Entangled Summer (4 page)

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Authors: Michele Barrow-Belisle

BOOK: Entangled Summer
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Chapter Six



My blood ran cold. How did she know about my dreams? I got that she knew
them… but the content…? The question was about to fall from my mouth, when she rose abruptly.

"I believe the director has returned,” she said suddenly. “And I’m certain he’ll want to meet you before you leave. You will report to me during your employment with us Miss Dultry, however he is the owner of this academy, so it would be wise for you to keep that in mind."

The only thing I could keep in mind was how she knew so much about my dream. No one outside of Kenzie and my grandfather knew about them. I must have sat in my stupor too long because Miss Strange made a face.

“Follow me please Miss Dultry. He is in the atrium.”

Kenzie was still in the waiting room when Miss Strange and I walked by. A million questions lit up her face as we passed her and walked out the front door. No time to answer them now, especially since I had none. Was this meeting just a formality, or part of the interview process? Miss Strange had already assured me I had the position, but considering the bizarreness of the entire morning, anything was possible.

I walked as fast as I could behind her. Her heels were higher than mine, yet she managed to walk twice as fast. With my two left feet stumbling over the uneven path with every step I took, I barely managed to keep up. I followed her into a round glass building, a solarium or maybe a greenhouse. It virtually glowed with greenery, and although the sun was beating down full force now that it was past midday, the inside was relatively cool. There was a large indoor pond to the side, in the center a stone frog spouting water from its mouth. The worn floor boards creaked as we walked over them, they had to have been well over a hundred years old.

She motioned for me to come forward, then handed my file to a man sitting at a desk. His back was turned as we entered, but as he heard the papers hit the wood, his leather office chair slowly swiveled in our direction.

“Troy, I thought you should meet our newest recruit,” Miss Strange said.

So this wasn’t another interview. One question answered. A dozen or so more to go.
Gaging from the partial side view of him, there was no way this guy was a hundred. More like an over-achieving twenty-something year old… with a great profile.

His chair completed its 180, and Troy stood up to face us.

Electric shocks zapped through me and I froze as our eyes tangled. There staring back at me through chocolaty bedroom eyes, was the only guy I’d ever had a one night stand with.

His eyes lingered on my face, as if he was memorizing every detail. Self-consciously, I swiped my tongue across my teeth in case there was leftover spinach from the veggie wraps stuck between them.

This was
Troy Bellisaro? We met when I took his art theory class at night school. It was over a year ago, but he was unforgettable. Everything from his heart-stopping smile and velvety voice, to his chiseled abs and arms to curl up and die for. In class he’d insisted we call him TB. Not once do I remember him using his full name. He was all business casual, suit jacket over jeans, dress shirt, no tie. But here, he was dressed in a black t-shirt that showed off a hint of his tattooed bicep, olive cargo shorts and Birkenstock's. He walked that irresistible line between nice guy and bad boy. In a flash I was transported back in time, recalling every detail of our encounter. Taking his class. Staying after class. Leaving class to go to his place....

His sinfully sexy dark-chocolate gaze held mine as he extended his hand. “Hi. Troy, Bellisaro.”

Oh. My. God.
He’s introducing himself... doesn’t he remember me? What the...
“Uhm, hello.”

“You’re, Nora?”

Maybe he does remember me.

“And you’re teaching the summer marionette class.”

It was really him. Even his voice still resonated in my bones. My face flushed with heat, my mouth dried up and my tongue felt swollen.

“It’s good to meet you,” he said.

This was bad.

Catastrophically bad.

Iceberg-dead-ahead bad.

I swallowed and stuck out my hand, because what else could I do. It wasn't like he'd said ‘
Hey Nora, fancy seeing you here.
’ He was either playing it cool or had completely forgotten me.

“Nice to meet you.” I said, which was pretty hard to do around the thickness of my tongue and tightness of my throat. I stared, not blinking at his surreally gorgeous dark hair, and body that could make a girl choke on her own tongue. Which is what it felt like I was doing now. I kind of slipped into a trance. The angles of his face were highlighted by the dappled sunlight streaming through the many windows. I was officially lost in a sea of gorgeous dark eyes, tousled hair and kissable lips... that were
. Oh god, he was still talking... to me. He was talking and I wasn’t listening. My heart slammed against my chest. And then a second time when his beautiful lips

Crap. He’s waiting for me to answer. Say something idiot. Say anything.
I froze.

