Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly (31 page)

Read Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly Online

Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly
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“Tomorrow is perfect.”

* * * *

Cassie was both overjoyed and anxious about the upcoming ceremony. Aware of what would take place, but being told about it and living it were two different things entirely.

Marcus had gone off to shower while she tapped her nails on the kitchen table, waiting for her sister Jill to answer the phone. One good thing about being back in New York, cell reception.

“Cassie? Everything alright?”

“Yes, I’m calling with some good news.”

“You found Marcus?”

“Yes…and he has asked me to marry him.” She braced herself for what she knew would come next.

“What? Ohmigod! When?”


“Where? Oh we are going to have to go shopping and…”

She rolled her eyes, waiting for her sister’s tirade to end so she could get a word in edge wise. “Yes, of course, we will shop. I’m not sure when or where yet. Those details haven’t been worked out.” She wasn’t sure she wanted to tell Jill yet that tonight she would actually become a guardian. She’d surprise her later.

“I’m so happy for you. Finally, you’ll have what you’ve always dreamed of.”

“Thanks, sis. I have to run, but I’ll call soon, and we’ll make arrangements for you to come visit.”

“Okay. Oh hey, send me a picture of that ring. I can’t wait to see it.”

She laughed. “I will, love you. Talk to you later.” She hit the end button on her phone then set it on the table. Picking up a baby magazine, she started flipping through it, looking at all the cute furniture. She and Marcus were going to have fun fixing up the baby’s room. She rubbed her belly and smiled. If things moved along as they should, soon she would experience her daughter’s first kick.

She looked across the room. Aidyn, Seth, and Gwen sat playing a video game. She smiled. They were like three small children trying to outdo each other.

Through the window, she saw Lucan pass by, he and Garin were outside checking the grounds. She should be safe but still felt vulnerable.

Marcus entered the room, giving her the comfort she had missed. She stood and moved in his direction, but horror crossed his face as he and the others ran toward her. Sharp pain shot into her back, and she tried to suck in air before she hit the floor.

“Cassie!” Marcus yelled.

“Marcus belongs to me,” Eliza screamed.

“Grab her.” Aidyn commanded.

Liquid warmth flowed down her spine, and a haze grew over her eyes. Why was Marcus crying? Everyone looked at her with horror on their faces. Blackness covered her in a blanket.

* * * *

,” Marcus screamed.

“You can’t have her if she’s dead. How does it feel to have the one you love taken from you?” Eliza’s face lit with joy. She had shoved the dagger deep into Cassie’s back. “Now you will watch her die, and your babe will go with her.”

Marcus reached for Cassie’s limp body and gently cradled her in his lap. He would heal her then take immense joy in slowly killing Eliza. That was if Aidyn or the others didn’t get her first.

“Stay with me, sweetheart.” Her eyes looked into his. They were so dull, the life draining from them.

“S-so cold.”

“I know, baby, it’ll be better soon. I promise.” He pulled the knife from her back. He hated to hurt her, but it had to be done. His palm covered the bleeding wound, and he closed his eyes. He searched for his power.
What the fuck?
He tried again, nothing. Cassie gasped for breath, her lips blue.

Eliza laughed. “Your power’s not working, I’ve blocked you. You’re as weak as a human now.”

“Where the fuck is she?” someone yelled. “Eliza is cloaked somehow.”

Cassie’s life was fading, and he could do nothing to save her. He was a failure, again. “Eliza, let me save her, and I’ll go with you.”

She laughed. “I think I’d rather watch you suffer.”

“You fucking bitch.” Aidyn yelled out. “Where are you?” A burst of energy raged across the room, glass shattered.

Marcus concentrated, whatever Aidyn had done worked. His power burst from his soul to his fingertips just as his love took her last breath.

“No. No. No!” The pain too much, he couldn’t live without her. His soul fragmented, and the darkness spread. His fangs extended, claws grew from his fingertips. Evil spread through his blood, no longer a guardian.

He was now a killing machine.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Cassie floated, reaching for the light. Happiness waited for her if she could touch it. Something stopped her. Why couldn’t she reach the light? She tried harder, willing her body to cooperate; instead, she moved backward. Farther away from the warmth she wanted so desperately.

