Eternal Flame Bundle with Eternal Hunter & I'll Be Slaying You (53 page)

BOOK: Eternal Flame Bundle with Eternal Hunter & I'll Be Slaying You
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“You were supposed to be like me!”
A scream of fury and pain that broke fast and hard from her mother’s lips. “Supposed to shift and fight—
just like me!”

“But I wasn’t just like you.” Sadness there. “I was like my dad.”

Theresa’s head jerked. “I should have been mated to the alpha! He
me! We were supposed to be together, but then I screwed everything up and—”

“And had me.”

Her mother’s mouth snapped closed but she gave a grim nod.

Honesty, at least.

“You had me,” Erin continued, “and you didn’t think I was good enough for the pack—or for you.” This

“I wanted to be with him,” a stark whisper. “I loved him.”

Erin knew the
hadn’t been her father.

“He saw me,” Theresa said, voice soft. “Such dark, dark eyes that saw into me so well.” Her shoulders sagged. “He didn’t look at me the same way after he learned about your father.”

And what? That was Erin’s fault? Her father’s? Erin bit back the snarl that rose within her.

“When I got pregnant,” her mother said, “he knew I wasn’t his mate. Knew that somewhere out there, another woman waited…only a matter of time.” A tear trickled down her cheek. “I lost you.”

Not real hard to lose something when you threw it

“But first, I lost him.” She swiped away the tear with the back of her hand. “He left the pack before you were born. I-I kept thinking he’d come back, but he…turned his back on everyone. On me.”

Just like Erin’s mother had turned away from her. The woman wasn’t going to be getting any sympathy from her.

“Why did you come here tonight?” Jude’s gravelly voice.

Her mother blinked. “To…see Erin. I caught her scent at Mort’s. I wanted to…talk to her.”

“And what? Make up for lost time?” he demanded. “Or just jerk her around some more?”

Theresa’s hands fisted. “I wanted to make certain she was happy and
. I didn’t know what you were to her, I was afraid—” She exhaled. “Shifters go after the weak.”

Was that how her mother truly saw her? Erin glanced down at her hands. Her claws were gone.

But they could come back in a second’s time.

“Other hybrids were in the pack,” her mother said, swallowing, “but you were the only one who couldn’t change. You were in danger, you were—”

“When I was fourteen,” Erin said softly, cutting through her words, “the girls in the pack jumped me.”


“They thought I was weak, too.” They’d taunted. Teased. Then attacked her with claws and teeth.

But, luckily, they’d been in human form.

So she’d wiped the floor with their asses.

Erin met her mother’s shocked stare. “They were wrong about me, too.” She’d bet some of them still had the scars to prove just how wrong they’d been.

“Y-you never said—and they didn’t—”

“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry.” She’d always tried to protect her mother. Stupid really. Theresa was the last person on earth who needed protection. “They didn’t tell—well, I guess because they didn’t want everyone knowing the little freak had kicked their furry butts.”

They’d left her alone after that. No more teasing. No more taunts. She’d thought she was fitting in—

Until she’d been forced out.

Her spine straightened. “So don’t talk to me about being weak, okay? I know why you left me, but what I don’t know is why the hell you’ve come back now.” Or why she’d been coming back. Spying, all these years.

She’d never known.
It hurt

“I…missed you.”

She wouldn’t weaken.

“I wanted to see how you turned out.”

“And when Dad died? When I stood by his grave, crying,
where were you?”

No answer. She hadn’t expected one.
“The reunion’s over, mother. Time for you to go.” Hopefully, before her mother decided to go after Jude—or her—with claws and teeth.

Theresa held her gaze, then gave a grim nod.

Erin and Jude stepped away from the door.

Her mother hesitated. “Things are…good for you. I know you used to be a lawyer—”

“Still am.”

“—but now you’ve got a mate.” A smile. Wistful, dammit.
Her mother had been given a wonderful mate
. “A strong shifter, someone who can—”

is a fucked-up wolf shifter, a hybrid like me who kills and tortures people because it gets him off.”

The smile vanished. Horror took its place on her mother’s face. “A-a hybrid…wolf?”

