Enough (44 page)

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Authors: Briana Pacheco

BOOK: Enough
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“No one
knows. Headmaster Rubin is setting everything up.” Mrs. Diaz said opening the door and let us in. We walked down the aisles of desks and sat in the back. She got a few things ready on her desk and then turned to us. “Happy New Year everyone. As you see I’m back and I hoped all of you behaved well when I was gone. Any minute there will be an announcemen–”

On cue the headmaster’s voice rang through the school. “All Seniors please make your way to the gym for an important assembl

Everyone stood up from their
desks and walked out the door. We had to walk all the way to the back of the gym and start filling in seats. The next students in were most of the football players. They passed by and nodded hi when they saw Zach and Liam. They did their own handshakes and sat behind us.

The way people were looking at me, was setting me off. They didn’t say anything but that made it worse.
I noticed this happening when students walked by. They said hello or asked how I was doing instead of giving me weird looks and calling me a slut. Which is better…

I leaned back and saw Zach looking at me. “I told you I would
take care of it.” He said.

When the
remainder of the students came in, the gym was crowded and loud. Tiffany told Alex to scoot down because she had to talk to me. I bumped into a knee behind me and got a pain in my thigh as I grabbed onto it before I fell. I turned around and said sorry. The football player, Cam, just stared at me and smiled then he bent down so we were face to face.

“I heard you were the one that broke Zach’s nose.”
He said.

“It’s not broken.”
I said with a sad look. I’m still sorry about it.

“The team just wants to say thanks for knocking sense back into him.”
Oh, god. “Glad to see you’re back, Emily.”

.” He smiled then turned back to his friends.

“Hey, you
’re not mad about earlier are you?” Tiffany asked.

“No, just let me know
before you do something.” I said.

She grabbed my leg and I don’t know how but the pain stopped. Damn, I should make her touch me all over. She has magic fingers.

The speaker made a sound
when the headmaster tapped it on his hand so everyone quieted down. Headmaster Rubin cleared his throat and began talking. His shiny, bald head was all I could see but from experience I know his brown eyes are looking at everyone.

“Everyone must be asking what this assembly is about. I just wanted to say
Happy New Year to all of you and I hope you had a great winter break.” Boring. “Unfortunately not all of us had that happiness.” Tiffany grabbed my hand and I felt her tense. “We lost a beloved secretary and student during the break.” Awesome, I’m being reminded of it.

“Don’t think of it that way.” Tiffany said.

“The guidance counselor is open for anyone who needs to talk.” He said. How about we just forget about them instead? “In memory of the two we lost, Wilks will have a memorial fountain placed in the front of the school.” I’m sorry, what?! “If anyone–”

“Fuck this.”
I said standing up and making my way down the bleachers. Everyone was so silent I only heard my heels clicking against the rubber floor. I kept my eyes focused on the door and didn’t look back. Once I opened the door, I heard the headmaster say something then feet hitting the ground.

“Stop right there
, young lady.” He said. I stopped and turned around. “You know very well no one is allowed to leave an assembly unless it is an emergency.” He hates me. Always has. I don’t know why.

“I well not go back in there and listen to shit.”
I said.

“Watch your language. You will go back in there and sit down like the r
est of the student body or else–”

gym door opened and Tiffany popped out.

“I will not go back in there. You can’t force me to do anything I don’t want to do. You act like Denise and Giovanni were saints. You don’t kn
ow the half of it. You want to build a fucking fountain for two of the worst people I have ever met.” I snapped.

“Denise was a beloved secretary

“Denise was a mother who let her son ruin my life and didn’t do
a goddamn thing to stop it!” I shouted.

“I’m sorry if you were bulli

“I wasn’t bullied!
” I said running my hands into my hair and pulling. I want to hit this guy. I want to repeatedly hit him so he can understand. “Giovanni was a monster and you want him remembered. I’m glad he died. I’ll always remember him as the guy that raped me and tried to kill me and my friends. Neither of them deserves shit!” I kicked a trashcan and walked to the women’s bathroom but the door was locked. I’m so angry at what this school wants to do for them. They weren’t worthy of having a fountain.

threw my right arm into the door, trying to open it but it wouldn’t budge. I leaned my head on the door for a few seconds then turned back to the headmaster.

