Read Eternal Seduction Online

Authors: Jennifer Turner

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General

Eternal Seduction (15 page)

BOOK: Eternal Seduction
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She dug her fingernails into the sexy cut of muscle just above his hip and jammed her other hand between his face and the arm he used as a pillow. Once she secured a good handful of his silky hair, she shook him. “Kerestyan Nelek! I’m going to kill you!”

The bastard’s soft, tantalizing lips parted in a most devious grin. “Well good morning, Logan.” His eyes blinked open, two dark orbs of twinkling satisfaction. “I didn’t realize you were awake.”

“You’re so full of shit.” She pinched his side harder. “How long have you been awake?”

He growled, lips curled somewhere between a snarl and a smile, then rolled her flat on her back, pinning her between the cold, hard floor and his hot, hard body. She smiled as he rested his forearms on either side of her head and then shifted his hips to rub the thick head of his cock between her slick lips.

He nipped at her mouth. “Long enough to enjoy feeling you get wet.”

She shivered in response to the wildly erotic sensations racing under her skin. Reaching up, she buried her other hand in his hair and tugged him closer, unmoved when his canines elongated to fine, sharp points between his parted lips…but oddly taunted by the way his body tensed. “Tell me how long, Kerestyan.”

“Careful,” he breathed. “You’re in a very compromising position and we only have an hour before your meeting with my Father.”

She froze and stared up at him. Had that much time really passed? She fought to hold back the unexpected tears stinging her eyes.

Maybe it was the sudden desperation she felt tightening its icy fingers around the white hot anticipation in her stomach. Maybe it was the way fear of dying intertwined with her desire for the man poised above her.

Maybe, just maybe, it was something much more complicated.

But if she’d lost two days of her life, possibly the last two days of her life, she wasn’t about to give up the last hour.

Logan tightened her fingers in Kerestyan’s hair and pulled him so their lips barely touched. “Then why don’t you kiss me like it’s the last time you...” Hot and demanding, his tongue pushed past her lips, branding her with a fierce possessiveness that sent passion winding around every nerve in her body.

She met each thrust and caress of his probing tongue with one of her own, wanting nothing more than to remember the taste of him, the way her body tingled and ached from the delectable sensation of his soft lips moving against hers.

It took no more than her fingernails scraping down his chiseled back to make his chest rumble. No more than the silent invitation of wrapping her legs around his waist before he drove his hips against her, stretching and filling her with his thick, hard cock, all at once.

When her back arched high, she broke away from his mouth and struggled to suck air into her lungs. Pain twisted with absolute bliss as he pulled out then slammed back into her, again and again, each thrust deeper than the one before.

She felt him shift, gasping as more of his weight centered between her legs and his strong fingers gripped her hips. His lips burned against the sensitive skin of her neck. “I love the way you feel, Logan…the way you smell.”

She smiled at his raspy admission. Fisting her hands in his hair, she moaned as he licked and fanged one tight nipple, then the other. No drug was better, no feeling more intense than the wicked, breath stealing friction he created inside her with every fiery scratch of his fangs, every passionate stroke of his cock.

But she wanted more, wanted every inch he had to give her, needed to feel his body tense and flex as he exploded deep inside her.

Lowering her hands to his steely biceps, she moaned and tipped her head back. “Deeper. Harder. Harder. Kerestyan!”

Kerestyan groaned when Logan’s fingernails dug into the backs of his arms, sending lust spiking in his blood. But it was the sight of her head kicked back as she raised her hips to meet him, the sound of her screaming his name that pushed him closer to the edge of madness.

He stared down at the pale arch of her throat, eyes drawn to the hard, quickening pulse in the delicate hollow. It taunted the beast inside him, beckoned for him to taste her in a way no man ever had, urging him to take her to dizzying heights no human ever could.

But he didn’t dare bite her.

No. Not now, not when he knew he’d lose himself in her even more than he already had. He had to stay aware of the time, needed to keep tight reins on the animal stalking inside him.

Unfortunately, the beasts’ instincts were just as powerful as his desire for the beautiful woman writhing beneath him.

