Erotic Billionaire 3-Pack (The Billionaire's Contract Parts 1-3) (3 page)

BOOK: Erotic Billionaire 3-Pack (The Billionaire's Contract Parts 1-3)
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Marguerite found Celine’s worries foolish and told her so. “Why should you care at all how he feels?” the French girl asked.  “I assume you are very well paid, as we are?”  Celine nodded.  “And you are not in jeopardy of real physical injury?’  Celine nodded that she was not.  “And you get to have sex with pretty people like Aimee and me?” Celine smiled and shook her head yes.  Marguerite cocked an eyebrow. “I have seen for myself that your Master is pretty, and he has a big package.  I don’t understand why you could possibly be unhappy.” Celine laughed, her mood changed.  “Eat your breakfast cheri,” Aimee said, her hand beneath the table and under Celine’s skirt, “there are more good things to share on this beautiful morning than unhappy thoughts.!” Her fingers stroked Celine’s clit and everything was suddenly just fine.

“Be ready for the limo to pick you up seven tonight,” Peter told her as the limo driver unloaded packages and carried them inside her apartment.  “Wear the black Balenciaga,” he said, looking her body up and down, “and nothing beneath it.”  Celine smiled adoringly at him.  The Balenciaga had been unbelievably expensive, even compared to the other clothes Peter had selected for her.  It was a sheer nothing of a dress that had spots of opaqueness that distorted strategic areas of her body, but if anyone was close they could see right through it as if she was naked.  Whatever was going on tonight was going to be thrilling and sexual.

“Do you have enough room in there for all that?” Peter asked, indicating her apartment.  Celine looked at the remaining pile of packages. 

“No master, I’m afraid I’m going to have to move.”

Peter took one of his business cards and wrote a number on the back with his gold Mont Blanc fountain pen.  “Call him tomorrow and have him show you the “B” selection.  When you find one you like, just sign the papers he gives you and I’ll send a crew by from the plant to move you.”

“Oh master, that’s awfully generous of you but…”

“No buts, Celine,” he said, “I need you at your best at a moment’s notice, and your best has to be very good.  Pick something closer to work.” He glanced at the aging Malibu in her parking space.  “Is that yours?” he asked.  Celine was unable to do anything but nod her head, it was the first time he had used her name.  “Go by the maintenance shop on your way to the realtor’s, and pick any one of the cars except the Aston-Martin or the Bently…I haven’t driven either of them yet.”  He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and left Celine standing with her mouth open.

The limo driver picked her up at precisely seven.  The handsome driver was more than appreciative of the dress, his eyes bugged out as he held the door for her, and she heard him as he shut the door.  “Jesus Christ!”  She would have favored him with a flash of thigh or a breast …the halter type top was certainly loose and cut deeply enough, but she realized with a brief flash of lust that he could already see every inch of her.  The moistness between her legs started.

There were many people already at the party, held in the Governor’s Room at the local country club. She was a trifle nervous at first, there were people she knew present…but after she was visually raped by the Chief of Police, whom she had known since she was a little girl, she realized that she no longer looked like the girl they had known.  She was safe.

Peter danced with her, holding her close and fondling her through the thin cloth.  Celine was aroused and the night was perfect.  She kissed him softly, and for a moment, she thought she might be something more than his executive assistant tonight.  She could feel his hardness pressing into her, and she welcomed it with her hard belly and firm thighs.

As quickly as the magic moment had started, it was over.  Peter turned her around and pulled the halter from her right breast, baring it to the floodlights on the dance floor.  Two tall men approached them from the dark recesses of the rear of the Governor’s Room. They were dressed expensively, and their accent was pure Castilian Spanish.  Both men eyed her bared breast appreciatively.  Peter continued to fondle her breast as he spoke with the men about oil interests and the technology surrounding it.  Peter stuck his hand inside the halter top and fondled the other breast, leaving the rigid nipple of the other breast exposed to the hungry gaze of the two men.  Celine began to respond to their hot erotic glances in spite of herself.  Her legs parted slightly, allowing them a better look at her thighs, and they were standing close enough that they could see that she was shaved and waxed.