Her lungs ached, burned. Why did death hurt so much? Maybe she wasn’t going to heaven. Maybe the reason she couldn’t reach the light was because she was being sucked backward, back to hell.

She took a deep breath as pain seared through her body. Her lashes flew open only to fuse shut again. The whiteness was too much, it burned her retinas. She cried out as tears streamed from the corners of her eyes.

“Give it a moment. Your body needs time to adjust.”

The voice was male but not one she recognized. It soothed and calmed her nerves. “Where am I?”

“You are in a place of peace. Come, child, let me help you to sit.”

Strong hands grasped her arms and pulled. “There, now slowly open your eyes.”

She obeyed, looking through slits and letting the brightness invade her. Once she became accustomed, she opened them farther. Moving her gaze up, she saw where the voice came from.

The man was more than six feet tall and wore a linen skirt. His skin deeply tanned and well defined. Eyes, the color of a Caribbean sea, stared at her. They were lined in black kohl. His raven hair was pulled back at the nape of his neck. She blinked. He was stunning.

He smiled. “Hello, Cassandra Jensen. My name is Zarek.”

She gasped, recognizing the name. “

He crossed his arms over his chest, raising one eyebrow. “Is there any other?”

Her gaze dropped to the ground. “N-no, I guess not. So I am dead then?”

“Look at me.”

She raised her eyes to meet his.

“No, you were dead for a moment, but no longer.”

She wasn’t sure what that meant. Perhaps in heaven she was alive in another sense. Different than before. Funny…she didn’t feel different. Touching her stomach, she asked, “What about my daughter?”

Zarek scoffed as if offended. “Really? Do you think I would save you, to let your daughter die?”

“Um no, I guess not, but how am I supposed to know that?”
Stupid, probably should not have said that.
“I don’t mean to appear ungrateful, I just…well, it’s…I guess I’m a bit confused is all.”

His eyes softened. “I can understand your confusion, but you must regain your wits and quickly.”

“Why, what do you mean?” Now that her vision was finally clear, she looked around. “Where is Marcus?”

“He is why you need your wits. I brought you back from death. Now you must save him from the darkness.”

She swallowed, and a thousand nails slid down her throat. “What’s happened? Where is he?”

“He is safe for now, I have him locked up. When you took your last breath, he snapped. The darkness spread, and he can think of nothing but killing.”

A sob caught in her throat. “How can I help him?”

“He is dark, you are light. Let him drink from your light.”

She thought a moment.
What the fuck is he talking about?
Then realization hit. “I need to feed him. Will he come back to me then?”

Zarek nodded. “Yes, but he will always struggle with his darkness now. You are his eternal flame, you will center him.” He reached out and took her hand. “You will bond with him and become a guardian. Together, your healing powers will save many lives in the war to come.”

“But I can’t heal, not like Marcus.”

Zarek flashed his white fangs. “You will become a healer soon enough. Now, your mate awaits you.”

“Wait! Why don’t you stop Lowan? You can save my people.”

“That is what I am doing.”

Darkness slid over her and wrapped itself around her like a thick blanket. There was no fear this time, she’d grown accustomed to being flashed. There was also the knowledge that she was going to Marcus, and she would repair his shattered soul.

The cave was dimly lit, a pool of water sent steam rising like ghosts floating through the air. Marcus sat with his back to her, staring into the water.


His head swung around, damp hair slapping his face. His eyes were no longer like cut steel but more like molten lava. She was not afraid, even though he bared his fangs and hissed. He would not harm her, she believed that.

“I’ve come to help you.” She took a step closer to him. “Do you know who I am?”

He cocked his head to the side then smirked. “You’re my next meal. I will kill you then find my way from this hole in the ground. I understand there are more of your kind out there.”

* * * *

Marcus moved toward the girl, but she didn’t flinch.
She should have been frightened, yet showed no fear. He sniffed. “You’re with child. You choose to sacrifice her as well?”

“I sacrifice nothing. I told you, I’m here to help you.”

