Escaping Destiny (4 page)

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Authors: Amelia Hutchins

BOOK: Escaping Destiny
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“You don’t like that your body is responding
to my touch, do you?”

“No,” I replied firmly.

“You’re wet for me. Does that upset you; that
your body knows you are in need?”

“Yes,” I whimpered as he dipped his fingers
and pressed them against the silk panties I wore. He watched me as
he stroked my core, finding the perfect rhythm as his fingers
pushed against my need. My body tensed with want—for him.

“You smell good. Are you going to allow me to
fuck you?”

I felt the tear fall. I’d been trying so hard
to hold them at bay, but it was a losing battle. I shook my head.
“I don’t want you,” I replied as golden eyes flashed inside my
head. “You’re not giving me much of a choice, anyway, seeing as how
you had to tie me up and all.”

“Who is it you want?” he asked, stroking his
fingers over the silken nub of my pleasure.


I didn’t answer him, not that he expected an
answer as he moved closer and the air disappeared. I was left with
the option to kiss him, or die. I kissed him, and the moment his
tongue pushed through my lips, I sobbed. This wasn’t going as I’d
planned it to. Instead, I was slowly and erotically being
mind-fucked by the Horde King and was succumbing to his will

He pulled back, but kept his wings around us,
keeping me cocooned in their silky warmth as his hand worked over
my wet sleek heat, and the other held my face lifted to his. “Will
you submit to me, and allow me to fuck you?” he asked again.

“Do I have a choice?” I asked, spreading my
legs further apart to give him more access. What the hell was wrong
with me? I felt a single finger delve deep inside of me. I cried
out and impaled my own body on it further, finding a rhythm as his
mouth found mine, and took control.

“So fucking wet, so slippery with need,” he
growled as he pulled his mouth away from mine and added yet another
finger inside of me.

Something was wrong, because this felt too
fucking right, and I wanted him inside of me unlike anything before
him. Even Ryder. I wanted him to bend me over and fuck me until I
screamed for more. “What are you doing to me?” I asked breathlessly
as the beginning of an orgasm started to build.

“See me,” he growled and claimed my lips

I shook my head at him as I held my eyes
tightly closed, and continued to ride his hand as he added yet
another finger inside of me. Stretching me as his enormous cock
pushed against my belly. When I was about to come he stopped,
everything stopped. I was no longer chained to the ceiling, but
lying on the bed with my legs spread wide, and the deadly creature
looming over me.

His brands were moving, his skin was now
lustrous, and his wings blocked out the light from around us. “You
smell good,” he said as he sank between my legs and lowered his
mouth to where my panties still covered me. He didn’t taste me;
instead he smelled the need which was soaking my panties.

“Tell me to fuck you, tell me to part this
flesh and make you mine,” he demanded. “Submit to me, and become

I was supposed to say no, but my brain was
shutting down and I had the sinking feeling in the pit of my
stomach that I wasn’t seeing everything that was here, that I was
missing something in the room. “No,” I cried as my body shook with
the need to say yes. I wanted Ryder, why wasn’t he here? I needed
him to be here. “I want Ryder,” I blurted out, which made the Horde
King pause.

“You’re mine now,” he replied, dismissing my
need as his fingers parted my panties and started moving inside of
me again.

“I don’t want you!” I cried, even as I pushed
myself against his fingers with a need I couldn’t explain. I should
have kept the dagger. I should have followed through with the plan.
How could I have not seen him using his powers on me? “I want only
one man!” I screamed it, trying to make myself understand that I
was doing something wrong by trying to come for the Horde King. The
hunger was gnawing on me, and the events leading up to this were
driving it deeper. I was trying to focus, trying to stave it off.
In the end, I knew I’d cave.

This was all wrong, and when his wings came
down to cover us once more, I could no longer care. I needed this
creature inside of me. I wanted this need for him to go away. I
kissed his mouth using my hands to hold him to me as I did so,
since they were no longer tethered to the chains.

“I’m going to fuck you,” he whispered as my
clothes melted away with his will. His mouth latched onto my
nipple, as his magic worked the other one, his fingers sinking deep
inside of me. They were hitting the spot, which was sending me
toward the cliff that would send me off the edge.

