EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG: 70 Books SIZZLE Collection: Sexy MILF and Group Romance...

BOOK: EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG: 70 Books SIZZLE Collection: Sexy MILF and Group Romance...
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EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG


Book 1:
Mercy's Two Men


Book 2:
Mercy's Two Men 2


Book 3:
Mercy's Two Men 3


Book 4:
Mercy's Two Men 4


Book 5:
Mercy's Two Men 5


Book 6:
Ginger’s Bisexual Affairs


Book 7:
Ginger’s Bisexual Affairs 2


Book 8:
Ginger’s Bisexual Affairs 3


Book 9:
Ginger’s Bisexual Affairs 4


Book 10:
Ginger’s Bisexual Affairs 5


Book 11:
Heather's Office Lovers


Book 12:
Heather's Office Lovers 2


Book 13:
Heather's Office Lovers 3


Book 14:
Heather's Office Lovers 4


Book 15:
Heather's Office Lovers 5


Book 16:
Lizzy’s MILF Venture


Book 17:
Lizzy’s MILF Venture 2


Book 18:
Lizzy’s MILF Venture 3


Book 19:
Lizzy’s MILF Venture 4


Book 20:
Lizzy’s MILF Venture 5


Book 21:
Lonely Wife Swinging


Book 22:
Lonely Wife Swinging 2


Book 23:
Lonely Wife Swinging 3


Book 24:
Lonely Wife Swinging 4


Book 25:
Lonely Wife Swinging 5


Book 26:
Watch Them


Book 27:
Watch Them 2


Book 28:
Watch Them 3


Book 29:
Watch Them 4


Book 30:
Watch Them 5


Book 31:
Lily’s Threesome Venture


Book 32:
Lily’s Threesome Venture 2


Book 33:
Lily’s Threesome Venture 3


Book 34:
Lily’s Threesome Venture 4


Book 35:
Lily’s Threesome Venture 5


Book 36:
Threesome and Four


Book 37:
Threesome and Four 2


Book 38:
Threesome and Four 3


Book 39:
Threesome and Four 4


Book 40:
Threesome and Four 5


Book 41:
Leah’s Office Affair


Book 42:
Leah’s Office Affair 2


Book 43:
Leah’s Office Affair 3


Book 44:
Leah’s Office Affair 4


Book 45:
Leah’s Office Affair 5


Book 46:
Emily’s MILF Affair


Book 47:
Emily’s MILF Affair 2


Book 48:
Emily’s MILF Affair 3


Book 49:
Emily’s MILF Affair 4


Book 50:
Emily’s MILF Affair 5


Book 51:
Callie’s Bisexual Seduction


Book 52:
Callie’s Bisexual Seduction 2


Book 53:
Callie’s Bisexual Seduction 3


Book 54:
Callie’s Bisexual Seduction 4


Book 55:
Callie’s Bisexual Seduction 5


Book 56:
Nicki’s Naughty MMF


Book 57:
Nicki’s Naughty MMF 2


Book 58:
Nicki’s Naughty MMF 3


Book 59:
Nicki’s Naughty MMF 4


Book 60:
Nicki’s Naughty MMF 5


Book 61:
Swinger Cruise


Book 62:
Swinger Cruise 2


Book 63:
Swinger Cruise 3


Book 64:
Swinger Cruise 4


Book 65:
Swinger Cruise 5


Book 66:
Ada’s Cowboy MILF Venture


Book 67:
Ada’s Cowboy MILF Venture 2


Book 68:
Ada’s Cowboy MILF Venture 3


Book 69:
Ada’s Cowboy MILF Venture 4


Book 70:
Ada’s Cowboy MILF Venture 5



Book 1:
Mercy’s Two Men
Ella Gottfried


Copyright © 2015 All
rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means without written permission from the author.

This book is a work
of fiction.  Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely
This story has erotic themes and is suitable for adults, 18+ only.

Chapter One

“Mercy, I just can’t come back in yet, little Adreana is
just at this fussy stage where she won’t let me out of her sight. Maybe it
would be best if you found someone to take my place? I’m really sorry.”

Staring down at the answering machine I wanted to scream,
cry, and break something all at the same time. Jenna was the second one of my
stylists to quit in a month.

