Essential Facts on the Go: Internal Medicine (19 page)

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Authors: Lauren Stern,Vijay Lapsia

Tags: #Medical, #Family & General Practice, #Internal Medicine

BOOK: Essential Facts on the Go: Internal Medicine
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Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis

Complications of CKD

Reproduced with permission from William Bennet, MD.

Clinical Features of Uremia and Dialysis

Acid-Base Disorders

Conditions That Cause Decrease in Anion Gap

Acid-Base Disorders

Common Terms for Acid-Base Disorders

Key Formulas for Solving Acid-Base Problems

Clinical Pearls in Assessing Acid-Base Disorders
The pH is the key to all acid-base disorders

Relationships in primary acid-base disorders

The primary abnormality is the process that causes the pH shift

Calculate the anion gap. An anion gap of >20 is suggestive of a primary metabolic acidosis, regardless of pH or serum bicarbonate concentration
Clinical Pearls in Assessing Acid-Base Disorders
Calculate the ΔGap (ΔAg – ΔHCO

) to assess for a complex acid-base disorder

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