Enough (30 page)

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Authors: Briana Pacheco

BOOK: Enough
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Sophie asked
for my number and I hated how she didn’t have it. I didn’t have hers either. Why did we have to have that falling out? We were best friends.

Sometimes life jus
t wants to be cruel with me.

Alex stayed with me
when they left. He said he’ll leave when my family comes up. I actually didn’t mind. We’re getting personal time.

“Did you have a good night?” H
e asked me.

” I turned my head to him. “Was it weird…having Zach here?” I asked looking for something. Is he the jealous type?

He looked at me for a while.
“A little but you seemed happy to have everyone around so I got use to it. And I’m not the kind of guy that makes his girlfriend choose, him or the ex.” He licked his lips. “You guys are cool with each other…right?” I nodded. Now we are. “Do I have anything to worry about?” He asked. Then he cracked a smile.

“Alex, any
girl would be crazy to choose their ex over you. And especially after the sex…they’d be crazy to let you go.” I said. He stared at me longer. I’m not in the right place to have sex and that pissed the shit out of me. “You know, we still have a date that was left unattended.” I said.

uh, I’ll take care of it. When you feel better we can do it.” He said. I smiled.
When you feel better we can do it.
That sexual innuendo was not lost one me. And Alex knows it.

“You know I’ll do my b
est to heal fast.” I said.

He brushed his lips on mine.
“I know you will.”

Then my family came in and
Alex left. We talked about that night eight years ago. There were a lot of tears and hugs because there was nothing else to do. It’s in the past. I’m not 100% over it but I can’t change it.

also talked about Mrs. Diaz. Mom talked to her husband who
on a business trip since the beginning of the month and rushed home when the police called. He was getting texts from her phone so he didn’t know anything was wrong. She’ll be going home soon.

om left after we talked to cook dinner so Declan and Scarlett stayed with me. They’re going to be ditching me for their friends soon and wanted to catch up. Seriously, that’s what they said.

It was
around five pm when Alex came back. He said he wanted to. I didn’t force him here. We talked about the one dreaded subject. School. It was back in session in a week. I told myself I can do it.

My life can’t be put on hold.

16. Different


It was around nine pm and my family is in the living room watching TV, waiting for friends to show up, and Alex and I are lying in my bed as usual. I can’t do anything anyways.

Mom left the pain
killers on my nightstand when she was in here a few hours ago but I really don’t want to have to rely on them. I’m trying to stay away from drugs. All kinds. But I took one because I’m in a lot of pain.

I need
a shower. That’s what can help. “I’m going to take a shower. When I get back are you going to still be here?” I asked. Alex glanced at me.

“Where would I go?
” He asked. “Any guy would be lucky to spend time like this with his girlfriend. Especially if she’s vulnerable.” He tickled my side, not so much to make me move but just enough for me to know what he means. He nuzzled his way to my neck and planted a soft kiss near my ear then he found his way to my lips. I hate pulling away from him but I have to take a shower. I have to wash away everything.

“I’ll be quick.” I
said grabbing clean clothes. My thigh isn’t hurting as much so I can at least walk a bit without help. I’m not totally useless.

“If you
need me, I’ll be here waiting.” Alex said.

“You’d like that.” I said smiling.
I’d like that

I started the shower and got in.
It felt so good to wash my body. Doing it with one arm was a pain in the ass but I managed. I’m now thanking being a cheerleader because we got laser hair removal everywhere and we never have to worry about shaving. My legs are smooth and I didn’t have to do anything.

I patted myself dry and got dressed. I decided not to wear a shirt, mostly beca
use I love the way Alex’s hands feel against my body and because I’m not in the mood to put it on.

When I left the bathroom
, Alex was on his phone. He looked different. I noticed when he left earlier he was wearing a blue shirt and black jeans. Now he’s wearing a black t-shirt with dark blue jeans. Is he trying to get me confused?

iffany wants to know if you mind some company?” He asked.

“I wanted to spend some time with you.”
I said just as the doorbell rang. “Is that her?” Alex nodded. Oh, come on.

“Yeah, she wouldn’t listen to me. They have a surprise.”
They? I heard footsteps coming up the stairs then Tiffany burst in through the door.