Rachel was standing next to the
door with the rest of my friends.

“That is a serio
us accusation.” Was all Rubin said.

stared at him in disbelief. “You’re a fucking–”

“It’s true.”
Mrs. Diaz said cutting me off. “The police said we can’t talk about it but when I left the hospital the investigation was over. No one knows what really happened except for us and the police.” I sighed. “I’ll take them back to my class and talk to them.” Headmaster Rubin walked back inside in the gym without saying another word. “Come on.”

“Did somehow kicking the trash
can help the situation?” Bryan asked.

Yes!” I snapped. “He thinks they deserve a fucking fountain. Are you kidding me?!” I shook my head as I the tears came out. “Maybe I should rape someone and get a fountain in my damn name.” Rachel walked up to me and wrapped me in her arms.

“It’s okay, Emily.” She said. I sank into her embrace and nodded.

“He must feel like a dumbass.” Liam said as we started walking back to Mrs. Diaz’s room. No one said anything as I exhaled loudly with every step. I’m still pissed. Alex stayed by my side holding my hand the whole time and it was slowly calming me.
calms me down.

Mrs. Diaz unlocked the door and turned on the lights. I set my purse down on a desk and sat down.
Everyone turned the desks to form a circle around me and Mrs. Diaz. “Do you know why he did all this?” She finally asked. I nodded. “They talked while I was around. They said a lot of things about your father.”

“Why did they involve you?” Zach asked

She looked at me with an apologetic look in her eyes. “I talked to Denise about your family moving. I told her you’d be staying with me if you don’t go and I asked her to help out if you needed it.” She grabbed my hand. “If I kept my mouth shut none of this would have happened.” She touched my arm and brought her hand to
my forehead. “You’re really warm.”

“It’s nothing. What do know about my dad
…?” I said.

“I know enough.” The way she said it sounded like she wanted to say something else but stopped herself.

“You know everything, don’t you?” I asked. She nodded. “And you didn’t tell me sooner.” I stood up and walked over to the window. “Everyone’s getting comfortable keeping secrets around me.” I do it because I have to. I turned to Rachel. “We have a lot to talk about.”

So we did. I hate
this school for even thinking about setting up a fountain in memorial for those monsters. The people I killed… I should be getting that fountain for saving some other peoples lives.

People didn’t get hurt because I stopped them.

27. Nerves


Mrs. Diaz didn’t want to talk about much but I made her. She told me everything that happened when she was being held by Denise and Giovanni and it made me sick. She went through everything because of me. It was my fault. I should have opened my eyes.

When the bell rang
, we had to go to our regular classes. The teachers were talking about how the school changed their minds on the fountain and didn’t feel like teaching so we watched movies all day.

When school was over
, I passed by Mrs. Diaz’s room and helped her clean up until Alex got here. I feel like a child. I have a babysitter. The door opened when I was done and Alex came in.

Are you ready or do you want to stay a little longer?” He asked.

“Go. You two have some fun.
” Rachel said.

I grabbed my purse and hugged her goodbye.

“Are you coming by the house soon?” I asked.

“Soon.” She
said looking over at Alex. “Your mom really likes him.”

“When did–

“Last night. I called her and she had a lot to say about what happened this past month. Your mom said she hasn’t seen you happier. I have to agree.”
I agree to that.

I walked over to the door and turned back to Rache
l. She smiled and waved me off. When we walked down the stairs hand in hand, I looked over at Alex and tried to see how other people saw us. Do I smile when I look at him? Do I look happy? Judging by the way I feel, I have to say yes.

“Did you kick anymore trashcans
?” Alex teased.

“No, but it was fun. Maybe I can do it with that one.” I
said running up to one a couple feet away from me. Before I could bring my leg back, Alex grabbed me from behind and turned me away from it. I turned in his arms and felt the wall on my back. “You should have stopped me earlier.” I said holing his eyes.

“You needed to let out
some steam.” He said shrugging. We held each other’s eyes as our hands connected on skin and thoughts turned rated-R.

“I feel like I walked in on something private.” I turned my head to the right and saw Sophie leaning on the wall. “I just have to ask one thing. Tomorrow
, after the audition, can we spend time at your place? It’s going to be nice out and we love your pool.”

Alex said breaking the moment.