“Erin.” Jude’s tense voice. “Don’t. There’s something that I need—”

But she just rolled right over him, the rage too much to hold back. “So don’t think I’ve walked off into some sort of happily-ever-after la-la land for wanna-be shifters. I’ve got a mate, all right, mother. A mate who thinks he’s my perfect match in every single, sick way.”

Chapter 15

he doesn’t know, does she?”

Jude led Erin’s mother outside and closed the door behind him. A thud shook the motel room wall.
Huh. Wonder what Erin threw.
“Ah…Doesn’t know what?”

“That she’s yours.”

His brows rose. Oh, but he hoped the door and walls were thicker than he’d thought.

He grabbed the woman’s arm and hauled her away from the room. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t I?”

His jaw locked.

“I smell her on you. Smell you on her. That’s the way with mates. Like she’s under your skin and you’re under hers.”

He wouldn’t deny it, because Erin was under his skin. In his very blood. “Then you tell me…how is it possible for a woman to be a mate to two shifters? One a wolf and one a tiger?” Because it wasn’t possible. No way.

“Erin’s not your usual shifter. Maybe the rules don’t apply to her.” Her fangs flashed as she said, “Or maybe that asshole who’s claiming her is dead wrong.”

Good emphasis on dead.

“I want to be with her again,” she told him. “I know I’ve screwed up, but
I miss her
. I’ve missed her for years and I want back in her life.”

“That why you’re in Lillian? Hunting the locals? ’Cause you’re looking for her?” This setup wasn’t making sense to him.

“Yes.” A hiss.

He just stared at her.

“Hunting the local idiots was just bonus.” Her hands went to her hips. “I didn’t
anyone. Just had some fun.”

Right. The kind of fun that had led the gnome to his shotgun. Jude figured he owed the wolf before him for that. Another damn scar on his body.

But, curious now, he asked, “If I’d been after Erin at Mort’s, if I’d been going to have some…fun with her, what would you have done?”

“Ripped your throat out.” Said immediately.

Good to know.

“I know I’m messed up,” she told him with a straight stare. “And I know I’m not the mother she needs.” The woman wet her lips. “But I need her.” Her hand dove into her back pocket. When her hand came back up, she shoved a bent business card at him. “When…
she ever wants to talk to me, give her that number, okay?”

Not waiting for his answer, she spun away from him and marched toward the line of cars waiting in the parking lot.

After five feet, she stopped. “You gonna get that bastard claiming to be her mate?”

“Count on it.”

She tossed a quick glance over her shoulder and the smile on her face was pure Erin. “Good. Do me a favor—rip his throat out for me.”

Then she jumped into one of the cars and spun out of the lot.

“Will do,” he whispered, watching her go. Ripping the bastard’s throat out was the plan, after all.


The early morning sunlight burned her eyes. Thanks to her mother and the not-so-small matter of a murder, last night had been a real bitch. Erin marched away from the motel room, her bag clutched tightly in her hand. Coming back home had been exactly as hard as she’d thought it would be.

And just when she’d thought her life couldn’t get any more screwed up…

.” Jude grabbed her arm, jerking her to a stop. She blinked, trying to shove her way out of the pity party and focus on him.

“Company,” a breath of a whisper from Jude.

She followed his gaze and saw the gleaming curves of a BMW sweep into the old lot. Erin caught a glimpse of the driver’s face.

Judge Harper. “He must have another meeting,” she muttered. A meeting at the motel. No big surprise for the judge. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” She was more than ready to hit the road.

The BMW jerked to a halt, and Harper shoved open his door. He sprang from his car and his gaze instantly zeroed in on her. “Jerome! Erin Jerome! Wait!”

Great. Erin took a deep breath, aware of Jude stiffening behind her. Pasting a fake smile on her face, she asked, “Something I can do for you, judge?”

He stalked toward her. As usual, he looked all determined and cocky and confident—then he stumbled. The judge jerked to a halt and stared down at her.

She lifted a brow and stared right back.

“I-I had to find you. Cartwright told me you were leaving.” A heavy pause. “I went to Katherine LaShaun’s house.”

Erin blinked. “
?” The last thing she’d expected.

“I had to go! When I heard about the body”—his nostrils flared—“I needed to see for myself what was happening out there.”

