Enticed by the Operative (Doctors in Danger, Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Enticed by the Operative (Doctors in Danger, Book 1)
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He dimly heard Olivia’s voice, growing more panicked as she continued to talk. Logan felt bad for worrying her, but he’d explain it all when he woke up. There was a loud crash from somewhere far away, and then something grabbed at him, pulling and prodding. The sensation reminded him of fishing with his grandpa, the way the pole would vibrate when he’d managed to hook a fish. His grandfather’s face flashed in his vision, smiling and proud, and Logan drifted off with him, eager to cast the next line.


Two days later

have a confession to make.”

Olivia glanced up from her plate to find Logan watching her, the emotion in his green eyes unreadable. Nerves jangled to life in her stomach, making her suddenly nauseated. Ever since they’d returned from Colombia, she’d been worried that Logan was going to tell her he didn’t want to be a part of her life anymore. Since she’d caused him a lot of trouble, she understood the reasons why, but the thought of his absence still drove a spike of pain through her chest. He was the first person she’d let into her heart since her parents had died and Scott had left. Losing him now was going to hurt.

“Sounds serious,” she remarked, reaching for the pitcher to top off her glass of iced tea. She gestured to Logan’s glass and at his nod filled it up, as well.

“I suppose.” He looked down and started tracing the tines of his fork on his plate, making idle patterns in the sauce that remained.

“Let me guess,” she said, trying to keep her tone light. “You don’t really like my homemade lasagna.” It was obvious she was trying to delay the conversation, but she needed a moment to marshal her emotions, to brace herself for the coming blow so she didn’t do something silly like beg him to stay.

He smiled, which eased the tightness in her chest somewhat. “No. It’s fabulous.”

“What is it then?” Might as well get it over with. He’d break the news and go home, and she could have a good cry and nurse her broken heart in peace.

“I doubted you. In Colombia.”

“What?” She shook her head, unsure of what she’d just heard. What was he talking about?

Logan shifted in his chair, clearly uncomfortable. “I thought you were involved with Carlos and the cartel. That you were really working with them, and you had betrayed me to get me out of the picture.”

Shock flowed over her like ice water and Olivia sat frozen to her chair for a moment, unable to speak. Finally, her brain came back online again. “Why on earth did you think that?” She wasn’t angry—not yet anyway. Just curious to hear how he’d formed such a mistaken impression.

The tips of his ears turned pink, signaling his embarrassment. It was clear he was ashamed of what he was about to say, but he took a deep breath and told her what Alan had said and the explanations he’d proposed to explain what had happened in Colombia.

“I see,” she said after he finished. They sat in silence for a few moments, each lost in introspection. Olivia thought back over more recent events, and the pieces started to click into place. “So that’s why you seemed upset with me in the hospital.”

Logan nodded. “I thought you had betrayed me.”

Like his former fiancée
, she realized. No wonder he’d been distant and reserved.

“What changed your mind?”

“I overheard you talking to Carlos when he showed up. At first, I thought it was proof that you’d been lying to us all. But when I listened to what you said to him, I realized that wasn’t the case. I heard you lying to him to protect me, and I knew I’d been wrong to doubt you.”

She nodded again but didn’t say anything. It was a lot to process, and part of her was stung by the fact he’d thought her capable of such deception. But as she studied his face and saw the guilt he carried with him in the depths of his eyes, her anger softened. He’d been burned before. Was it any wonder he’d had trouble trusting her, especially when Alan had told him such a convincing story?

“I guess I’m lucky they didn’t shoot me on sight then,” she said, referring to Alan and Keith’s arrival after she’d shot Carlos. They’d kicked down the door of her home, taken one look at the carnage on the ground and immediately rushed to help. Fortunately, they’d been able to rouse Logan long enough for him to explain what had happened, and the men had stopped looking at Olivia like she was the devil incarnate.

“They are professionals,” Logan said, with the ghost of a smile.

“And a good thing, too,” she replied. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to hold off Carlos and his man for much longer.” She shuddered just thinking about it. Her shots had both hit their marks but hadn’t proved fatal. If anything, the injuries had only served to make the men angrier, and if Alan and Keith hadn’t shown up when they did, Olivia had no doubt both she and Logan would be dead.

“You were amazing,” Logan said. He placed his hand on the table and tentatively extended it, as if asking permission to touch her. Olivia reached across and grabbed it, threading their fingers together. It was a relief to feel his skin again, to know that things were all right between them.

“Only because you were with me.”

He snorted at that and she squeezed his hand. “It’s true, Logan. Your presence gave me the confidence to stand up to that monster. Without you, I don’t know what would have happened.”

“I guess we make a pretty good team.” His words flew into her heart, making it swell with love and hope. Against all odds, despite her fears and the trouble they’d faced, they’d survived.


“I think so.”

Logan smiled shyly. “What can I do to make this up to you? I feel terrible.”

Olivia cocked her head to the side, pretending to consider her options. “Do you trust me now?”

“Yes.” He said it immediately and without reservation.

“Then that’s enough.”


She held up a hand, cutting him off. “Logan, I know why you doubted me. Honestly, I probably would have done the same if the shoe had been on the other foot. I can’t blame you, especially knowing what I do about your ex.”

A shadow passed over his eyes. “I hate that she’s still affecting my life.”

She took a deep breath. Confession time. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m still haunted by the deaths of my parents.”

His face softened with understanding. “Is that why you’ve wanted me around so much lately?”

Olivia felt her face heat but nodded. “I’ve been afraid you were going to dump me now that we’re back. Like Scott.”

Logan leaned forward and grabbed her other hand. “Never. But do you still want me, after what I did?”

“You didn’t
anything,” she pointed out. “You had some questions, and now you know the truth. As far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing to forgive.”

His green eyes shimmered and he blinked hard. “I am so lucky,” he murmured.

She smiled, touched by his reaction. “We both are. But as long as we’re being honest with each other, I have a confession of my own to make.”

Logan swallowed and nodded. “Hit me. I deserve it.”

“I didn’t actually cook this lasagna.”

He was quiet for a moment, then a slow smile spread across his face. “You didn’t?”

Olivia shook her head. “Nope. Bought it from a little Italian place by my office. It’s good though, right?”

“Very. But why tell me? I would never question your cooking skills.”

“I don’t want any lies between us, Logan. Even silly little white lies about nothing. If we’re going to do this, we have to be able to trust each other.”

He nodded. “I won’t leave you, Olivia.”

“And I won’t lie to you, Logan.”

The look in his eyes grew heated, and Olivia felt an answering tingle deep in her belly. Logan rose from the table and extended his hand. “Come on. We need to celebrate properly.”

Olivia stood, anticipation thrumming in her blood. “But what about your head? The doctor said no strenuous activity for at least a week.”

The look he shot her was positively sinful. “Don’t worry. I have faith in your healing skills. I’ve seen you in action, remember?”

She laughed, feeling genuinely happy for the first time in months. “I’m not a miracle worker.”

He pressed a kiss to her temple. “You’re
miracle worker,” he whispered.

She wrapped her arms around him. “And you’re mine,” she said.

“Let’s go find out what it’s like to make love on a bed.” He sounded almost giddy at the prospect.

“Are you sure you can handle it?” she teased. “What about your head?”

He smiled, and she felt the warmth in his eyes like the touch of the sun. “As long as you’re with me, I can handle anything.”

* * * * *

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ISBN: 9781488005077


Copyright © 2016 by Lara Kingeter

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