Emperor of a Dead World (6 page)

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Authors: Kevin Butler

BOOK: Emperor of a Dead World
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“Sorry,” Tyrone laughed.

“Anyway,” Brad said as he brushed himself off. “I didn’t get far. I just wanted to check on an old friend.”

“Old friend or young girl,” Tyrone grinned.

“Ex-girlfriend,” Brad shrugged. “My mother really liked her so I drove by her house.”

“You checked on her for your mother,” Tyrone chuckled.

Brad sighed and turned away, “How about a beer?”

“You should have picked some up when you were out.”

“I would have if you had come with me.”

“Next time I will,” Tyrone said. “I promise.” He turned off the water then threw down the hose and headed inside.

“I will hold you to that promise,” Brad said as he followed him.

Tyrone went straight to the refrigerator, grabbed two beers and tossed one to Brad.

“Thanks and now for that promise. I want to try again tomorrow. I hope to get a little further every day.”

“You sure cashed in that chip in a hurry.”

“I didn’t want to give you any time to renege.”

“I won’t renege. I started thinking about what I would do if you didn’t come back. Then I started thinking, if you didn’t come back it might be because something happened to you. Then I started thinking if something happened to you it would be my fault for not being there to watch your back. Then I started thinking it was easier to go along than it was to sit around with all this guilt.”

“I am glad you changed your mind,” Brad laughed, “and thank you. I appreciate the thought.”

“So, where are we heading tomorrow?”

“Your choice,” Brad shrugged.

“How about Seven-Eleven,” Tyrone laughed.

“Just take it easy on the brew,” Brad stated seriously. “I won’t lie. It is dangerous out there.”

“I think I can handle myself.”

“I am sure you can.”

“You still set on going to the Capital?


“How are you planning on doing that?”

“I need more people. There is safety in numbers.”

“I knew there was a method to your madness. You plan to build an army. We can call it Brad’s conquest of California.”

“Call it what you like.”

“Did you ever read Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul?”

“I never took you for a reader Tyrone.”

“I love stories of ancient Rome. I just finished one about the Emperor Julian. You should read it.”

“Maybe I will.”

“It truly must have been a glorious time to live.”

“It was cruel and barbaric.”

“No not really. They were a cultured people. Besides, we are now living in a time more barbaric than ever.”

“You are right about that Tyrone. I also agree that this is a war and I don’t intend on losing.” He finished his beer and put the can in the recycle bin.

“You really are determined to save the world,” Tyrone chuckled.

“Someone has to do it. Now get some rest soldier. I want an early start tomorrow because I don’t want to be out after dark. It is safer if you can see them coming.”

“Aye, Aye captain,” Tyrone saluted.

“That doesn’t sound very Roman to me.”

“Alright, Hail Caesar. Does that work for you?”

“It does as long as you are referring to the man and not the monkey.”

“Both were great leaders.”

“But only one was real.”

“If you think about it this is kind of like Planet of the Apes. We are normal men and those things out there, whatever they are, rule the world.”

Brad shook his head. “Not if I have anything to say about it. I will see you in the Morning.”

“Your troop will be ready and waiting.”

“If I only have one troop I could not think of a better man to have. Good night.”





Chapter 6



The next morning Brad went outside and saw Tyrone throwing something into the bed of the truck.

“What was that,” he asked.

“You brought home a souvenir last night. We need to check carefully every time before we pull in the front gate.”

Brad looked in the back. “Are you sure that is the only one?”

Tyrone shook his head then reached in and blew the horn twice. “That should bring out any others. Just keep watch as we drive down the street. These things don’t usually travel too far so if there are any more we should see them.”

“That sounds good to me. Are you ready to go?”

Tyrone nodded and got in the passenger side.

Brad backed down the driveway and headed out. At the gate, they saw another creature so Tyrone jumped out and clocked the thing then tossed it in the back.

“Hopefully there are no more but we had better be alert,” he said as he got in the truck.

“I have never been sure we got them all to begin with,” Brad replied.

Once outside the gate Tyrone chucked the bodies into the bushes.

“If there is nowhere you would like to go I have some football buddies nearby I would like to check on.”

“No problem. Just keep in mind what you may have to do to your friends if you find them.”

“I hadn’t thought about that but I need to check on them anyway.”

Brad would avoid destroying his friends but he would do what he had to do to survive. When he turned down the street to his friend’s house, the creatures were everywhere. Deciding it would be foolish to continue he made a quick U-turn then headed to his next destination. Unfortunately, they had no luck here or at any of his other friend’s houses. After spending the morning in fruitless search for allies, they decided to have lunch and pulled into the parking lot of a supermarket.

Brad got out and put on his trench coat. “You really should get one of these. It sure helps when you don’t feel like fighting.”

“I always feel like fighting,” Tyrone smirked as he stepped through the broken window of the store with Brad behind him.

There was a lot of broken glass and the place had already been gone over but at least they found no infected inside. Feeling relatively safe, they strolled around eating anything that looked half-decent. When he got to the freezer, Tyrone opened the door but the power was off and everything was defrosted and spoiling. In frustration, he kicked the freezer then grabbed a gallon of ice cream and took a drink.

“How is it,” Brad asked with a disgusted look.

