Erotic Influence

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Authors: Missy Jane

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Erotic Influence



Sequel to
Erotic Images.


Annie may be a shy twentysomething
who spends her days keeping track of her wayward teenage sister, but Rick
noticed her living across the street as soon as he moved in. Now he can’t stop
fantasizing his sweet, innocent neighbor and wanting her has become an
obsession. He just has to convince her to give him a chance instead of always
running away.

Annie has plans for her life but
has to help her sister get into college first. Then Rick comes along and proves
to be a help as much as a distraction. All she has to do is pose for his
friend, an erotic photographer. Not only will she earn the money needs for her
sister’s college fund, Rick’s erotic influence just might liberate her enough
to become his woman too. It’s a chance she’s more than willing to take…so long
as no one finds out what she’s doing.


A Romantica®
contemporary erotic romance
Ellora’s Cave


Erotic Influence
Missy Jane



This book is dedicated to my loving husband, the man who
pulled me from my shell and became my own personal erotic influence.


Chapter One


Rick looked out the peephole on his front door and sighed in
annoyance. The girl just wouldn’t learn. On his porch stood five feet of
trouble wrapped up in a barely there tube top and cutoff denim shorts. Sure,
she looked just like any other twenty-something out on a warm spring day. The
only problem was she wasn’t twenty-something. She was jailbait and attitude,
and not eighteen for at least six more months. Not that he would invite her in
after her birthday anyway. No, in the past four months since he’d moved into
the neighborhood he had learned to avoid Miss Tammy May.

She knocked again and he knew he had to answer before she
made a scene. She hadn’t done that yet, but her type usually did. Maybe she
hadn’t learned that particular trait yet? He didn’t know and didn’t want to
find out. Cursing under his breath, he grabbed a shirt from his sofa and pulled
it on quickly. Then he unlocked the door and swung it open. His trailer also
had a glass door but Tammy was already inside it, just waiting for him to

“Oh hey, you are home,” she said.

Her bright smile revealed straight white teeth thanks to
recently removed braces. Dark eyeliner made her baby blues look smaller and
contrasted deeply with her white-blonde hair. She would probably be prettier
without the makeup and bleach job, but Rick had never seen her any other way.

“Hey, yeah I’m home. What’s up?”

She looked past him and he moved slightly to block the view
of his living room, leaning against the doorframe.

“Uh…just checking, I guess. You busy?”

He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. She
licked her shiny lips and eyed his biceps.

“I’m not busy, but shouldn’t you be in school?”

She rolled her eyes. “I get out early on Fridays, remember?

“Oh yeah, that’s right. So, shouldn’t you be at work?”

“Nah. I called out today. It’s too pretty to go to work.”

He grunted in response and said nothing else, waiting to see
what her excuse to enter would be today.

“So…wanna watch a movie? I rented some really good ones.”

“No thanks.”

“Oh. Uh…got any sodas?”


Her gloss-covered lips puckered as a frown formed on her
pretty face. It was almost amusing, but her daily attempts to get into his
house were starting to piss him off.

“Look, Tammy, I already told you I can’t just invite you in
with no one else here. It wouldn’t look right and your dad really doesn’t need
a reason to want to kick my ass.”

She rolled her eyes again and he wondered if she realized
how juvenile it made her look.

“My dad doesn’t want to kick your ass.”

He chuckled but said nothing else. They both knew damn well
that was a lie. For some reason Henry May had taken exception to Rick moving in
across the street from day one. It probably had something to do with his two
pretty daughters.

“Come on, Rick. I just want to hang out for a little while.
I promise no one will even know.”

Her whining voice grated on his nerves and he seriously
considered shutting his door in her face. Just as he was about to step back to
put plan into action the front door on the trailer across the street opened.
His gaze automatically shot to it, both in apprehension and expectation. If it
was Henry stepping outside Rick might have a world of trouble heading his way.
But if it was Annie… He straightened as a small figure walked out of the house.

“Here comes your sister,” he said. “Good thing it isn’t your

Tammy grumbled and stomped her foot like a petulant
two-year-old, but she didn’t turn around. Rick watched Annie cross the street.
She wore a hoodie as usual, baggy enough to hide her small frame. Her head was
slightly bowed as she watched the ground before her. She didn’t look right or
left, but there was rarely any real traffic on the lone street through their
subdivision. It was one large loop around a small lake with manufactured homes
lining both sides of the street. One way in, one way out.

