Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (22 page)

BOOK: Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Noah’s mouth twisted, but Gabriel nodded. “Makes sense. Okay, go in the bedroom and shut the door while we let him in.”

Madelyn rolled her eyes but did as she was bade. She’d achieved one small victory to get them to let the waiter in. She sure wasn’t going to push it.

She was hungry, damn it.

Chapter Sixteen


“Did you find out what room they’re in?” Krista snapped as she pulled on Natalie’s arm.

The girl looked frightened.

Krista dropped her wrist and forced a gentle smile. “Sorry, Natalie, I did not mean to alarm you. I just wondered how your date went with your, what were their names? Noah and…?”

“Oh, it’s you. Sorry, ma’am, you did give me a little start. Gabriel and Madelyn and Noah? No, I didn’t meet with them.” Her smile was huge and full of satisfaction. “I did have an incredible evening, though.”

Krista ignored her comment and frowned. “Why didn’t you go? What happened?”

Natalie looked over her shoulder. “My boss is going to yell at me if I don’t get back to work. I don’t know what happened, but they canceled dinner on me and wouldn’t tell me their room number.”

Krista ground her teeth and wanted to scream with frustration. Obviously, this girl was useless. “All right. Go on, get back to work.”

She pivoted on the needle-sharp heel of her stiletto boot and stalked away. Behind her, she thought she heard Natalie sigh with relief and her lips tightened again.

Seemed the old clichés were true—good help was hard to find and if you wanted something done right, do it yourself.

Krista veered into the lobby, slowed to check Noah and Madelyn weren’t around, then strolled toward the front desk. She gave the young man behind the counter the once-over, pegged him as submissive, and pasted her best “don’t fuck with me” expression on her face.

Just before she got to the desk, another employee entered the area from a back room.

She slowed down then stopped near a stand of tourist brochures.

“Man, that trio in 1017 is something else.”

“What you talking about?”

The young, freckle-faced kid sidled up to the desk and leaned against it. “Two huge-ass guys and a tiny, incredibly beautiful woman. She looked like a sex-kitten version of Snow White. I’ve seen some knockouts come through here, but never anyone like her.”

“Uh-huh.” The clerk was obviously not interested. Keys clattered and paper rustled.

Krista edged closer.

“I took some food up for them, and they made me wait forever to open the door. I bet they were fucking like rabbits or something, man. Damn, I’d so do her.”

“Jason, don’t you have other deliveries to make?” Annoyance was sharp and clear in the clerk’s tone.

“Yeah. I’m telling you, dude, that girl was hot. I wonder if they share.”

A loud snort ripped through the air. “As if you’d stand a chance. Go on, do your job or else Richards will have your ass for standing around. And I don’t need any more points on my record, thanks to you.”

“Hey,” the other man protested. “I didn’t know we weren’t supposed to flirt with the guests. Hell, that’s why I took this damn job.”

His voice, still grumbling, faded as he disappeared.

Krista’s heart beat quickly and a feral excitement bit at her, tightening her nipples and pinging in her clit. It had to be them.

Room 1017.

She licked her lips and turned from the desk just as the clerk caught sight of her.

“Ma’am, can I help you?”

She didn’t turn back. “No,” she waved her hand. “I have what I need.”

Krista resisted the urge to go to the tenth floor and spy on the room. Too open, too obvious. If Noah caught her…

Dread bolted through her, and she clenched her fists with impotent rage. She was not the cowering type, but she was afraid of him. Afraid of what he’d do to her should he get her alone.

Visions of Oscar’s beaten and bloody body drifted in her mind.

No way in hell did she want to end up like that.

She passed the dining room where she saw Natalie chatting with another waitress.


Maybe the twit wasn’t so useless after all.

Veering off course, she made her way to the back of the restaurant and sat in Natalie’s section then waited for her to appear.

Less than two minutes later, she lowered her menu and smiled up at the girl.

“I have good news,” she said. “I can give you their room number if you’ll do a favor for me.”

Small, tight lines bracketed the girl’s flawless face, and she shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she said.

Krista raised a commanding brow. “Would you change your mind if I told you this favor would ensure you have the men all to yourself?”

Natalie’s breath hitched and excitement suddenly sparked in her eyes. Then she bit her lip and looked away. “What do I have to do?”

