Ensnared Bride (7 page)

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Authors: Yamila Abraham

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ensnared Bride
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Javintore went to the bridge of the ship and checked how far the parasites were from the planet.
The disgusting worms were still an hour out, but now he had their trajectory so he knew where to place his decoys on the planet.
He ordered the pilot to bring them into the planet
’s atmosphere.

Now he had a few moments to think.
Of course, his beautiful Monica was no rebel.
He couldn
’t have faulted her if she was, but that’s not what she projected to him.
His lovely slave-bride was more like a crumpled bird, something he had to take gently into his hands and protect.

He drew a deep sigh.
There was no way he
’d let them take her from him.
His life felt listless before she became a fixture in his quarters.
Now he couldn’t imagine being without her.

The thought of his masters executing her made his chest grow tight.
’d wage war if they did that.
It would be him and his mechanized army against the Empire.
That’s how he’d seek his own suicide after her death.

The sweet woman, her voice soft and her steps lighter than air, had crystallized his need to intervene on behalf of the slaves sacrificed to the parasites.
Before they were abstractions to him, right and wrong in the simplest shades of black and white.
Now he had a face, a set of gorgeous green eyes, and a thin delicate body to represent them.

He input the coordinates for the decoys with conviction.
It would only be a short flight over the planet.

She reminded him of himself when he was first given to his mentor as a little boy.
Neglect had turned him into an animal.
It took love, food, warmth, and security for him to come out of his shell.
He saw the same in Monica.
Her plight resonated with him.

She was his wounded bird—and he would stop at nothing to protect her.


After six hours Javintore still didn
’t return to their quarters.
Monica got ready for bed.
She had a sleek nightgown to wear now.
She donned it and took her normal place in her master’s large bed.

There was still apprehension, but not the level of dread she should have had at the prospect of answering for her presumed crime.
Javintore inspired tremendous faith within her.
As long as she was in his ship and in his presence she knew she was safe.

She felt his hand nuzzling her face some time later.
Monica fluttered her eyelids open.
’d been woken gently and warmth spread through her at the sight of shirtless master.
He had the trace of a smile at the edge of his lip.
Monica’s spirits buoyed.

“My robot decoys worked.
There’s a drone dragging an electro-net full of parasite covered robots to a black hole right now.”

She gave a cathartic sigh.
“Thank God.
So no more slaves have to die that horrible death.”

Javintore began to play with her hair, causing tingles at her nape.
“I have get the new procedure established.
Carbon emitting decoys have to be given to all the outer battalions.”
He leaned close to kiss the swell of her shoulder.
Monica began to feel fluttery in her core.
“I’ll get it done.”

“I’m so glad, Javintore.”
Her voice had grown hushed.

“It’s lucky I didn’t fail.
The hyper-jump module on the Gen-lord’s ship broke down and they couldn’t get here.
They’re claiming my atom propulsion unit damaged their systems—but they can’t prove it.
The High Command is more interested in learning about an engine that can jump three causeways at once while time-traveling forward a few days.”

“That’s incredible.”

“I told them about the Deekitee-ans plot.
It makes too much sense for them doubt me.”
His eyes lowered.
“They were still going to execute you.
That’s the Hax-Rah way.
Slaves answer for crimes whether or not they knew what they were doing.”

Monica winced.

“But I told them I’d taken you as my bride.”
He reached over to trace her bottom lip with his finger.
Monica opened her mouth for him.

“Since you’re no longer a slave—you no longer have to be punished like one.
You’re under my jurisdiction now.”
His finger slid down her throat to dance over her collarbone.

“Everything’s fine now…that’s what you’re saying.”

He moved above her and kissed her neck.

Monica closed her eyes.
Tingly heat was cascading outward from where his mouth connected.
Her body was slack.
She was ready to relinquish herself without another word said.

He broke from her.
“We’ll consummate now.”
His hand glided over the silky fabric covering her stomach.
Monica’s flesh lit up with sensation beneath his probing hand.
“Tell me you’re no longer afraid.”

She met his shimmering yellow gaze.

“I’m not afraid.”

He closed his eyes and grunted, as though reeling from the pleasure of her forthright words.
Then he lowered to seal their mouths together.
The kiss, with their hot tongues sliding against each other, amplified the melty feelings in her belly.
Monica wrapped her weakened arms around his shoulders.
His determined mouth caused warmth to drip from her core to her pelvis.
There was a tightening of in her sex along with it.
This time she had no doubt where Javintore
’s passion was leading.