She didn’t say anything until she was on the porch and two
steps away from Tammy. “Time to come in.”

Her soft voice matched her thin face. High cheekbones
covered in freckles sat beneath bright-green eyes. She wore thick,
plastic-framed glasses over them, nearly hiding them from view. But Rick had
noticed her eyes before everything else the first time they’d met. She didn’t
look at him, but kept her full attention on her sister. Tammy was doing her
best to ignore Annie’s presence.

“Tammy, your sister’s talking to you,” Rick said.

Tammy scowled and turned away from both of them, letting the
glass door snap back toward Rick, nearly hitting him in the face before he
raised a hand to stop it. She stomped down the steps of his wooden porch hard
enough he was surprised they didn’t crack. He watched her with amusement before
looking back at Annie. She had turned to watch her sister leave also.

“I’m sorry she does this,” she said. It was so low he almost
didn’t hear her.

He stepped out onto the porch, holding the glass door open
with one hand. “No problem. I just hope your dad doesn’t think I invite her
attention. ’Cause I don’t.”

“I know. I don’t know what he thinks.”

He doubted that. He was pretty sure Henry made his opinions
well known. “Well, I don’t want to cause any trouble. But you know, I wouldn’t
mind sitting and watching a movie with

She flinched even though she was still facing away from him.
It pissed him off. He had never threatened any woman and had barely shared a
few sentences with this one.

“Th-thanks for not letting her in,” she said.

She hurried down the steps and across the street before he
could think of what to say. It was ridiculous really. Why the mousy young woman
always caught his attention was a mystery. She was twenty-three and still
living at home. He knew she had gone to the community college, thanks to
Tammy’s incessant talking, but she wasn’t a student any longer. She worked at
the local grocery store and as far as he could tell took care of her father and
younger sister. He’d never seen a guy pick her up for a date.

With a growl of frustration he stepped back into his house
and was about to close the door when a car pulled into his driveway. A grin
spread across his lips at the sight.

“Well, all right then.”

Finally, his friend Wes had arrived. Rick hoped the
photographer had brought his lovely wife again. But if not that was okay. He
couldn’t imagine marrying a woman and then sharing the sight of her body with
the world like Wes did. But to each his own.

He stepped back onto the porch and waited as Wes got out of
the car. The passenger door opened also and Lynn got out. Rick’s grin widened.

“Now wipe that damn smile off your face,” Wes said. “She
wants to watch this time. You’ll have to come up with your own inspiration.”

Rick chuckled and walked down the steps to shake his
friend’s hand. Once Lynn walked around the car to join them, Rick kissed her on
the cheek just to piss Wes off. His friend growled and Lynn laughed.

“You two behave,” she said.

“I am behaving,” Rick said.

She just shook her head with a smile. Rick helped Wes grab
his equipment from the trunk and then they all went inside. He shut and locked
his door and pulled down his shades. The last thing he needed was for anyone to
know what they were up to.

“So, what’s the job this time?” he asked.

Lynn lounged on his sofa while Wes set up the lights.

“A guy up north needs a series of men masturbating. I
figured that would be right up your alley,” Wes said.

Lynn choked out a laugh and Rick turned to her. “And you
to behave?”

“I told both of you.”

Wes chuckled.

“I’m gonna jump in the shower while you finish setting up,”
Rick said.

Wes nodded and turned back to his equipment. Rick left the room
without another word.

He hurried through his shower, taking care to wash every
inch of skin in his most private places. He chuckled at the thought, knowing
those places hadn’t been private in years. Wes had taken more shots of Rick’s
cock than any other part of him. They had been a part of Wes’ gallery showings
many times. It often amused Rick to walk among the spectators, knowing they
didn’t realize it was his body they were seeing. Wes never captured Rick’s
whole face. His darkened profile, the edge of his jaw, perhaps his dark-brown
eyes, but never his full face to the extent he could be identified in any of
the photographs.

He stepped from the shower and grabbed a towel, but didn’t
bother drying off other than to run it over his closely cropped black hair. He
never knew what Wes might want. The man was a photographical genius,
envisioning things Rick could never imagine. Water droplets on his skin just
might be the order of the day.

