Erotica- So Not A Cowboy/ Spanking (4 page)

BOOK: Erotica- So Not A Cowboy/ Spanking
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Well, he wasn’t all that happy with her. In fact he’d been thinking about turning her over his knee and spanking the stubbornness out of her. Maybe if he’d done that before she stormed out of their room in the Bellagio….

He pushed the thought aside and pulled in a breath and let it out. Grimly determined, he climbed out, closed the door, and muttered as he walked in her direction. “Round one coming up.”


On her last turn around the barrels, Mandy had noticed the shining silver, massive truck headed toward the arena. Her first thought had been
What the hell is he driving
? followed by
Jump the fence and keep on riding
. Of course, she couldn’t do that. Now, every last one of the dude ranch guests, the cowboys who had come to watch her barrel racing demonstration, and her brother stared at the man striding closer. Even if his big ass vehicle hadn’t snagged their attention, this blond devil in cut-off denim shorts, a flowery island-style shirt unbuttoned halfway down his chest, and wearing flip-flops would have.
Really? He shows up on a ranch looking like Island Boy?

Drew walked next to her. “Mallory?” He didn’t look impressed.

“Don’t start.” She slid from the horse’s back and thrust the reins in Drew’s hand. Trying to ignore the curious looks all around her, she strode across the dirt, heading for the gate one of the men held open for her. When he grinned at her, she gave him a heated glare of annoyance.

She’d hoped Erik would change his mind about coming here; hoping some last minute business matter would come up, not that she even knew what his business was or if he worked. Naturally it hadn’t. Yet it wasn’t irritation with him forcing this showdown that filled her. No, every cell in her body prickled with awareness, longing. She had missed this man so wrong for her. Missed the way he made her feel so special, the magical way his hands moved over her body. And she’d missed his ability to laugh at life. Erik Mallory was the most laid-back man she’d ever met. Laid-back and clearly determined, hence his flying all the way here to see her.

He stopped six feet from her, waited, his gaze moving over her from her boots to her wide-brimmed hat. A slow, sexy smile slipped across his, as usual, scruffy-looking face. She remembered the beard-burn he’d given her when they kissed…when he kissed her lower….

As if he read her thoughts, he grinned full out and sent tingles shooting straight between her legs.
Darn him
. She scowled and then, in the next breath, she raced toward him and flew into his arms. Clearly she had no willpower.

He chuckled in that deep, sexy way she remembered even as he struggled to keep them upright. “So you did miss me?”

“No.” She lied and then covered his mouth with hers. Was she addicted to him? She seriously needed help.

His big hands cupped her bottom and he hugged her closer. His kiss was hungry, demanding and he ground his stiff erection against her. She wanted to strip him right here. She wanted….

“Ahemmmm,” Drew cleared his throat from behind her. “Mandy! Behave yourself. Take this somewhere private. I’m not having you put on an R-rated demonstration for our guests.”

Her face flamed and she shoved away from Erik, wondering what had possessed her to attack him like that. He’d been making her do things she normally wouldn’t from their first night together. She needed to get more control over her reactions to him. She didn’t even really know him…other than as an amazing lover.

To her annoyance, Erik tucked her next to him. He put an arm around her waist and stuck his hand out toward Drew. “Erik Mallory, your sister’s husband. I believe we talked briefly on the phone yesterday.”

Drew reluctantly shook his hand, stretching to his full height but still only about a couple of inches taller in his boots than her husband in his flip-flops. That seemed to annoy Drew. He moved his gaze up and down Erik almost sneering at his choice of clothing. “You’re a long way from the beach.”

“By about 1,500 miles, I’d guess.” Erik chuckled, even smiled over at the group of curious people staring at him. “I suppose this isn’t normal ranch wear. But I dress for my comfort, not necessarily to impress, unless I’m going to a business meeting.”

Mandy started to speak, but Drew cut her off. “Exactly what kind of business are you involved in? Mandy thought you were a trust fund baby or something.”

She sucked in a breath and glowered at Drew. “I never said
” She glanced up at Erik, who had dug his fingers deeper into her side. “I just….”