“Sucks,” Tyrone replied as he threw it on the floor.

“Let’s just take whatever appears good,” Brad said as he looked around. “We should probably grab some peroxide, bandages and a few other medical supplies.”

“You a boy scout?”

“A long time ago,” Brad sighed.

By the time they loaded up the supplies they had attracted a few intruders. They ignored them and drove away.

For almost month, they continued their search to no avail and Tyrone kept saying they were wasting their time. Even if people did see them, they probably hid from fear. Brad was also getting ready to throw in the towel but he realized there was no point in living if he did not keep trying. If people were out there, he had to help them.

After collecting enough supplies to last a few days, they headed for home. They always tried to get back before dark but the days were getting shorter and many times the sun had set before they made it. At first, Brad did not turn on the lights because it attracted the creatures but now he no longer cared.

“There’s one,” Tyrone said almost with boredom.

Brad swerved to hit it.

“There’s another,” Tyrone yawned.

Brad hit this one as well.

When they got to the estate, one was standing out front. Tyrone grabbed the 9 mm then stuck his arm out the window and took aim. Before he could pull the trigger, the thing ran.

“What the hell,” he exclaimed. “I never saw um do that before.”

Brad turned on the fog lights and lit the place up. “Over there,” he pointed, “In the bushes.”

Tyrone hopped out and prepared to fire.

“Don’t shoot,” the thing cried.

Tyrone gasped then jumped in the truck and locked the door. “Run the damn thing over.”

“Hold on,” Brad said. “Who are you,” he called.

The thing stood and held his hands up. “Names Rudy,” he replied.

Tyrone just sat with his mouth hanging open staring at Brad.

“Come over here,” demanded Brad.

Rudy stepped into the light in front of the truck. He was a short pudgy Hispanic man in his late twenties wearing an old tattered coat covered in muck. Like Brad, he had learned how to disguise himself so he could walk amongst the creatures.

“Shit, I almost shot that sucker,” Tyrone declared.

Brad glanced at Tyrone and said, “I know how he feels. You almost killed me the first time you saw me with my coat on.”

“No,” Tyrone argued. “You are the one that shot at me.”

“Only because you were going to hit me with that big stupid crowbar,” Brad retorted.

“What did you expect? You were dressed like a creature,” Tyrone fired back.

“Excuse me, guys,” Rudy called.

Brad turned back to Rudy and noticed a couple of others. “Are you with friends?”

“No,” Rudy nervously replied as he watched the newcomers.

“Then you better jump in the back of the truck.”

Rudy ran over and hopped in the bed as Brad typed in his code. When the gate opened, Brad punched the gas and sped through the opening. Once inside, Tyrone got out, looked closely at Rudy then pulverized the three that had followed them in before the gate closed. Of course, each time before he took a swing he shouted, “Speak now or rest in peace.” When he turned around, Brad was holding a gun on Rudy.

“Get out.”

Rudy got out.

“Are you with anyone? Do you have any friends?

“No. No I do not.”

“Are you infected?”


“How the hell do you know that,” asked Tyrone as he walked up.

Rudy stepped back and shrugged nervously. Tyrone was intimidating.

“Don’t move,” Brad demanded as he stared at Rudy.

“Take it easy man. I am cool.”

Brad turned to Tyrone. “Keep an eye on him.” He got in the truck, turned it around and pointed the floodlights toward the gate. He then got out, walked forward and closely inspected anything that moved. Soon the driveway filled with creatures. “Kill the lights,” he shouted as he walked back to the others.

Tyrone reached in and hit the switch. The place fell into darkness.

“How did you find us?” Brad demanded as he approached Rudy.

“I have been searching for you for a while.”

“What do you mean?”

“I saw your truck about a week ago. I could not believe it. Someone else had actually survived. Every day I walked around hoping to see you again. It was hard to find you and very dangerous.”

Brad exchanged glances with Tyrone.

“Finally, this morning, I saw you leave through this gate. I waited all day for you to return. Of course, with my luck, I was sure you would not come back.”

“You stood in front of this gate all day?”

“No, most of the day I sat on that roof over there. I did not want to trespass and there were too many killers to stand out front. When it started getting dark I knew you would be back soon so I came over here.”

“What do you want,” Tyrone asked.

“Safety and security but most of all I want friends.”

“You are on probation,” Brad said. “We will need to inspect you and lock you in quarantine for a while.”

“How long will that be?”

“I don’t know. You can come out in the day and maybe even come with us on recon but at night, I will lock you up for our safety. I hope you understand.”

“Yes I understand. Will I be locked up alone?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Will I be safe from you?”

Tyrone laughed, “Maybe.”

“You can lock the door on your side. Do you have any weapons?”

Rudy did not want to answer.

“It’s okay if you do. You can keep them.”

“I have a knife.” He pulled out a butcher knife.

“You survive with only that?” Tyrone asked.

“Yeah, I mostly hide.”

“Were did you live?” Brad asked.

“My house was less than a mile from here.”

“We been driving all over town and this fool was only a mile away.”

“Do you have family?” Brad asked without responding to Tyrone.

“Not anymore,” Rudy replied as he fought back his tears.

“You can eat with us then I am going to lock you up.”

“Thank you very much my friend.”

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