Read Enchanted: Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women Online

Authors: Nancy Madore

Tags: #Erotic stories; American, #Erotica - General, #Fiction - Adult, #Adaptations, #Erotic stories, #Short Story, #Short Stories (single author), #General, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic fiction, #Fairy tales, #Adult, #Erotica - Short Stories, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Short Stories, #Women

Enchanted: Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women (14 page)

BOOK: Enchanted: Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women
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"Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

How much longer 'til I fall?

Was my beauty all in vain?

Advise me please, to end this pain!"

The mirror had been waiting patiently for her return, and this time it responded with an even more chilling direction:

"Your beauty, once beyond compare,

Soon will be no longer there.

Snow White is one like you once were.

Take and eat the heart of her!"

The queen whirled from the mirror in a rage and grabbed a nearby chair with the intention of hurling it at the offending mirror and shattering it once and for all. But she stopped short; partly because she believed the mirror offered her the only real hope, and partly because, in her undernourished state, she hadn't the strength to throw the chair. She sat down on the chair instead. She knew that she would indeed eat Snow White's heart if that was the only way to regain her beauty.

With this realization, the queen resolved to get it over quickly, and immediately sent for her most trusted servant to help her. This servant, however, was really a handsome prince disguising himself as the queen's servant in order to be closer to her, for he was secretly in love with her and waiting for the opportunity to win her heart.

The prince listened to the queen's request in shocked silence, staring at her with disbelief in his handsome blue eyes. Since true love was the only antidote to the sorcerer's evil spell, the prince had been completely unaware that the queen was nearing her expiration date. Indeed, in his eyes she was becoming more beautiful with each passing day.

But the prince could not refuse the queen anything, his love for her was so great, and so he readily agreed to help her. Recognizing this as the opportunity he had been waiting for, he added the condition that the queen spend that very evening with him, away from the castle. Desperate to have Snow White's heart, the queen agreed to the arrangement.

The prince found Snow White working in the kitchen, but the kind and gentle man had no intention of harming her. Instead, he took her deep into the woods to hide in safety; and then, coming upon a small lamb, he slaughtered it and carefully wrapped its heart. Content that he had done the right thing, he returned to the queen and presented the counterfeit heart to her.

The queen wasted no time in cooking the heart in low-calorie, non-saturated, high-omega oil and then tentatively took a bite of it. She could detect nothing unpleasant in the taste, but it nevertheless took every bit of her willpower to swallow it. The cruel spell that held her forced her onward until every last drop was consumed.

Afterward, the queen was anxious to stand before her mirror and see the results, but the prince firmly reminded her of her promise to go away with him, insisting that they leave immediately in order to reach their destination before nightfall. The prince's resolve won out and the two finally set out together.

They traveled deep into the woods, farther and farther away from the curse of the queen's land and into enchanted forests, until at last they came upon a small stone cottage that was nearly hidden by innumerable climbing vines of magically scented rosebushes. The overflowing branches ascended the stones and continued their advance until they were nearly covering the roof. As the couple approached, they breathed in the sweet fragrance that was drifting outward, engulfing them in its heady aroma. Whether it was the enchantment of those flowery vines that besieged it or the fact that it belonged to the prince, I know not, but neither the cottage nor its contents were touched by the sorcerer's spell.

The moment the queen walked through the small doorway and into the cottage, she felt overwhelmingly beautiful and cherished. The very walls seemed to embrace her, and she was filled with happiness. She thought this must be the effect of getting her youth back by eating Snow White's heart, but actually she was feeling the way she would have felt every day of her life, if only she had not been under the power of the wicked spell.

The queen turned to him with a radiant smile. He gazed at her and thought he had never seen her look so lovely. He took her hand and led her up a narrow stairway into a cozy sitting room. In the middle of the room, there stood a large mirror.

The prince gently placed the queen before the mirror. It was not enchanted, and so, for the first time in her life, the queen saw herself as she really was, and not by the warped standards maintained outside those cottage walls. She stared at herself in amazement.

The prince stood behind the queen and watched. He saw immediately that his plan had worked, and that the queen was finally seeing herself through his eyes. Then he saw her eyes meet his.

