Eternal Flame Bundle with Eternal Hunter & I'll Be Slaying You (72 page)

BOOK: Eternal Flame Bundle with Eternal Hunter & I'll Be Slaying You
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Flesh on flesh. Pleasure fighting the darkness.
was what she wanted.

Because the darkness always followed her, even in the daylight.

They fumbled their way to the bed. Kissing. Stroking. Hands sliding over flesh and making the lust spike.

Not stopping. Not!

He hit the button for the lights. No windows in this room. You had to have the lights to see.

She definitely wanted to see everything.

Dee shoved him onto the mattress and laughed when his eyes widened.

Then she stripped. Nothing fancy, because she wasn’t the strip tease type. Her borrowed shirt hit the floor. No bra. Not like she really needed one.

She kicked off her shoes. Pushed down her jeans—

“Damn, Dee.” He licked his lips. “I could eat you.”

No, this was
turn. Her panties fell to the floor.

His nostrils widened, just a bit.

“You’ve got too many clothes on,” she told him.

He jerked off his shirt.

“Nice start.” Her gaze darted to his jeans. “But I’d like to see more.”

He held out his hand. She so didn’t need a second invitation. Dee climbed onto the bed. Onto him. Straddled him. Her fingers trailed down his chest. Tight, strong muscles. A few scars, faint white lines of raised flesh.

Dee hesitated at the sight, all too aware of the marks on her own body. She wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot. Especially not after that last tangle with the wolf.

But to her, Simon was perfect. The marks just meant he was a fighter. A survivor.

Like me.

As she stared at that expanse of muscled flesh, Dee realized she’d never seen a man look so good or feel so right. She bent and licked one taut brown nipple.

His breath hissed out.

He liked that. Good. She used her teeth on him. A little nip. Nothing too hard, she didn’t want to—


The whisper, almost a command, slipped through her mind and Dee jerked back.

Simon stared at her, eyes so intense. She shook her head.

His fingers rose, cradled her breasts. “You’re so beautiful.”

Lust could make men so blind.

Dee managed to unsnap his jeans. Being careful, though, because she didn’t want to jar the bandage she’d placed on his—

“Don’t go easy with me, babe.” He pushed up. “Trust me, I can take anything you’ve got.”

They’d see about that. His zipper came down with a hiss. No underwear. Her kind of man.

His cock was long and thick, bulging up toward her. The tip was dark, round, and smooth to the touch. She eased back, sliding her bare legs down his jean-clad thighs.


Her turn.

Her mouth closed over his cock. Her tongue licked the broad head, tasted the saltiness of his flesh.

“Fuck me.”

She would. Eventually.

Dee took his length into her mouth. Looked up at him and saw his narrowed eyes, his clenched jaw, and the naked need on his face.

Just the way she wanted him.

Her tongue and lips teased. Took. Her cheeks hollowed as she worked his length.

She liked his taste. Liked the feel of his flesh and the jerks of his breath and—

His hand curled under her chin. “Can’t…not much longer…”

One more lick, to prove that she’d do what she wanted. Then, one more because what she wanted was him.


A caress with her lips, then she freed his flesh. But she still tasted him on her tongue. “Why should you get all the fun?”

In a flash, he flew forward, and Dee found herself flat on her back, near the edge of the bed. His mouth was on her breast. Sucking, licking, tasting, and taking.

Okay, so this was…damn…fun.

His fingers pushed between her thighs. Stroked her sex, thumbed her clit.

“So wet,” he muttered, sending that lust-filled stare her way. “You’re gonna feel fantastic.”

So would he. Her teeth clenched and her heels dug into the bed. A few more strokes and she’d be coming. Just a few more.

A strong finger drove into her.

Dee bit her bottom lip.

“No!” He glared down at her. “Not this time. I want to hear every sound you make. Every sound.”

Her mouth dried.
No holding back.
She always held back. Pushed her partner, but kept her own control as she—

“I want everything.” Two fingers. “And I’m gonna have everything.”

Her head fell back. So she’d come this way first, fine with her. The second time, he could be inside, he could—

“No, babe.”

Her gaze snapped to him.

“Not without me.”

He shoved a hand into the back pocket of his jeans. Pulled out a small foil packet.

She loved a man who was prepared.

Of course, she’d also picked up some condoms at that rundown gas station. Just in case.

Because she liked to be prepared, too.

He ripped the foil with his teeth. Rolled the protection down his thick length.

Then he pushed her thighs apart. Wider. He stared at her flesh. “Beautiful.”

