Emergence: Return of Magic book 1 (12 page)

BOOK: Emergence: Return of Magic book 1
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17 – Katie

Katie started to wonder if she’d made a big mistake. 
John still hadn’t gotten over his jealous streak, and it was starting to really
bug her.  The fact was, that men were going to check her out, often, and
he either needed to get over that fact, or she needed to move on.  She
didn’t mind a little possessiveness, that was normal, and meant he cared and
wanted her safe, but intense jealousy she wouldn’t deal with, it was poison.

The worst part was he’d been so confident, loving, and
giving up until now.  She couldn’t reconcile the insecure jealousy with
the man she’d slept with, but more than that, the man she’d known for
years.  She shook off her thoughts.

They’d stopped for the evening already, and Nim had informed
her that they’d meet up with Kurien, Brianthenia, and Arielle sometime late
morning tomorrow.  That would double the people they were travelling with,
and she thought the second half of their trip would go much faster.  There
wasn’t a huge urgency in what she felt in the balance, she still had time, but
something had changed, and recently.  Of course, she had no idea what, a
direction and vague feelings were singularly… unhelpful.  She cut off that
train of thought, not even wanting to complain to herself, she’d already
decided to do this, no point in dragging ass or grumbling about it.

If anything, it had given her a new lease on life. 
Back on the farm she’d been depressed, and quite literally waiting to
die.  She never wanted to feel that way again, melancholy and hopeless,
and she didn’t believe she would ever have to.

She suddenly got angry, and stalked off into the wooded area
next to the road, it was either that, or confront him, and she wanted to give
him time to work through it.  It had occurred to her that maybe he just
never felt about anyone else the way he felt about her.  It was her hope
anyway, because if he couldn’t get a handle on it.

“Where are you going?” John asked in a loud voice, tinged
with annoyance.  The cursing was implied in the tone and immediately made
her bristle.  With some effort she kept going.

In the deep recesses of her mind she intoned, “

and kept walking.  She’d discovered random thoughts, even angry thoughts,
wouldn’t set off her magic, but if she took the mindset of intended speech, she
didn’t actually have to speak aloud to cast.  If that made any
sense.  She was also doing better at focusing her magic, the last farm
she’d cleansed had left half the magic in the staff, so wasting a small trickle
to… conceal her presence, wouldn’t harm anything.

In the stories, Merlin had always been alone.  She
wondered, if that would be her fate as well.  The idea didn’t make her
happy, she wasn’t a sex addict or anything, but she was a healthy
twenty-year-old woman who quite enjoyed it.  And the idea of… meaningless
hookups to scratch that very natural itch didn’t appeal to her at all. 
She wanted… more.  She wanted John.

Goddess, she was an idiot.

She found a small clearing, and laid down on her back, and
stared up at the stars.  It was a clear night, and light pollution was
non-existent these days.  She wondered for a moment where the aliens had
come from, and if their star was even visible from Earth.  She cut her
spell before it drained her resources any further, although it was still close
to half, the spell hardly took any magic.

It really was a beautiful sight, and she wondered what else
was out there.

She heard footsteps, and frowned when she felt John’s
signature in the magic, but he didn’t say anything, he lied down next to her,
and took her hand silently.  She was considering pulling away when he
spoke softly.

“I’m sorry.  I’ve never felt anything like I feel for
you.  I suppose my mind interpreted your lack of… ire as encouragement, or
acceptance of his regard.  A part of me thought you must’ve enjoyed
it.  I’ve never felt that jealous before, it was eating me up and I
couldn’t think straight.”

She asked curiously, “So you figured out that me acting like
a bitch to every guy that looks at me would be utterly exhausting.”

He chuckled, “Not exactly.  Nim read me the riot act as
soon as you left.  So I suppose it was her that made me realize you acting
like a cast iron bitch to everyone that hit on you would be exhausting.”

She giggled as relief swept over her, “She did?”

He snickered, “Oh yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if half my
ass was missing.  You’re mine, but only because you choose to be, and I
think I can keep that in mind from now on.”