Yeah, she’d wanted to see the scene, too. But she hadn’t been allowed on sight.

Harper’s eyes darted to Jude, then back to her. “Erin, can we talk, privately?”

“No.” The instant answer came from Jude
from Erin.

Harper’s lips thinned and he dragged a shaking hand through his already tousled hair. “You and Greer have to understand. Trent’s death wasn’t my fault.”

Oh, what? Was it hers?

“The wife recanted, she—”

“Even without her testimony, there was more than enough evidence to convict.” Flat, cold. “We both know that Trent was abusing her. The guy was guilty as the devil, and we had the chance to stop him.” But he’d walked.

Then, well, died.

“We did.” The judge rocked back on his heels, and for a moment, he didn’t look as strong or as fit as he’d appeared in the past. He looked…tired. “I guess he’s stopped now, though, isn’t he?”

“I guess he is,” Jude said, voice like a cool breeze.

Death had a nice way of stopping folks.

Harper flinched. “I didn’t know this would happen. I just—I just made the only judgment I could.”

Erin didn’t know what to say to the judge. After a moment, he turned away from her and shuffled back to his car.

Erin watched him, aware of Jude’s strong presence at her back. Harper felt guilty. She could see it, feel it. Guilty enough to seek her out.

And he’d come—to what? Neither one of them could go back and change the past. Too many
in the world. If he’d convicted Trent…if she’d worked harder to prove the bastard’s guilt…if Sylvia hadn’t faltered…

You couldn’t go back.

The judge knew that and so did she.

Harper stopped at his car. He glanced back at her. “I know what they say about me.”

On the take.
So many criminals walked right out of his courtroom with barely a slap on his wrist. “Do you?” She murmured, but Erin knew he heard her.

“I want those bastards who break the law to pay,” he told her. “Just like you do.”

Then why didn’t they? Why did so many ease past him?

He pulled open the driver’s side door. “I do the best I can, Jerome. Guess it’s not always good enough.” His eyes narrowed. “Don’t you ever have regrets?”

Too many. Erin gave a grudging nod.

“Is the bastard ever gonna leave?” Jude murmured in her ear and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

A ghost of a smile curved Harper’s lips. “I thought you might.” Then he climbed into his car.

Erin leaned against Jude. Damn but the man felt solid.

Harper drove away with a soft purr of his engine.

“You ready to get the hell out of this town?” Jude asked after a moment of silence. The thick, uncomfortable kind of silence that made her want to squirm.

“More than ready.” Before she had any more unwanted visitors from her past. Like a certain detective she’d prefer to avoid.
Talk about regrets.
Erin swallowed and tried to shove the past away. “We didn’t get any closer to finding the bastard, did we?”

He turned her toward him. “We’re gonna catch him, sweetheart.” Absolute certainty there.

But when? Before or after he killed someone else?

catch him,” Jude repeated.

And, once again, Erin forced herself to nod.


Once they were in Baton Rouge, Erin tried to get back into her routine as fast as possible. But, her routine had an unexpected addition.

She’d been given a babysitter. Okay, not a babysitter so much as a six-foot-two, two hundred pound, pissy demon who tailed her every move.

Erin looked up from her files and stared at said pissy demon.

Zane raised his brows and stared right back at her.

He was five feet away. Slouched in her ratty spare chair.

And the man wasn’t going anywhere.

When she and Jude had returned to Baton Rouge, Jude had dropped his little protection bombshell on her.

Until the wolf was caught, she’d have twenty-four seven protection. One of the Night Watch hunters during the day—while Jude was out digging up leads. And at night, Jude would be with her.

Now, she was all about the Jude at night part. Yeah, that worked for her. More than worked.

But Zane, and the irritating humming the guy kept doing under his breath, well, he wasn’t so much her thing.

Jude even had the human woman scheduled to take a shift with her. A human.

For protection?

That was just insulting.

One of the assistants came bustling in. “Erin, here’s the transcript from the Parsons trial—”

A long, loud whistle.

Amy jumped and dropped the folder. Her hand flew to her chest as her head jerked to the right and Erin saw her spy the lurking demon.

