Entangled (Entangled Trilogy #1) (12 page)

Read Entangled (Entangled Trilogy #1) Online

Authors: Anika Rahman

Tags: #paranormal romance, #young adult, #fallen angels

BOOK: Entangled (Entangled Trilogy #1)
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Those hurtfully beautiful blue
eyes danced in front of me, taunting me in every way possible, but
I didn’t give in. I couldn’t give in now. I came this far to
finding out the truth about him.

“Remember, once you’re mine, there
is no going back,” he said, taunting me again. If I gave in now, I
could never go back. I could never save those I love. Should I give
in? Should I give him the satisfaction of my failure? I can always
save the others by giving my life up. It had no real meaning,

“C’mon, it’s not that hard to make
the decision,” he said again, trying to hug me, but I stepped back
and away from his cold grasp.

“There is not a single place in
this world where you can hide from me. Flectere si nequeo superos,
Acheronta movebo,” he said once again, disappearing completely out
of my sight. With him went my hopes of ever freeing those I loved.
I thought that I loved them until now. What is love? There truly
isn’t an answer for it. He came over to me and took my face in his
hands very roughly. He forced my gaze upon him and I obeyed. Then
he told me something that would be glued to my brain

“Remember this: Everyone has a
little bit of God in them. The part that allows them to love
unconditionally. If you can see God in anyone in the world, then
you truly love them from the bottom of your heart. Do you see your
God in me? Am I the kind of person who has God in him? Is it
possible to love someone like me?”

* * * * *

I gasped as I opened my eyes wide,
my face filled with tears. What was that nightmare? I was probably
hallucinating. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to my
surroundings but once I looked around, I saw that I was back in my
room with Adrian, James and Lucifer arguing on the

“Way to go Prince Charming. You
completely freaked her out. What did you tell her? Or did she just
look at your face and freak out really badly? I know I would,”
Lucifer snorted as James elbowed him hard. Both Adrian and James
turned to glower at him.

“What?” Lucifer

“Vince, you sure you didn’t give
away too much information? You know what would happen if you do,
right? We can’t risk that. She’s our only hope. My plan would’ve
gone perfectly fine if Albert Einstein hadn’t been interfering so
much,” James said as he looked over at Maddie who I just

“Hey! I was trying to help out my
best friend,” Maddie protested but James waved her off.

“Seriously, if Satan hadn’t
interfered, nothing would’ve happened,” James said.

“Hey! The Satan you’re talking
about, you
is standing right here,” Lucifer scolded.

“I mean, he started to ask her out
and then when she turned him down, he began to threaten her. What a
devil, man. Please, mid the pun,” James kept droning.

“Again, right here,” Lucifer said,
indicating him.

“You WHAT?! Are you out of your
tiny little devil mind? She’s mine. All mine. All of you know that.
You little fuc—,” Adrian started as he turned red. He was probably
seeing red too.

“Language, Vince. Anyways,
Angel,” James said.

“Will you stop it already with
nickname?” Adrian scolded as I began to realize that Vince
was his nickname from James.

“Angel seems to find it very . . .
romantic. The nickname suits her, don’t you think? Plus, she loves
the nickname; almost as much as she loves me. I think she loves me
more than anything else on Earth. Don’t you think so too? Angel is
just so, so . . . hot and all. I love her so much. The way she
kisses me. The way she says she loves me. The way she looks up to
me in a way she doesn’t look at anyone else. The way she shies away
once we’re done kissing. The way her cheeks flush when I flirt with
her and all,” James started as he arched an eyebrow.

“She doesn’t really love you, you
know that. You did all of that as an act to protect her,” Adrian
said as his face started to fill with impassive anger.

Well, most of it was an act. Hey,
relax. It’s not like I’m going to elope with her to get married and
have kids or anything. Although, that idea is not so bad after
all,” James said, smirking slightly as he thought of the idea. That
did it! James took it too far and now, Adrian was suddenly on top
of him, knocking him to the ground.

How dare you
talk about
Roza that way? You know how much I love her. She would never
run away with you no matter what. She loves
,” Adrian said through gritted
teeth as he and James got up and was still holding onto each
other’s collars as Maddie tried to hold back Adrian and Lucifer
tried to hold back James.

And how do you
know that for sure, Vince? Did she tell you, even once, that she
loves you after the accident? Did she tell you that during your
little dance? She told me several times that she loves me. How many
times did she tell you she loves
?” James teased although his eyes
kept his anger at bay. He was really good at that and Adrian was
getting angrier and angrier each second.

Roza told me that she loves me a
lot of times. She doesn’t love you,” Adrian said

Oh yeah sure. You know that you
doubt the relationship between the two of you. You know that what
she felt for you before is not the same anymore,” James said again.
This time, Adrian broke away from Maddie’s grasp and pounced on
James. Both of their eyes were black, like depthless black. Both of
them wrestled each other to the ground. They were impossible. I
couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to go out there and stop them but
my legs were too weak. I could barely move them.

STOP!!” I yelled out, reaching
out a hand as if it would magically grow out and stop them from the
fighting. “Stop fighting,” I whispered.

Alice! You’re . . . alive,”
Maddie said as she threw herself on top of me. I hugged her back,
still keeping my eyes on the trio as they watched Maddie pull away
from me and stand next to them.

How much of that did you hear,
Rosie?” It was Lucifer who spoke, breaking the ceaseless

“Enough to know that all three of
you are wacks. What were you guys talking about? And James, why’d
you have to go around annoying Adrian? What did he ever do to you?”
I asked them all. Adrian gave James a triumphant smile that made my
heart melt for some reason.

