Enticing Emma (7 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enticing Emma
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The entire experience was unbelievably erotic and incredibly arousing. His arms and legs shook with the hunger growing inside him.

Tucker forced himself to focus on Emma. As pleasurable as it was to have her mouth on him, he didn’t want to come that way. Not this time, anyway. He needed to bury his cock inside her, to join them together. It had been far too long.

He teased her clit with his tongue and thrust his fingers into her tight core. Emma was close. He was coming to know her body well and recognized the telltale fluttering. “Come for me, Emma.” He needed her to come first. It was important that she find her pleasure before him.

He had no idea what would happen when they were done. Would she stay or would she back away from him again? If she was going to leave, he was going to give her one hell of a memory to take with her.

Emma cried out, pulled her mouth away from his dick and buried her face in his groin. She shook uncontrollably, her entire body quivering. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on his fingers as she came. Determined to wring the last drop of pleasure out of her, he worked her with his lips and tongue until she gave one final shudder and collapsed in a heap on top of him.

Tucker lifted her off of him and searched for the condom he’d dropped earlier. Emma rolled onto her back and languidly watched him rip open the packet and sheath his cock. He crawled on top of her, guided his cock to her opening and pushed his way inside her swollen, pulsating sex.

He closed his eyes and said a prayer. It was like having his dick encased in wet silk. Her inner muscles contracted, pulling him deeper. Tucker groaned and supported his upper body on his forearms so he didn’t crush her.

Emma’s eyelids fluttered open and she smiled at him. He felt like the king of the world. She raised her legs and locked them around his waist. Tucker leaned down and kissed her, tasting himself on her lips. His shaft flexed and jerked inside her.

He withdrew and plunged deep again. Emma moaned and tightened around him. Tucker rocked his body against hers, finding a rhythm that pleased them both. Her fingernails dug into his sweat-slick shoulders. The slapping sound of their damp flesh and the panting of their breathing were the only sounds in the unnaturally quiet apartment.

Tucker’s entire concentration was focused on their mutual sexual pleasure. He wanted her to come again. Emma bit her bottom lip and he couldn’t resist kissing her again. His tongue plundered her mouth even as he drove his cock into her.

Emma skimmed her hands over his biceps. She drove her tongue wildly into his mouth. Her sense of urgency fired his.

He shifted position, grasped her bottom with one hand and levered her up to meet his downward thrust. She dug her feet into his butt, meeting his every pounding stroke.

Pressure gripped his balls and started to shoot up his shaft. Desperate for her to find release again, he reared back on his heel and reached between their bodies. He stroked her sensitive flesh once, twice, and then she was screaming his name.

Like a rocket exploding, Tucker came hard, jerking and spilling himself into the condom. He shook with the power of his release. He had just enough presence of mind to pull out before slumping to the carpet beside her.

He dragged Emma into his arms and cradled her close. His heart was racing and he was sucking in air as if he’d just sprinted a quarter of a mile. Emma rested her cheek against his chest and curled into his embrace.

This is where she belonged. This is where Tucker planned to keep her.

Chapter Eight


Emma didn’t know how much time passed before Tucker finally moved. She didn’t know how he could find the strength. Between the oppressive heat and the overwhelming sex, she was lethargic and sleepy. Her entire body was slick with perspiration and her arms and legs felt like limp noodles. She figured that she might be ready to move by sometime tomorrow.

“Emma.” She smiled when he said her name, but couldn’t quite manage to open her eyes. He gave a rough laugh, and a second later slid his arms underneath her and picked her up off the floor.

She groaned and leaned her head on his shoulder. “How come you have enough energy to carry me?” It wasn’t fair.

He rubbed his chin against the top of her head. “I’m highly motivated.”

She tilted her head back and opened her eyes. “Motivated?” Surely he couldn’t mean what she thought he did. She stared at him in wonder. She’d already come twice and he’d just come a couple of minutes ago.

Tucker planted a quick hard kiss on her lips. “You didn’t think we were finished, did you? It’s been a long two months, Emma.” He carried her into his bedroom and kissed her again before lowering her to the bed.

She didn’t like the reminder of the time they’d spent apart. That just got her to thinking about the wisdom of her actions right now. And honestly, she was feeling too darn good to worry. She’d rather focus on the here and now.

The sheets were cool against her overheated skin and she stretched like a contented cat. If anyone had asked her yesterday if she’d ever thought she’d see the inside of Tucker’s bedroom, she would have emphatically stated no. There was no way she could have anticipated the events that had brought them back together again. Since she was here, she was admittedly curious and stared around the room with interest.

It was painted a rich cream color and filled with large, dark wood furniture. The bed was king-sized and there was a matching armoire and chest of drawers. That was all she managed to see before her gaze was drawn back to Tucker. While she’d been busy examining the bedroom, he’d removed the used condom and rolled on another one. Her eyes widened at the size of his cock. He was fully aroused and ready to go again.

“See what you do to me.” His voice was rough as he came down on the bed next to her. He captured her hands in one of his and raised them over her head. She’d never seen such a look of naked desire and need on a man’s face before. It scared her a little, but it also touched something deep inside her.