She sighed, and rolled up on top of him, straddling
him.  She smiled and leaned down and kissed him passionately.

She whispered, “Don’t forget you belong to me as well,” and
ground her body against his quickly hardening manhood.

His strong arms went around her, she felt safe there again,
something she’d feared she’d lost.  Passion rose in her chest, and her
center warmed and tingled as he devoured her with a kiss.  She reached
down and unbuttoned his pants, took down his zipper and fished his manhood out,
she stroked it firmly, twice, and squeezed when he growled into her mouth.

She pushed off his chest, and stood, pushing her own pants
off, followed quickly by her panties.  She was overcome by lust, and the
need of him.  Her body was flushed with heat and desire.  She knelt
down in spontaneous need, and licked the gleaming bead off of his swollen
tip.  She moaned softly at his taste, and stretched her mouth around him,
and took him inside. 

He groaned in pleasure, and she looked up at him through her
eyelashes, and reveled in her wanton act of devotion, that perversely filled
her with a sense of power and control, as she took him to the back of her
throat.  She raised her head up and smiled alluringly, and then crawled up
his body.  She felt… possessed, and out of control, surrendering to her
body’s needs and desires as she straddled his center, and lowered herself down
on him, slowly, taking him into her inch by deliberate inch, she lost herself
in his intense gaze as their eyes locked.

She ground down when he was fully encased in her warm moist
center, she felt so stretched and full.  She pushed against his chest and
moved her body straight and arched her back.  She looked down at him with
a sexy smile, and stripped her shirt over her head, and then reached behind
herself to release her breasts, as she wantonly ground herself in circles on
his invading pleasure while she arched her back, and reached down behind her to
caress and tease his balls.

“Goddess, you feel so good in me Tony.”

She leaned forward, and dangled her breasts temptingly in
his face, and gasped as he took a nipple into his warm mouth, and bathed the
tip with his hot, wet, and rough tongue.  Shocks of pleasure ran from her
nipple down to her heat, moistening her further as the pleasure radiating
through her body rose further.  She ground down again, and bore down on
him with the silken pleasure of her walls, hugging his sex tightly within hers.

“Katie, you are so beautiful, you drive me crazy.”

She gasped as he ran his hands down her side firmly, and
then reached around and squeezed her ass.  She started to move faster,
rocking her hips up and down his length, fast, and hard, as she bore down and
made it nice and tight for him.  He was so big, and she gasped as he hit
all the right spots, and she didn’t stop.  She felt possessed, she needed
him to fill her, explode inside her, just the thought of him filling her set
her off as he bit down on her nipple and kneaded her ass cheeks firmly with his

The tight coil in her center broke, and blissful ecstasy
rocked her body, and blew through her mind like a tornado hitting the
ground.  She collapsed forward, and she barely felt his hands squeeze and
hold her ass, as he started to plunder her hard and fast from below, as her
moist heat fluttered, squeezed, and milked him hard for his seed as his
demanding assault extended her pleasure, and she felt her core start to coil
quickly once again.

She gasped when she felt him start to expand, stretching her
grasping sex even further.

“Yes… fill me my love,” she said in gasping breaths, and
when she felt him shoot inside of her, she rolled into another more intense
orgasm.  She could barely move or think as the rapturous pleasure
overwhelmed her body and mind.  She trembled and squeezed him, as his body
pushed up into hers hard, while continuing to fill her with his liquid

When they came down from the heights of pleasure, they were
both breathing hard, and she claimed a soft loving kiss.

He said in an out of breath voice, “I love you, and I love
makeup sex.  I had no idea you were such a wild thing.”

She laughed, “You ass,” and then said softly, “I love you
too,” and did some more of that kissing, she wasn’t done with him yet.

They kissed softly, teasingly, and sometimes passionately,
as their hands roamed each other, and in hardly any time at all she could feel
him growing again, within her sex.  They went slower this time, and made
love under the stars, before returning to the camp and their tent.  She
felt sated, and very content, as she snuggled into his side and waited for
sleep to claim her.

