Enzo (Jinx Tattoos Book 1) (14 page)

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A beautiful smile broke across his face. “This is why I love you so much. Your heart is huge. So, let’s get this one settled.”

“We really have to figure out if the bairn is a boy or a girl, so we can give it a proper name?”

“What? Like Aibhlinn junior?” he teased.

She clucked her tongue. “No, but there’s nothing wrong with a strong Irish name.”

Enzo smirked. “Right.”

They made their way down to her car, and she knew life would never be the same again.

“Here,” Enzo said, handing over the baby who’d shoved its fist into its mouth and snuggled closer for warmth.

She wrapped her jacket around it and watched as Enzo took the keys from her pocket, unlocked the car, and began to safely arrange the car seat. It was far too easy to pretend this was their tiny family. The thought of the baby being thrust into a situation like Enzo’s made her blood run cold. No matter what, they had a duty to stand by this little one, and see it was placed in a proper home with a chance for the future.

Name Pronunciation Aoife – EE-fa
Chapter Eight



o you think we have enough, love?” Aibhlinn asked.

He ignored her teasing tone and cupped the little girl’s head. “Hey, babies need a lot of things.”

“Yes, but this is only temporary,” she said softly.

“Still, she deserves the best,” Enzo replied, careful to keep his tone soft and low as he lowered the brand new carrier. The pink hearts, butterflies, and pastel green background did funny things to him. He never knew he could feel so much for someone in such a small span of time. The baby breathed evenly. The trust she exuded humbled him.

Despite all she’d experienced in her short span of life, she’d yet to be tainted or marred.
I have to make sure she stays that way
. He cuddled her, patting her back as she nuzzled his neck. After two bottles of formula and a fresh change of diapers and clothes, she had the baby smell he couldn’t get enough of.

“Okay,” Aibhlinn began, ticking her fingers off as she spoke, “we’ve got her a new carrier, a playpen with a mini bassinet for her to sleep in, enough clothes for a few weeks, a baby tub, diapers, formula, and wet wipes.”

“We need to get her a few toys at least,” he said.

Smiling, she peered up at him. “Right. What was I thinking?”

She was humoring him; he could live with that. “We need a name.”

“Enz, I don’t want you to get too attached. You know you’ll have to give her over to the authorities, right?”

“I’m already invested, might as well enjoy every moment of it I can. I know I can’t just keep her, but I will not leave her to the wolves with no one to make sure she lands somewhere safe.”

“She has parents out there, Enz.”

“Yeah, who left her in the forest.”

“What if she was kidnapped and a family is out there searching desperately for her?” Aibhlinn asked.

“Then when we hand her over tomorrow, I’ll know she’s going to be okay.”

“So stubborn,” she growled, pushing the cart to the baby toy section.

“Tell me you’re so anxious to hand her over to a situation that might be detrimental. Look at her, Ave, she’s everything that’s right in the world. So innocent, she doesn’t know anger, disappointment, fear, or hurt. Not like us. She has a chance to have a happy, healthy life. I want to make sure that happens. At least, as much as I can. If I’d had someone like us in my life, I wouldn’t have gone through everything that I—”

“Hey, we can’t change our pasts,” she said.

“No, but I can do something about her future.”

She held up her hands. “I’m not the bad guy here, Enz. I want to help her just as much as you do. But I know there’s going to be a lot of red tape, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“I’m willing to take the risk on this one,” he said honestly.

She nodded her head. “Okay. What do you think she’ll like?” she asked.

“That one.” Grinning, he pointed to a multi-colored ball with finger holds and balls that would jingle when she shook it.

“Excellent choice,” she replied, tossing it into the cart.

“Back to her name. I want something Irish.”

“You do?”

“I love your name, it’s unique. And without you, we never would’ve found her.” He swallowed.
She could’ve died out there exposed to the elements with no one to hear her.
The thought made his stomach sour. He held her a little tighter.

“Well, all right. What do you want it to start with?”

“A,” he replied without hesitation.

Her eyebrows rose, but she remained silent for a few minutes. “How Irish are we talking about going? We could do something like Abigail, or Alonna.”

