Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3)
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Gathering my thoughts, I braved what came next. This great unknown. This vast city full of old buildings and new. Strangers rushing by. Tourists looking as equally awed. Though not as lost.

Cameron led me out of the gallery.

We reached the fancy car waiting for us at the curbside.

Shay was actually out there, standing beside the car. He opened the back door and ushered me in. “First time in a Rolls Royce Ghost, I take it?” He’d read my stunned expression.

I ducked inside, feeling the usual awkwardness and hoping Cameron’s severity would lessen. Cameron slid to the other side and the door shut behind him. He settled across from me on the soft leather seat and focused on something outside the window, ignoring me.

The car pulled away from the curb.

The divider window slid up to shield us from the driver and Shay. I was glad he was coming with us. I was also grateful for the privacy.

Tucked in the other corner, I tried to read Cameron’s face. “I promise to be good.”

Cameron’s jaw tightened. “I wish I could promise you the same, Mia.”

My breath stilted as his expression changed to severe. His hands clenched and relaxed.

He came at me with lightning speed. Then his lips were on mine, and his fierce kiss forced me back into the headrest. His hands cupped either side of my face to hold me in a passionate embrace. So wild, so unforgiving, I forgot what it was to breathe.

His stubble created a delicious scratch across my face, and his tongue punished mine. I pushed back, angry with him for sending me away, bitter from his threat to never touch me again.

This was passion. This was retaliation for what he’d put me through. A wave of all consuming want rolled over me. My fingers curled in his hair, holding him against me, kissing him back just as fiercely.

He pulled away, and that dark gaze burned through me. “You drive a sword through my heart.”


“Address me as sir.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Then I’ll make you.” Cameron yanked at my coat, pulling it off my shoulders and dragging my arms out, his strength overcoming mine. He ripped off my boots one by one and flung me back along the seat.

I was like a ragdoll in his arms.

He gripped my wrists together, capturing them behind my back, and he dragged me astride him, so my thighs straddled his. “I’m going to fuck you hard, Mia. It’s what I need and it’s what you deserve.”

“Yes, sir.”

His speed was ferocious, controlling, his undressing of me a frenzy of overwhelming power. Stripping me, he threw my clothes here and there, not caring where they fell. My bra flew and my panties followed.

He remained dressed in a blatant show of power.

I didn’t care.

Needing him inside me more than oxygen in my lungs, I weakened. His cologne provoked a wave of panic that he was going to burn me up. This was too much; a man wildly tearing at my clothes, out of control, and not the Cameron I knew.   

I leaned into his shoulder and sank my teeth into hard muscle.

Cameron stilled and his cock grew harder against my stomach. My attack fed his kink.

I flew into a panic again.

He grabbled to control my flailing limbs, then raised my hands above my head. His voice found me in the madness. “Do you deserve to be fucked hard?”

His erection between my thighs drove me wild, and his hold on my wrists tightened.

“Answer me.” he said.

“Yes, sir.” I suckled where I’d bitten him, while easing my legs wider apart and surrendering.

“Mia,” he said, his left hand gripping my wrists together above my head, his right reaching low between my thighs. His fingers explored, caressed.

“Yes, sir,” I said, breathlessly. “Thank you, sir.”

He eased himself down my body. His head now rested between my thighs, and his mouth traced my inner thigh.

“Oh God,” he murmured, his tongue circling my clit, flicking slowly. “This
be the last time, Mia.” His tongue speared into me. A frenzied fucking made me a writhing mess.

Arching my back, I let out a long, wanton moan, not caring if I was heard.

He reached for his zipper, freeing himself. Then he slipped on a condom before rising above me. “He’ll understand.”

Cameron’s full length thrust into me, stretching me wide, forcing my complete surrender. Shuddering, small gasps escaped me. The pressure of him against me caused a rush of arousal; my sighs filled the car.  

“Evidently, this is the only way to control you,” he seethed, rocking above me.

His words carried the weight of truth. With him close, I was safe, even from myself. That thought caused my breasts to swell and I cupped them to soothe the pang of pleasure.

His hands swept mine away, catching my taut buds between each finger and thumb, squeezing them and sending me over.

“Can I come, sir?” I cried out.

“I forbid you to come without my permission.” His hips pounded me into the seat.

It was too late for me. My shuddering revealed I was already gone. Unable to hold back on his order, my fingernails dug into his back, and I scratched my way through my orgasm.

Cameron’s hand slammed over my mouth to silence my scream. His lips clamped down on my left nipple, grazing the sensitive skin with his teeth then suckling.

He jerked as he came into me, and his hips rode out his pleasure.

My head crashed down onto the seat and, finally, I remembered to breathe again.

“You defied me?” He nuzzled into my neck, burying his face in my hair. His kisses to my throat were tender.

“Sorry, sir.”

“Why do you insist on giving me another reason to fuck you, Mia?”

Hugging his body with all the strength I could muster, I whispered, “Because I’m yours to discipline, sir.”

He stared into my eyes, his boyish smile dissolving his frown. “If that were true, the world would be perfect.”

Cameron dressed me, though it took a little longer than it had done to strip me of my clothes. Breathless and shaken from his passionate attack, I tried to read his expression that went from serious to contentment breaking through.  

He peered at me from under dark lashes. “You have the kind of beauty that takes down kingdoms.”

After feeling a little awkward and abandoned all morning, I held onto those words.

He tucked himself away, straightened his suit, and slipped to the other side of the car as though nothing had happened, crossing a leg over another as he stared out at the passing view.

