on the source of the Sword of Heavens. Let me summon the legions of dwarves that have pledged to you. We shall create a shield around you that Sarac’s people will find hard to penetrate.”

“There is little time for them to travel such a distance,” Arik shook his head. “I think once the Emerald of the Elves is restored to the Sword of Heavens, Sarac’s minions will not care to bother the elves. They will be after me.”

“That is not a source of encouragement,” interjected Zackary. “I would prefer that they pursued the elves. Perhaps we should send the Red Swords with you?”

“I do not seek a battle with Sarac’s people yet,” Arik shook his head. “When our armies do meet, I want it on ground that we control, not some forest that is unfamiliar to me.”

“What do you propose?” Alex asked as his face betrayed his admiration for Arik’s thinking.

“When the Darkness rolls away,” explained Arik, “It cannot be that easy to pinpoint the center of the clearing. Oh, they will have an approximate idea of the direction that they must travel to get to me, but not precisely.”

“That is true,” agreed Jenneva. “If they are up near the Boulder Mountains, they will know that they need to head south, but not necessarily how far.”

“Correct,” grinned Arik. “What I want to do is this. I want the people of Mya to be moved to Klandon. This needs to be done quickly. They need not take any belongings. Just remove the people from harm’s way.”

“How will you get Sarac’s people to head for Mya?” asked Tanya.

“Prince Oscar will make an announcement here two days after tomorrow,” declared King Arik. “He will announce that King Arik is about to banish the Darkness from Alcea. He will let it be known that this will happen at Mya. Have it be a grand announcement, so festive that even the rats will know the time to expect the clearing.”

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