“Touch their cocks,” Peter whispered in her ear.  Automatically she reached out and fondled the lumps in their expensive suit trousers.  Her heart fluttered a moment at Peter’s sudden change, but it fluttered more as the two gentlemen reacted to her caresses.  They left no doubt in her mind as to the fact that they desired her.  “Raul, Pablo, Celine will do as you like for the rest of the evening.  I will trust you to value her as much as I do.”  Without a word to Celine, he turned and left her with the two men.

As they escorted her to a private suite reserved for visiting dignitaries, she found that they were representatives of the Republic of Argentina, and that their manners were as impeccable as their dress.  Her dress and her looks attracted them, and her fluency in their native language floored them.  Their room was well supplied with fine Argentine Brandies and Champagne, and they were soon plying her with alcohol.

They were not nervous, but they were being overly careful and Celine didn’t want to displease Peter, he was still her master after all, and she knew what she had been sent here to do. The contract they were negotiating with PiezoTec was worth billions of dollars to Peter, and one wrong move could gum up the whole proceeding.  She was very disappointed, she had wanted a private evening of being displayed as Peter’s private property.  Raul and Pablo were sporting very generous packages, however, and there were worse ways to spend an evening.

She knelt before Raul…she knew from the paperwork that he was the senior member of the team.  Releasing his penis from the confines of his pants, she quickly enveloped his entire length in her mouth. She moaned at the heat of his hardness, and she felt him react to her swirling tongue.  Her hands busy with his hefty balls, she took her mouth from his cock and gazed at Pablo.  “Take your clothes off senor, and take some champagne.  Everything I do for Raul, I will do for you as well.”  Her voice was so husky it entranced Pablo, who quickly stripped and filled a crystal flute of chilled champagne.  He silently toasted her as she lowered the halter top to her waist, so that Pablo could see her lovely breasts as he watched her mouth work its magic on his companion.

Raul was not used to such directness from a woman, and Celine’s eagerness to suck him surprised and excited him.  Far sooner than Celine expected it, he was spewing into the depths of her mouth.  Her eagerness to take his seed into her mouth excited him even more and his moans of appreciation were exuberant and loud. As she was licking Raul clean, she beckoned to Pablo.

Pablo’s cock was slimmer and longer, and he had used a coconut based soap or oil, leaving a faint aftertaste of coconut on his skin that Celine adored.  She took special pains to lick him thoroughly before  taking him into her mouth.  Pablo was ecstatic, the sweet feel of her mouth suckling at him was enough to curl his toes.  Raul, driven to want more by Celine’s moans of pleasure, reached out to touch and caress her naked body.

Celine was in a state of no-mind, a state she often entered when her senses overruled her sense.  Raul’s dancing fingers were tantalizing her pussy and her nipples, and Pablo’s cock was teasing her throat, and these were enough to make any woman drunk with sex.  The no-mind state she reached when she was exceptionally aroused was intense, and her body became sensitive to things that she ordinarily would not have noticed…things like changes in air pressure when a door opened, or the smell of a new type of aftershave coming into a room. Little things like a lover’s breath on the nape of her neck were enough to send her spinning into an orgasm.  The first time it had happened she had frightened both herself and her lover…when she entered the state of no-mind, there were no taboos for her, she became insatiable.

With renewed lust she devoured Pablo’s cock with enthusiasm, and she waggled her ass at Raul.  She took her ravening mouth off Pablo’s cock and gave Raul a wicked, feral challenge.  “A
man would be taking his pleasure in my ass right now, not caring whether I liked it or not.  Are you a
mi amante demonio

It was said in such a deliciously wicked tone that at first Raul wasn’t sure he had heard correctly.  Did this deliciously sexual gringo woman just call him her demon lover?  Did she challenge him to put his penis in her anus and copulate with her thus?  His erection became diamond hard, and he moved behind her with the grace of a highland panther.  Her hips undulated slowly, offering the tempting target to him while spreading her legs wider to accommodate him.  The challenge had been made.  Taking her hips in both hands, he plunged deeply into her puckered rosebud.  He made no effort to prepare her, no effort to stretch or lubricate her prior to his entry…this expedition was for his pleasure alone.

