Entangled Love (9 page)

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Authors: Jessica Gray

BOOK: Entangled Love
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After getting her back to his hotel room, he proceeded to make sweet love to the only woman who had ever owned his heart. Evelyn had been shyly responsive, a testament to her inexperience in the art of lovemaking. Michael made sure to take her to the top of the mountain, and was in awe as he watched her fall off the precipice.


As they both came down, reality began to set in. Evelyn was content to snuggle in Michael’s arms, and when she gave his chest a kiss and wrapped her arms around him tightly, it was if cold water had been thrown in Michael’s face.


The reality of what had just happened was a bitter companion and Michael’s anger and resentment for the past rose to the surface.

The Arrangement


Feeling the tension invade Michael’s body, Evelyn pushed herself up and pulled the sheet around her to offer protection.
Sleeping with Michael had been the most beautiful experience of her life, not that she had many to compare it to. The two men she had allowed such liberties had been more friend than lover in her mind, and the result of sleeping with them, had done nothing to change that opinion. Neither episode had been deemed worthy of repeating by either her or the gentlemen in question. By mutual consensus, no more dates had been scheduled and Evelyn had been fine with that.


Michael grabbed his boxers and quickly donned them upon leaving the bed. He noticed that Evelyn averted her eyes the entire time and smirked at the blush that stained her cheeks. After what had just happened, how could she still be embarrassed?


Retrieving the courtesy robe from the bathroom, he handed it to her and then turned his back, allowing her a small measure of privacy to put it on. Evelyn took the offered robe and gratefully pulled it around her, tying the belt. It appeared that what had been a wonderful experience to her, was being deemed a mistake by Michael. Well that was fine, she would gather her clothes up and go home. Her heart couldn’t stand another disappointment right now.


Searching around for her clothes, Michael turned and watched her gather them all up. He followed her as she searched the living area, finally locating her other sock and her shoes. As she turned to enter the bathroom, he stopped her, “Evelyn, we need to talk about what just happened.”


Evelyn stopped, but didn’t turn around, “Do we? I don’t think so.  We’re both tired, and things got out of control. Now, I’m going to get dressed and then get out of your hair so we can both get some much needed sleep.”  Evelyn was proud that she had been able to deliver her response with a controlled voice. She needed her wits around her and if she allowed herself to dwell on what had just happened she was liable to fall apart.  The last thing she wanted to do was let Michael see her cry.


Taking a step towards her, Michael reached out and tried to turn her around to face him, “Evelyn, we really need to talk about this.” Feeling her stiffen beneath his hand, he dropped his arm and took a step back.


Evelyn swallowed, but turned and looked at him, “Michael, we’re both tired right now. I need some sleep and so do you…”


“What just happened can’t be ignored.”


“Fine. Talk.”


Michael took a step towards her, and reached up to push her hair behind her ear again. “What just happened was awesome. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually enjoyed sex with a woman enough to want a repeat. I want a repeat with you.”


Evelyn wasn’t quite sure where he was going with this. Making love with Michael had been one of the best experiences of her life…
Wait a minute!  Sex – he called what had just happened sex?


“Michael, I …”


Holding a finger up to silence her, he continued, “I’d like to continue seeing you while I’m here.”


Evelyn was getting thoroughly confused.
While he was here? Wasn’t he scheduled to leave in a few days time?
“I don’t understand. I thought you were leaving this weekend.”


“David called me this afternoon to check on our progress and has asked me to stay here and managed the project to completion. I’ll be securing office space next week and looking for more permanent housing as well.”


Evelyn was floored and overjoyed by his news.
Michael wasn’t leaving!
But Michael wasn’t giving her the warm and fuzzy vibes she always assumed would come with a romantic relationship.
“So you’re going to be sticking around? That’s great.”


Michael watched the thoughts filter across her face. She should never play cards; she would give herself away immediately. He saw the hope bloom in her eyes and jumped to stop it in its tracks. “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page. While I really enjoyed having sex with you, and am looking forward to repeating the experience, I’m not looking for a relationship right now.”


Evelyn’s mouth dropped open as his words registered. 
He wanted to continue sleeping with her, but they weren’t going to have a relationship?