Suddenly, the queen's obsession with her own appearance disappeared, and she noticed how handsome her servant was. What an extraordinary couple they made as she gazed at the two of them in the mirror! She wondered how it was that she had never noticed how his thick, dark hair curled slightly at the ends. Or how his dark, smooth skin illuminated his intense blue eyes.

The prince watched the queen's face as she stared at him. His expectations for the evening had been minimal, namely, that the queen, within the safety of his forest, might realize the prince's feelings and accept his offer of courtship. He had not dared to hope for more than that, and was shocked to see the desire burning hotly in her eyes.

Perceiving her desire, he slowly began to undo the buttons of her gown. She did not resist or tremble with fear that she would not be good enough, but instead shivered with anticipation. With a light swishing sound, the garment fell to the floor. She watched in silent wonder as his muscles strained under the control he applied to carefully remove her delicate clothing. She stood, as if hypnotized, while his large fingers painstakingly handled the sensitive fabric. For the first time in her life, she felt genuinely aroused.

One by one, her undergarments fell to the floor. She watched with interest as her body was slowly revealed. When she lifted her eyes to meet those of the prince in the mirror, the desire she saw there astonished her. With her heart throbbing within her breast, she met his gaze with the same burning intensity.

It was suddenly as if she were watching two strangers, so unfamiliar were the images in the mirror, and she could not pull her eyes away from the sight of them. She saw the woman shudder as her lover lowered his warm mouth to the back of her neck for a long, sensual kiss. He continued to kiss her lightly as his arms came around her waist and held her in a loving embrace. The woman's face was flushed, her lips were parted, and her breathing was quick.

The man in the mirror was steadily becoming more demanding as his hands began caressing the woman with a thoroughness that left no part of her untouched. This did not seem to offend her, however, for she only moaned softly as she stared intently ahead of her, wordlessly allowing him full access to her body. The queen watched with keen interest as the large, masculine hands roamed over every part of the woman. Her eyes followed every movement, every touch, every intimacy. A feeling of overpowering desire came over her as she watched.

Suddenly the man in the mirror pulled away from the woman to remove his own clothing. Still, she continued to stare silently in front of her, as if she were under a spell. The queen wondered that she did not turn to watch her lover undress, so beautiful was his image, splendid in its arousal. He looked at his staring lady for a moment, and then turned toward the object of her interest. This made him smile, and he continued to look ahead with her, meeting the eyes of the queen, as he wrapped his arms around his lady and gently kissed the side of her face.

The queen felt herself tremble with anticipation as she watched the man now position himself behind the woman in the mirror. She parted her own legs slightly in imitation of the woman, as she watched her accommodate her lover. She imagined that she could feel his strong hands boring into her own hips as he held the woman firmly and pushed himself into her. It sounded like her own voice as the woman cried out with pleasure. The vision was so real that she fancied she could feel it when the man in the mirror penetrated his lady.

So completely wrapped up in the image before her was she that the queen did not even realize that she had begun to move her own hips in time with the woman she watched there. She marveled to see the intense expression of pleasure on that woman's face, the unrestrained moans escaping from her lips, and her hips undulating in such wild abandon.

Her own excitement increased as she watched every detail of the intimate performance that was being played out before her. She felt her upper body lean forward slightly as the man in the mirror gently encouraged his lover to do the same. His eyes met hers again in the mirror as he thrust himself into the woman, harder and faster.

Suddenly the queen was awakened from her spell and realized with a jolt that the woman in the mirror was no other than herself, and that it was her handsome servant who was staring back at her from his position behind her. She froze for a moment, suddenly embarrassed to have him see her thus.

Perceiving the change in his queen, the prince quickly turned her away from the mirror so that she was facing him. He kissed her tenderly and lifted her in his arms, carrying her to a nearby couch. But she glanced furtively back toward the mirror.

The prince held the queen close to him, joining himself with her again, all the while whispering soft endearments. The mirror seemed to give her assurance, and she strained her neck so that, always, she might watch the reflection in the mirror. And she watched herself do many extraordinary things throughout the night. The prince was delighted by her inquisitiveness, and was careful to make the long-awaited event last until she was completely satisfied.