“That’s exactly what I told him,
Roza. He just doesn’t listen,” Adrian smiled at me as I smiled
back. James and Lucifer practically glowered at him.

“Listen, we need to talk,” said
all three of them at the same time as Maddie sighed.

“Okay, one by one in private. I
don’t want all three of you to tear each other apart,” I

“I’ll go first,” Lucifer chimed in
as Maddie, Adrian and James left the room.

“Lucifer, what do you want to talk
about?” I sighed. He walked over to my bed and sat down, facing me,
and he tentatively took my face in his hands and leaned in close,
our face inches away from each other’s. He held onto my face

“How are you feeling, Rosie?” he
asked me as his voice softened. His expression still held that smug
type of vibe but his eyes had a worried shade of blue.

“I’m feeling better than before,
Lucifer. Thanks for your concern,” I smiled as he relaxed a bit and
let out a shaky breath, fanning out the lower half of my face. It
kind of tickled me and sent a pleasurable shiver down my

“I never get tired of seeing your
beautiful smile, Rosie. It just makes my heart melt,” he says. I
kind of felt bad for him; everyone always kept blaming him for

“That’s nice. What did you want
to—,” I started, but he leaned even more and kissed me. At first,
he just brushed his lips across mine, but then, the kiss got firmer
and he held onto my face as if he would lose me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck
and held onto him. He slid his hands from my face, down to my waist
where he held onto me tighter. He moaned into the kiss and I kissed
him back with the same amount of passion that I would put in for
anyone else’s kiss. He tried to pull me closer to him and I let
him, not knowing why.

He parted my lips with his own and
I still let him, granting him access as he smiled but didn’t break
the kiss. His tongue slipped into my mouth but I didn’t mind. The
kiss lasted for about thirty more seconds more and at last, we
pulled away. I was breathless while he grinned at me.

“I’ll never get tired of
either,” Lucifer smiled.

“What did you want to tell me?” I
asked again as I got my breathing under control.

“I wanted you to know that you
don’t deserve Adrian or James. You deserve me, the Prince of Hell.
We are like a match made in hell, Rosie. We are meant to be
together,” Lucifer told me.

“What?” I asked, completely

“I want you to stay away from
Adrian and James. You deserve better than them,” Lucifer said as
sadness filled his eyes.

“What?! You can’t tell me what to
do and what not to do. Who do you think you are?” I yelled; all
that passion in me replaced by anger.

“I am Lucifer, the Morning-star in
case you didn’t know,” Lucifer smirked.

“What?” I asked. I wasn’t very
religious so I didn’t understand any of this.

“Rosie, try to understand this,”
Lucifer said calmly. His calmness was the thing that annoyed me
even more.

“NO! First, you come to me and
kiss me. Then you tell me what I should and shouldn’t do. Who do
you think you are?” I yelled as Lucifer stepped towards me and
reached out a hand to touch me. Before he could touch me, James
burst in through the door and Lucifer sighed.

“Your appointment with Satan is
over, Angel. My turn,” James grinned as he stepped towards my bed
and Lucifer left, closing the door behind him. I now felt slightly

“Angel, love, are you still mad at
me?” he asked as concern filled his eyes. He reached over to touch
my face lightly.

“No, I’m not mad—,” I started but
he silenced me with a kiss. James’ kisses were more sudden and
always right to the point. He immediately parted my lips and
slipped his tongue into my mouth. We kissed for about a minute
until he pulled away.

“Good. I don’t want you to be mad
at me. How are you feeling, Angel?” he asked me.

“Why do you want to talk to me?” I

“Answer my question first,” James
growled as I flinched.

“I’m fine,” I said quietly. James
put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up to look up at him
in a painful position. My whole body hurt and he knew it but he
still didn’t let go.

“Why do you love Adrian and not
me? Answer me,” James growled. He was hurting me, I could see the
pain in his eyes but he still didn’t let go.

“Let go of me, James. You’re
hurting me,” I pleaded as I clawed at his hands. He did let go of
my chin but now, he held onto my wrists very painfully tightly. I
could see the red marks forming on my wrists.

“Answer me,” James growled again
and Adrian burst in through the door. James muttered a curse and
left the room. My face was filled with tears.

Adrian quickly sat down on the bed
and hugged me tightly, not tight enough to hurt me like James did.
I was still crying and Adrian didn’t mind. He still held onto me
like I was his life. He kept murmuring, “it’s okay, Roza.” I pulled
away and furiously wiped away my tears and he noticed the red marks
vining my wrists. He took my fragile wrists in his hands and traced
the lines. I sucked in a breath and he immediately let go,
muttering something under his breath but the only part of it that I
caught was, “I’m going to kill that bastard.”

“Adrian, no. Please, don’t,” I
said, horrified. Adrian pulled me in for another hug and I hugged
him back.

“How are you feeling, Roza?” he
asked, a bit concerned.

“I’m fine,” I said.

“No, you’re not. You have a bad
habit of lying like that and covering up your pain but I could tell
how much you’re hurting,” Adrian told me as if he knew me forever.
He leaned in to kiss me firmly and I instantly kissed him back.
Once he pulled away, the pain in my whole body was almost

“Is the pain gone?” he

“A little,” I responded,

He kissed me again, firmer this
time. Adrian held onto me and kissed me longer.

“How about now?” he

“The pain is all . . . gone. How
did you do that?” I asked, surprised and afraid at the same time.
The pain was all gone. The marks on my wrists were still there but
there was no pain in my body whatsoever. How did he do that? I
tried to inch away from him, but he held me closer to him in a
protective way for some reason.

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