“Nooooo, I want Ryder. I need Ryder.” Why
wasn’t he coming? He was my Knight in a fucking Fairy suit! He was
supposed to storm the castle walls and protect me, to save me. I
was his, damn it! Only his.

“See me!” he snapped, and drove his fingers
inside of me until I was helpless but to lay there as fucked me
with them with one hand, as the other held my chin to keep my face

“No!” I screamed as the impending orgasm
threatened to explode.

I blinked as his form started changing, as if
something was fighting for release. I strained to see what was
there. My mind wanted me to ignore it. His face was moving, as if
something else was inside of him. I wanted to close my eyes. I
wanted him to make me explode. Most of all, I wanted to be
somewhere else, and with someone

damn it!”

“I see you,” I screamed, wanting him to shut
up and allow me to find release.

“Goddammit, Pet,
me!” He shouted
as the walls shook around us.

The pending orgasm was forgotten as my entire
body shook from his words. I blinked at the golden eyes that looked
down at me in stunned silence. As if he was the one who was shocked
at his revelation. Other than the wings, he was here. Ryder was

“Now you see
, Synthia,” he
whispered breathlessly.

My lips and fingers trembled as I reached up
to stroke his skin, afraid I’d died from the Horde Kings attention,
or turned FIZ, and this was where my mind had gone—to Ryder. I was
in his arms, and shaking with all the tension and fear I’d be
feeling, it all came out at once.

I was touching him. “Are you real?” I
whispered, afraid to say it too loudly for fear he would

“Fuck, you’re so beautiful, and mine,” he
growled and took me to the mattress hard.

I pushed at him. “What the hell? Where’s the
Horde King? Did you kill him?” I asked, unsure how he’d
accomplished this. Maybe I had passed out, and this was a dream. If
it was, I never wanted to wake up.

“Syn,” he growled, trying to kiss me.

I pushed at him. “Am I dead? Did he turn me
FIZ? How is this possible?” I demanded.

“What if I told you I was him?” he asked,
letting me up finally.

“No, because that would be a lie and you
can’t lie,” I said.

“Syn,” he whispered, running his hand over my
naked leg.

“Ryder.” I pleaded for him to tell me he
wasn’t the king. He just looked at me until I was left without a
choice. I slapped him—hard. “You…mother fucker! How could you!?” I
demanded, but he pushed me back down, and he was inside of me
before he could answer.

I cried out as he stretched me further than
he ever had before. My body throbbed with need as he drove himself
in to my core. “Fuck, I need you, Pet, come for me, Baby, come!” he
screamed in the multitude of voices that instantly had my body
shaking from the electrical power that tore through the room.

I exploded around his shaft, painfully. My
entire body shook with power as he released his need and fed me. He
continued to pump his cock inside of me until the aftershocks of
the orgasm subsided.

Oh my God.

This wasn’t happening.

Fucking hell!

Oh my holy flipping buckets!

Chapter Four




I lay there staring at him. Everything was
coming back; all the hints, all the truths that had been staring me
in the face. “You walked through the wards,” I accused. I struggled
out from under him and scooted to the other side of the enormous
bed, never taking my eyes off of him.

“Childs play, Synthia. I had Eliran make an
amulet that tricked the wards. There are a lot of creatures that
the wards did not take into account. We knew the Demon was one of

“Ryder, I asked you straight up if you were
the Horde King, and you said no,” I whispered. I realized at that
moment, he hadn’t actually answered me any of those times with a
solid no. He’d danced around the question.

His golden eyes watched me as everything that
his words implied crashed in on me. He’d tortured my brother; he
had been the one to set everything in motion that had sent me to
the humans, which resulted in them being killed. Because of him, it
had always been him. He was the reason I’d lost my family, he was
the one who had sent my entire life spiraling out of control—and
I’d fallen in love with him.


“No, I’m not.”

“Then who the fuck are you? Please, tell me
who the hell I have been fucking!”

I was pissed, and his lips that jerked up in
the corners with a start of a smirk were not helping. I wanted to
kiss him. I wanted to strangle him. Worst of all, I wanted him! It
all pissed me off in the worst way.

