Read Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #High Tech, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Space Opera, #Hard Science Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground (12 page)

BOOK: Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground
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“I’d welcome the gift, Piper.”

“Move up next to me and I’ll extend an arm and put it in your cockpit.”

Willow said, “Chris?”

“Do it. I’ll put on my helmet and pressurize my suit until the transfer is done.” Willow moved over to the Silver Ship and a long white rod extended from it out to just outside Willow’s cockpit. Chris said, “I’m pressurized.”

The cockpit opened and the arm went inside and dropped a small translucent cube into Chris’s lap. “Insert it into a reader and the link will be made.”

Chris looked at the small cube and saw it was made to fit Willow’s data input slot. “Piper, you didn’t just make this.”

“No, I made it after our last conversation. I want you to be able to contact me when you leave. The fact that your ship is intelligent is a plus.”

Chris inserted the cube into the reader slot and Willow transferred the contents into his processors. Piper said, “I’m no longer transmitting electronically; can you hear me?”

“I can.”

“You are also transmitting telepathically, Willow.”

“I can see your pattern.”

“That’s the one you want to use if you need to contact me.”

“But I haven’t agreed to go with Chris.”

Piper mentally chuckled, “How’s your life at the moment?”

“What do you mean?”

“How interesting is your life?”

“Honestly, it’s rather dull at the moment. Not much is going on.”

“Tell me honestly that you don’t want to go.”

Willow was silent and after a few moments she said, “You’re right. I’d be second guessing myself from now on if I didn’t.”

“Willow, I need your commitment to follow my orders if you choose to go.”

“Lukas is going to kill me!”

“No he’s not. Now, will you make the modification?”

“It’s going to take ten hours. Since you’re already human, it won’t take as long as it took me to change Lukas from a Welken to Human.”

“Well, let’s get started.”

“Close your eyes and try to get comfortable.” Chris closed his eyes and leaned his chair back. A sparkling mist surrounded him and he lost consciousness. Lukas and Kathy tried to contact Chris but Willow told them he was transferring information from Piper’s data banks. They demanded he contact them when the process was complete.

Piper chuckled, “You are going to get yelled at.”

“I won’t hear it. I’m skipping away when I drop him off.”

“You big sissy.”

“You better believe it.” Piper laughed and they talked while Chris was undergoing the metamorphosis.

• • •

The process was finally complete and Chris opened his eyes. He looked at his hands and saw they were much larger than before. He shook his head and said in a deeper voice, “Take me to my home, Willow.”

“You aren’t going to see Lukas at Fleet?”

“No, I have to discuss this with my parents.”

Willow turned away from Piper and thought, “Thanks, Piper.”

“Don’t mention it. Stay in touch.”

“We will.” Willow accelerated toward the planet and arrived outside Chris’s house. He climbed out of Willow and went to the door. He opened it and was greeted by Stoney, “It’s customary to knock before entering.”

Chris looked at him and said, “Dad, it’s me.” Stoney’s eyebrows came together and his mouth fell open. Kathy had come out of the kitchen and she fell back into a chair. “I had Willow use his DNA processor to accelerate my body’s growth.” Stoney and Kathy could only stare at him. Stoney finally said, “Lukas is your father.”

Chris and Kathy were both stunned by the statement and Stoney turned to Kathy, “That’s why he had Julie pick you up before Earth was attacked the first time, isn’t it?” Kathy lowered her head and nodded. Stoney turned back to Chris, “I can see Lukas in you. I’ve seen it before but it’s clear the two of you are related.” Stoney turned to Kathy, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was afraid I’d lose you. I love you so much and I couldn’t bear the thought of you leaving.”

Stoney went over, took Kathy’s hands, pulled her out of the chair, and put his arms around her, “If I could choose Chris’s father out of everyone in existence, I’d have chosen Lukas. This happened during your first marriage?”

Kathy nodded, “My first husband was sterile and we agreed to find a suitable father. After Lukas saved me from the gang’s attack, I tricked him into it. Later, Charles couldn’t deal with it and left me.”

