Enzo (Jinx Tattoos Book 1) (7 page)

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Chapter Four

t’d been a long time since he pissed Aibhlinn off this much. It didn’t sit right with him. Two weeks and she’d been completely non-commutative. Today…that would end. They would both be at the Clover Gallery to show their work. He ran a hand through his hair and studied the four paintings; they spoke of suffering, sorrow, and madness. Except for the last one. He stood back, trying to imagine the way he wanted them displayed.

He’d done a rendering of an eye in shades of black and white. Long, dark lashes reached out, bending under the weight of the two tears that had begun their descent. As he studied the image, his gut clenched. He’d drawn Aibhlinn. That was her iris, and the darkened silhouette he’d placed in the center was him. He knew the shape of her eye and the beginnings of the bridge of her nose as well as his own.

Wiping a hand over his face, he closed his eyes. There was no escape from her. She was buried inside of him too deeply and become a part of his heart. The best of who he was.
I should’ve called and apologized.
He knew he was wrong. It was the reason behind why he’d had an outburst that kept him silent. Somewhere along the way, he’d crossed a line he wasn’t sure he could come back from. He’d felt guilt and betrayal when she called. It was a first for him.

He never felt bad for the things he did with women. Tracee got what she wanted—attention and pleasure. A headache began to form in his temples. The situation was quicksand, and he was rapidly sinking deeper in. He looked to the next painting; another eye he’d painted facing in the opposite direction, as if it peered into the opposite eye. No tears adorned the masculine eyeball, but the glimmer of the iris and the wrinkle of the skin around the eye showed the mystery man’s agony.

In the center, he’d placed a delicate silhouette of a female with flowing manes. It was him and Aibhlinn, both longing for what they couldn’t have and hurting in the process. The last painting was a punch in the gut. The silhouette of a man in a long, dark coat walked away in the rain. The slump of his shoulders and the bowed head said everything about his emotions. He could feel that despair.
Is this how Aibhlinn and I will end? No, I can change it. But at the cost of us? Or her? Would it be worth the risk?

The past two weeks he’d been irritable and unsettled. A life of that would be torture. Still, the thought of being romantic with Aibhlinn made him break out in sweats. He could do sex, but could he do the rest? She deserved candles, moonlight, rose petals, and all the other clichéd gestures he could think of. That wasn’t him. He didn’t know how to express love in a healthy manner.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
The clock was running down and the time for hard decisions had come.

He took his paintings down and wrapped each of them in bubble wrap, and then with a thin layer of cardboard. Pleased, he began to carry them out to his car. As he pulled out of the driveway twenty-minutes later, his heart began to race.

Would she be there setting up, too? The perpetual clouds surrounding him parted and he swore he could see the hint of the sun. Flirting with the speed limit, he pulled up to the back of Clover Gallery in record time, and put his car into park. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

He knocked on the back entrance and shoved his hands into his pocket. The door swung open, and he frowned at the man who answered the door.

“Can I help you?” he asked with a thick Irish brogue.

“I’m one of the artists being featured tonight. I was coming to set up.”

“Ahh, well then why don’t you start unloading, and we’ll get Colleen to tell you where your set will go?”

“Sounds good. I’ve never seen you before. You are?”

“Ack, I’ve heard that a lot today. I’m Keir Gallagher. I just started working a few weeks ago, so that’s why we haven’t met.”

“Nice to meet you, Keir. I’m Enzo.”

“Ahhh, I’ve heard a lot about your work from Colleen. I’m her new assistant.”

“Do you know her from back home?”

“Me personally, vaguely. She and my mum were friends.”

“Well, welcome to the States then,” Enzo said.

“Thank you,” Keir replied as he propped open the door.

“Is that my other child I hear?” Colleen called.

Enzo smiled. “Hey Colleen,” he said as the red-haired woman came into view all smiles.

Swathed in a black dress that shimmered and flowed to the floor, she looked like a dark fairy come to life. She rushed over, and he bent down to exchange a hug. At five foot eight, she wasn’t short but she wasn’t tall either. He always figured Aibhlinn got her height from her father.

“I’m so glad you decided to throw your hat in the ring with us. You do so well at shows.”

“Thank you for always having me,” he replied. She’d been a real mentor to him. All the art classes he’d taken had been at her insistence, and the one-on-one lessons she’d given had been innumerable. She’d taken him under her wing right along with Aibhlinn and shared not only her talents but her heart.

“Of course. I can’t wait to see what you’ve done.”

His heart sank as he realized he wouldn’t see Aibhlinn until the show. There’d be no time for reconciliation. Resigned to the fact, he returned to his car and brought in the work. She’d cleared a space on the left wall. Seeing his name—Enzo Jordan—on a sign filled him with a sense of pride. He’d done this all on his own, without his brothers’ help, or his mentor, Noah’s.