They’d both recently had children and simply didn’t want to
come back to work yet.

That left me and my remaining stylist in a pinch, having to
cover their appointments and explain to their clients what had gone wrong. It
also left me overworked and unable to keep up with my responsibilities.

If I stayed late at work my home life suffered, if I went
home to keep my husband happy and keep things going there my business suffered.
It was a no-win situation and I needed a fix yesterday!

Pulling out the help wanted sign I kept at the desk I went
to the window in the front of my shop in a more affluent area of Charlotte,
North Carolina and placed the sign in a corner. I needed help or I was going to
drown in work!

I looked at myself in the mirror as I went back to my
station, noticing how tired my 27 year old face looked and the shop wasn’t even
open yet.

“Girl, you know you’re cute, stop primping!” Mary, my remaining
stylist said as she came out of the back. “If I was into women I’d be all over

“Yeah, I’m sure!” My gray eyes were rather entrancing, so
people told me, and my body wasn’t too awful bad either.

“You still thinking of going blonde or are you going to
leave it that dark auburn shade?”

“Still haven’t made my mind up.” I said as a tall blond god
walked up to the sign in the window and stopped. “Speaking of blonds, check
this out.”

Well over six feet tall, with a face that should be gracing
a romance novel and a body that just would not quit, even through the tight
t-shirt he wore, the man was sex, pure raw sex.

Mary and I both perked up as he came into their shop, but
then deflated as we realized he wanted a job. I may be married but I’m not dead
yet. I knew the man must be gay the moment he asked about the job.

And he was married too if that gold band on his left hand
meant anything. He didn’t have a lisp, even his voice was sexy, and he wasn’t
overly feminine, but I just knew somehow that the man was gay.

What a shame for womankind, I thought as I handed him an

I took his necessary paperwork, asked some questions about
his experience, and asked when he could start.

“I can give you a trial run today if you’d like.” He said
with a dirty grin as he looked me over, a teasing gleam in his light golden brown

I suppressed a shiver of glee and glanced down at his

“Well, Alex, we’ll see how you do, shall we? Let me make
some calls and then we’ll see how it goes. If you need to make a call to a
loved one about being gone today, go ahead, I’ll be a few minutes.”

I tried not to let my hips sway as I walked back to my
office but the purr of satisfaction as I walked back to the room from behind me
let me know that maybe Alex wasn’t as gay as I’d originally thought.

Making some calls I quickly found out that Alex was licensed
and in good standing with the state and his last employer was satisfied with
the work Alex had done.

Walking back out to the shop floor I approached Alex, who
was typing into this phone.

“I just have one question, why did you leave your last job?”
I asked as I stood before him, my legs slightly apart and my hands folded over
my chest as I looked down at him.

“Let’s just say things became too hot for me so I got out of
the kitchen, shall we? I have a partner to think about, I didn’t need the kind
of heat that was about to fall on that place with some of the shadiness that
was happening there. I don’t mess with drugs, not my thing.” He finished as he
stood up.

That little speech had also confirmed my suspicions; he had
a partner. It was cool with me but still, I was disappointed for some reason.

The man was superhot but I’m married, anyway. Stop drooling
over someone you can’t have anyway, I admonished myself.

“Ah, I see. No, I don’t blame you for getting out. Well
then, Mrs. Johnson is coming in about 5 minutes, she’s one of our more trying
clients. Let’s see how you handle her. You can use my equipment and station if
you’d like. Good luck.” I said as I threw Alex to the wolves.

I wanted to see how he responded to the worst of our clients
to know how he’d handle the best. If he could handle demanding, rude,
opinionated Mrs. Johnson, well then, he could handle anyone.



As Alex soon charmed Mrs. Johnson into doing anything he
wanted her to do with just the right words as I watched his approach and
thought the old biddy is just showing off in front a man. The elderly woman
actually tittered.

I let him get on with the appointment and started catching
up on some of the paperwork I simply hadn’t had time to complete.

Yes, this is what I needed, I thought as I cleared an
invoice and put in an order for more products, time to take care of my

I popped out of my office and stood in the doorway as Alex
ushered Mrs. Johnson out the door, her hair newly styled, and without a single

“Well done, Alex. You’re hired.” I said as Mary and I both
clapped our hands. “Can you stay for the day?”