His expression tightened for a second, disappointment in his eyes. “First, I’m definitely
a baby. I’m a full grown man, which I’m sure you are well aware of.” He ignored Drew’s stiffening. “Second, the trust money I inherited from my grandfather only paid for part of my college.”

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly, embarrassed. “I didn’t mean anything… . I just don’t know….” She blew out a breath and shut her mouth. They needed to talk, alone.

He met Drew’s gaze. “I’m a gamer.” That was all he offered in explanation and from the set of his jaw, it was all he would for now.

“A gamer? Whatever the hell that means.” Drew clearly was not impressed.

The guests were walking closer, led by one of the teenage boys who had been dragged to the ranch by their parents. The reed thin boy’s eyes grew wide in awe as he stopped a few feet away. “You’re
The Mallory
! I recognize your face from ‘Gamers International.’” He waved toward the other teenage boy. “Can you believe it? The god of gamers is here!”

Drew looked confused, his brow furrowed. The boys were all but salivating in delight. And the ranch hands eyed Erik curiously, as well as his big ass Hummer. Mandy thought the giant truck interested them a lot more than him being a “gamer,” whatever that meant.

Then one of the cowboys blinked and grinned. “
Death Con’s
one of your games, isn’t it? Your picture was on the back of the box. Your first game, right?” He turned to the other ranch hands. “Remember that video game I showed you? The one none of us could figure out.
the guy who created it.”

Mandy looked up at her husband. “You design video games? Really? I thought you mainly just surfed.”

He shrugged. “Surfing is my stress relief. Game designing is my business.” He sighed. “We really need to talk.”

“Hey, man,” the thin boy interrupted, “what d’ya have coming out next? I’ve got every one of your games. They’re the best of the best.”

Erik gave him a tolerant look, apparently used to being basically adored by teenage boys. “We’re developing a whole new game series to be released this fall.” Then he grinned like a boy. “They’ll be the greatest of the great.”

“So, this game designing business…” Drew inserted himself into the conversation, fully back in big-brother mode. “Can you provide for my sister?”

Before Erik could respond, his devoted groupie snorted and said, “You’re kidding, right? Mallory is multi-gazillionare rich.”

One of Drew’s thick eyebrows lifted, maybe more impressed now by her husband. She, though, was stunned.

Erik laughed good naturedly. “Not quite.” He faced Drew. “
wife isn’t going to starve. Is that good enough for you? Or do you need to see my Profit and Loss statement for the last quarter? Or see my stock portfolio?”

Mandy had had enough of her brother’s attempt at interrogation, even if he meant well. She was a grown woman capable of taking care of herself, of making her own decisions. Okay, she’d been super impulsive about marrying a man she knew virtually nothing about.
A gamer? A surfer? Not quite a gazillionaire, but definitely rich?
Again, she realized how different they were. She was a simple girl from the Midwest. A cowgirl at heart.

She eased out of Erik’s embrace and took hold of his hand. “If you can tear yourself from your admiring fans and my nosy brother, we need some alone time.”

The flirty devil waggled his eyebrows suggestively, to make her crazy or Drew crazy, she wasn’t sure. Probably both. “Lead the way, sweet thing.”


It had taken only a couple of minutes to drive across the main ranch yard to what she said was her house. Another log house, about a third of the size of the main one. Quite a lot different from his very modern condo in Tahoe or his designer beach house in Malibu, but it felt comfortable and he hadn’t even seen the inside. He liked the long covered porch with the porch swing and a pair of huge rocking chairs. He could see them snuggling together in the swing late in the evening.

Erik turned off the engine and looked warily over at Mandy. She hadn’t said a word since he’d helped her into his truck. “That didn’t go very well, with your brother, I mean.” He hadn’t expected the Spanish inquisition.

“A Hummer? Really? Are you seriously into flash?” Disapproval etched her face, but he saw worry in her eyes.

He didn’t like having to defend himself. “No, I’m not ‘into flash.’ I told my business manager to purchase a truck of some kind and have it ready for me when I got to Wichita. I would have been good with any kind of truck.”

She sighed and shook her head. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. I’m just nervous.”

“Same here, believe it or not.” He shoved open the door and climbed out. He drew in several deep, calming breaths.