He frowned. “Is that your way of telling me it’s none of my business?”

Wait, what?
“No.” I sputtered. “Sorry, actually I uh, didn’t hear what you said. Sorry.”

He stared at me for a moment. Likely trying to figure out if I was genuinely hearing impaired, or just an idiot. Of course if he went with the latter he’d have nailed it.

Then he smiled. “Let’s start over. I’m Troy. I head the marionette program.”

“Nora Dultry.”
Even though we already met, like a year ago. I was the girl next to you in your bed that night.
My face flushed with heat.

Troy and Miss Strange exchanged a look.

Did somebody crank the temperature in here? A bead of sweat rolled down my neck. He was already scorching me with his hot smile and steamy good looks. The amped up temperature was just overkill.

“Guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other this summer Nora.”

He was so calm and professional, and that only made me more nervous. “Sure. I mean I assumed we would, since you’re into puppets. I mean, not that you’re
them, like in
way. I just mean, we’re both tied up with them. I mean the strings. Puppet strings. Personally I don’t like being tied up. With strings. Literally—” Face meet palm.
Stop. Talking.
I pressed my lips together, mentally calculating how long I could hold my breath if I just dove into that pond right now. Would he still be standing here looking at me like I was an escapee from the psyche ward when I resurfaced? Probably not. Human instinct was to retreat from the certifiably insane.

I bit down on my lower lip. His gaze slipped to my mouth briefly before returning to my eyes.

“Troy, you have that meeting with the whole food supplier.” Miss Strange interrupted. She glanced at me with her disapproving eyes. “We only serve healthy, organic food here at the academy. No junk food, tobacco, drugs or alcohol use is permitted.”

“Really?” I stared from one to the other, “No s’mores? What kind of summer camp doesn’t have s’mores?”

Troy smirked.

Miss Strange didn’t. “That kind of fare would be grounds for dismissal Miss Dultry. You’ll find all of our rules and regulations in the acceptance package. Including the one that specifically states there will be no fraternizing or entanglements amongst the staff. Physical, romantic or otherwise.”

I gave a nod to underline my understanding.
No naked Twister with coworkers. Got it.
I didn’t say that out loud, but my face still flushed when I caught Troy’s expression.

He handed me a thick white envelope. I could feel his eyes on me and my face started to heat as I took it. Those were some big expectations inside. It even felt heavy.

“We’re glad to have you.” Troy said. “Your smile alone will be a nice addition to our summer program.”

I was dangerously close to swooning. Did people actually swoon anymore?
You can’t swoon idiot. He’s seen your smile before and doesn’t remember it.

“Welcome to Wanderlust. Look forward to seeing you again Nora.” He gave me a half smile.

Was it a
hey I get it, you’re just nervous having seen me practically naked
smile? Or was it a
hey, I get it, you’re the type who eats the paste

He’d turned and taken his cryptic smile with him before I could figure it out. My heart beat refused to return to normal as I stared at the shimmering blue pond. Even here, in the throes of glamping paradise, I couldn’t get it together. I needed an escape hatch. And possibly a defibrillator. Life in the real world was hard. In my dreams it could be as easy as I wanted. No awkward moments. No strange glances. Only the comfortable, familiar embrace of a tangle-free love I’d recognize anywhere. So what if he wasn’t actually real, every relationship has its sacrifices.

Chapter Seven



One week later I was unpacking my gear in our two bedroom, two story log cabin, at Wanderlust Academy, Summer Camp Immersion.

I’d Googled Troy Bellisaro the second we’d gotten home. Throughout his twenty four years he’d run several successful multi-million dollar companies, under the corporation Masquerade Studios, Camp Wanderlust being his most recent acquisition, according to Wikipedia. Lots about his business endeavors, nada about him socially. Everything matched the info I already knew. He was super gorgeous. Super rich. And super forgetful. The last part I’d decided for myself based on the fact he didn’t even remember me after what had been the most unforgettable night of my life. In a good way, and in the worst way possible.