“Nothing sinister,” Krista drawled. “Merely deliver a message.”

“That’s all?”

“Didn’t I just say so?” She reined in her impatience. She was so close to achieving her goal. She didn’t want to blow it now. “When do you take your next break?”

“About thirty minutes.”

Perfect. Just enough time to return to her cottage, set the stage, and prepare her trap. “Good. Go to room 1017, tell Noah and Gabriel that Mason Shaw has arrived on the island and is waiting for them at Port Plunder. Take Noah aside and tell him that Mason has a message just for them from Clarissa and that Madelyn should stay behind. Tell him you’ll stay with her until they get back.”

“But why?” the girl looked confused.

God, she wanted to whip the impudence out of the little whore. Instead, she gave another fake smile and winked. “Mason is a friend of ours, and I’m playing a little joke on them. They interrupted a scene with Mason and me last year, and he and I decided to get a little payback.” Yeah, payback. She liked the sound of that. After last year’s interlude, Mason promised her he would find her and mete out his own brand of punishment. His vitriolic oath had been sworn in front of Madelyn and Noah. He seemed very sure of it, too. Krista decided it made sense that the Council would send him in. They wanted her gone. What better way to accomplish that than by dispatching an ex-cop with a grudge to do the deed?

Natalie’s expression relaxed. “Oh, I like pranks. My husband used to do it to me all the time. Okay.”

“Thanks, Natalie,” she forced the words out. “Oh, and I’ll come up after a bit to fetch Madelyn so we can join the men. Just remember, don’t tell her or it’ll ruin the whole joke.”

“Yes, ma’am! So, would you like to order anything?”

Krista stood, handed her the menu, and tapped her on the nose. “No, sweetie, I’m going to go home and get ready for the fun.” She winked again. “You know I want to look my best.”

“You’re beautiful, ma’am,” Natalie said softly. “See ya.”

“Bye, Natalie, see you in a little bit.”

Krista stepped around her and left, heels clicking on the marble floor. Each sound echoed like the crack of a whip.

Each crack made her pussy tighten and throb and ache.

God, she could not wait until she had Madelyn gagged, bound, and at her mercy again.

This time, nothing would stop her.



* * * *


“Clarissa said they’re sending someone to the island to shadow her. They damn well better not lose her this time,” Noah said from beside Madelyn.

“Who?” she asked.

“Don’t know. She didn’t say.”

“You didn’t ask?”

He gave her a sharp sidelong glance. “No. Are you looking for trouble, little one?”

She dimpled at him. “Always. But in this instance, no. I just wondered.”

“Normally, I’d think Mason, but I doubt Griff or Emma would allow that after what happened with Krista last year. Maybe Patrick Locke. Who knows?”

“What do we do in the meantime?” Gabriel asked. He waggled his brows at Madelyn and slid his hand along her thigh, beneath the hem of her shorts.

She giggled and playfully slapped at his hand.

Noah grinned back. “I like the way you think.”

He grabbed her, twisted her body on the couch, and tugged her down to his lap. “Spread your legs. Put one over the back of the couch.”

Her pulse kicked beneath him, and she slowly unfurled her long, gorgeous legs. She settled the right on the floor and eased her left leg over the sofa back.

Gabriel, he saw, was transfixed.

“You know what’s hiding under those panties of hers, don’t you?” Noah asked.

“Mm-hmm, pure heaven.”

“Yep. And a little slice you’ve not yet sampled.”

She groaned and bucked. Turning her head into his arm, she hid her face.

Noah met Gabriel’s questioning stare. “What are you talking about?”

“Her ass, man. You’ve not had her ass.”

Madelyn gasped.

The look of surprise on the other man’s face was amusing, and Noah didn’t bother to restrain his grin. “You like anal?”

The surprise morphed into embarrassed chagrin. “Kinda?”

“What the hell does that mean?”

Even Madelyn dug her head out of his arm to peer at Gabriel, who shrugged and cleared his throat. “I’m a little large, as you might have noticed. Most girls take one look at my cock and say no way.”

“Most girls?” Noah prodded.

Gabriel slid his hands along Madelyn’s calves, meandering up toward her spread thighs. “Yeah, there was one girl, a real slut.” He accentuated the word with a light slap to her inner thigh.

She jumped.