It felt good to branch out and have something he could claim as his. He placed the painting titled
first and the next two,
, leaving the last,
for the finale.

“Wow, this is some beautiful work,” Colleen whispered. She glanced at him with the gleam of knowledge in her eyes. She could see her daughter in the picture. “
is quite interesting.”

“Is it?” he asked, trying to play it cool.

“As much as
sees him. I find it interesting he so obviously sees her right back. You’d think the next picture would show them together.”

“Life doesn’t always work out.”

“And yet, occasionally it does,” Colleen remarked.

“Yeah, for those who are lucky,” he said.

“Or maybe for those who get their head out of their arses and do what they should’ve a long time ago.” Her green eyes narrowed and her cheeks tinted pink.

“You think that would be best?” he asked. He never understood what Colleen saw in him. She’d looked past his reputation and attitude, and saw someone with talent.

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, boy. Do you think a lady will wait forever?”


“So, you don’t care?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Then what are you saying? I’m confused, and I’m not the only one. You can’t hold on to something like a selfish child who wants it for himself, but refuses to take care of it.”

His eyes grew wide.
Is that what I do?

“Chew on what I just said, and come back tonight with a fresh perspective.” She patted him on his shoulder.

Enzo walked toward the door feeling bereft and transparent.



She stepped down from the SUV feeling like she might lose her lunch at any second. She’d come in not long after Enzo and set up her paintings across from his. Her mother had covered them with a dark cloth, refusing to let her see then before the show. She still wasn’t sure how she felt about that.
It’s either a really good thing or a really bad thing
. In the end, she had three medium-sized paintings. The first painting was her original with a woman holding an umbrella for a man who refused to step beneath the shelter.

The second featured a couple embracing beneath the red umbrella. It was the epitome of what she wanted. The best case scenario to this mess they’d made over the years. The last was a woman—alone—walking away in the rain, shadowed and surrounded by the grey darkness. She cut a lonely figure. There was no mistaking the message, and now she second guessed herself like crazy.

Was the ultimatum necessary? Was this fixation she had on him even his problem? Her feelings had grown and began to spill over, why should he suffer?
Because he’s in just as deep as you
. This situation was made possible by two people…not one. Her heels clicked on the concrete as she slipped inside the front and came face-to-face with the man she’d been avoiding. They hadn’t given each other the cold shoulder this way since their early twenties. Their gazes were locked.

I’m sorry
, Enzo mouthed.

She fixed her face with a stern expression and gave a quick shake of her head. That wouldn’t work this time.

“Now that we’re all here, let’s unveil the paintings,” her mother said cheerily.

Aibhlinn knew the sparkle in her green eyes well. She had something up her sleeve.

She pulled back the black cloth, and Aibhlinn couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped her lips. Not only was it gorgeous, the style and story could have been added seamlessly to her own. She looked at him and saw her shock mirrored in his expression.

“You,” they said at the same time.

“How about you two step out back and discuss things before we get started. I’m sure people will want to know if you correlated your work on purpose. You’ll want to know what to say,” Colleen suggested with a knowing gleam in her eyes.

Aibhlinn nodded, and they walked outside to the back.

Enzo softly closed the door behind them.

She spun around, instantly on the attack. “That’s how you see us? That’s our end game? You walking away? I’m so easy to leave behind?”

“No.” He held out his hands, palms up. “That’s not what the painting says.”

“Then please explain.”

“It’s what has to happen to keep me from hurting you.”

“Am I not hurting now, Enzo?” she seethed.

“Not like you could be,” he whispered.

“You fucking coward,” she said, stalking forward to stand inches from his face. “If you don’t want me, can’t love me, tell me that.”

“It’s never been a question of love. God, Aibhlinn, you must know I’m in love with you.”

His words stole the breath from her lungs. She blinked and swayed.

“Whoa.” He wrapped his arms around her, and she leaned against his chest.

“What did you just say?” she croaked.

“I love you. I’m in love with you. I have been for years. I tried so hard to keep it to myself, so I didn’t ruin what we have.”

She couldn’t stop the tears that fell from her eyes. “Why didn’t you say something before now?”

“Because it doesn’t matter, Aibhlinn,” he whispered.

“What?” She pulled away. “It’s everything.”

“No.” He ran his fingers through her hair, bringing his fingers to her scalp where he began a massage.

She shivered.

“I wish it did. You’re beautiful. I always wanted to touch you like this.”

“Then touch me,” she whispered.

“Just this once, Ave,” he whispered, moving in to brush her lips with his.

Tendrils of pleasure burst through her body like fireworks. They both moaned as their mouths were fused. They’d given in to hunger long denied. Teeth knocked, tongues clashed. She savored every moment. He cupped her ass, and she moaned, pressing closer against him.