Leaning forward, he dragged his fangs down that graceful column and pressed his tongue to the hollow of her throat. He growled when he felt her shudder, mesmerized by the rhythmic pounding of her heartbeat in his ears and the rich, bittersweet scent of her blood filling his lungs. Knowing he was tempting more than just fate, he pushed her knees to her chest, locked his hands around her waist then rolled onto his back, pulling her with him.

He’d seen countless striking images over the course of his existence, but few stirred him the way Logan did when she sat up and spread her knees, resting her feet on the floor. Her half hooded eyes, bottomless pools of emerald fire, sparkled with a reckless, seductive power only she possessed. Her lips, moist and parted, curved with satisfaction while she held the tip of her tongue captive between her teeth.

He stilled for a moment, rapt as her hands slid down over her breasts, her dusky pink nipples teasing him as they disappeared only to peek from between her splayed fingers. Lowering her hands to rest on his, he smiled as she curled her fingers, tightening his already strong grip on her waist before she rolled her hips forward.

Kerestyan felt the animal inside roar to life when she cried his name again. Passion exploded with the force of a hurricane in his blood, surging through his veins as he watched his cock fully disappear into her tight, glistening body.

Logan tried to breathe, tried to think as Kerestyan’s hands pushed her down while his hips thrust up against her. She’d never felt so hot or wet in her entire life. He was so thick, so hard, and so damningly deep inside her, she was sure she would burst at any moment.

When he sat up and bit at her lips, his eyes dark and wild, she draped her arms around his neck and rocked her hips faster against him. She needed to release the tension he built inside her, needed to take him with her. Leaning her head back, she tautly pulled her lip from between his teeth and smiled when it audibly popped.

His gorgeous face mirrored hers just before he shifted his hands, grabbed two handfuls of her ass then slowly lifted her, inch by glorious inch, all the way to the tip of his cock. She moaned between panting out short breaths as he held her there, staring up at her, his chest rumbling against her straining nipples.

She captured his lips at the same moment he slammed her down on his pulsing cock. She tightened her arms around him and screamed into his mouth as her body shuddered, bursting into an exquisite firestorm of ecstasy. Wave after orgasmic wave tore through her, stole her breath as he pushed even deeper inside her and groaned against her lips. She closed her eyes and whimpered in pure delight as he slowly rocked her hips back and forth, buried in her to the hilt, until he’d wrung every ragged breath from her tired body.

Kerestyan smiled as Logan shivered one last time and a soft, satisfied moan slipped passed her sweet lips. Hugging her close, he rolled over with her and leaned back on his knees before climbing to his feet.

They were running out of time.

He did his best to endure the sensuous way her long legs wrapped around his waist as he moved towards the shower. He tried even harder not to feel her hot breath searing his neck when she rested her cheek against his shoulder.

But he quickly realized that dismissing anything about the woman was damn near impossible. She’d become so much of a presence in his life in such a short amount of time, he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to ignore her.

After pushing the button to turn the shower on, Kerestyan stepped inside and moved to stand under the spray with Logan still wrapped around him. He felt her body relax as the warm water pelted her back and shoulders, seemingly content to keep him inside her all night long.

He smiled. Had she woken up a night sooner, he would have gladly indulged her until her voice gave out and she couldn’t move.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

He tangled his fingers into her short hair and gently raised her head, surprised at how much seeing her smiling green eyes meant to him. “As much as I despise saying this, you can’t stay wrapped around me all night.”

She flashed a dazzling smile before she nipped at his bottom lip. “No?”

He leaned forward and fanged her earlobe, savoring the way she gasped and leaned into it. “No.” He traced the delicate line of her jaw with his tongue then made a slow journey back to her mouth. “We have to take a shower. We have a very important meeting to attend.”

“How much time do we have?”

“About twenty minutes.”

She squeezed his hips between her thighs, sending a burning sliver of lust straight to his cock. “I’m willing to bet,” she flicked the tip of her pink tongue against his lips, “I can coax you into another ten minutes of hot, human action, Lord Vampire.”

He grinned. There was no way he could pass up the challenge flickering behind her eyes. “And exactly what do you believe you can say to do that, Miss Ellis?”