! Thanks for the heads up.” I said. Sophie, Bryan, Zach and Liam walked in after her. I walked over to the closet and grabbed a tank top. So much for no shirt.

“I told Alex we were coming.”
She said. I walked out into my room to see blankets and pillows laid out on the floor. That was fast.

“What are you guys doing here?”
I asked surprised.

“Tiffany mentioned your birthday when
we were talking and I missed it…so we decided to do a little party, you know, cheer you up.” Bryan said. I glanced over at Alex. He’s still lying down with a smile on his face.

“Fine. What do you want to do?”
I asked.

“We brought everyt
hing. We told the family to join in but they wanted us to have some fun alone.” Sophie said. “And we had nothing better to do…” I glanced at her and Zach.

“Are you guys okay? I mean if something is happening at home–”

“No.” Sophie said cutting me off and forcing a smile. “Everything’s fine.” Everything is not fine. They look…off. I clearly see it.

Alex sat up
on the bed. “Where do we start then?” He asked.

“You look better.” Liam said eyeing me.

“Yeah…it’s the painkillers.” I said eyeing Tiffany. She shrugged her shoulders and moved everyone to the bed. Zach pulled out a Wilks Academy football duffel bag and emptied the contents. A box of condoms landed on the pile. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Umm, if you guys want to cheer me up by having an orgy then you’ve mistaken.”

Zach took
the box back and put it in his back pocket. “Don’t know how that got there.” He said. We dug through the pile of snacks and tiny bottles of vodka. “Since you can’t do a lot of moving, we got little things.”

That’s sweet. I went to the bathroom to fix my hair and when I walked out,
Bryan held a muffin with a candle stuck in the center.

It’s blueberry.” Liam said.

“Wait a sec. What about spending time with your families. I made you miss Christmas.”
I said. I don’t want to hold them hostage. We never even hang out this often. Well only Tiff and Bryan come around this much.

“They don’t mind.” Sophie said
. Everyone nodded.

“They feel bad for me?” I asked. Nobody said anything. “Pity party? I’m okay with that then.” I said trying to cheer them up.
Everyone grabbed a bottle of vodka. Tiffany extended one to me.

“Can’t. Pills and alcohol don’t miss well together.
You wouldn’t know…” I said giving her a look. She gave me the finger.

looked up at me in surprise. “I never thought I’d see the day when Emily chooses not to drink at a party.” He said. I gave him the finger.

I blew out the candle and
we let the noise began. No one interrupted us. I guess because we were having a good time.



We played games, talked and eat junk food for hours. It was close to three in the morning when everyone started crashing. I told them to take the bed.
We were all on the floor and it was actually pretty comfortable and I didn’t feel like moving either.

After an hour or so
, Alex and I heard everyone snoring. He put a few extra pillows around me so I was comfortable then wrapped me in his arms.

“Now we have time alone.”
Alex said.

I moved my body closer to him
, glad the pain was gone for now. “Tomorrow, I promise we’ll have the day together. You know…I think I’m better to go on that date.” I said.

I felt Alex shake his head.
“No…I think you need a few more days for what I have planned.” I arched an eyebrow in the dark.

“And what do you have planned?”
I asked.

“I’m not sayi
ng. It’s a surprise.” He said.

I propped myself up on my right arm. “You
’re not going to tell me?” I asked. I think I can find a way. I am a girl and we have ways…


A smirk spread on my lips then I carefully swung my leg over him.

Once I was in the right position,
I leaned down and kissed him. He straightened himself under me and brought one hand to my face, the other to my back. We stayed in that position for a few minutes until he broke his lips from mine. “Are you trying to bribe me with sex? I’m still not going to tell you.” He said. That was an option but since we’re in this position, I don’t want to pass it up. I love the way his hands run over my body. “There are people in this room.” Alex whispered.

“I know.” I whispered
back. I let my hands wonder down his body and when it was clear we can’t do more, I kissed him one last time and lifted myself off him and dropped back onto my side.

Still won’t tell me?” I asked giving it another shot.

“Not a chance.”
He said.

I’ll get it out of you soon.” I said. He turned and kissed me.

“You probably will.” I leaned my head on his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.


I heard my phone
vibrating so I stretched my good arm up and searched for it. “Hello?” It’s seven in the morning. Who is calling me at–

“Emmy, you awake?” Christy asked.