When he saw the shock cross her face, he decided to push his agenda and gain her compliance. “I would love to spend more time with you, after work and our other commitments are finished up for the day. I do have a few boundaries that I would like to discuss with you. First, I don’t believe in letting women sleep over. I don’t care if we use your house, or you come to mine, but I find it works better when we each go our separate ways afterwards. Keep the entanglements to a minimum.”


Evelyn heard the words he was saying and couldn’t believe they were coming from Michael; the Michael she had grown up knowing.
Who was this cynical man who believed it was okay to have sex with someone for the sake of sating their bodies physical desires, but emotion and commitment weren’t part of the package? The Michael she had known before would have never acted this way?


“Michael, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I don’t sleep around. I think you probably figured that out on your own, but what you’re suggesting sounds like sex between strangers.  Are we allowed to be friends in you little scenario? Can we grab a bite to eat together after work? Or do you just envision us showing up at the end of the day to service each other’s accounts and then going about our business?”


Michael could see that Evelyn was getting upset. He shut down any part of himself that cared, and forged ahead. “I’m glad you understand what I’m suggesting. We were good together in bed, and since I’m not looking or a relationship right now, and you have your hands full with the current project, it’s the perfect solution. We will both have an available outlet for our sexual frustration without the stress or burden of a relationship.”


“So, let me see if I get this right. We aren’t going to be friends. We aren’t going to have a relationship. We’re just going to jump each other’s bones whenever the mood strikes.”


“Don’t be vulgar. The sex between us was amazing and you know it was. Tell me you don’t want to repeat the experience.”


“Right now? Never again. I don’t do sex without the emotions. The Michael I used to know wouldn’t be able to handle sex without the emotions either. I think you’re lying to me and to yourself.” Turning around, Evelyn entered the bathroom. Closing the door, she secured the lock and then leaned upon the sink for a moment, swallowing to keep the tears at bay.


After cleaning up and dressing, she sat on the edge of the tub and looked at herself in the mirror for a long time. Michael had turned a beautiful experience into something tawdry and disgusting.  She replayed his words and they didn’t ring true. The longer she sat there thinking, the more she came to the conclusion that Michael was trying to keep her close, but wasn’t quite ready to admit he still had feelings for her.


So, what to do about it? She could walk away and hope that he would eventually come after her, but that hadn’t worked before and probably wouldn’t work now. Or, she could stay and try to play things his way, allowing him time to come to terms with his feelings. 
Could her heart handle the situation in the meantime?
She hoped so.


Leaving the bathroom, she found Michael sitting on the couch, flipping thru the t.v. channels.  Joining him, but sitting in the side chair, she clasped her hands together and looked him in the eye, “Okay, I agree to your terms.”


Michael tried to hide the shock and quickly lowered his eyes to his feet. He had been sure she would tell him to take a flying leap and had been trying to convince himself that it wouldn’t matter to him either way. He also wondered that he wasn’t more thrilled with her agreement. He was the one who had suggested the arrangement, and it was what he wanted.
Wasn’t it?


Swallowing, he looked at her, “Great. I’m glad. Well, shall I call you a cab or…”


“Don’t bother. I already called from the bathroom and there should be one waiting downstairs by now. I’ll just let myself out.” Evelyn secretly hoped that he would grab her and stop her from leaving, but wasn’t overly surprised when she reached the elevator without him coming after her.


Michael Jennings had developed a stubborn streak and she meant to break it. She would play his game for a little while, but then he would end up playing hers and she was playing for keeps.

The Plan


Two weeks later…


, want to tell me what’s going on between you and Michael?” Victor had seen Michael leaving Evelyn’s house late last night. He had noticed a trend of Michael arriving at her house after 9 o’clock, staying for several hours, and then leaving. He never spent the night.  Several nights a week, Evelyn would arrive home around midnight, but always alone. Something was going on with his two friends and he aimed to find out what.


“I don’t have any idea of what you’re talking about,” Evelyn tried for nonchalance, but looking at Victor realized she had failed.