He stiffened when, instead of using words, she tipped her head to the side and sank her teeth into the sensitive flesh where his neck and shoulder met. He shivered as she rolled the skin there, not once, but twice before lifting her head.

It took his mind a second to form the words. “I can’t believe you bit me.”

Her smile turned wicked at the edges. “Well, if that didn’t work, I could always do this.” He growled as she wound her fingers into his hair and yanked his head back then sucked and bit her way down his bared throat.

Darkness glazed his eyes as scarlet shadows danced in his field of vision. The animal inside him unfurled, awash in a dangerous mixture of passion and rage.

This time, it was his beast that responded as he pressed her against the wall, forced her legs from his waist and pinned her arms above her head. He growled as he pumped into her hard and fast, over and over, reveling in her tight, velvety rings of muscle as they clenched and squeezed his hungry cock.

He’d never felt anything better.

Staring down into her eyes, he watched with primal satisfaction as she twisted and writhed against him, breasts thrust against his chest. And when she cried out for her God as she came, he roared his climax then silenced her by drowning in the sultry taste of her mouth.

Kerestyan regained control of his dark side just as his fangs scraped Logan’s throat. He closed his eyes and slowly pulled back from her neck, all while sternly reminding himself that before he engaged with her again, they needed to have a very serious discussion about a vampire’s beast.

He released her wrists and opened his eyes, not at all surprised by the dazed expression on her face. “I’m sorry, Logan. If I’d known you intended to use
method of coaxing, I would have advised otherwise.”


He chuckled. “I take it you approve?”

She smiled wide. “Wow.”

He carefully separated their bodies and set her on her feet. “I’ll gladly take that breathless admission as a yes.”

She stepped away on shaky legs and tipped her head back under the water. After pushing her wet hair out of her eyes, she arched a brow at him. “Did you bite me that time?”

He stared at the droplets cascading down her face, still flushed and pink from their last session, then followed as they fell from her cheeks and slid down her chest, converging between her beautiful breasts.

He blinked and raised his eyes when he heard her repeat the question. “No, Logan.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead, knowing it was a far safer place than her lips. “When I bite you, you’ll know.”

Her eyes slid down his body, lingering just below his waist as he slowly backed away. “Are you leaving?”

He forced the shifting animal down when she licked her lips before meeting his eyes. “If I stay here with you, we’ll never make it to the meeting on time. You have five minutes to bathe and get dressed. Meet me in the living room when you’re finished.”

Kerestyan turned and walked away after she nodded and stepped back under the spray. If he watched her naked body any longer, they might never get out of the bathroom.

He rubbed a hand down his face as he opened the door to his room and made his way over to his closet. Nervousness clawed its way up his spine as he chose his clothes and tossed them on the bed before entering his bathroom.

Surely his Father would see the raw potential in Logan and allow her to serve the Nelek family, if not become a full member of it. He couldn’t resign her to death, not when Vouclade, the second eldest, had found enough reason to comment on her intellect and superior survival abilities.

She deserved, if nothing else, a chance to prove her worth.

She’ll do fine.
Kerestyan nodded ascent to the voice in his mind then quickly showered, dressed in his perennial black button down shirt and black slacks, then made his way to the living room. He stepped out of the kitchen to find Logan sitting on the couch, waiting for him.

She stood up and grinned as she smoothed the arms of her tight black sweater. “What took you so long? Did you need a little extra shower time?”

He smiled at her. “I have more hair to deal with than you do.”

She actually wagged her eyebrows. “Only on your head.”

He reached out and curled a finger around one of her belt loops then tugged her to him. “Now is hardly the time to discuss my personal grooming techniques. Besides, it became rather obvious after our kitchen rendezvous that you indeed found the razor Odin waxed so poetic about.”

She responded by burying her face in his chest like an ostrich.

With precious seconds ticking away, Kerestyan wrapped his arms around Logan and concentrated on Nelek castle. It was only after he felt the cold winds begin to swirl around them that he let his thoughts return to the woman shivering in his arms.

BOOK: Eternal Seduction
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