His hand slid up her sleek gown, cupping her breast, and then one deft finger teased her nipple to hardness.
Monica winced, while still entwined with his mouth.
The stimulation was stark and sudden.
It turned the warmth inside her to heat, with the apex between the moistening folds of her sex.
She felt her strength seep from her.

He broke from her mouth so his lips could make a a buttery trail down her throat.
The tip of his tongue came out to light the sensitive skin with heated wetness.
’s lips continued lower, to kiss the small swells of her breasts.

His hand drew up her gown, drawing the silky fabric over her hip and then just below her arm.
She maneuvered to help him pull it off her.
Both her nipples hardened to pearls from the eroticism of their exposure.
Now only her panties remained.
’s warm pectorals, as large as her own breasts, pressed against both perked nipples.
He lowered his mouth to surround one rigid bud with soft kisses, then he plucked her in his lips and tugged.

Monica threaded her fingers through his thick dark hair.

’s hand danced over her ribs, igniting sensuous tingles on her flesh.
He soothed lower, coating her stomach with his the heat of his touch.
His hand swept over her hip, and then slided into the waistband of her panties.
He worked his gentle fingers slowly towards her sex.
Monica’s flesh lit up with goose bumps.
She felt her breaths growing quicker.

Her beloved moved his lips to her ear.
“Don’t be scared.”

She smiled at him.
The reassurance, given in his sexy whisper, electrified her flesh even more.

She matched his whisper.
“You’re too wonderful to be scared of.”

Javintore gave her a soft smile.
He rejoined their mouths once more.

His fingers pried between her legs, right at the crease of her sex.
’s face tensed.
There was prickly heat beneath his hand.
She clenched both her backside and her sex while he lingered there.
So much tightness had built up that her stomach now trembled.

No, she wasn
’t afraid of him, but there was delirious anticipation.

He mashed his palm against her mound of flesh without breaching her slit.
’s breath caught.
Her clit and the tightness at her entrance was compressed beneath the strong hand.
Javintore rubbed in a circular motion, causing dew to leak from her cleft.
She took slow breaths with her stomach still quavering.
Her sex was full of aching, prickly heat.
Javintore’s firm ministrations coaxed her toward a feeling of urgency.

His hand continued with the rhythmic motion.
Monica clit hardened beneath her folds of skin.
Javintore compressed and nudged the erect bulb with every pass.
Her breaths grew more ragged.
The exquisite cluster of nerves sent out staggering shockwaves of pleasure.
Monica clenched her sex as though that would somehow brace her against the sensations.

’s finger pried past her slippery hood.
Bare finger touched right against her agitated clit.
Monica jolted with her whole body.

“It’s okay,” she said at once.
She knew her reaction might make him stop again.
He’d driven her to such a desperate pinnacle she couldn’t bear another pause.

Javintore breached her wetness with two fingers.
He glided them down from her clit, over sensitive petals, and to her guarded opening.
He teased circles at her hole, turning the feelings from overwhelming to sublime.
There was aching tightness below the pads of his fingers.
Every touch twinged beautifully inside her, drawing her closer to the edge.

He glided his fingers upward again.
Her knot was circled by his forefinger, and then gently teased.
Monica clamped her thighs on his wrist.
He leaned down for another kiss.
This distracted her enough for his fingers to keep searching the tender place.
Her back arched, then she dug her heel into the mattress.
When he broke from her lips she let out a tremulous cry.

Javintore placed the tips of his fingers back at her entrance.
His palm compressed her clit.
He rubbed up and down with sudden vigor.
’s eyes widened.
His hand was lubricated with her wetness, and curled fingers mashed against her taut opening.


Javintore leaned down to suckle her breast.
“Let it happen.”
His hand continued its swift barrage.

Monica arched her back.
Her every muscle tensed.
The hand grinding into her sex had prickly preorgasmic surges coursing through her pelvis.
She gave a cry, just as she was at the brink.
Her body no longer had control.

The first spasm made her face contort.
She squirmed beneath his relentless hand, her stomach clenching with every rapturous convulsion.
Her soft cries, close to whimpering, couldn
’t be restrained.
Javintore continued rubbing, drawing out her orgasm.
It had been so long for her, her body seemed unable to stop.
Muscles deep inside her contracted inward and held her in the throes of ecstasy for a microsecond before releasing.

After what seemed an unreasonable length of time, her body finally grew slack.
She collapsed against the mattress, gasping with heaves of her bare chest.

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