End Time (77 page)

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Authors: Keith Korman

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Then he said to Guy, “Perhaps one of these will fit.”

From out of the attaché, he drew two Halloween masks. The first mask was a pullover rubber Red Devil; Lucifer with the familiar leering grin, the horns and pointed ears. Smiling Satan come to make you a deal.

“What do you think?” Mr. Chubbs asked.

Guy was not amused.

“No, not your style?” The chubby man paused for effect. “Ah, maybe this is more to your liking.” The second mask was made of thin plastic, the benevolent face of an Angel.

An Angel or the Devil?

“I don't think I can afford them both,” Guy said.

The plump ventriloquist waved aside his concern:

Irrelevant. Immaterial. Money wasn't an issue.

“No honest man has just one face,
Mr. Poole.
Jubilee. Jubilee. I'll take your IOU.”



is a literary agent and novelist. Over the years, he has represented many nationally known writers of fiction and nonfiction at his family's literary agency, Raines & Raines. He is the coauthor of
Banquo's Ghosts
and makes his home in New York. You can sign up for email updates



Swan Dive


Secret Dreams

Banquo's Ghosts

(with Rich Lowry)


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Title Page

Copyright Notice



Part One


1. Fairfield

2. The Pied Piper

3. Divorce American Style

4. The Sikh's Wife

5. Frozen Smoke

6. Peenemünde & Mittelbau-Dora

7. One If by Night and Two If by Train

8. Man About Hamelin

9. Desperately Seeking Sweet Jane

10. Skin Walker

11. In the Event of an Emergency

12. The Girl by the Stairs

13. I've Been Everywhere, Man

14. Low-Pressure Center

15. The Stuka Crew

16. The Ant Colony

Part Two


17. Tribulation

18. The First Rat

19. House of Stairs

20. There Must Be a Way Out

21. Ship of Foos

22. The Wandering Sickness

23. Deal or No Deal

24. The San Remo

25. Hall of the Rat King

26. Quarantine

27. The Good Humor Man

28. The Last Halloween

29. On the Banks of the River Styx

30. The Ziggurat

Part Three


31. Janet's Ashes

32. You Gonna Trust Me—Or Your Lying Eyes?

33. Hysterical Blindness

34. Hippety-Hop

35. Room 3327

36. Numbered Headstones

37. Pudknockers

38. Night of the Living Dread

39. The Last Mind Glide

40. Granny Sparrow

41. You Really Don't Want to Know

42. Looking Glass Girl

43. Eye of the Storm

44. The Reckoning



45. Tea House of the Hidden Moon

46. American Gothic

About the Author

Also by Keith Korman



This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2015 by Keith Korman

All rights reserved.

Cover art by Trevillion Images

Cover design by FORT

Line drawings of The Dancing Men, Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, and Lagrange Points by Jacqueline Koprowski

A Tor Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

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New York, NY 10010


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ISBN 978-0-7653-3557-9 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-1-4668-2360-0 (e-book)

e-ISBN 9781466823600

First Edition: August 2015

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