“Not really.” I answered.

“I have to tell you so
mething.” She said. I heard the excitement in her voice. I know that tone. I don’t want to be around when the tone is out.

“Christy, if you’re calling to tell me you just had sex, I don’t want to hear about it.
” I said. She really likes to give me details.

. You still didn’t tell me what happened.” She said.

I moved away from Alex and talked. Well tried to whisper. Everyone was still sleeping. I told her everything…except the rape. I
’m not ready for that yet. Then she told me about Ty. He’s in rehab. That was the news Mark wanted to tell me. He’s getting better and might come home soon. That’s good. I’m proud of him. He didn’t even fight it. He just went.

When we finished talking
, I fell back asleep.



” I nuzzled my head deeper into Alex’s arms. “Emily.” Alex loosened his grip around me so I opened my eyes to see who was calling my name. Everyone on the bed was turned facing me and Alex.

“That’s not creepy at all.”
I said rolling on my back. They’re just staring at me. “What time is it?”

“Ten.” I think that’
s Zach.

hopped up onto my feet and checked my wounds in the mirror. It’s time to change them. I looked for the bag Mom left behind with the extra bandages but couldn’t find them so I walked in the bathroom and brushed my teeth instead. From the corner of my eye I saw the bag sticking out from under my bed. I walked over there carefully, trying not to step on Alex.

“Do you need help?”
Sophie asked.

“Yeah. I have to change these.” I
said then saw the frowns on their faces. “What?” Am I that disgusting?

“There might be blood.” Tiffany said.

“No shit. Anyone want to do it?” I asked.

“How about Alex?” Zach asked
. I looked over my shoulder.

“He’s sleeping.
I’ll do myself.” I said. Pussies.

do it.” Liam said. “Dads a cop. I’ve seen my fair share of blood.”

“Thank you. If I lay down it’ll be better.”
I said. Everyone sat up and moved closer to the edge of the bed to make room for me.

Liam kneeled on the floor waiting.
I lifted my shirt until the bandage on my side was visible. He got out the bandages and alcohol swabs then peeled away the old bandage and wiped the alcohol across the cut.

When he was done, I
stood up slowly. It doesn’t hurt as much to walk so I grabbed my laptop and brought it to bed. I want to check my things. Facebook and Twitter.

My phone chimed when I was about to sit down. “Can you hand me that.”
I said. Zach turned around and grabbed the two iPhone’s on the nightstand.

“Which one’
s yours?” He asked. I grabbed both and checked the home screen. It wasn’t a text, it’s an email. The subject read: Wilks Academy Tragedy. I walked over to the windowsill, sat down and read the email.


Subject: Wilks Academy Tragedy

To: WA Faculty and Student Body


It has come to my knowledge that
Wilks Academy lost a beloved secretary and her son who was an outstanding student at WA, Denise Bond and Giovanni Acker. During this winter break, please take every precaution to stay safe. When school is back in session the guidance counselor will be available to talk to anyone in need. Once again, please be cautious during this break.


Headmaster Rubin


I put my phone down and stared out of the window. What the fuck is this? That’s the only thing I could say. I’m going to have to live with the fact that I killed them. I didn’t kill them for fun. I did what I had to to save myself and my friends. I defended myself and in the process two people got hurt.

“I still feel like he’s watching me.” I
said watching Ben walk his dog. He saw me and waved. I waved back. “I know its different now but I still feel like he’s going to be hiding somewhere out there and watching everything I do.” I looked over at my friends. “Thank you guys for staying with me.”

Someone’s phone
rang but no one moved so I looked down at Alex’s. He’s still sleeping so I answered it just in case it’s important. He’s a busy man, so I’ve heard.

I answered.

I got the place–” The guy on the other end went silent for a few seconds. “Uh…Who this is?” He finally asked.

I said.

. Is Alex around?”

“He’s sleeping.”
The guy sighed.

man. Can you wake him up, please? It’s important.”

Um, yeah sure. Hold on one second.” I said.


I hopped over to Alex and kneeled beside him.

“Alex.” I shook his arm a few times. “Alex
, someone’s on the phone for you.” He slowly turned and looked up at me.

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