The sharp pain of Raul’s rough entry was nothing to the bolt of pleasure that shot through her body as he used her brutally for his own pleasure, and the animal noises he made as he thrust deeply into her ass were dangerously thrilling to Celine.  She slammed back into his thrusting hips, reveling in the feel of his hard cock plundering her helpless ass. The pain stopped almost as soon as it occurred, the massive leakage of precum from his large cock lubricating her almost as much as her pussy would have.

Celine’s shrieks of pleasure and the unintelligible words she mouthed around his swollen organ were more than Pablo could stand.  His cock exploded into
la mujer diabolica
and she swallowed it all with obvious relish, smiling into his eyes as she gulped.  His flow was so copious that it overflowed and spilled onto his belly.  Even though she was grunting loudly each time Raul thrust into her ass, she licked up every drop from the sensitive skin of his belly, a catlike smile on her face.  She did not stop until his belly was clean and dry.

When she had gotten all the cum from Pablo, Celine turned her head and demanded that Raul give her all his cum.  He was surprised and aroused by her demand, and he came instantly.  What happened next was unbelievable.  She whipped him out of her ass and leapt into the air, swapping ends before she landed.  Celine’s mouth fastened on the glans of his spurting penis and she actually sucked the cum from his hardness.  She didn’t quit until he was drained.

Instead of lying down and savoring her victories, Celine deliberately lay on her back, her legs spread lewdly open to the adoring gaze of both men.  Her fingers spread her pussy open to their gaze, one finger idly rubbing her rigid clit.  “Fuck me now,” she hissed, “or send me a
man to finish the task you have started!” Raul and Pablo stared at each other in astonishment at their luck.  And then they fell on the magnificent gringo woman, their inner animals unleashed.

The next morning she awakened fresh and alive, her senses heightened.  She had entranced the two Argentines and had received entreaties from both men to come and visit in Buenos Aires. She had been almost disappointed that they had not treated her as a common whore. Well, she grinned to herself, at least an uncommon whore.  Instead, the two had treated her chivalrously, pouring champagne for her and feeding her fruit and cheese afterwards.

Celine bathed and dressed and took a cab to the plant.  The service manager met her and escorted her to a medium sized building, flipping on the light switch and exposing rows of incredibly clean and shiny new looking automobiles of all kinds. Her eyes widened.  “Mr. Dunn says for you to select whichever one you wish,” he said, “except for the Aston-Martin or the Bentley.”  He indicated the two impressive looking vehicles at the front of the building.

It took Celine less than a minute to fall in love with a red Porsche Turbo Carerra, and she sat in the seat for a long time, wondering if she dared choose such an expensive car.  After looking around her, she realized that there was little for concern, because there was nothing remotely resembling the tame vehicles she had always been used to.  Everything in the warehouse was exotic and expensive.  She walked to tell the Service Manager of her choice and he sat her down with coffee and pastries while he got the car ready.  Idly, she wondered what would have to be done to get it ready, it had been spotless.

Within fifteen minutes the Service Manager brought a stack of papers by and she signed them quickly without bothering to read them.  She was in a rush, she had an appointment with the realtor in twenty minutes.  The top was off the Porsche and it took the Service Manager a few minutes to explain how to put the top on.  She left the plant parking lot in a big hurry.

The Porshe was a joy to drive, and she hated to park it.  The Realtor was willing to lead the way, so she got to drive a while longer. He had five properties on the “B-list,” whatever that was.  The first home astounded her, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to commit to such an expensive home, even on her salary it would have cost her an entire year to pay for it.

The second home was smaller, but much more expensive.  Celine was madly in love with the home, and it was very expensively furnished.  When she made the remark that it would take her years to furnish it the way it was now, the Realtor surprised her by saying that the furnishings were to stay with the house.  “Are the rest of the homes in the same price range?” she asked plaintively.

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