Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (6 page)

Read Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: T.J. Michaels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Paranormal, #Collections & Anthologies

BOOK: Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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The place was large and tastefully decorated with dark leathers and leopard print chairs. They sat in an intimate corner at a table just large enough for two. Mauve linen tablecloths, the subtle scent of fresh cut flowers and candles set the perfect atmosphere for lovers.

They listened to the band do covers of some of her favorite jazz songs. In the middle of a smooth Anita Baker set, the hackles on the back of Delaine’s neck stood at attention. She felt the lioness rise to prowl back and forth for a moment before speaking calmly but firmly to her charge.

There is an enemy is in this place

‘Who is it?’ Delaine queried along the link that secured their bond.

The one you hunt

Baker was here? Of all places for the man to be on a Friday night, he had to be at the same club she was. Double damn.

Excuse yourself, Suta Winyan. Take us to the ladies room

“You all right, Delaine? You look a little peaked,” Justin asked, concern etched across his smooth brow. His fingers sought hers from across the table and stroked the back of her hand.

“Oh sure, I’m fine. Justin, would you please excuse me a moment? I need to run to the ladies room.” Heat crept into her cheeks on a blush when he stood up with her and kissed the back of her hand. Such a gentleman, drop-dead gorgeous, tall, nicely built… Sapa prodded her out of her reverie and she hurried off with sure, solid steps.

Delaine stood in a typically long line for the bathroom. The lioness prowled restlessly until she could duck into the first available stall, lock it quickly and close her eyes. She blocked out the sounds of the club, pushed the saxophones and deep bass far away. The smooth, sultry voice of the lead singer floating through the speakers in the ceiling faded into the background.

Delaine summoned her companion with a thought. ‘Please assist me, Sapa.’ The lioness sprang forth and a vision began.

Through her spirit’s eye, Delaine saw a short blonde woman sitting in her very own living room pleading for Delaine’s help. Then the vision flashed to another woman sitting in a chair. Her hands were tied tight behind her back and a large canvas bag was over her head. This woman appeared to be in a large dark room that was completely empty. In the background, Baker’s face drifted in and out, a maniacal gleam in his jewel-green eyes. Then the vision winked out and Sapa was back in Delaine’s mind, growling low in her throat.

‘Thank you for your foresight, Sapa, but what does it mean?’

It was not revealed to me, but you will know when the time comes. I will be with you, my Suta. Now go, enjoy the rest of your evening. The one you hunt departed while we waited in the long ladies room line

The vision showed Baker was involved in something sinister, but she’d already known that. The identity of the women and their part in this play was a mystery. These women had to be important. Sapa only shared these kinds of visions if there was danger. At least one good thing had come out of her little trip to the restroom—Justin hadn’t been in the vision.


* * * * *


Justin stood as he watched Delaine make her way back to their table. He held out her chair and was gifted with a brilliant smile. She seemed to have a bit more bounce in her step. That must have been one hell of a special trip to the ladies room, he thought.

“I ordered a drink for you. Hope you don’t mind,” he said, flashing a smile of his own.

“No worries. Thanks.” But her expression was distant, far-off. He caught a glimpse of the wheels turning in her head and knew he’d given her too much time to think about something other than him. For some reason, jealousy rose up in his chest at whatever or whoever had her attention. Probably not good, but he wanted her focused on him and him alone. He reached across the table, took her hand again and looked directly into her beautiful root beer colored, almond shaped eyes.

“I love the shape of your eyes, the way they tilt up at the sides. You look…exotic.” She looked at him like she didn’t believe him, but he was genuinely interested. “Let me guess. You’re mixed with Indian, perhaps?”

“Actually, I am,” she said, impressed he’d totally hit the mark. Most people thought she was part Asian or Mexican or something, then took one look at her long, kinky, curly hair and were completely confused. “I’m black and Native American. My family on my mother’s side is Blackfeet and Lakota Sioux. And a little bit of Choctaw mixed in, though I’m not sure how since that tribe is so far south of the others.”

“That’s pretty cool. We have a little bit of Cheyenne in our family, but it’s so far removed I couldn’t begin to tell you anything about it. What about you?”

“Well, I have an older brother who actually speaks Lakota fluently. I only know a few words,” she said, deciding how much to reveal about herself. Just because she felt she could trust him didn’t change the fact that they’d just met. “My kids and I powwow every summer with our adopted family. In fact, my daughter and I are both pretty good fancy shawl dancers and my son is a serious grass dancer. Won first place last year at the Annual Golden Powwow.”


“Yeah,” she said slowly, a bit of unintentional “duh” in her tone, “as in Golden, Colorado. It’s a town. You know, where they make Coors beer.” She laughed when he wrinkled up his nose and made a disgusted sound at the thought of actually drinking Coors beer. “So you’re a beer snob? Say it ain’t so!”

His hand flew to his heart in a dramatic gesture. “I’m afraid it’s much worse than that, beauty. If it comes in a can that doesn’t say Coke, it doesn’t get anywhere near these lips.”

His lopsided grin appeared, and the butterflies in her stomach came out to play again. The damned things should have been exhausted by now. Did butterflies take naps?

“So what does get near those lips?” she teased and propped her elbow on the table. She rested her palm in her chin and regarded him boldly. Whoa! Since when did she know how to flirt? Goodness, how many times was she going to surprise herself tonight?

Perhaps this man brings it naturally out of you?

‘Shhh, Sapa.’ She’d never heard the big cat sound so saucy. ‘You’re going to make me laugh out loud, then he’ll think I’m crazy,’ she growled silently, trying to keep her expression steady.

