Endgame (11 page)

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Authors: Mia Downing

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Endgame
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She released him, and he buried his head into her cleavage. Even after all of this chatter, his hard-on begged for relief. He’d either have to make her leave so he could jack off, or he’d have to get her to do…something. Maybe he was brave enough now that she knew. “I’m so damned hard.”

“Yes, you are.” He could hear the smile in her voice.

“Would you try again, but not be…scary?”

“I can be very gentle, love. I just want to kiss things. If you want to stop, you just tell me to stop.”

He nodded. She slid down his body, kissing his chest, his stomach, the muscles there quivering. Her hand cupped his balls, squeezing and massaging, her fingers gentle. Her lips touched just the tip, the kiss almost innocent except for the fact that it was his dick she was smooching.

He ran his fingers into her hair, loving the way the deep red cascaded over his stomach. She tucked a lock behind her ear and used her tongue to draw a line from the base of his shaft to the head. A quick lap around the head again, then back down the other side. She rose up and her nipple made the same journey.

“Char,” Aaron breathed, tightening his hands in her hair.

“Relax,” she soothed. “My nipples don’t have teeth.”

“No,” he agreed, feeling stupid.

“Why don’t you just lie back and relax? Pretend this is a massage. I’ll be…Olga, your naughty masseuse.”

“Olga?” She rattled something off in Russian, and he laughed. “Okay, Olga. Massage me.”

She glanced at him over his stomach, her hand gently pumping the base of his cock. “How about you talk? Tell me what you like as I do this? Then I’ll know.”


She lapped the rim of the head, circling with her tongue.

“That’s nice,” he whispered.

Her breasts came back in play, her nipple brushing the head. Then she tucked his cock between those generous globes of hot flesh and slid them down his shaft. His balls tightened. “Oh. That’s…nice. Too.”

“Yes, it is.” She then kissed the tip of his cock while nestled between those gorgeous breasts. The sight alone was enough to make things explode, but he fought it. “Don’t come,” she warned.

“How?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“Breathe, and think of something boring. Try to hold back as many times as possible.”


“The more you hold back, the longer you’ll learn to last. The better your orgasm will be. They say if you wait and come on the sixth time, it’s the best ever. Would you like to try?” She took the head of his cock into her mouth and gave a gentle suck.

“Oh, shit.” He jammed his heels into the bed and tried to breathe. Hard work, because he lungs seemed to have shut down.

“How many is that, love?”

“Two?” She sucked again, her tongue twirling around the tip of his cock. The surge built, and he stifled it by blowing out. “Three. Fuck.”

She frowned. “This is going to be the shortest blowjob in history if you don’t start thinking of something else.”

“Your boobs are hugging my cock, and your mouth is hot and wet. What else can I think about?”

“I don’t know. Find something boring.” She released his cock from her breasts, thank God. But then she slid him deep inside her mouth, like she had the night before. Tongue, wet, suction. Fuck.

He almost leapt off the bed, which shoved his dick deeper into her mouth. He fought to blow out, to clear his mind. Every thought seemed to race to the aching shaft in her hand and mouth.

“Four,” he moaned. “I thought you were only going to kiss.”

“Don’t you like it? I can stop.”

“No, don’t stop. Please.” He was past the point of being afraid as he panted under her. She grinned and began again, pumping him in and out of her tight lips, sucking him deep.


“Christ, man up,” she grouched. “Go over movie lines. Think about…llama care or growing cotton in your front yard. Something. I want to please you, Aaron. This is your reward for being truthful. Do you want it to last, or do you want to come and have it be over?”

“Last,” he said on a hard swallow. So beautiful, Danger Girl with a loaded cock, waiting to sink him deep between her lips. His stomach tensed, his skin on fire, his balls burning.

“Then be a man and think boring things.”

Her mouth lowered. He closed his eyes and ran though boring things as she kissed just the head of his cock again. Movie lines…all that came up were the sex ones. Her tongue rimmed his corona, lapping the fluid seeping from his slit. Llamas. But they were now screwing on his lawn. Not good. Down her lips went, sucking him in, moving faster, her tongue caressing the pounding blood vessels, the orgasm rising—

Scripture. God strike him dead, but that was boring as hell. So that’s where he went in his mind. He would rot in hell for this. It would be worth it.