He lowered his body over hers, covering her and trapping her legs under him. Feeling overwhelmed, she struggled in his grip, but was unable to move as he held her gently but securely.

“No, don’t fight me,” he crooned in her ear.

In spite of her uncertainties, Emma responded to his gentling tone, and her body relaxed against his. Tucker nibbled her earlobe before trailing a line of kisses along her jaw. He moved his lips over hers, barely touching them. She strained toward him, wanting a deeper contact, but he pulled away and stared down at her.

“Why did you fight the attraction between us for so long?” His voice was calm, but she sensed an underlying desire to truly understand.

“Because you scare me to death.” The words flew from her mouth before she could stop them, but once they were out she felt as if a weight was off her shoulders. It was nothing more than the truth.

She felt his shock and his gaze narrowed. He stared at her for a long time before sighing. “You know I’d never harm you, right?”

Emma knew she’d hurt him and was sorry for it. That hadn’t been her intent. But if they were to ever have a relationship of any kind they needed to deal with this. “Physically, I trust you not to hurt me,” her voice quavered. She paused, took a breath and continued. “But emotionally—” She swallowed hard and tried again. “Emotionally, you could—badly.”

Her vulnerability lay before them. She was stripped bare both physically and emotionally. Tears welled in her eyes. She closed them but was unable to keep one tear from slipping down her cheek.

“Oh, honey,” he groaned. He used his thumb to brush away the lone tear from her face. “Don’t cry. We’ll work it all out.” She wasn’t as certain as he was, but she was tired of running.

He sat back on his knees and carefully removed the one nipple ornament that was still attached. It dangled from his fingers as he placed it safely on the bedside table. “We must have lost the other one in the living room. We can find it later.” Bending down, he laved both nipples with his tongue. “I don’t want you to get sore,” he murmured between licks. “It’s always supposed to be about pleasure.”

Emma noticed that he hadn’t given any indication about how he felt about their relationship. Instead, he’d distracted her with the physical aspect of it. And foolish as it might be, she was more than willing to let him.

She didn’t want to talk. It only made her feel vulnerable, not something she particularly enjoyed. Instead, she turned her attention to the growing dampness between her legs. The physical attraction was something she could understand. It was chemistry, pure and simple.

She ignored the niggling voice in the back of her head that whispered it was much more. She liked Tucker, a lot. It would be far too easy to fall in love with him. And as irrational as it might be, she found it difficult to trust a good-looking, silver-tongued man to stay.

The sensible part of her knew Tucker wasn’t her father, but that didn’t stop her from wanting to protect her heart. Much better to focus on sex. They had no troubles there.

As if he was able to sense her thoughts, he stroked his fingers between her legs. She couldn’t hold back her gasp of pleasure. “We’re good together.” Tucker kissed and licked a path down her torso. He nipped at her hipbones and nuzzled her mound. “Very good.”

“Yes,” she moaned in agreement as he spread her folds and sucked on her engorged clit. No matter what else was between them, there was no denying the explosive physical connection that existed. His clever fingers skimmed over her warm, moist flesh before slipping inside. Her hips arched up eagerly to receive them.

“I want to take you from behind.” He stroked his thumb over her clit as his fingers continued to slide in and out. “I want you on your hands and knees with your ass in the air.”

His words stoked the flames of desire within her. Without giving herself time to think, she rolled over in the bed and came up on her hands and knees. A fierce need to satisfy this man filled her. Bending her arms so that she was supporting her weight on her forearms, she arched her back like a cat and thrust her behind in the air.

“Wider.” Tucker knelt behind her and used his legs to urge hers open. He cupped her behind in his big hands and gently caressed both globes.

Emma pushed her knees apart until she was completely open to him. He squeezed her behind. “You’ve got a gorgeous ass.” He leaned down and nipped at her flesh. Emma startled and then moaned as the love bite sent shivers up her spine.

“Tucker,” she wailed. The man did love to tease her but she wasn’t in the mood to prolong things. Not this time. She wanted him to fill her and ease the emptiness inside her. Nothing could fill the emotional void within her, but she’d settle for him satisfying the physical one.

“Tell me what you want.” He ran one finger over her slick folds and dipped one inside her channel before quickly removing it.

“I want you inside me.” She moaned and pushed back against him when he continued to tease her with his touch.

“You are so hot and wet.” His deep voice washed over her, making her blood pump harder and faster. “Do you want me to fuck you, baby?”

She almost hated them both at this moment. She didn’t want any man to have this much power over her. It didn’t matter that she suspected she had just as much over him. None of that changed what she wanted. “Yes.”

“Yes, what?”

He was going to make her say the words. Maybe he even needed her to say them. Wanted to be sure it was her choice. Once she realized that, it was easy to give him the words. “I want you, Tucker. Please.”

The words were barely out of her mouth when he wrapped his hands around her hips and drove his cock into her waiting heat. Her muscles contracted around him as he filled her. She was swollen and a little sore from earlier, but she didn’t care. She needed him.