“I sure can, bring it on!” Alex said with a grin, holding up
a $20 bill.

“She tipped you? She tipped you $20? Oh I’m going to kick
that old bat in the knee the next time I see her!” Mary swore with a laugh, her
lone black and blue hair swinging around her hips as she moved to her chair.
“Good for you, Alex! She’s yours from now on.”

Yes, I believe Alex was exactly what we needed, I thought as
I went back to my office, happy that the man was capable and good at what he

Now, if I could just sort my home life out as easily.

Chapter Two
Driving up to the two-story suburban home
I shared with my husband at the end of a cul-de-sac at 6 pm that evening, I was
glad to be home while the sun was still up, even if it was starting to go down.
Tonight, I’m going to relax, I thought as
I got out of the car.
Tomorrow I’ll start sorting paperwork at
home but tonight I’m going to relax. I might even talk David into a little sex,
if I’m lucky.

Walking into my home I saw the cleaner had been in and
left a bill. I left it where it was and went straight to the bathroom of the
master bedroom.

The room with the giant Jacuzzi tub was my refuge, my
hideaway, and I started to run the water and added some of my favorite scented

I quickly slipped out of my clothes and into the hot
soothing water, actually sighing as the tension seemed to just ease away.

I slipped under the water and then back up, wiping water
from my eyes. My hands kept going, down my neck, down to my breasts, filling my

I moaned as my own fingers squeezed my nipples and
wondered if I had time to get myself off before my husband came home.

David wasn’t home which meant he was probably working late,
but he could come home at any minute.

There was a time when he would have texted me to let me
know what was going on with him. Now we virtually led separate lives.

I don’t think my husband ever had affairs but he didn’t
spend a lot of time at home anymore. He was always at a softball practice with
his work crew or doing paperwork, meetings; there was always something that
kept him away.

Perhaps I simply bored him now? As my supple fingers moved
over my gently rounded stomach and over the smooth expanse of my groin I
thought that couldn’t be it.

I still made an effort, I still asked for sex. He’d just
become complacent I guess.

David thought a nipple twist, 30 seconds of fingering, and
5 strokes of his cock inside of me was satisfying. He’d learned what got me off
the quickest early in our marriage and had created a routine.

The routine simply didn’t work anymore. I knew he cared
about me, but now the spark was simply gone.

I can remember a time when he used to pull me into the
nearest dark spot to push my skirt up to get his fingers deep into my pussy to
get me off before he’d fuck me against a wall.

Four years of marriage and two careers later and we barely
even saw each other most weeks.

I used to wear skirts every day simply because it gave
David better access to my body. He’d just finished his residency as a dentist
when we met and fell in love.

I was working for another shop then and I wanted nothing
more than to be his wife and please him. We’d married in style, certain our
love was forever and plunked a good chunk of change on it.

Then we bought the house and I became bored sitting around
being the doctor’s wife, so I opened my own shop. We stopped seeing each other
so often, we stopped making time for each other, and David pretty much

I still spent a lot of time at home alone but at least now
I had Alex to think about. David used to be well-built and he looked after
himself. Three months ago he’d stopped going to the gym and it was starting to
show. The lean muscles were slowly disappearing under the onslaught of donuts
and flavored coffees his office girls brought in to him.

I felt a tingle in my clit as I compared Alex’s hard body
with David’s softer one. Mm, now there was a thought to get you off.

I imagined my husband watching me as I sucked Alex’s cock
deep into my throat, my nimble fingers pressing into my clit as my other hand
slid around my wet breasts.

What would David do? Would he be angry and tear me away
from Alex? Or would he watch, stroking his own cock into a swift orgasm?

A moan escaped my mouth as I built myself up, my fingers
working in a swift sure motion on my clitoris.
I started to come as the final possibility played the naughtiest pictures yet
in my mind.

An image of David shoving his cock into my dripping pussy
from behind sent me over the edge as my fingers pinched my nipple a little
harder, my bottom coming up off of the tub as I came incredibly hard. A final
image of Alex coming down my throat flashed before me as I lost all control.

“Fuck me!” I cried out as my breathing evened out and my
body settled down. Where had those thoughts come from?  

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