He grabbed her arm to keep her from fleeing. “You’re a fool then, but I will let you fill my belly.” He bent his head and sniffed her hair, spiced honey. Why did the scent seem so familiar to him? Would her kiss taste the same? He pulled her closer and brushed his lips across hers.

She moaned and parted her lips, allowing him entry. Hell, he might as well enjoy the woman before he killed her. He shoved his tongue deep.
Gods, she tastes as good as she smells. More, want more of her.
He palmed her breast, causing her nipple to harden through the thin pink T-shirt.


He maneuvered until she was pressed against the cavern wall, pinned by his weight. He moved his other hand to her breast, rubbing his thumb across her nipple until it was swollen and hard. He had to have her. He grabbed the bottom of her shirt and ripped until her breasts were exposed.


Yes, he would. He ran his tongue down the middle of her chest then over to the right breast. Latched onto the rosy bud, he suckled, and she pressed harder into his body. He nearly came undone, his cock throbbing against his jeans. The need to be buried deep inside her filled him. He wouldn’t wait a minute longer.

Grasping the top of her jeans, he pulled, sending the button flying. Without wasting any time, he removed the offending clothes off her body, leaving her with only a black lace thong. She was beautiful; her skin had been kissed by the sun. He ran his hands over the small bump where her child grew and found it sexy. Again, the strange sensation that he recognized her pulled at him.

He removed his jeans and let his erection spring free. The woman reached out and wrapped her warm hand around his cock, causing him to groan. “Your name, I need to know your name.” He didn’t understand why it was so fucking important, but it was.

“Cassie,” she whispered.

“Cassie.” He let her name roll off his tongue. “I’m going to fuck you.”


He ripped off her thong, grabbed her ass and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him access to her wet core. With one thrust, he was buried deep. It felt like home, a place where he belonged. She placed a hand on either side of his face and pulled him closer, her kiss nearly had him spilling his seed, but he managed to hold back. He pressed her back against the rocks and began a slow pull out of her, stopping when only the tip of his cock remained inside her.

She wiggled and tried to impale herself on him, but he held fast, he wanted to tease her, make her beg. “What do you want?”


“Me what?” His voice sounded full of gravel.

“I want you to make love to me.” She pressed her lips against his. “I’m yours, all of me. Heart, body and soul.”

“Gods.” He couldn’t stand anymore. With one thrust, he was once again buried deep. He wanted to savor her, but fire burned in his veins, causing him to move faster until he was slamming in and out of her wetness.

She moved her silky hair away from her neck. “Take all of me.”

How could he refuse? It’s what he wanted, needed. He suckled the vein, rolling it in his mouth until it was full and plump. His fangs ached almost as much as his cock. Without hesitation, he sank them deep and took long pulls, letting her blood flow down his throat. She screamed as her orgasm overtook her, and he pumped faster, his seed begging for release. He splashed over the edge, filling her with his burning semen. Stars flashed before his eyes, his own orgasm feeling like it would never end. He continued to feed, her blood giving him something no other could.


Realization hit, as the red haze slowly faded. His mate, this was why she seemed so familiar. He retracted his fangs. “Cassie.”

Her eyes opened, and pools of liquid emerald stared back at him before a smile crossed her lips. “Marcus, you’ve come back to me.”

He kissed her lips, tender now that the urgency was gone. “You brought me back. Gods, I thought I lost you forever. How is it you’re here?”

“Zarek brought me back.”

He reached down and laid a palm across her swollen belly. “Our daughter is well.” A tear escaped and slid down his cheek. “I can never repay Zarek for what he has done. I owe him everything, but today, I will make you mine.” He shuddered. “I can never go through that pain again.”

His cock still buried deep inside her, he unwrapped her legs and set her feet on the ground. His tongue found its way to her nipple and glided across the rosy bud. She gasped, her body shuddered. He moved to the other breast and sucked the nipple into his mouth until it hardened like a pebble. He had to have her again. He turned her around until she faced the cavern wall and bent her over. With a quick thrust, he entered her from behind. Nearly blind with lust, he glided in and out. Her wetness coated him. He reached around and ran his finger over her nub, causing her inner walls to squeeze him tight.

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