He smiled at her. “Hi there.”

Erin growled.

He kept smiling at the assistant.

Don’t need this. Don’t. Need. This

“Thanks, Amy, I’ll review it later today.” A dismissal. Probably too curt, but damn if Amy wasn’t starting to smile right back at the demon now. Great.

Erin cleared her throat. Twice. Amy finally darted out of the office, but not before she gave one long, last look at Zane.

“You’re an ass.” Erin told him, meaning it.

He blinked. “Ah, you’re just mad ’cause I’m not flirting with you.” He shook his head. “But I don’t flirt with women who can fry my brain.”

Well, at least she was in his safe zone. Erin bared her teeth. She really didn’t like the reminder of that vicious encounter. “Didn’t we already go over this? Demon versus wolf? Why did Jude send
to watch me?”

A lazy shrug. “’Cause he trusts me.” A pause. “And he knows I’d fight like hell to protect you.”

Her eyes widened. That was new. The guy sounded like he meant those words, too. “You don’t even like me.”

“Sure I do.” A slow stretch. “Would even want to fuck you, if Jude hadn’t already claimed you.”

Heat burned her cheeks. No, no, he hadn’t just said—

A soft chuckle escaped his lips. “Relax. I said I
want to. Didn’t say I was going to.” His right foot swung in a small circle. “I like women with a wild side.”

Oh, then he’d probably love her.


But she wasn’t interested. Not at all.

He wasn’t Jude.


Erin rubbed her right temple. A vague ache was starting to build there. Not enough sleep, probably. After seeing dear old Mom, she sure hadn’t been able to sleep well.

And knowing that the wolf was still out there—

Not exactly a situation conducive to rest and relaxation.

“Where is Jude?” she asked him, sinking deeper into her chair.


that. “He’s got backup, right? I mean, he’s not out there alone?”

“Jude really isn’t the backup type.”

The ache turned into a throb. “Everyone needs backup.”

Another rap at her door. Sighing, Erin called out, “Come on in, Amy, it’s fine for you to—”

The door swung open. Not Amy this time. Jude.

Her lips wanted to curve at the sight of him. She could almost forget about the ache in her temple because she was just so glad to see him.

Tall and strong, with that thick mane of blond hair. Blue eyes shining so bright.

His stare heated when it landed on her. Erin rose, bracing her hands behind the desk. “Ah, Jude, I was…ah…wondering where you—”

“Wanted to check on you,” he said, breaking into her stumbling and so not suave words. He jerked his thumb toward the door. “Zane, give us a minute, okay?”

“A minute? Damn, man, no woman likes it

Her eyes widened. No, that jerk just hadn’t said—

Jude’s snarl had the demon jumping from his chair and heading for the door.

When the door shut behind Zane, Jude stared at her in silence.

Then he locked the door.

Erin swallowed, realizing her throat was way too dry.

“We need to talk.”

She flinched because, those words, oh, they were

Knew this would happen
. Jude knew all her secrets now. Everything about her mother and the wolf within.

How screwed up do you have to be to get abandoned by the pack?

“Erin?” A deep rumble as he took a gliding step closer to her.

Right then, she was very grateful that the desk was between them. “Ah…okay. Wh-what do you want to talk about? Have you—have you found out anything about the stalker?”

His lips thinned. “I got some places to check out today. I might have some news after that.”

“Good.” Her fingers knotted together. What was she supposed to say?
Sorry my mother tried to attack you and sorry I’ve been lying-slash-keeping-the-truth-about-myself-from-you, but, hey, the sex between us is great and when I’m with you…I feel good.

Better than good.

Almost happy.

No, not almost.

Even with that bastard on her trail, when she was with Jude, she felt safe. Like she belonged.

And, yes, dammit,

“I need to know…” Jude’s jaw set as he walked around the desk.

So much for that safety.

He caught her upper arms and held her with fingers too tight.

Both temples throbbed now in a hard, fast beat.

“Are things different between us?” Jude asked. “Because of what I told you? Do you…? Ah, hell!” He kissed her. A deep, toes-curling-
kiss that had her heart racing and her sex clenching.

His tongue slipped past her lips. Tangled with hers. Tasted.

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