“No, all the way, like yours,” he stated.

“I always liked the name Aoife. It means beauty in Gaelic.”

“That’s beautiful. Aoife it is.” He glanced down at the sleeping infant on his shoulder. “What do you think, baby girl? You like Aoife?” he asked, kissing her forehead.

She snuffled in her sleep. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“All right. I think we’re set. Time to get the princess home, I’d say,” Aibhlinn remarked.

“Agreed.” They made their way to the front of the store for a second time, and when they pulled into the vacant lane Aibhlinn began to unload.

“Oh, she’s a doll,” the cashier exclaimed.

“Thank you,” Enzo replied, unable to hide his grin.

“How old is she?” the woman asked.

“About two months.” Enzo let the guess roll off his tongue with confidence. He knew how to adapt swiftly; it was a required skill growing up on the streets.

“You two do good work, mom,” the cashier gushed to Aibhlinn.

Ave turned to look at him with wide eyes and he smiled. She was forming a bond, too.
Good, then I won’t be doing this alone

“Thank you,” Ave whispered.

“I don’t think there’s anything as beautiful as a man with his daughter. My husband and I had five girls. They’re all grown now and out of the house, but those younger years were precious. You get so little time with them before they’re off to school, making friends, and growing up at light speed.”

“We’re enjoying every moment we get,” Enz said, already dreading handing Aoife over. It didn’t feel like playing house to him. It felt like finding a dream in his grasp. Any man worth his salt would do what was necessary to have the thing he always wanted. He was no different.



He all but inhaled the coffee as he slowly woke after very little sleep and too much alcohol the night before. Aoife had a set of lungs on her, and she wasn’t afraid to use then. Part of him imagined she wasn’t used to having her basic needs met. As the night wore on, and she realized there would always be a prompt answer to her beckoning, she’d calmed slightly. He sipped his coffee and peered down at his two favorite women dozing on the couch. How could someone discard such a precious gift so carelessly? He knew firsthand the things the foster care system could do to an innocent child. No way would Aoife suffer that fate.
I can’t let her go

He leaned against the counter. His mother had an in with the local social workers. She could take Aoife for a while at least.
And then what?
He took another sip and began to formulate a plan. He could get certified, and then take over. It’s not a sure thing. They could deny his mom, and she would be lost in the system. His mind went to Snake. They had a man who was good with papers and records.

The minute the idea popped into his brain, he latched on to it. He wanted this tiny being more than words could explain. He could give her everything he never had—spare her the heartache and loneliness. She was a tiny angel resting on Aibhlinn’s chest; with her lips pursed and still moving in a sucking motion in her sleep, and a cap of dark hair covering her little head. He walked over and ran the tip of his index finger over her soft hair. They were beautiful as they slept peacefully, trusting him to keep them safe.

His chest swelled with pride, and something he’d never experienced before. Possessiveness. They were his to protect. Aoife stirred and nuzzled her face against Aibhlinn’s chest.
I wonder what it would be like to see our own baby suckle at her breast?
The thought blew his mind. This little being was a catalyst. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not yet. Mind made up, he dialed Snake.


“Hey, man, sorry to call you this early, but I had something that couldn’t wait.”

“No worries, brother. I’m still going from last night,” Snake said. The satisfaction in his gravelly tone was unmistakable.

“You boys always partied hard,” Enzo said.

“Only way to do it,” Snake answered. He cleared his throat. “What can I help you with, brother?”

“It’s a sensitive subject.”

“Ahhh. You want to head over this way, then?” Snake asked.

“Yeah, I think that would be best,” he replied.

“All right, I’ll put on a pot of coffee and let my boys know you’re headed in,” Snake said, disconnecting.

Am I actually doing this?
A glance toward his girls had him answering with a resounding yes. He walked over to the couch, knelt down, and caressed Aibhlinn’s cheek with the back of his fingers. “Ave.”


“I’m headed out to run a few errands. I’ll be back in a bit.”

“’Kay,” she said sleepily.