Simon drove into her, thrusting his cock balls deep into her sex.

She let her moan out, full and loud, because he felt
And because she wouldn’t hold back, not with him. Her nails dug into his arms.

He withdrew. Thrust deep. Again. Again.

“Harder.” The coil within her tightened. Release—so close.
So close

Sweat slickened their bodies. Her hips rose to meet the plunge of his body. Faster. Stronger.

He stretched her, drove deep and had her shuddering for more.

Pleasure, that sweet release, was temptingly near.

Her legs curled around him. He pressed a hard kiss against her lips. His tongue thrust into her mouth.

Her sex quivered around him—that full, hard cock, driving so deep.

His head lifted. His teeth were clenched. Eyes glittering.

His neck was close to her. The strong curve of his shoulder. Close enough to—


Her teeth snapped together.
What the hell?
Not during sex, she’d never wanted to—

His cock eased back, almost to the entrance of her straining sex.

She flattened her hands against his chest.
Push away. Fight the—

His hot flesh slammed into her.

She came, screaming, “Simon!” Her muscles clenched as the white-hot wave crested. Her sex rippled around him, contracting as the pleasure blasted her.

“Better,” he growled and his fingers dug into her hips. He lifted her up, arching her toward him and thrusting fast and deep. “So much better.”

He bent toward her, pressing his lips against her neck. Tasting and licking her flesh. The muscles in his arms bunched. So much power there, so much strength.

He came on a long shudder, pumping out his release.

Her sex throbbed around him, the aftershocks of pleasure reverberating through her core.

Dee sucked in a breath. Then another one. She licked desert-dry lips.

His tongue skated over her neck.

She shivered.

His hold tightened around her as the sound of her drumming heartbeat filled her ears.

Oh, yeah, she’d known it would be that good. When a guy oozed sex like Simon, a good time was pretty much guaranteed.

Her hands skimmed down his back, and Dee realized that his muscles were locked tight. “Simon?” He’d come, she knew he had.

His lips pressed against her neck once more. A bit harder this time, then his head rose. His eyes were such a turbulent gray. Stormy.

“I don’t ever want to hurt you,” he told her, voice gruff.

Her brow pulled low. “Then don’t.” Simple enough.

A finger rose and traced her cheek. “You cried when you came.”

Dee blinked. “I—” Okay, now she didn’t know what to say.

“One tear drop. Just one.”

“I don’t usually—” Hell, she
cried. Not in years, anyway.

His lips pressed against hers. A soft, gentle touch after the wildness of the lust. His cock was still lodged in her, and swelling.

His mouth lifted, just an inch. “You can trust me,” he breathed the words.

She’d already trusted him with her body. What more did he want?

But she could read the answer in his eyes.

And suddenly, even the heat of his body couldn’t warm her. Because everything—she’d never had that to give a man.


They slept. Finally. Dee drifted away in Simon’s arms. The sleep was deep, heavy, and filled with the soft whispers that haunted so many of her dreams.

Go, baby, go! Get out. Hurry!
Her mother. Always warning her.

Dee—Dee, why didn’t you help me?
Sara. Always blaming her.

So many voices. So many.

Why, bitch, why’d you come after me?
The vampires. Their last words haunted her.

Fucking whore. More of my kind will come. More. You can’t stop us.
Twisted murmurs that followed her into the darkness.

She couldn’t escape the voices. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t—

Wake up.” Strong hands shook her.

Her eyelids flew open. Simon stared down at her, his hair tousled, his face grim. “Someone’s here.”

A surge of adrenaline had her out of the bed and dressed in moments. They ran to the outer room. Dee grabbed two stakes and a gun.

Simon didn’t reach for a weapon. Funny, she’d actually never seen him armed.

She killed the lights and inched toward the window. A car door slammed outside. Gravel crunched beneath someone’s feet. Carefully, she pushed the curtain back, just a tiny crack of space.

Darkness without, to match the blackness within.

Night had fallen.

The vampires would be at full strength again.

But since when did vamps come right up to your front door when they wanted to attack?

Her eyes adjusted almost instantly to the dark and she motioned with her hand, pointing for Simon to take up a position on the left hand side of the door. The right side would be hers.

As she watched, the door knob began to turn.
What? The bastard had picked the lock?
Skilled SOB.

Not that lock-picking talents would save his ass.

Dee waited in the darkness. Silent. Steady.

The door swung open. The scum walked inside.

Dee attacked.