“The Wild Hunt!?” I accused, throwing angry,
sharp as daggers at him. I pulled the covers around my naked body,
too shocked to do anything else.

“You were caught, and fucked by the Horde
King; always winner of his own event,” he smirked wickedly. “I
never lied to you, Synthia, if that is what you are wondering. I
let you draw your own conclusions, and I wasn’t, in fact, the Horde
King until the day you were taken to the Blood Realm. That action
forced my hand.” He gave me a small smirk. ”I told you that I would
save you, Synthia.”

“Why? How? This doesn’t make sense! How could
you be the Horde King, and yet
be him?”

“Because I ascended to the throne,” he
answered simply.

“That’s it? You just jumped up on the throne,
and the actual Horde King allowed this?” I gasped in surprise.

“Not exactly, Pet. That’s a long story. How
are you feeling?” He quickly changed the subject.

“Oh, I don’t think so, you fucking spring it
on me that you’re the Horde King, you make me freak the fuck out at
the idea of being given to the Horde—to you! I told you I planned
on killing
! You couldn’t have thrown me a little bone?
No, because you’re an asshole! You made me think I fucked the Horde

“You did just fuck the Horde King, Synthia,
and you weren’t complaining,” he said with a small smile.

“I am going to do more than complain in a
moment,” I gritted out. “Why couldn’t you just tell me as soon as
we got here? Why the act, and scaring me out of my mind? Spill it,
Horde boy!”

“I am sorry for scaring you. Too much has
happened over the past few days, and I didn’t know how far you had
been compromised,” he said tenderly as he reached out and tried to
cup my face. I flinched slightly away from him. “I had to know
where you stood with me, Pet. I just didn’t count on your hunger
being so strong. I felt it, and I couldn’t think past that to
anything else.

“Tell me what happened,” I said softly, and
relaxed a little. He shifted his body and those wings into a more
comfortable position against the pillows and looked at me

“I killed him. Too much had happened and it
was escalating out of control with no end in sight. He pushed too
far, and I was left with no choice but to kill him.”

“Ryder.” I felt sweat beading on my forehead.
I knew he was not telling me everything. I needed to know more.
“How does you killing the Horde King give you the right to claim
his throne?” With Fae politics, nothing was that easy.

“Because I am…was his son, Synthia; Danu’s
Heir. Killing my father gave me his throne. I had not claimed it,
because I didn’t want anyone to know he was dead. I needed to buy
as much time as I could to try and save Faery without my father’s
sins and Fae politics interfering with that goal. Now everything
that I have delayed will come to my realm with a vengeance.”

“Wait, so you didn’t make the contract for
me, the one to my parents?” The Horde King who had made that
contract was the one who had irrevocably screwed up my life. Hope
was thrumming through me, my heart was beating wildly.

“No, Synthia. I sent Ristan with the Horde
emissaries to make that contract for you in the name of the Horde
King. I’m not proud of the lengths I went through to secure it, but
I’d have done much more to secure you.”

“You cut my brother up. You knew it would
break my parents’ resolve to withstand your demands.”

He gave a slight nod of his dark head. “His
hands? That is the least of what my Father would have done, and
your parents would have expected nothing less.”

My heart was hammering wildly, his eyes
watching my every thought that crossed my mind. On one hand, I was
relieved to find out who he was, while on the other hand,
everything I’d ever heard about the Horde King was running rampant
through my mind.

He lifted his hands and ran them through his
hair, as if he was the one who was frustrated. “There is too much
to tell you, and too little time. You are going to stay here, and
listen without interrupting me. Please. I’m going to sit beside you
and I will do my best to explain everything. After I’m done, you
can ask me the questions I can see burning in your eyes.”

“Fine,” I replied, pulling up the sheet
around my naked body. I watched him lower his gaze with
anticipation burning in his golden depths. He smirked, and waved
his fingers. I gave a small shudder of breath as I felt satin press
and wrap around my skin. “Thank you,” I whispered, and scooted back
against the mountain of pillows piled against the elaborate

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