Enzo (Jinx Tattoos Book 1) (23 page)

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“You know the nature of these things. It’s not an exact science,” he said.

“You crawl right back under the rock you came out from under and stay away from me and my mum.”

“The Army wants—”

“I don’t give a fuck what you or your Army want. You forgot about us for years. Go do the same.”

Her drawl was thick, and her face was pale.

“You’re done. Now it’s my turn to have a talk with you,” Enzo said, pleased when the boy’s eyes dilated.
That’s right, you’re on my turf now, little bitch.



“I know you want at him, but then I’d have IRA problems, and I don’t think either of us really wants that,” Snake said as he eye-balled who sat in a chair while Big Mike negotiated.

“So he gets a nice vacation, work visa, and a slap on the wrist?” Enzo asked.

“Not sure what’s going to go down. They fucked up not letting us know what was going on in our city. Mike won’t let them forget that. He might ask for them to pay with blood. Their ways aren’t our own.”

“I understand the politics. But my woman’s laid up in the hospital, and the gallery is fucked until we can get it patched up. I can’t stand by and do nothing.”

“Let’s see what he does. Think about the little one you have.”

Snake’s word penetrated the red haze. His mistakes affected more than just him now.

“You’re right,” he said.

Snake patted his shoulder. “Good, man.”

The door to church opened, and Mike stepped out. Silence came among them.

“They’ll be paying to repair the gallery, and once it’s finished, Colleen and Aibhlinn have immunity. They won’t be pulled into this any longer,” Mike stated.

“And the rat?” Enzo questioned.

“Goes back to where he came from. Touch him and the deal’s off.”

Enzo balled his fist. He wouldn’t risk the Leahys safety and livelihood to soothe his anger. He gave a curt nod.

“I wish I could demand more. But the last thing we need is a war coming through and destroying the town.”

“I want him gone as soon as possible, Mike. I won’t stop looking over my shoulder until he’s out of the States.”

“Ahead of you, brother. He leaves in the morning.”

He accepted the small victory. “If I see him in town again…”

“Then he’s all yours,” Mike said.

He nodded. “I’m going to go be with my lady.”

“I’ll keep prospects watching her until she gets out,” Mike said.

Enzo nodded his thanks and quickly said his good-byes. This was the last place he needed to be right now. Running into Keir would be pressing his luck and testing his patience.


“She Walks in Beauty” Lord Byron
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes.


3 months later

eeing your life flash before your eyes puts a lot into perspective. Aibhlinn left the hospital, came to his house to recover, and never left. From then on things had moved to hyper speed. With both of their moms planning, the wedding had been organized in three months. Aoife was learning words, and he swore his heart swelled every time she said Mama or Dada. He glanced to across the church and smiled at the sight of his little girl in a fluffy pink dress fit for a princess. She gave him a gummy smile, and he marveled at the changes in his life.

He still saw the doc once a month for a tune up, and to progress with putting his past to rest. He couldn’t allow the poison to spill over onto the little patch of nirvana he’d carved into the world. Now here he stood waiting for the woman of his dreams. It wasn’t an easy road to get here. There had been fights, tears, and episodes. But they’d come out on the other side, and from where he stood now, life was beautiful. There’d been one opening left at Old St. Mary’s and they’d taken it gratefully. Now she stood just outside the entrance of the church with his father and her mother to walk her down the aisle. Red rose petals littered the white aisle runner, and tri-tiered candelabras illuminated the pews full of family and friends. The “Wedding March” began to play, and the guests stood. He registered this vaguely because his full attention was the woman in white coming toward him. Lace was draped across the clavicle he loved to explore with his tongue.

The dress tucked in and belled out making her look like a fairy creature. The simple band of emerald green ribbon around her waist with a white flower made him smile. It represented her beloved Emerald Isle, just as the crown of pink, white, and purple wildflowers that adorned her wild hair did. Curls tumbled down her shoulders, framing her face. She paused and mouthed the word hi. He couldn’t stop the goofy smile he returned as he mouthed the greeting back. Her mother and his father kissed her cheek, placed her veil over her face, and handed Aibhlinn off to him. They joined hands and knelt, facing the priest.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…” The traditional words blurred as he held on to her hand. Her body all but vibrated with energy.

“Before the couple says their vows, the groom would like to present something to his bride.”

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

He smiled. He’d gotten something for her last night; a symbol of their love he could carry with him everywhere they went. He twisted his body to face her and took her hands. He’d never told her that the poem reminded him of her. It was why he’d gotten the stars on his arm with the lines “Of cloudless climes and starry skies.” It was his personal homage to the woman he loved. Now he could wear the words proudly. Lost in the depths of her greenish-blue jewels, he recited the poem. “
She walks in beauty, like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright. Meet in her aspect and her eyes. Thus mellowed to that tender light. Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less, had half impaired the nameless grace. Which waves in ever raven tress, or softly lightens o’er her face. Where thoughts serenely sweet express. How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. And on that cheek, and o’er that brow, so soft, so calm, yet eloquent. The smiles that win, the tints that glow, but tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent

As he ended, water blurred his vision and the lines ran together. Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes and rolled down her porcelain skin. The priest continued the ceremony, and they exchanged rings.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”  

Cheers echoed through the massive church. He wound his fingers in her wild hair and kissed her, careful to only show a small portion of the passion he felt.
Keep the kiss PG, please, Enzo
. Her request echoed, and he slipped her the barest hint of tongue before he pulled away. The flush in her cheeks and the adoration in her gaze told him he’d done it right. They turned to face the church, and he walked down the aisle. Finally, he’d claim what was his. As they exited the church, they found themselves surrounded by falling flower petals and bubbles. Covering her mouth, she shook her head.

“I can’t believe you did this.” The white Cinderella pumpkin-style horse and carriage decorated with lights, and led by two white Clydesdale horses had been another surprise. They were only going to do this once, and he wanted it to be right. Her mother had mentioned this being a childhood dream, so he’d pulled a few strings.

“You like it?”

“I love it.” She kissed his lips sweetly. “And you.”

He helped her up the stairs and climbed inside, shutting the door.

“Finally have you alone.” He kissed her as the carriage began to move. “I got you something,” he said as he unbuttoned his -shirt.

“More?” she asked.

“When I told you I was going to spend the rest of our lives making up for the mistakes and making you wait, I meant that shit.”

“I don’t need all this.”

“No, but you deserve it, so you’re going to have it. Get used to it.”

He peeled back his button down, and she gasped. “Enzo?”

‘She walks in beauty, like the night’ was scrawled across his collarbone for the entire world to see, in elegant, yet masculine script.

“This poem has always been you in my mind.”

“But you’ve had the stars since you were eighteen. It was one of your first pieces—”

He nodded. “Never doubt how deep my love for you runs. It took me a long time to become the man you needed.”

She cupped his face. “You were always the man for me.”

The words were another brick in the wall of his soul he was repairing. He lost himself in her lips and the romantic setting. The future had finally arrived. While this was a dream come true, it wasn’t an ending, but a beginning he was ready to face head on.



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