“So sweet,” he whispered.

She slow-blinked as the world changed its perspective. He lifted her up, and out of instinct, she wrapped her limbs around him. He pressed her against the wall, and they continued to eat at each other’s mouths. It was heaven; everything she’d dreamed of and more. The boy who’d kissed her had become a man and skilled with his tongue. He rolled his hips, and she whimpered.
He’s good with other things, too
. The friction of his jeans against her soaked underwear had her moving with him. Heat flooded her face and neck. Her head spun.

“That’s it. Let it go for me, baby,” he whispered. His words thrust her over the edge; she arched her back and cried out. He swallowed her noises, keeping the passionate exchange a secret between them.

Shaking, she clung to him as he eased her legs to the ground and buried his face into her neck. “Never doubt I love you, Aibhlinn. I just don’t know how to be in a relationship. They scare the hell out of me. What we have is the closest I’ve ever come to commitment. The thought of fucking up and breaking your heart has haunted me for years.” He placed a kiss to her temple.

“Then let me teach you. We’ve helped each other through everything. Why is this any different?”

“I’ve battled this demon for so long its hooks are embedded into my soul. Not even you can loosen those chains.”

“Don’t you see we’re doing everything but having sex and putting a title to us? I love you, Enzo. I’d do anything for you. Hell, I have been your ride or die so long… I’ve got a list of infractions to prove it. I want to help you. I know we could be good together. I want it so bad, I can fucking taste it. But I can’t continue with the dysfunction. If we can’t go all in…we need to place boundaries and keep to them, ’cause this thing between us is killing me, and making it damn hard to find anyone else.”

He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers.

Déjà vu struck. Her heart broke. It was so much worse knowing he felt the same why. “You son of a bitch. Why even tell me how you felt if you knew you were going to do this?”

“What do you want me to do, Ave?” he cried out brokenly.

“Stop fighting it,” she said through gritted teeth. Her hand reached down to cup the bulge in his pants. “Feel with me. Don’t manipulate my body, open up your soul and let me in. I’m already there, Enzo. I’m under your skin. I’m in your brain. I know you better than you know yourself.”

His muscles tensed, and his breathing increased. “I—”

“For once, trust in us.” She massaged him, and he rocked into her hands. “Let me take the wheel.” Leaning in she nipped at his neck, emboldened by the cover of darkness and privacy of the small parking lot. His body shook. She slipped her hand into his pants, and they both moaned. He was hot, thick, and long in her hands. She gripped him tightly and pumped.


“You gave this to me, now I’m returning the favor. Tonight after the show let the cards lay where they may. But right now is our time.” She captured his lips, taking what she wanted for so long. He tasted crisp and clean like mint; his lips were soft and pliable. His moan vibrated through her body. He sucked her tongue, and she whimpered, picking up speed as she brought him over. She swallowed his cries as he spilled onto her hand. The hot liquid felt like a cleansing rain. She removed her hand and brought it to her lips, lapping off his salty flavor.

“Jesus, baby. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamed of you like this,” he panted.

She was afraid to hope for more, but for now, at least, she knew the taste and feel of him. The way his eyes turned into a stormy grey when he came. She leaned in, nipped his bottom lip hard, and dragged her tongue across it to soothe the abused area. “Hope you don’t mind going commando.”

“Worth it,” he croaked. His eyes grew serious. “Aibhlinn.”

“Not now, Enzo. Right now, you go to the bathroom to clean yourself up, and I’m going to charm the room and tell them we did collaborate these painting as a way to commemorate our friendship. Our theme was love and pain.”

“You’re brilliant, you know that?” he whispered.

“I try.”

For a moment, the air was cleared and her heart sang. They hadn’t crashed and burned.

They spent the rest of the evening glued at the hip as they answered questions.
Thank God liar’s pants don’t really catch on fire or this building would be up in flames.
Her face hurt from smiling. They’d sold their paintings as a set for a hefty five thousand they would split down the middle. Shaking the last hand, they shut the door to the gallery and she slumped against the door. “Finally, it’s over,” Aibhlinn said with a sigh.

“You two were a hit,” her mother crowed. “You should do this more often.”

“Thanks, Mum. I think we’re both ready to crash.” Her stomach began to flip as uncertainty set in.

“I’ll walk her to her car,” Enzo stated, gently taking her by the elbow.

“We’ll see you later, Mum,” she said, allowing Enzo to lead her outside.

“Your place or mine?” he asked.

She paused and shuddered thinking about the women he’d had in and out of his bed. “Mine.”

He nodded. “I’ll meet you there.” She hit the unlock button on her key fob and he opened the door, helping her inside. Closing the door, he tapped her hood and stepped away, watching as she pulled off.

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