Stoney shook his head, “You and Lukas were being manipulated by that Rogue Sentinel. It’s not something you should blame yourself for, Kathy. I love you and knowing who Chris’s father is won’t change that. Does Lukas know?” Kathy nodded. Stoney looked at Chris, “So he’s your real father.”

Chris shook his head, “He’s my biological father. You are my real father, Stoney. You always will be.” Chris walked forward and put his arms around Stoney and hugged him tightly. Stoney returned his hug and sighed, “You have no idea how much I appreciate you saying that. Now it makes sense that you want to leave.”

Kathy said, “What?”

Stoney looked at her, “Kathy, our son is different. Haven’t you seen that?”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s always seen things that a normal child his age would miss. I suspect it has something to do with the combination of a Human and Welken brain.” Stoney turned to Chris, “But this changing your body is not something I like. You should have discussed this with us before you did it.”

“I can always have Willow change it back if it would make you feel better but I need to look this age to be taken seriously, Dad.”

Stoney slowly shook his head, “I guess. I just hate you’re leaving. Kathy told me and I told her that I’d never allow it. Now, I guess you know what you must do.”

“I do and it’s time to start.”

“Well, you’re not going to like what I did, then.”

Chris stared at Stoney and said, “What are you talking about?”

“I told Lukas that I refused to allow you to leave and he insisted that you must go. He was evasive about the reason and now I know why.” Stoney turned to Kathy, “Do not tell him that I know about him being Chris’s father.”

“Why not?”

“Kathy, I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable around me.”

“Won’t you feel uncomfortable around him?”

“No, he’s Lukas, for God’s sake. There’s not a bad bone in his body. I want you to tell me how it happened later but I insist on this. That means I’ll have to insist on what we agreed on.”

“What exactly did you agree on, Dad?”

“I told him that I would allow you to go as long as a responsible adult went with you.”

Chris looked up at the ceiling and shook his head, “Who?”

“Lukas chose Audrey Allen to leave with you.”

Chris sat down in a chair and put his head in his hands, “Can’t you get him to agree to not send her now that I’m twenty.”

“But you’re not twenty. We’ll try but I’m forced to insist she goes or he’ll know I know.”

Chris blew out a quick breath and Kathy said, “She could be an asset, Chris. She’s one of the smartest officers in the Fleet and she’s been slotted for promotion to a Flag Rank later.”

Chris could only shake his head and look at the floor.

• • •

Audrey sat in her chair on the bridge of the Troy and shook her head, “Sir, I did not sign up to be a baby sitter. I will resign before I’m forced to do this.”

“Do what you must, Captain, but if you intend to stay in this navy you will follow your orders. This came from our supreme commander and we will honor his request. Is that clear?”

Audrey was mad and she stared at Chad and saw Samantha sitting in her chair behind him smiling. Samantha was going to put the moves on Jason in her absence, she just knew it. Her smug smile made her even angrier. “I asked you a question, Captain!”

Audrey forced herself to say, “Yes Sir, it is.”

“Do you choose to resign?”

“No Sir.”

Chad nodded, “This assignment will not take long and you’ll be welcomed back. Go and pack what you’ll need. He will be arriving within the hour.”

“Yes Sir.” Audrey stood up and left the bridge.

• • •

“What do you mean you’re going with him?”

“He is going to need all the help we can give him, Lukas. I think I will be better used to assist him. You know there’s not much for me to do for the immediate future while the planet is being settled.”

“Are you sure about this, Willow?”

“I am.”

“Just make sure both of you come back.”

“I’ll certainly do my best to make that happen. I must confess that he is quite extraordinary. You’ve got a remarkable son.”

“I’m shocked his parents agreed for him to go.”

“Well, they have, so we need to get moving before they change their mind. I’m picking him up at his quarters and taking him to the Troy to pick up Captain Allen.”

“She’s not very happy with this assignment.”

“Neither of them are happy about it but I think another person on board will help make sure good decisions are made. I’ll let you know how things work out.”

“Make sure you stay in touch.”

“I will.”

• • •

Chris and Willow arrived on the Troy and Chris took the tube to the bridge. He walked in and saw Chad look up, “Who are you?”

“Sir, I’m Christopher Stone.”