When he returned to the living room it was to find it
transformed into a photo shoot. Seven-foot umbrella stands marked the corners
of an eight-by-eight-foot space Wes had covered in a red velvet cloth. It led
up to Rick’s black leather sofa, looking for all the world like the set of a
porn movie.

Rick laughed and set his hands on his hips. “Uh…wow. So when
does the bow-chicka-bowwow music start?”

Lynn laughed and caught his attention as she walked out of
the kitchen. It was separated from the living room by a wall, but there was a
space cut out of the middle to form a bar beneath the cabinets. She held a soda
in one hand and a beer in the other.

“Need this?” she asked as she held out the beer.

“Yeah, thanks.”

He took it and twisted the cap off, taking a drink to calm
his nerves. No matter how many times they did this he was always nervous the
first few minutes. Lynn had grown to know him well. The first shoot with her as
a witness had been the worst, but then she had stripped too. Wes had simply
stood by and watched as his wife bared all to Rick so he could get an erection.
Rick had been shocked but quickly learned he was only allowed to look, not
touch. Neither Wes nor Lynn allowed anyone to touch her. Not even for a shoot.

“All right, Rick. You ready?” Wes asked.

Rick nodded and set the beer on his coffee table, which had
been shoved against one wall. He walked over to the sofa but stayed standing as
Wes looked him over.

“All right, open the towel but hold it over your crotch. Let
just a little hair show.”

And so it began.

Over the next two hours Wes shot Rick fully nude from every
angle imaginable. Rick went with whatever his friend said, flexing and
relaxing, bending over and lounging back. His cock stayed limp through most of
it until Wes was finally ready to shoot the final set.

“Okay this is what we need for the gallery owner up north.
He’s doing a series on masturbation in black and white. I showed him what I
already had but he wanted something a little different. So, I need you hard and
on your knees.”

Rick went to his knees as he fought his amusement. He needed
to get hard on command without a naked Lynn in front of him. Suddenly the image
of bright-green eyes and golden hair appeared in his mind’s eye. Annie. Even
her name was innocent. There were so many things he didn’t know about her and
that just made him want her more. Her soft voice still echoed in his ears from
earlier and he wondered what she would think if she could see him right now.

“There you go,” Wes said quietly. “Whatever you’re thinking
about, keep on. But it better not be my wife.”

Lynn and Rick laughed at that but Rick just shook his head.
“Nope. Not her this time.”

He gripped the base of his cock and squeezed as he leaned
his head back and closed his eyes. The sound of the shutter snapping away fell
into the background and Rick imagined Annie as he’d first seen her. She had
actually worn a dress the day he’d moved in and he’d gotten a peek at her

With a groan he stroked his hand up his cock from root to
tip. The other hand he kept fisted at his thigh. Annie’s skin was pale with a
hint of color in her cheeks. Like peaches and cream. It looked silky soft and
pure as fresh snow. She’d smelled of lemons the couple of times he’d gotten
close enough to tell. That scent always made him hard now.

“All right, now the other hand,” Wes said.

As if on autopilot, Rick obeyed the command. He loosened his
fist and used that hand to cup his balls. He had offered to shave, but Wes
already had those kinds of models. Rick was the only male in Wes’ repertoire
with full body hair. He kept it groomed but only just. Luckily he wasn’t very
hairy, just a sprinkle on his chest and a happy trail to his groin. He ran his
fingers through it now and stroked his shaft again.

Moisture leaked from the tip of his cock but he knew better
than to wipe it away. The shutter continued to click. Rick sucked in a breath
and imagined Annie walking into the house and seeing him on his knees. She
would strip off her god-awful hoodie and then the rest of what she wore
beneath. Her breasts were probably on the small side, considering the rest of
her body. He didn’t mind. He imagined her nipples to be light pink. He groaned.


She would fall onto her knees before him and put her hands
on his bare chest.


Then she would glide her smooth palms down his torso until
she reached his jutting cock.


He gripped his erection harder and moved his hand faster in
anticipation of her imagined touch.


His other hand cupped his balls again and rolled them
gently. More moisture leaked from his tip.


He knew better than to thrust his hips. It might blur the
image. But it was so hard not to when he imagined Annie lying on the floor in
front of him and spreading her pale, slender legs.

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