My arms felt empty again, and despite the relief his affection had returned, I could almost feel the cold coming off the glacier that was Cameron Cole right now.  

R & B played softly from the speakers, and it leant a sultry mood to our post fucked silence.

The passing scenery was hypnotic.

“I analyzed my way into this,” he said softly to himself. “I can analyze my way out.”

“I’m sure it will be fine,” I said, fiddling with my top button, which was done up wrong. “Richard’s very persuasive.”

Cameron’s frown deepened.

“Are you all right?” I said. “You seem a little more…”



“I’m thinking, Mia. This is me thinking. You should try it sometime. It’s rather useful.”

I slumped into the seat.

He held out his hands to me. “Come here.”

Gliding over to his side, I slid into his arms and lay my head against his chest. His heart was beating fast, his warmth was welcome, his scent was pure Cameron. Pure alpha male.
Pure master

Letting out the softest sigh, I snuggled into him.

We drove like that for a long time, me hugging him and Cameron merely staring out the window. I knew he had a lot on his mind and the last thing I wanted was to make things worse.

The car stopped.

We’d parked outside a large townhouse with white painted walls and a black iron gate surrounding us.

“Who lives here?” I said.

“A man who has a knack for answers.”

That iron fence looked menacing. I wondered if it was used to keep people out or keep people in.

Cameron stared at the towering property. “Stephen sees through one’s psyche like glass. He taught me everything I know. Prepare yourself, Mia. You’re about to be meet one of Britain’s most gifted psychoanalysts.”

My uneasiness welled.

“I need Stephen to analyze you.”

My breath stuck in my throat.

“I have to know why,” he said softly.






Dr. STEPHEN FINLEY stood on the steps of his house and stared over Cameron’s shoulder, watching Shay head back down the pathway.

And I studied Stephen Finley.

He was tall, in his fifties, and handsome in an interesting way. Plump, well dressed, and looked ever so English with his out of control mop of brown hair, his sideburns grey. His glasses balanced on his nose as he peered over them and locked onto Shay.

Shay threw us a wave and got back into the Rolls.

The Rolls pulled away.

Only then did Dr. Finley turn back to Cameron. “Interesting,” he said, his accent upper class.

Cameron gave a smirk.

“Oh where to begin,” said Dr. Finley.

“He’s one of my best men,” said Cameron.

“The kind of loyalty the military instill,” said Dr. Finley. “Short haircut. Polished shoes. Lack of arrogance in his expression. Navy?” He lowered his gaze, following the car as it disappeared from view. “Drawn to more elegant sports?”

“Ex-Navy SEAL.” Cameron smirked. “Fencing partner.”

Dr. Finley turned to me. “This is Mia?”

I held out my hand and shook his firmly, wondering what he’d see in me. “Mia Lauren.”

“Call me Stephen.” He gestured for us to go inside.

We headed down the hallway and through to the sitting room.

This was my first experience of an English home and it was just as I’d envisioned it. A golden Labrador came bounding along to greet us and I knelt to pat the beautiful dog, kissing his head when he leapt onto my lap. His fur smelt homey and I relaxed, soaking up his affection and tickling him under his chin.

“Ah,” said Stephen, looking down at us. “There you have it. Bronte likes you. Our work is done.”

I sat where Stephen showed me to, on the big plush cream couch, and pushed myself back. Bronte jumped up and sat beside me so I could continue to pet him.

There were several armchairs on either side and an old table stacked high with files. In the corner rested an antique writing desk with one of those pull out panels to write on. Wall to wall were neatly lined books on well organized shelves, and quite a few scattered knickknacks collected from aboard.

I jumped up, wanting to take a closer look. Bronte remained on the couch, as though knowing I’d soon return. Three small ornamental pyramids were perfectly positioned close to one another on the middle shelf.

Farther along, I couldn’t resist examining the piece of cement brick next to them. “What’s this?”

“Piece of the Berlin wall,” said Stephen. “A patient brought it back. He’d been working undercover with the British military in Berlin when the wall came down in 1989.” He lowered his gaze. “Before you were born.” He looked over at Cameron and arched a bushy brow.

“I know,” said Cameron.

Stephen’s focus centered on me. “This one’s easy. Dr. Cole, you’ve gotten your patient pregnant.”

“I’m not pregnant,” I said, placing the piece of wall down. “I’m on the pill and he uses a condom.”

Cameron rolled his eyes.

I frowned, realizing that Stephen had just used Cameron’s trick to get me to burst out the truth.

“Tea?” said Stephen.

I sat on the couch and waited alone while Stephen and Cameron went off into the kitchen. I patted Bronte, looking around again in my interest to learn more about this renowned therapist. This was actually kind of fun.

Everything was neatly organized. There was no hint of a woman’s touch. The masculine flair, from the cream blind covered windows to the muted creams and beiges with some dark browns, made me wonder if he was either divorced or gay.

Within minutes, Stephen and Cameron reappeared with a tray of tea.

Cameron held out a china plate to me. “Jaffa Cake?” He offered me a round chocolate cookie.

“Yes please.” I took a bite out of the orange and chocolate flavored biscuit. It tasted amazing.

Cameron took one himself. “Don’t let me eat them all,” he said. “These things are addictive.”

Stephen sat opposite in one of the plush armchairs and Cameron joined me on the sofa, sitting at the other end as though needing some distance from me. Considering what we’d just gotten up to in the Rolls, it was a little awkward.

BOOK: Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3)
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