We walked with Sop
hie until she met up with Zach then we headed home because I have to be seen and watched.

The patrol
car was still parked outside but no one was in it.

I parked
and went up the front steps. My purse is filled with all of the make up work I need to do for all my classes I missed so getting to my room is on the top of my list. All of it is due tomorrow and I’m nervous about the Victoria’s Secret thing. Great, I’ll have bags under my eyes.

When I opened the front door
, Officer Reynolds was coming out. “Oh, sorry. Come on in.” He said holding a coffee and a donut.

“Was there anything out there?” I

“No. Everything seemed normal.” He
said slipping past me. “I should get back out there.” I nodded and let him go.

ar popped out of the kitchen. “Where’s Officer Blondie?”

e went back out.” I said. She frowned. She likes him. I knew it.

Do you want to talk about David?” She asked.

going to dread this. “Yeah. Sure.” I said.

“I’ll get everything ready.” Alex said. He took my purse, smiled at Scarlett and headed upstairs.
Truly amazing, that man.

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch.
“I just wanted to ask you a few things.” I said. “If David ever came back, would you want to see him?” I asked.

!” She said without hesitation.


“Because what he did to you and Mom. For all we know, he’s still the same person.” She said. That’s why she calls him David instead of dad.

“What about my real dad?
” I asked. “Taylor…should I let him in my life? I don’t know what to do because I don’t want him thinking that I’m trying to take him from his family.”

“He hasn’t been in your life for eighteen years. You’re still his daughter but that’s up to you if you want to spend
time with him or not. Just give him a chance. If he’s anything like Bryan, then he must be someone to have close.” She said.

“You have a point.”
I said. It’s true. Bryan is amazing. He got it from someone. So I should give him a shot. I should let my dad into my life and see what happens.

Scarlett got up and looked outside.
“It wouldn’t be weird to date a cop watching your house, right?” She asked. “He asked me out.”

“Look at M
om.” I said.

Right.” Scar said blushing. “Now go do your homework and tell me what they say tomorrow. I want to be the first to know if my little sister is going to be a model or not.” Or not. “Hey, Em.” I turned around on the stairs. “What would you do if you saw David?” She asked.

I ca
n’t really think of anything. “I don’t know. Let’s hope that day never comes.” I said. He changed me. He broke me. He made me someone else. If I ever saw him, I’d be feeling too many things to know what to act on.

turned back to the window to stare at Officer Blondie and I went up to my room. I took off my heels, jumped into bed and took out all of my homework.

It was around seven
-thirty when I finished everything. Alex had to read a whole book and write a report on it so I left him alone. He didn’t see that as fair though. He wanted to take multiple breaks from reading and get to know more of me. My body to be specific. I shooed him away each time.

“I’ll get things ready for tomorrow.”
I said getting off my bed and stopping at the Macy’s bags. “You’re not returning anything are you?” I asked.

got comfortable on the bed and looked over at me. “Nope. It’s all yours.” I rolled my eyes, picked them up and brought them to the closet. Damn him. I called out a ‘thanks’ as I was putting everything away. He needs to learn that he can’t keep doing this to me.

I got my outfit ready for tomorrow and then stripped down to my bra and underwear to study myself in the mirror.
I put my hair in a ponytail and turned in different angles. Like all girls, I have to admit I have a nice body but I don’t know how anyone would want me to model for them with these wounds.

I heard Alex get off the
bed and walk into the bathroom. His eyes wondered and he saw me. I dared him to even think about it.

walked in front of the full length mirror then my phone chimed.

: Emily, heard the show is going to have body art so you don’t have to worry about scars. I’m getting a limo so you can bring the boys from the other night. Boys equal fun. :)

Great. Can’t wait. Anything important to know?

: Just bring yourself and work it. You’ll do great Em.

I put the phone down and walked
back to the mirror.

I may
actually have a chance.

Alex came out of the bathroom and looked
me up and down. I smiled and hugged him.

“Did I miss something?”
He asked. “You’re letting me touch you.”

“I was nervous about nothing. The show is going to hav
e body art so all the scars will get covered. All I have to worry about is being in or not.” I said.

I told you not to worry.” He said moving his hands down to my hips. I studied him a bit. I know that look. I have that look right now.