She puckered, and he brushed her lips, grateful for the moment between sleeping and wake that had her in a cooperative mood. She was a woman with a plan. If she’d been awake, she would be asking him a million questions he didn’t have any answers to. Yet.

He changed from the rumpled clothing into a pair of clean jeans, a white T-shirt, and a thick black sweater. Tossing a black beanie on his head, he was out the door. He spent the ride driving up north wondering what he would tell his family. It wouldn’t be out of the range of belief to say he’d knocked up some one-night stand who’d signed over all rights.
But where will that leave me and Ave?
He was in for a battle there. She wasn’t one for lies, but she could understand stepping outside the law given her family background with the IRA. It was a detail they glossed over, but he knew enough about the Irish organization to know they were hardcore. The shit she’d seen before she hit puberty would probably make most her age piss their pants. They were in deep enough for her mother to run a continent away.

He drove down the unmarked road, knowing they had to see the dust he kicked up a mile away, which was probably the point of building a place out here. He parked in front of the complex—what looked like a massive stone warehouse on the outside had an incredible set of comforts on the inside. He walked up to the metal door and knocked. The square that opened was a throwback, but they took security seriously. The last clubhouse they had ended up totaled, and when they’d rebuilt they’d taken all the precautions they could think of.

He was pretty sure the thick door was bulletproof.

“Hey, we’ve been expecting you,” the prospect said and opened the door.

Enzo spotted Snake sitting at the bar.

The Vice President looked tired, but alert. His brown eyes sparkled with mirth. The pair of naked twins sprawled out on the bar sleeping peacefully painted the scenes of the previous night’s debauchery.

Enzo took in the sleeping bodies on couches and the pool table.
Must’ve been some party
. “Holy shit, it’s not even Friday,” Enzo exclaimed as he walked over to give Snake a manly hug.

“Patch in party, man. One of the prospects got his top rocker. That’s always a cause for craziness,” Snake explained.

Enzo nodded.

Snake gestured to the seat next to him. “Have a seat, man. Tell me what brings you out this way.”

“I need papers,” he said, launching into the story about the baby girl and what he planned on doing.

“Damn, chief, you sure you want to take on that kind of responsibility?” Snake asked.

“I know firsthand how bad the foster care system can be. I can’t let her go that route. Plus, I’m getting off easy. Shit, I get the best thing a girl can give without the hassle.”

Snake laughed. “I guess. Don’t know if you’ll still think that when your ass is half dead from lack of sleep. When do you need this?”

“As soon as possible, after you make sure there’s no one with a missing notice out. I won’t take her from a happy home,” Enzo said.

“Okay. I’ll get my tech man to work his magic and get back with you. You might want to hold off for a week on finalizing anything, though. Sometimes, people sit on shit when kidnappings and what not happen.”

Enzo sighed. “You’re right.”

“I’m going to run this by a few of the biker babes around here, see if one of them is willing to put their name on the paperwork. I won’t leave any loose ends. You have a name for the baby girl?” he asked.

“Yeah, Aoife Rose Jordan.”

“Beautiful name, brother. You with that Irish hottie now?”

“Working on it. She’s the one watching Aoife right now.”

“Ahh, then you’re sure to seal that deal. Babies make bitches melt,” Snake said.

Enzo laughed. “Hope so, brother. We’ve been dancing around what’s there for too long already.”

“You better lock it down before it’s too late,” Snake suggested. The mirth left his eyes, and his voice turned serious. “All the pussy in the world doesn’t mean anything when you’ve let
the one
get away.”

The pain in his voice and eyes was so real, Enzo felt like he could damn near touch it. He didn’t feel close enough with the man to ask him more, but he knew he didn’t want to be in his position. “Do you need anything from me? I’m willing to pay.”

Snake held out his hand. “No, man, you always been a friend to the Wild Bunch. Mind you, I’ll have to run it by the President. But I don’t see a problem.”

“Thank you. I need to get back to my girls and let Ave know we have a change of plans.”

“All right, brother, I’ll be in contact.”

He rose from the barstool, hoping he’d made the right decision, and that Aibhlinn would see his point of view.


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