After mindlessly placing all of my belongings into two of the twelve wooden drawers provided in my bedroom, I dropped down onto the bed, and leaned back again the log headboard. The linen smelled freshly washed like rainfall and sunshine, and for some reason it made me want to be sick. Like even my digestive system knew I didn’t belong here.

So this was it. This was my life for the next 90 days. The next 2160 hours, give or take. When you were trapped in purgatory did a few hours more or less really matter?

I’d only had a chance to visit grandfather once before we left. I hated that I wouldn't be able to see him more. But the nurse promised she’d read my letters to him as often as they arrived.

He was asleep more than he was awake now, but I knew he could hear me and could feel when I was there. Which meant he’d miss me when I wasn’t. And three months seemed like a very long time to be away. Still, with the money I made from this I’d be able to get him into a facility closer to home where he could get the proper care he needed. That was all that mattered now.

I missed my old life. When Grandma was still alive. And when Granddad was still, himself.

Sighing, I stuffed the memories back down. It was over. Moving on. Our first day was pretty flexible as far as time commitments went. There was a tour and orientation and then we were invited to explore on our own after lunch. Kenzie had already hooked up with some counselors from Brazil she’d met during the interviews. When I declined to join them for a swim, she took off, leaving me alone in the expansive cabin. It had pretty much everything you could want. Indoor plumbing, microwave, even a coffee machine. I mean it was hardly roughing it. But no TV or internet sucked, and I hated being way from my sculpting class. And of course Granddad.

A walk that’s what you need Nora. Enough moping.
I tugged a sweatshirt over my tank top and shorts, slipped on my flip-flops and headed outside. I followed the trail into the woods nearby. Beyond it was the lake, a crystal glistening clear blue body of liquid, just begging for some party-hard teens to fall in and drown. This place had high school horror flick all over its idyllic brochure. And here I was in the middle of it. A girl with a dream guy occupying her nights and a real live one traumatizing her days. At least that was how it felt seeing Troy again, after that night. Nothing like being completely forgotten to boost a girl’s self-esteem, and to be reminded of said failure every time I saw him, which from the sounds of it would be a lot of the next twelve weeks.

I’d only been walking a few minutes when I ran into Kenzie.

“What happened to the Brazilian boys?” I asked as she sauntered over.

“They got hauled into the principal’s office for smoking. I told them not to do it out in the open.” She said with an eye roll. “Where ya headed?”


“Can I join?”

I shrugged and kept walking. Until I stopped dead.

Up ahead was Troy. Fitted white t-shirt and gray track pants rolled at the waist. He was jogging, earbuds plugged in, and heading in our direction. My heart lurched and in a moment of panic, I grabbed Kenzie, shoved her into the bushes, then dove in after her.

“What the f--”

I clapped my hand over her mouth as Troy jogged past us, his rock hard muscles I remembered all too well, flexing as he ran.

When he was out of view, I climbed out of the shrubs and offered Kenzie a hand to help her up.

She smacked it away. “What the hell was that?” She dusted her red pants, scowling. “In what universe do we dodge from gorgeous guys?”

Every day in my universe
. “Sorry. I just wasn’t ready to see him again.

“Why not?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Well, make it uncomplicated.” She raised her brows in expectation. Then her foot started taping.


“Why don’t you want to talk to Mr. Hot?” Her voice rose.

. Because,” I whispered, dragging her back toward the cabin, “I know him. I mean, we’ve met before. In the past.”

“You’re being cryptic. What happened? How’d you meet?”

“He was teaching this course I was taking.” I chewed my lip, regretting that I hadn’t come up with a lie.

“Cool.” She studied my face. “Or not so cool. You don’t look too thrilled about seeing him again. Get a bad grade?”

“Yeah, something like that.”
Actually nothing like that.

“And now he’s your boss. Cra-zy.”

?” That seemed to satisfy her, which meant for now my humiliation was safe.

“Come on,” I sighed, “first orientation is in half an hour.”

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