Afterward, he continued to hold his queen close to him throughout the night, slowly caressing her body so that, by morning, not one single inch of her was left untouched or unloved. The queen smiled as she slept and dreamed of roses.

In the morning, the queen did not want to leave. But the prince knew that he must take her back to her castle, to see if his love had truly reached her heart and lifted her from the power of the curse.

The queen plucked one of the roses as she passed out through the doorway of the cottage and placed it in her bag, so that she might always remember the pleasure she found there. But as they traveled through the woods she became dispirited, and by the time they reached her castle she was overcome with anxiety. The prince reluctantly left her with a kiss and a promise to return later that day.

At her servant's departure, the queen lost no time in seeking her bedchamber mirror. Upon reaching it she gasped in horror. Nothing had changed since the last time she faced the horrid thing! She wasn't beautiful at all, but the same awful, expiring old woman she was the day before. Had the mirror lied and Snow White given up her life for naught?

The queen composed herself and addressed the mirror just so:

"Mirror, mirror, do not stall,

Or I shall tear you from that wall.

Tell me now, before I start,

What meant you, by Snow White's heart?"

She had less than a moment to wait before the mirror replied:

"Your lover is the fraud, I fear.

Snow White is safe, though far from here.

You must find her in the wood.

Through poison you may reach this good!"

Your lover is the fraud, I fear. So her servant had tricked her! The queen's eyes burned with unshed tears as she felt a cold rage creeping over her heart. The memory of the previous night in the cottage had been erased by the malevolent mirror and so, without another thought about it, the queen spent the remainder of the day creating a poison for Snow White. She carefully attached the poison to a beautifully carved, silver comb that, upon touching the head of Snow White, would immediately place her in a deep coma.

The prince noticed the change in the queen when he returned later that day. Her beautiful eyes flashed with anger as she relayed to him what the mirror had told her. He once again promised to help the queen by delivering the poisonous comb to Snow White, on the condition that she spend another night with him in his cottage.

But the good prince still had no intention of harming Snow White, and upon finding her in the woods, he asked for some of her hair, that he might attach it to the comb to temporarily appease his beloved queen. This Snow White readily agreed to, and the prince once again returned faulty evidence to his queen.

Upon seeing Snow White's hair upon the comb, the queen was filled with hope. She longed to stand before her mirror to see the results, but the prince insisted that she come straightaway with him, just as she had promised to do. She reluctantly agreed, and they arrived shortly thereafter at the cottage. And once again, upon entering the cottage, a feeling of joy and well-being came over the queen. She followed the prince this time to his bedchamber, where the wonderful little mirror now stood facing the bed.

Recollections of their activities on the previous night flashed through the queen's mind, and a wave of pleasure coursed through her at the memory. She undressed herself excitedly and lay on the prince's bed, facing the mirror, watching as the prince came up behind her and began stroking her body. She opened her legs. It delighted her to see her body in this position in the mirror, with the prince hovering over her, admiring and touching her. He caressed her backside leisurely, teasing her, until finally she arched her hips so that the opening between her legs touched his hand. He boldly delved into the wetness there, but the queen only gasped as she continued to stare at her flushed face in the mirror.

Carefully, so as not to alarm her, the prince slowly lifted the queen's hips, adjusting her so that she was settled on her forearms and knees, with her hips at the highest point of elevation. She watched in utter astonishment, as the prince knelt behind her, staring intently at her most private place imaginable.

Without embarrassment or fear (for what had she now to fear when she felt so beautiful and so entirely cherished?), the queen watched her lover's excitement grow as he examined, pried, poked and kissed her intimate parts. She moaned with pleasure at the memory of what was to come. The prince seemed to read her thoughts, and he entered her from behind while she watched. The sight of him joining with her was almost as wonderful as the way it felt: his hardness sliding into her wet body, his large hands grasping her hips, his masculine features set in an expression of intense ecstasy.

BOOK: Enchanted: Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women
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