“Doesn’t look like your reading.” I
said pulling away from him and walking into my closet. “I want to see that book in your hands when I–”

Alex turned me around and pressed me against the door, closing it. Oh, yes. I like where this is going. “Alex…read.” I said as his lips moved to my neck.

“I am. And you’re body approves.” He said. Reading body language. Fucking smart ass. His mouth moved down to my breasts and I threw my head back. I’m an idiot for trying to keep our hands off each other.

“I don’t have condoms in here.” I said looking down at him as he started kissing my stomach. Fuck, he’s fingers are already sliding up my thighs. I’m about to cave. “Alex…” His teeth grazed my skin as he got to my underwear.

I’m already panting and he hasn’t done anything to me.

“Don’t worry about it.” He said looking up at me. “This is for you.”

I tried to grip the walls as he slid my underwear down and slipped his hand in-between my legs. Then his mouth took over.

God! I don’t know how I was quiet but I managed.



I pulled on pj shorts and a tank top and climbed into my bed with a fully clothed Alex. He didn’t let me touch him or take off his clothes. He wanted to do that for me and I fucking loved it. But I still want to do something for him. I’m feeling generous.

“I think we should spend more
time at your place since it’s big…and private.” I said. “We can’t really do anything here.”

“And what would we be doing there?”
He asked with a teasing look.

I s
at up and straddled his lap. After I planned everything in my head, I leaned down and kissed him. “More of this.” I ran my hand down his stomach and grabbed his shirt. I lifted it a little with a smile on my lips. “More of that.” I dropped my hand to his jeans and unbuttoned them. “Mo–”

e turned me on my back and started tickling me. “I might be a guy but I can control myself.” Alex said biting me while he tried to tickle my sides. “Just know one thing. You unbutton this jeans and I lose any control I thought I had.”

“Good. Because I want you to.” I said sliding my hand down his stomach, trying and failing to slip into his boxers. He grabbed my hand and gave me a challenging look. “Let me do this for you.” I said pouting.

He almost fell for it but I bit my lip and he knew I was going to do for the both of us. He makes me horny as hell and just touching him will make me come apart in my own skin.

So he tickled me harder. I know he wants to have sex. And I know if we start touching, he won’t be able to stop. I don’t want him to but my family is here.

This is why we need to go to his place.

rolled off the bed with Alex still attached to my side. I squirmed and tried bending over a few times to get him off and I finally did.

My brows furrowed when my h
eartbeat felt a bit off beat.

Alex came up from behind me, wrapped his arms around my stomach and rested his head on my right shoulder
while whispering sweet nothings into my ear. Then he started kissing my neck and nibbling on my earlobe.

“Hold on.” I
said pulling his arms from around me. What the hell am I feeling? I took a deep breath and touched my chest.

“What is it?” He asked turning me around.

“I don’t know. My heart…”

He grabbed my hand and put t
wo fingers on my wrist, my neck then my chest. “I don’t feel anything wrong.” He said looking me over.

“I probably
thought I felt something.” I said. He studied me closely then brought his hand to my neck again. “Are you trying to play doctor?” I teased. His face was serious. “Alex.” I grabbed his hand and walked him toward the door. “I’ll be fine as soon as I eat something.” That could be it. I didn’t eat too much today and I’m trying to attack my boyfriend. I’m just to excited, I have to chill the fuck out.

didn’t seem convinced but he didn’t feel anything so I must have been wrong. We went downstairs and ate with my family then went back to bed. I have to stop being lazy.

I need to kick Alex out so I can
get out of bed. Ha, I can’t do that.

“I’m jus
t nervous for tomorrow. That’s probably it.” I said when I crawled into bed and he held me like I would break. He then got up and walked to my iHome. Music
played as he came back on the bed.

I love you, Em.” Alex said pulling me into his arms.

“I love you, too.” Then
I slowly grabbed the comforter and went under. He’s trying to calm me down. I’m too wired up to calm down. I honestly think I felt something but I don’t know what it was. “We were in the middle of something earlier…” I said straddling his lap. I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. He hesitated at first but when I didn’t pull away and I kissed him harder, he brought his hands to the back of my thighs and pushed me closer to him. “I don’t think they’ll come upstairs.” I said.

Alex pulled back to look at me for a bit. When he didn’t move, I unzipped his jeans. “Lose control, baby.” I said biting my lip.

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