“Okay. You want to play it that way, you got it. Why is Michael coming over to your house several nights a week, late I might add, and then leaving again several hours later? That is what I’m talking about.” Victor crossed his arms over his chest. He had already called Michael to task with no results.   Miss Evelyn wasn’t going to get off so easy.


Evelyn tried to stare him down, she so did not want to hear Victor tell her how stupid she was being and she didn’t know if she could discuss her non-relationship with Michael without breaking down and crying. Lately, she had started to think that he would never change his mind about their sex-only interaction.


Outside of the bedroom, he bordered on being rude, and cynical. He had a snide comment for everything she said, and most days she just wanted to hit him. Victor had invited Michael to set up his office in their empty suite and Mandy had readily agreed to take on his secretarial duties. Evelyn had been given no say in the arrangements, and was confronted with Michael’s animosity on a daily basis.
So why then, did she find herself seeking sexual gratification at his hands most nights?


She needed to have her head examined, but Victor was not her therapist of choice. He was blunt and if he knew what had been going on, he would be on both of their cases.  Evelyn tried to think of some excuse that would explain Michael’s presence at her house so late…


“Quit trying to make up a plausible excuse and just tell me the truth. Evelyn, I’m worried about you and just want to help.”


Evelyn looked at Victor and couldn’t hold out any longer. The words came spilling forth in a tidal wave, “Michael and I are having sex, but we’re not in a relationship and we’re not friends.” Evelyn’ tried to calm her breathing down. Hearing the words audibly spoken made it so much worse. Losing the battle, she covered her face with her hands and began to cry.


Victor was horrified and angered that Michael had caused this. Pulling Evelyn out of her chair, he wrapped his arms around her and urged her to tell him everything. “Evelyn, it’s okay. Let me help. Tell me what’s going on. What you just described doesn’t sound like either you or Michael.”


“Remember the night we worked late to finish the package for the investors?” At Victor’s nod, she continued, “Well, Michael and I rode down in the elevator, I was really tired, and he brushed my hair back. The next thing I knew we were wrapped around each other in a cab headed for his hotel. “ She paused and blew her nose, “Victor, it felt so good to be held by him again. And, he made me feel things I’ve never felt before.” Blushing, she looked down, “I didn’t know that making love with someone could be so magical. I thought maybe the books were all just fantasy.”


Victor stiffened and Evelyn immediately knew he had misinterpreted her words, “Victor, no, I wasn’t a virgin, but my limited experiences had been just…blah… you know? It was so beautiful, but then Michael called it ‘sex’ and said he wanted to repeat it, but didn’t want a relationship and we could have a physical relationship with each other, but couldn’t sleep together, or hang out, or….”


“That bastard. I’m going to kill him.”  Victor started to pull away and Evelyn grabbed his arm.


“No, stop. I agreed to it.  I was angry at first, but then I thought maybe he was just hiding his feelings for me, and if I agreed to it, I could change his mind and we could become friends again.” Evelyn shrugged her shoulders, not knowing what else to say.


“Evelyn, I’ve seen and heard the way he treats you in the office. It’s despicable. How on earth can you sleep with someone after being treated that way?”


“That’s just it. We don’t sleep together.  Michael doesn’t want anyone to know we’re having sex, so he goes out of his way to be mean. It hurt the first few days, but now I just ignore it. I’m so stupid!”


Victor shook her slightly, “You’re not stupid. He is.  He’s throwing away everything and can’t even see it.”


Evelyn shook her head, despair filling her eyes, “What am I going to do? I don’t feel like he’s any closer to admitting he has feelings for me than when we started this. It’s breaking my heart.”


“Girl, you can’t keep doing this. Michael either needs to admit he cares for you and start treating you right or you need to kick him to the curb for good. You’re not doing either one of you any favors by continuing this charade.”


Evelyn nodded, “You’re right. I know you are, but when he’s holding me, I can convince myself that things are going to work out. I don’t know if I’m ready for a life that doesn’t involve him holding me close. I was so lonely before, I don’t know if I can let him go.” Tears spilled over her cheeks again as the futility of her situation became clearer. Michael and she were never going to resolve their differences if things remained the same.

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