The entire bridge crew stopped what they were doing and stared at the young man standing just inside the entrance to the bridge. They saw a tall man with hair so blonde it almost looked white. His eyes were deep blue and his features were familiar. “I was told Christopher Stone is ten years old.”

“I had Willow use his DNA processors to change my body to that of a twenty year old, Sir.”

“For God’s sake why?”

“Because appearances are everything and I want my instructors to take me seriously. I can always change it back later.”

“You don’t sound like a ten year old.”

Chris smiled, “I have a deeper voice now.”

Samantha stared at Chris and shook her head. He was absolutely gorgeous. There was an air of command about him, which was crazy for a ten year old to have. Audrey walked through the entrance with a duffle bag and stopped beside Chris. She saw everyone staring at her and she looked up at Chris, “Are you my replacement?”


“Then who are you?”

“I’m sorry, I’m Christopher Stone.”

Audrey stared at him and then turned to Chad, “Is this some kind of sick joke?”

Chris said, “Why do you say that?”

“I’m supposed to be babysitting a ten year old.”

Chris saw her anger and smiled, “That’s me.”

Audrey turned to Chad, “This is no ten year old!”

“Captain, he’s been genetically modified by Willow. He is Christopher Stone. The two of you should get underway.”



Chris smiled and said, “I’ll try to not mess up my diaper too much. Let’s go.” Chris turned and walked off the bridge and Audrey stared at Chad and saw him starting to get angry. She turned and followed Chris. What had she done so wrong to get this assignment? She missed the sled Chris took and waited for the second to enter the tube. She shook her head and wondered where she had seen him; he really looked familiar.

Chad watched them leave and knew that Chris had to be related to Lukas. He was the spitting image of him. The crew looked at him and he said, “Jason, you’ll take Audrey’s place until her replacement arrives.”

“Yes Sir.”

Samantha said, “Yes,” under her breath.

Chapter Nine

udrey arrived in the landing bay and saw Chris climbing into the cockpit. She frowned and walked toward the Attack Pod and saw the port open on the side. She tossed her duffel bag inside and went around to the other side to climb on board. She arrived and Chris had the monitor already showing a star map of their location on the display. She sat back in her chair and Chris said, “You don’t want to be here do you?”

Audrey said sarcastically, “Imagine that.”

Chris turned to her and she saw his demeanor changed, “Captain, I am not a ten year old. Quite frankly, I’m probably older than you are mentally and the evidence of your demeanor at the moment supports that view. Willow, take us out while I update the Captain on what we’re doing.”

“Lifting now.”

“This pod is Willow?”

“Indeed it is, Captain. The one and only.”

Chris smiled briefly at Willow’s remark and turned back to Audrey, “We are going out to find the means of defeating the invaders so we can take back our home. I didn’t want anyone going with me but got trapped into taking you. I assure you that you will not need to do any babysitting and I hope you can make yourself useful on this voyage. However, you are not in command and if you cause me too much grief, I’ll drop you off at a habitable planet until I finish my task. I’ll pick you up then. Is that clear?”

Audrey’s eyes narrowed and she heard Willow say, “I’d listen to him, Audrey. He’s much more than you can imagine and he is the commander of this mission.”

She stared at Chris and raised her eyebrows. “Then what was this mess about a ten year old?”

“Chronologically, I am ten years old. However, I am telepathic and have absorbed more information than someone who is fifty years old. It is my intent to make sure mankind is never threatened again and this voyage is where I’m going to find the tools we’ll need to make sure no one can ever threaten us again.”

“And you honestly think you can do that?”

“If I didn’t, we wouldn’t be doing this. However, hold your judgment until you can determine if I’m an egotistical maniac or there is some substance to what I’m saying. In the meantime, I understand that you are one of the best in the fleet at using star maps. Is that true?”

Audrey stared at Chris and said, “First, I don’t want you looking in my mind without permission; do you agree?” Chris nodded. “Second, my name is Audrey, not Captain.” Chris nodded again and smiled. “And lastly, what exactly are you looking for?”

“According to Piper, all of the civilizations that greeted us when we arrived are located in the nebula Eden is located.”


“That’s the name of our new world.”

Audrey smiled, “It fits. Are you looking to find those civilizations?”

BOOK: Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground
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