She had already gotten out and come around to his side by the time he had his act together again. “You really should just give me a divorce.”

“No.” He felt gut-punched, just as he did every time she mentioned divorce.

“We don’t really know each other, except that we both enjoy hot sex.” She studied him and he saw those warm brown eyes of hers grow even warmer.

He gently touched her long braid. “I don’t give up easily on anything I’ve committed myself to.”


He leaned down and silenced her with a kiss. She melted against him, putting her hands around his neck and holding her to him. Aching need tore through him. Her lips parted just enough and he plunged his tongue into the cavern of her mouth. He felt her heart beating hard against his chest; his own pounding back.

She moaned, rubbing her body against the hard ridge in his shorts. He cupped her bottom, lifting her, pressing her even tighter. All the while he plundered her sweet mouth. Her tongue dancing with his.

Finally he had a second’s worth of sanity and eased her back. His breaths came hard, but he managed to gasp, “Not out here. I’m not taking you out here.”

He watched her blink away the haze of arousal. She glanced anxiously around, but this small house was well away from the arena and the other buildings. Still, she shoved even further back.

“Oh, my God. I can’t believe you keep making me forget myself.”

It annoyed him that she sounded horrified by what they’d been doing. “We’re married. We can kiss—”

She narrowed her gaze. “Another second and we would have been fucking right here. Where anyone could see us.” Her chest was heaving; her pupils dilated in arousal.

“Which is why I moved you away from me. When I ‘fuck’ you—which I plan to do real soon, it’ll be somewhere private.” He didn’t like her using the term
. That might be all right between crude lovers, but they were married now. Somehow that seemed wrong.

“That’s so
happening. We’ve got to stop giving in so easily to our baser urges. We need to—”

Almost two months of frustration with their situation made his temper flare. “It
going to happen. We both want it. Once that is out of the way we’ll sit down and start talking.” He didn’t think his brain could function until his body’s desire for sex with this woman he couldn’t resist was dealt with.

“No,” she protested, but she didn’t sound all that definite.

He shoved a hand through his hair, wished he’d gotten a haircut. “You are the most stubborn woman. Maybe I need to warm your bottom. Maybe that will take some of the starch out of you.”

Her eyes widened and her nostrils flared. “Warm my bottom? Spank me?” Then she huffed in irritation and spun on her boot heel. She marched toward the house. “You can’t be serious! No way. Absolutely no way.”

He watched her sweet ass swaying and his erection grew harder. It had surprised him, but he’d seen the flare of desire in her eyes as she’d mentioned the word ‘spank.’ Had the idea actually turned her on? He’d only played around with light spanking a couple of times with women over the years. Foreplay. He liked seeing a pretty, creamy bottom over his knee. He liked gently turning it pink, warm. And he definitely liked sinking into the agreeable woman after a brief spanking. Now he really was intrigued by his wife.

“You want it, don’t you?” he pressed, huskily. “You want me to make you pay for all these weeks of avoiding me, of refusing to rationally discuss the marriage. You want me to bend you over my knee, bare your sexy little bottom, and put my hand to it. Spank you.” His cock couldn’t get any stiffer.

She froze, seemed to tremble, then strode across the wide wooden porch toward the door. Her voice was heavy with desire and frustration as she said, “No, I don’t want to be spanked. Why would you think that? Why would you even for a second think I would let you do it?”

“Because you are used to getting spanked for misbehavior. You expect it.” He struggled to keep from reaching for her, from kissing her until they both….

Mandy faced him, eyes wide. “What are you talking about?”

He hadn’t thought much about it at the time when she’d told him. He’d been busy pounding into her, holding her ass. She’d gasped out the words. “You once told me that Drew disciplined you through your teenage years and still did occasionally. You said he spanked you.”

Her face flamed. He’d wondered at the time if she’d told him the truth or if it had been some kind of odd fantasy. Now he knew. “Your brother won’t ever be doing it again, honey.” He met her wary gaze. “But I will. As needed.”

She turned away again, shoulders stiff, head high. “I don’t want to talk about spanking. Actually I don’t want to talk to you at all. Just leave. Take your big fancy Hummer and head back on down the road.”

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