“You’re doing well, Aaron. Good boy.” He heard her sucking something—her finger?

“Thank you, Ma’am.”

“You ready for the fireworks? Because it’s going to be intense.”

Chapter Six

“Yes, please.” Aaron wanted to come so badly. It would be six. This orgasm would rock the free world because she said so.

Charlotte ducked her head and her mouth returned to work. He went again to verses in his mind, avoiding the devil’s pitchfork as he mouthed lines. Her mouth, sucking, tonguing, lapping. Too good. Her fingers cupped his balls, then her hand slid down, one finger creeping along his ass. And in. To a place fingers should not go. The hole there puckered and tight and wickedly good.

“Fuck, six,” he whispered. He came, shooting into her mouth, his body ramrod stiff. He felt it in his balls, his toes curling, his skin on fire, ass singing. Fucking amazing, mind-blowing. She sucked him dry, caressing his thighs and balls, his naughty Danger Girl.

“How was that?” she asked an eon later, so smug from between his legs.

He couldn’t look at her as he floated back to Earth. She hadn’t removed her finger from his ass yet. And he wanted it there, damn him. “Is that kinky? The finger part?”

She laughed and withdrew her finger. “Yes. Did you like it? I can give you a better orgasm like that, when you’re braver.”

“Better than that? That was fucking awesome all by itself. I’ll burn in hell, but I don’t care.” He’d get used to her finger in his ass, if that’s what it took to get off like that. He’d never come like that on his own. Ever.

“If your God burns you for enjoying pleasure like that, then fuck him.”

Aaron sighed, his bones melted into puddles. With no bones he was able to float in the pleasure, the only thing keeping him on Earth was Charlotte lounging between his thighs. “You can’t say fuck you to God.”

“Oh, yes. I can.” She rose up and kissed his mouth, a lingering kiss that tasted of him. He liked her taste better, but he was surprised he didn’t mind his.

Aaron didn’t want to piss her off by asking why she’d tell God to fuck off, so instead he asked, “Can I do that to you, or is there a rule I don’t know about?”

“Absolutely. I love anal play. I like anal sex, too, but I don’t think you’re ready for that.” She kissed him again. “I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be back.” She slipped on his T-shirt and left.

He still floated in the haze of pleasure, wondering why she’d be so angry at God. Did she not believe? And would she teach him about anal sex? So weird to lump God and anal sex together, given what God thought about that.

She returned with a warm washcloth. She ran it over him, gently cleaning him up. Then she chucked it in the corner with his T-shirt and crawled onto the bed. She yanked the covers over them and settled down, her cheek on his chest.

“You said
God,” Aaron said.

“Yes. Chase and I usually say Jake’s God, but you’re his brother, so you must have the same one.”

“Don’t you believe?”

“I used to, yes. Not anymore.”

He brushed a lock of hair from her face. “Why?”

“Because any God I would worship wouldn’t be so cruel,” she whispered. “Don’t ask, please. Respect the baggage.”

He kissed her forehead, because that little tidbit was a cargo load of baggage to share with him. “So why does Chase say Jake’s God?”

“Chase is the devil incarnate. He can’t worship the enemy.” She said it like it was a given, and Aaron was an idiot for not knowing.

“Of course not.”

“Chase and I are bookends, Jake likes to say. That’s why we get along so well. We get each other, you know? He’s dark and soulless, and so am I. He’s hard and cold, so am I.”

“You both scare the shit out of me at times.”

She laughed. “There’s that, too.”

He traced the outline of her ear with his finger. “You sound like you worship him. Chase.” It made him jealous.

“Maybe I do, a little. Your brother and Chase mean the world to me. They are my family. So you, in a sense, are my family, too. Which is why you are still alive.”

It touched him that she would lump him into family this quickly, given he was a punk. “Then we just had kinky, incestuous oral sex?”

She giggled again, the sound brushing regions that suspiciously felt like his heart. “If it turns you on, sure. But I think we’re family once removed so it’s not so incestuous.”

“Don’t you want to come?” Aaron asked her. “I can muster up the energy to finish exploring the South Pole.”

She shook her head and snuggled against his chest. “I’m fine. Really.”

He really wanted to make her come, but he’d respect the baggage and wait. And he was so tired now, wanting to just hold her and drift off. “Will Ma’am allow us to nap, then?”