She really needed to find a way to thank Nim…


The next morning after breakfast they broke down their camp
and mounted up.  It was a little overcast and she felt the humidity
rising, and wondered if they were in for a big storm.  She could see some
dark thunderheads to the north, but the wind seemed to be driving the clouds
east, for now.  They’d only gone a mile or two, when it started to rain.

It wasn’t much of a relief from the heat, the air was too damp
for that, and she was tempted to figure out a spell for comfort, but realized
that would be a waste of magic.  She needed to conserve and only use it
when necessary.

John fell back a little, “How are you this fine morning.”

The first thing that popped in her mind was pleasantly sore,
and she was.  It was the good kind of sore that reminded her of the
pleasure they’d shared last night.  The second thing of course, was the
miserable weather, something she’d need to get used to, no air conditioned cars
with wipers anymore.  She didn’t want to swell his head, or complain, so
she fell back on joking sarcasm.

She smiled, “Great, it’s a beautiful day.”

Nim laughed, “Try that again.”

She laughed, “Great!  It’s a beautiful day!”

John snickered, “I almost believed you that time.  It
could be worse.”

She nodded, at least it wasn’t cold.  She imagined she
was a sight, even the goddess had frizzy hair this morning.  She turned to

“You said something about transport spells?”

Nim chuckled, “It won’t help you to learn one yet, unless
you want to go back home, since you can’t move anywhere you haven’t been,
unless there’s a gateway.  Just like people, a place has a certain… feel
to it.  You’ll be able to move anywhere you’ve been, but only since the
magic reemerged.  So even if you travelled all over in the past, it
doesn’t count.”

John asked, “Gateway?”

Nim nodded, “Sure, there’s one where we’re going actually,
or close by it.  There’s one in Europe as well as the far east, a couple
in the southern hemisphere as well, so when you need to go there…”

She nodded thoughtfully, she hadn’t given it much thought,
but it made sense that the balance had no respect for borders, nationalities,
or continents.  At least she wouldn’t need to take a sail boat for her
first trip, she couldn’t even imagine…

“So is there anything we need to know about… elven or dragon
culture?  I don’t want to offend them by… offering to shake hands or

Nim smiled and looked thoughtful, “They have their own
rituals and conventions, but they aren’t that easy to offend.  Just don’t
ask a dragon for a ride under any circumstances, respect nature for the elves,
and you should be fine.  They don’t go for titles very often, but respect
is important.  Come to think of it, that used to be one of the major
issues, the human nobility got all bent out of shape when the elves called them
by name.  Elves are more direct, respect is respect, a title is, or at
least can be empty of respect when spoken in their view.  Even Sianne,
queen of the elves, is addressed by first name.”

The rain started to come down a little harder, and it got a
little windy, they also couldn’t see much farther than fifty feet or so. 
The continued on in silence for a while, and Katie was thoughtful.  She
was excited of course, and a little nervous, and she felt like a drowned
rat.  This wasn’t how she expected her first meeting with the other races
of Earth to go.

She did her best not to block out anything she felt through
the magic, with their limited sight she figured they could walk right past
them.  It was coming up to noon when she felt them in the magic. 
They felt completely different from humans, they were a part of the magic,
connected to it more intimately than humans were.  If a human were a rock
in the stream, where magic flowed around them, Elves and dragons were like… she
struggled with idea.  They were porous, the water would flow through them,
but she couldn’t think of a good analogy for it, not in that moment.

She called ahead when she realized John out on point had no
idea they would need to stop now, “John, we’re here,” and she turned her horse
off the road, and onto the field toward the signatures she felt.

They moved into the trees, and she studied the magic going
on there.  It seemed they’d created some kind of canopy with the trees to
keep dry.  She used a little magic to dry, clean, and fix herself, then
did the same for John when she saw his sour look.  She felt… good and not
sticky for the first time in hours.  Of course, Nim handled herself, and
she felt better about meeting them now.

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