“A slut who could and would fuck anything. She agreed to give ass fucking a whirl with me.”

“How’d it go?” Madelyn asked, breathless.

“Fine, I guess. She was amiable enough, but I guess I wasn’t into it. Got the head in, maybe a little more. But overall, just, well, meh. We didn’t go any further.”

Madelyn burst into giggles then wiggled her hips at Gabriel. “Oh my, we definitely need to take care of that.”

“Remember what I said,” Noah cautioned. “The anus is a tender area and must be properly prepared before any sort of fucking begins.”

Gabriel nodded, his hands still roaming her lower body, but Noah noticed, he stayed well away from her erogenous zones. His fingers skimmed her body, and she sighed, her breath warm against his arm.

But Noah could feel her growing impatience. He chuckled as he looked at Gabriel. “You’d better make a move, man, she’s getting restless.”

Gabriel’s brow lifted and arrogance chased across his face. “Yeah?” He pinched her inner thigh which made her squeal loudly. “Yet again you forget who is in charge here, little slut.”

She remained silent.

He pinched again, the opposite leg this time.

“Damn,” she grumbled. “That stings.”

“It’s supposed to,” he replied blandly.

Noah grinned and tugged on her hair. “I’d say he’s got you figured out, Madelyn. Doubt you’ll be able to top this one from the bottom.”

She grumbled then gasped and arched, her nails digging into his forearm. Noah looked between her spread thighs and murmured in approval.

Gabriel had one finger deep inside of her, moving slowly in and out. From her thrashing, Noah could tell the other man was teasing her with just enough friction to get her juices running but not nearly enough pressure to induce an orgasm.

“What kind of preparation?” Gabriel asked conversationally. As if the woman beneath his hand wasn’t gasping and squirming and making the most exotic, pleading little noises.

Noah chuckled before answering. “Despite her affinity for anal sex, she is remarkably tight. Best way is to use your fingers first. Just as you would finger-fuck her pussy, do the same with her ass.”

Madelyn groaned, and Gabriel shifted on the couch. Noah saw his cock tenting against his shorts.

Good, language worked on him as well. Madelyn would be able to use that to her advantage in the future.

Another pang of loss rifted him, but he shoved it away. He could not change the past, much as he regretted parts of it, but nor could he alter the course of the future.

Should Madelyn choose to leave him and go with Gabriel when the time came, he would have to gracefully step aside and wish them well.

Her happiness was all that mattered.

Noah swallowed and refocused his attention on the junction of her thighs. “Her hole is very sensitive on the outside. Try lightly rubbing it with your thumb. Sort of like it’s her clit. Not as fast, though, slow and gentle. Drives her even wilder.”

Gabriel nodded and adjusted his hand.

Noah knew as soon as his thumb hit her asshole. Madelyn moaned and lifted her hips.

“Yes, oh fuck. Yes,” she hissed.

“Like that? Like me playing with your back hole?”

“Uh-huh,” she panted.

Gabriel shifted again, loosening the button of his fly and tugging down his zipper. His cock bulged from behind his black cotton briefs.

“For now, you can use her juices for lube, but before you go any more than two fingers, we’ll need to break out the real stuff. The ass is a very sensitive region in more than just sensory ways. A word of caution. Never, ever go from ass to pussy. Or ass to mouth, for that matter. I don’t care what they do in porn flicks. It’s not safe for either of you.”

Gabriel’s hand stilled and he looked up quizzically. “I didn’t know that, but damn, it makes sense.” He withdrew his hand and patted her leg with the other.

“Oh, hell, don’t stop now,” she gasped.

He patted her leg. “Sorry, sweetie, I don’t want to risk injuring you, and since I’m new to this area, I’d rather go about it the safest way first.”

“Screw safety,” she muttered.

Noah jerked, reached down, and tugged hard on her nipples.

She yelped and he let go. “Don’t ever let me hear you say that again. No pleasure, regardless of source, is worth possible harm. Got me?”

She looked crestfallen. “Yes, Sir, I’m sorry, it was instinct.”

Gabriel rose. “I’m going to wash my hands. Madelyn, take off your panties. Noah, would you get the lube for me?”

Before anyone could move, a knock sounded at the door.

They all looked at each other and groaned.

“The Council has rotten timing,” Noah muttered.

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