Charlotte curled up on one end of the couch, eyes closed, trying to nap because she hadn’t rested one bit in Aaron’s arms. No, she’d watched him sleep instead, his eyes flickering back and forth under closed lids as he dreamt. She felt a little dirty considering what she’d just done to him. Even though he was older, sexually he was so young and new.

The thought that some woman assaulted him as a kid pissed her off. The anger train had fired up, and she had seethed against his bare chest. That woman deserved to be handcuffed and shot like a yipping dog. And if she ever caught up with Paul, she’d shoot him, too.

Anger usually got her blood pumping. So, she had slipped out from under his arm and tried to read one of Jake’s books on the couch. Instead of seeing the words on the page, she envisioned Aaron’s hard body, how his cock had felt between her lips, how he fought each orgasm. Saw his wicked grin from between her thighs.

But these thoughts only fired up the need, so she concentrated harder on the book. Damn it. She should have sucked it up and let him make her come. To hell with the past.

Then Jake walked in and Aaron chose right then to appear from the bedroom, all bare chest and wearing only pajama pants. He looked tousled and, unfortunately for her, just fucked. So beautifully just fucked, too. Jake stared at his little brother, then at her, and gave her an arched brow.

“Learn anything?” she asked in Russian so Aaron wouldn’t ask questions. She didn’t want to have to start punishing him now. Not when he looked so divine.


“You look suspiciously tanner,” she said.

“I did surveillance in the sunshine. It’s funny how that works. You sit in the sun, watch bad people, you come back tan.” He chucked her contact case at her. “You left these in the car. You’ll need them later.” Jake cast a glance over Aaron, who was watching them intently, trying to glean any information he could from their foreign words. “How’s he. He looks…shell-shocked.”

“He’s going to be fine.”

Jake gave her the evil eye. “I just wanted you to have sex with him, not turn on him.”

“Turn on him? Really? Submission was good enough for me, but not your brother? I want him to be polite to you. If you had kicked his ass more when he was younger, he’d show you the respect you deserve.”

“You’re doing this out of spite. To get back at me.”

“Spite? Get your head out of your ass.” She shook her head. “I’m doing this because for some reason, I like him. He makes me feel things I haven’t in a long time, and I’m not going to explore that if I can’t trust him to not judge me. Or you. You know how I feel about you now.”

Yes, he knew, because his glare softened. “How long is this going to last, then? The day?”

“Well, it’s not like he’s going to change, just like that.” She snapped her fingers.

Aaron fell to his knees, palms on his thighs, head bowed in a perfect show of submission. Damn him for remembering that he was to do that when she snapped her fingers.

Jake gaped at his submissive brother, on the floor, at their feet. Charlotte’s stomach sank to her knees. Jake shut his mouth and turned to stare at her, adding a curled upper lip under narrow blue eyes, and her stomach slid right down to her toes.

“I am calling Chase,” he ground out in Russian.

“Oh, it’s okay to give me permission to fuck him, but I can’t discipline him? It’s okay if your baby cowboy runs rampant and bleeding angry all over L.A. and gets us killed with his fresh mouth?”

“Chase didn’t want me to punish you that way. He protested daily.”

“Yes, and I cried myself to sleep in his arms every night after I knelt on the hotel floor for eons while the two of you played video games.”

“You hated me for that.” He pointed at Aaron. “You want him to hate you, too?”

“I didn’t hate you for that and you know it.”

“I’m calling,” he warned.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder, striving for uncaring though her heart pounded. “Go ahead. But Chase sure as hell won’t pat you on the back for giving me access to your brother’s bed.”

“Jake, shut the fuck up and leave her alone,” Aaron piped up. After fighting with Jake in Russian, it was odd to hear Aaron’s deep voice in English. “Unless I’m supposed to call you Sir…”

“No!” Jake and Charlotte shouted at the same time. Jake’s glare intensified.

“I’m using this as film research. I might need this shit for a film one day,” Aaron informed them, sounding happier than a pig hock-high in mud. “And if I get a blowjob for doing as she says, even better.”

That fucking punk snot. He knew what line he was walking. The blood ran from Charlotte’s face and joined her stomach down in her toes. At least he didn’t say

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