Tucker rocked against her, withdrawing only a little before pushing his way back in. He angled her slightly and his shaft hit that magical place inside her. Pleasure exploded each time he stroked her. She curled her fingers into the sheets and moaned.

He increased his pace, causing her breasts to sway with each hard thrust. Tucker pushed hard, driving them both toward completion. When he reached between her legs and stroked her, Emma lost it. Screaming her release, she convulsed around him.

Tucker continued to flex his hips, driving hard and deep. He groaned and she felt the pulsing of his cock deep within her as she milked him dry. Finally, she slumped down onto the bed. Tucker managed to roll to the side before collapsing next to her.

As they lay there in a sweaty, sticky heap, she was once again awash in contentment, a sense of fulfillment she only experienced when she was with Tucker. She chewed on her bottom lip. She had deep feelings for Tucker. She wasn’t ready to admit just how deep those feelings went, but they were there nonetheless. Yes, he was a gorgeous, charming man, but there was certainly more to him than that.

With her breathing back to normal, Emma became aware of just how hot and uncomfortable she was and shifted to try to find a cooler spot. Her damp hair was plastered against her skull and her entire body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

Tucker grunted as he heaved himself up off the bed and padded to the bathroom. She heard the faint sound of running water and knew he was disposing of the condom.

Less than a minute later, he was back with a damp cloth in his hand. His black hair was wet and droplets of water rolled down his chest. Obviously, he’d splashed some water on himself to try to cool himself down. She didn’t have the energy to drag herself out of bed yet, so she didn’t even protest when he ran the cool cloth over her torso and between her legs, making her more comfortable. When he was finished to his satisfaction, he tossed the cloth on the bedside table, crawled back in bed and tugged her into his arms.

Tucker tilted her face up until she was looking at him. He pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes, leaned down and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I was going to give you until this weekend.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean you were going to give me until the weekend?” She was truly perplexed by his words. Had she missed something?

He shook his head and sighed. “I’d let you run away for long enough. It was time for me to do something.”

“What would you have done?” She absently ran her hands over his chest and stomach. She didn’t doubt for one minute that he’d have indeed concocted some plan to get her attention.

“I’d have come up with something”—he paused for a moment—“like maybe turning off the breakers to my apartment and yours.”

Emma went still as she digested his words, hardly able to believe what she was hearing. “You didn’t?”

He nodded and grinned, totally unrepentant. “It was easy, and the opportunity was just too good to pass up.” He planted a hard kiss on her lips. “I had to do something after that amazing elevator ride.”

“But what about the hall light? It was off.” She was sure the hallway had been dark.

Tucker laughed. “I just turned off the switch at the end of the hall.”

Emma’s stomach knotted. She wasn’t sure how she felt about what Tucker had done. On one hand, she couldn’t deny that she’d enjoyed their sexual encounter. She almost snorted. That was like saying the ocean was a puddle. Having sex with Tucker was off the charts.

But her stomach got queasy at the thought that he’d tricked her into joining him. She conveniently shoved aside the fact that she was the one who’d come to him and focused on his actions.

The way she saw it, he’d manipulated events so that he could get her into bed. The fact that she enjoyed herself here was irrelevant. The little voice in the back of her head returned with a vengeance, reminding her that she couldn’t trust a good-looking man like Tucker. He could charm his way out of any situation and would do whatever it took to get his own way. A man like that couldn’t be counted on or believed.

The last thought sent a shaft of pain through her. So intense was the pain she actually rolled out of Tucker’s arms and curled her legs up into her chest. She’d begun to trust him, to hope that maybe he was different from her father. Visions of a future together had begun to sneak into her thoughts.

“Are you all right?” Tucker rolled her onto her back and cupped her face in her hands. “Emma, what’s wrong? Are you sick?” One of his hands caressed the side of her face and she couldn’t resist turning her face into it. His touch felt so good. “Talk to me.”

“You planned this.” She knew he heard the pain in her voice when he went still.

“I had no way of knowing for sure if you’d come to me. You could have gone down the hall to Mr. Meyers,” he reminded her. “But you knocked on my door. It showed me that deep down you do trust me. I thought you must have after the elevator, but I know for certain now.”

Emma looked up into his piercing green eyes that seemed to be trying to discover all her hidden secrets. She closed her eyes, not wanting him to see how truly vulnerable she was to him. “I’m glad one of us is sure, because I’m not.”

“You can’t mean that. Not after today.” He sounded shocked.

She opened her eyes and met his gaze, careful to keep all emotion from her face. “Yes, I do.”

Tucker sat up in bed and ran a hand over his face. “So where does that leave us?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know.” His laugh was tinged with bitterness. He got out of bed and stood next to it, all expression wiped from his face. “You let me know when you figure it out.”

Her stomach clenched even tighter at his words. “What do you mean?”

Tucker grabbed a pair of jeans off the chair in the corner and hauled them on. “It means that I’m through participating in whatever game it is you’re playing.” He yanked open a dresser drawer, hauled out a T-shirt and dragged it over his head. “You want to fuck me, but you don’t want to have anything else to do with me.” He shoved his bare feet into a battered pair of sneakers. “That’s usually the woman’s line.”

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