She moved fast and came in hard. She caught the guy with a hard punch in the gut, then slung him back and rammed him into the wall.

Simon slammed the door closed. Good. Who knew how many of the bastards were out there? Better to separate them and make them weaker.

“Start talking,” Dee ordered, pulling out her stake. “How many of your asshole friends are out there waiting for their turn to jump me?”

The guy moved, shifting from a hunched shadow to the tall, strong form of a man. Dee stared at him, frowning as—

“Dammit, Dee! Why the hell do you always have to punch first?”

that voice. “Simon, hit the lights.”

A bright flood of light lit up the room, and Dee stared at an all too familiar face. “
What are you doing here?”

He pressed a hand to his stomach. Groaned, then said, “I’m here to arrest you for murder.”

Chapter 7

he hell you are.” Simon lunged forward. No one would be taking Dee away from him.
No one.

And sure as shit not the bastard who’d been her lover.

Captain Antonio Young lifted his chin and glared at him. “Who are you?” His hand still rubbed his wounded stomach.

“The guy who’s been watching her ass.” Simon let his lips curve into a feral smile. “And there’s no damn way you’ll be taking Dee out of here.” But if the cop wanted to try…

Come and get some.

“Simon.” Dee caught his hand. The cop’s eyes dropped at the move, narrowed.
Oh, didn’t like that, huh? Too bad.

She bit her lip. “Are you…are you okay, Tony?”

He instantly dropped the hand he’d been pressing against his stomach. “Fine.” Bit off. “I thought you were up here alone.”

Ah, so that’s why Lancelot had come bounding to the cabin.

“How did you know I was even out here?”

Dark eyes flickered over her face. Too much emotion there. “I know you pretty well, Dee. I knew where you’d go if you wanted sanctuary.” He held up a key. “And I stayed here with you before, remember?”

The hell he had. Simon’s vision bled to red. So what—Dee had a habit of bringing lovers here?

Not any longer she didn’t and if that pretty boy kept looking at her with his puppy dog eyes, he’d plant a fist in the guy’s face.

Dee glanced at Simon, then looked away quickly. “I remember. That was a long time ago.”

Good to know, and Simon didn’t want to hear any more about
“Dee didn’t kill the woman.”

The cop blinked, then looked over at Dee’s left hand. Her fingers were clenched around a wooden stake. “Evidence says otherwise.”

“It was a setup,” Simon gritted. “The vamps want to take her down.”


Dee jerked away from him and marched toward the weapons cabinet.
Some women collected figurines, Dee—

Instruments of death.

“Why the hell would they go to all that trouble?” The cop, Tony, shook his head. “Vamps don’t work like that. They kill, drain a vic dry, and—”

“And some of ’em are sick freaks who get off on playing with their prey.”
Not all, though. Not all were like that. Dee would learn that truth. Eventually.
“They want to break Dee. Not just kill her. By setting her up, they rip her out of her nice, safe world.” Not that Dee was much for safety. “They tear her away from her friends, isolate her—” He broke off, shaking his head. No, he couldn’t say any more.

“I was fighting a pack of vamps behind Onyx.” Dee’s voice was flat. She crossed her arms over her chest. “My head hit the pavement, and the next thing I knew, I was in some stinking, dark room. Blood was all around me and your victim—”

“Lisa Durant.”

“Was dead.” Her shoulders tensed. “I don’t remember anything that happened in between that alley and that room. I just remember—”

“I was there,” Simon spoke, holding the cop’s gaze and daring him for a challenge. “I saw the vamps kill the woman. They left Dee in her blood. I saw it all.”

“Bullshit.” Tony stepped forward. “I don’t buy that—”

“It’s my story.” A brief pause. “The one I’ll tell everyone I see if you so much as even
about hauling Dee away from here.” Not going to happen. His temples throbbed in a sickening, painful rhythm.

No one could threaten Dee. She was too important.

“Oh, so you’re just gonna fucking
the vampires?” Disgust had Tony’s lips tightening.

“They outed themselves.” Maybe it was time for the whole world to stop pretending. Feeding rooms were cropping up in most cities—and dumb humans were stumbling inside, some quickly getting addicted to vamp bites. Some never making it back out. Lucky for the vamps, they’d perfected the body ditch over the years.

“There’s a Born Master coming to town,” Dee said and she tilted her head. Simon’s eyes narrowed. Yeah, that was his mark on her neck and he knew the cop saw it. No blood drawn, no bite since Dee didn’t like that. But a sweet suck had done the trick. “I’m the best vampire hunter at Night Watch. You take me out of this game, and there’s no telling what hell will come to the city.”

Tony’s eyes widened. Ah, so the dick hadn’t ever come across a Born? Then he didn’t know what hell looked like. “You can’t kill Borns the way you can most vampires.” No, they were so much harder to slay. He’d once heard of a Born who’d survived a stake to the heart
a partial beheading.

Their bodies were tougher. They healed ten times faster than the Taken. When you were changed into a vampire, you brought some of your human weaknesses with you.

But when you were
a vampire…

There was no weakness for you. Not once the powers kicked in and the bloodlust began.

“Who are you?”
Tony demanded again.

“Ease up, Tony. Simon’s not the bad guy here.” She unfolded her arms. “He knows what I’m up against. He can help me.”

“And I can’t?”


Tony flinched.

“You’re a cop. You protect innocents.” She shook her head. “But your job isn’t to kill vampires.”

“Some days it is,” he fired back.

Simon’s brows shot up. So the cop had some bite, did he?

“I know things look bad right now,” Dee said.

, Dee. Innocent people don’t run.”

Okay, his fault. Simon rolled his shoulders. “I didn’t give Dee much choice. When I hauled her out of that pit, she was barely conscious. Sirens were wailing—I just couldn’t risk her.”

“You couldn’t, huh?”

“No.” Nothing more to say on that. “The woman on the floor was dead. Dee wasn’t. My priority was getting her to safety.”

“Yeah, cause getting in her pants had nothing to do with it, right?”

Fuck him. Simon attacked. In a second’s time, he had the cop pinned to the wall as his fist twisted the front of Tony’s shirt. “Don’t…talk about Dee like that.”

A tap on the back of his shoulder. “Ease up. Tony just turns into an asshole when he’s worried.”

“He needs to watch that tendency. It’ll get him into trouble soon.” He held the cop’s stare. “Real soon.” He unknotted his fingers.

“Christ, Dee, where’d you find him?” Tony muttered, straightening his shirt.

“In an alley, one littered with bullets.” She pushed in between the two of them. “Same place I found you a few years back.”

A grunt, then his lips started to curl, just a bit.

“Tony, we were attacked right before dawn. Some guys in ski masks found us at Simon’s house. They shot up the place.” Her hand lifted to her shoulder. To the wound Simon had all but forgotten when he’d had her in that bed. “We were lucky to get out alive.”


“Yeah, that’s where we are.” She swallowed and Simon heard the soft click. “But I’ll be damned if I stay here. I’m not going to keep hiding out, waiting for the vamps to strike. We needed to rest. We needed to recover—done that.”

Simon knew where this was going. Knew, and didn’t like it.

“Now it’s time to hunt these bastards,” she said. “Because I really don’t like it when jerkoffs try to kill me, especially when I’m already down.”

“Can’t say I like it much, either,” Simon added.

Tony’s gaze snapped to him, then back to Dee. “You really think you’ll be able to find the vamps?”

A little shrug. “It’s what I do.” Her chin was up. The woman was cute when she was promising death. “I was weak before, I’m not now.”

Yeah, um, humans didn’t recover that fast from concussions and gunshots. Maybe she was feeling all good and vampire-pumped-for-killing, but the woman still wasn’t 100 percent.

Neither was he.

Not yet.

“Brass is leaning on me like a tree about to fall.” Tony blew out a hard breath. “It’s those witnesses who say they saw you fighting with the vic at Onyx. They’re nailing your coffin shut.”

Her gaze darted to Simon. “That part’s right, Tony. Lisa…met me behind the bar. She was working for the vamps.”

“A lure?” the cop asked.

“More a messenger,” Simon said. “You know, the cheery kind that comes and says
You’re going to die. Beg for death.
Blah. Blah.”

Tony blinked.

Dee gave a little shrug. “She pissed me off. I lost my temper.”

“That’s the problem.” Lines of worry tightened the cop’s face. “Too many folks know about that temper of yours. It’s not a leap to think you met up with the woman again, and got angry one more time, so angry you didn’t stop yourself when the stake came out. After all, it’s easy to kill, isn’t it? So easy.”

The guy sounded like he was speaking from experience. As if he could ever compare. “Give us time and we’ll prove Dee’s innocent.” The words snapped out.
what he’d been planning. Simon rubbed his temples. The throbbing was getting worse. The sleep hadn’t been enough for him. To recover fully, he’d need so much more.

“The DA knows the score about this town,” Dee told them. “Pak told me, after Erin Jerome’s case…the DA

Erin Jerome. Simon knew the name. Erin was the assistant district attorney. She was also involved with one of the Night Watch hunters, Jude, the shifter.

“Figured the bastard knew more than he let on.” Tony ran a hand through his hair. “Too many cases that seemed to disappear before court date.”

“This one has to disappear, too.” Dee’s body vibrated with tension. “I’ll bring you a witness. I’ll bring proof that I’m innocent, and I want Clark to make this thing vanish.”

“And the vamps?”

“I’ll make them vanish.”

Big promise. Real tough to keep.

Tony stared at her. Too deep and way too long.

“Tony, give me this time. You know me.”

Too well it seemed.

A grim nod. “Forty-eight hours.”


“It’s all I can do. I’m not the only one on this case and I won’t be able to hold the others back longer than that.” A muscle flexed along his jaw. “Forty-eight hours—and you bring me a vamp who’ll convince Clark you’re clear or else I’ll have to lock you up.”

She whistled. “Not giving me much time to work, are you?”

“I’m giving you all that I can.” He stepped toward her, cupped her cheek with his palm, and very nearly lost a hand. “The last thing I want is to have to take you in, but I might not have a choice.”

Simon gave him a long, level look. “There’s always a choice.” Always. Might not be the
choice, and that was the problem.

Tony dropped his hand. “Guess you’re gonna be her backup?”

“Guess so.”

“Then you’d better take care of her or I’ll be coming to kick your ass.”


The cop headed for the door. “Better hurry out of here,” he tossed back, “the way I figure it, two squad cars will be pulling up in about thirty minutes.”


“You sent the uniforms after me?” A whistle. “Damn, man, you really did come to toss me in jail.”

The dick in question glanced back at Dee. “No.” A hint of sadness there. Regret. “I came to give you a chance, one I knew the others wouldn’t. And that’s why the uniforms won’t be arriving until you’re gone.” A flash of white teeth. “So move that sweet ass, Dee. Get out there and find those vamps.”


“So where the hell are we headed?” Simon asked, and tightened his fingers around the leather steering wheel. They’d been staying to the back roads, trying to fly under the radar as they headed back to the city, and the silence—thick, heavy—was getting on his last nerve.

Was Dee having regrets?
Maybe seeing the old boyfriend had made her hesitate. That jerk had the worst timing.

“There aren’t any feeding rooms in Baton Rouge.”

Feeding rooms. His back teeth clenched. The places set up to look like bars but, deep inside, they were just all-you-can-eat buffets for vampires. Folks went inside and some never came back out. Others got addicted. They became controlled by the vamps, and they would do
to go back into the rooms.

“Why aren’t there any?” he asked. “I thought those places were in damn near every city now.” Some said they were safe houses for vampires. And those
just really knew how to bullshit.

Not a safe house. More like a slaughterhouse.

Even though humans were the preferred prey in the feeding rooms, the vamps never had to worry about the humans turning on them and shouting to the authorities about the new night club that served up blood. After all, one bite, and a vampire could link with a human’s mind.

A link meant control. You didn’t turn on those who controlled you.

For the humans, it was all too easy to get hooked on the thrill of the bite.

If the vamp wanted the victim to feel pain, the bite could hurt more than a knife wound or gunshot.

The bite could also feel better than sex.

It was all up to the vampire. Pleasure or pain.

Simon slanted a quick glance at Dee’s still figure.

better than sex.

“I’ve made a point of shutting down any feeding room that tries to spring up.”

Oh, yeah, he bet she had. “So where do we start then?”

He felt her eyes. Didn’t have to look, just knew those chocolate eyes were on him. “I thought you had vamp contacts in this town.”

Careful now. “Ah, the vamps I know scattered when word came down about the Born Master.”

“Why? If they weren’t linked to him, there’d be no need to flee.”

The link. The screwed family tree that connected vampires. A Born Master took a victim, and formed a psychic connection with his prey. But if the Master turned that prey into the Taken, and the new vampire took another victim, the Born Master’s connection would trickle into the new prey, and keep trickling down through every blood exchange. Like freaking tentacles, reaching out for minds and spirits.

A Born Master wasn’t just stronger physically than other vampires. He was like a psychic black hole, sucking in all the prey he could find.

And controlling them.

A Born Master didn’t just pick up the thoughts of those in his link. He could whisper his thoughts to them. Compel them.

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