“So you want to know what gets near these lips?” he asked, giving her own question back to her. “Only the best, I assure you.”

Their drinks arrived and Delaine burst out laughing. The man had ordered Shirley Temple drinks for both of them, and hers had an extra cherry!

The best? Definitely!


* * * * *


Justin heard himself talk her into a slow dance. He took her in his arms and immediately regretted it. Barely managing to behave, his fingers itched to slip low on her back and tease the luscious curve at the top of her ass. Arms wrapped securely around her firm body, his nose buried itself in the top of her soft curly chignon, careful not to disturb the elegant style. Nudging her chin up with his nose, he urged her to lift her head so he could kiss her then kiss her some more. Mmm, she tasted and felt so good. And when she gave him delicious slow slips of her tongue and little nips of her teeth, he got so hard he could have played nine innings with his dick. Damn, if he didn’t get her off the dance floor soon, he’d come in his pants.

To Delaine, Justin’s kisses were like chocolate—rich and addictive. She couldn’t hold back her soft moans as he nibbled and sucked on her tongue. He pressed closer and she gulped. Lord, the man was hard as a rock and huge against her stomach. Feeling his arousal did wicked things to her body. Good thing her wardrobe hadn’t been delivered yet. That little inconvenience meant a pair of granny panties was getting soaked under her little black dress instead of her usual itty-bitty thong. All hail granny panties! A thong would have been drenched and completely good for nothing by now.

They returned to their table and talked, kissed and held hands until well past two in the morning. As he saw her to her car, Justin was genuinely pleased he’d shown her a good time. Unable to resist one more kiss, he leaned down far enough to take one more kiss as she sat behind the wheel. Delaine responded hungrily, as if she’d never see him again and had to get her fill of him right now. That lip lock singed the hair on his toes and left him clenching his teeth, fighting for control as he closed the door and stepped away from her car.

She pulled away from the curb and his smile faded. He started his Jag and flipped on the secure cell phone link hidden in the dash. A few seconds later the beep signaling the end of transmission sounded. The digital photo he’d quietly taken of Delaine was sent.


* * * * *


“Hey, Geri, it’s Delaine. Sorry to call so late but it’s the first chance I had today.”

“No problem. What’s going on?”

“So far so good at Astin. I met Brian Baker. A real sleaze,” she grunted into the phone, fighting with her high heels, trying to toe them off as she sat down at her laptop. “You’re a genius, by the way. My badge got me access to The Vault. How you managed to get the encryption key to work, I’ll never know.”

“That’s why they pay me the big bucks,” Geri chided. “That, and getting your butt out of there in one piece. Have you come up with any evidence yet on what Baker is doing?”

“Not quite, but I’m working on it. I’ve got a tail, Ger, and she’s slowing me down. Can you check her out for me?”

“Sure, send me a digital.”

Delaine pressed the send button on the encrypted e-mail program and said, “It’s on the way to you now. Her name is Sarah Ann Crosby,” she said on a wistful sigh.

“What was that?”

“What was what?”

“That dreamy sigh you just let slip is what,” Geri said matter-of-factly.

Delaine should have known better. Geri Studebaker had been a top agent back in her day. She didn’t run the most secretive law enforcement agency for nothing. The woman didn’t miss anything and her deductive reasoning was second to none. Hell, she could probably figure out what Delaine’s motive had been for things she’d done back in grade school.

“You’re not going to believe this, but I met someone tonight. Ger, he’s so fine, and smart.”

“What’s his name?”


“Justin what?”

“Oh my god, I have no idea,” Delaine said in amazement. A name, a whole name, was usually the first thing she got out of a person when first meeting them. She had no idea of his profession either, having just asked about his career when she’d gotten the grand idea of teasing him with that stupid apple tart. The end result—Justin had almost choked to death and she’d pounded on his back like she was tenderizing a tough side of beef.

“Just be careful, Delaine.”

“Will do, boss. Good night.”

Delaine shut down her computer and then walked around the house, checking security. Once in bed, she tucked her gun under her pillow and summoned Sapa onto this plane.

‘Come to me, Sapa.’

The black lioness shimmered into a relaxed heap on the floor next to Delaine’s bed. She licked her paws and replied, *
Yes, Suta?

Delaine hadn’t been this wound up in, well, never. She reached down and rubbed Sapa between her ears in a gesture that soothed both her and the great cat. “What do you really think of the man we met tonight?” Delaine asked anxiously.

He will make a worthy mate

“I just met him, Sapa. How could you possibly know?” Delaine paused as an idea popped into her head. “And why didn’t you tell me whether Gary was a worthy mate or not?” Delaine ground her back teeth, agitated at having asked the question before she’d really thought it out. She already knew the answer, and Sapa, if anything, was straightforward and a lover of I-told-you-so’s.

If you recall, Suta, I expressed dislike for the Gary person several times before you married him. Yet, I am your guide, not your master. You will do as you will

“Yeah, yeah, I remember,” Delaine sighed. The fact that she’d never shared Sapa with Gary spoke volumes. “By the way, thanks for the heads-up in the ladies room. Who was the blonde woman in my house begging for help? I assume the woman tied to the chair was a different one. What did the vision mean? Who are those women?”

I was not told or shown. But do not worry. We are never given a glimpse of things to come in order to hurt us, always to aid us. Now sleep. We must rest for tomorrow

“Tomorrow? Other than my hair appointment with Pam, there’s nothing going on tomorrow.”

But Sapa only purred, her long feline tongue lolling to the side as she began to disappear. Oh lord, the lioness was grinning.

“Sapa, you come back here!” Delaine called. “What happens tomorrow, you stubborn old thing you!”

Sapa sent serenity and reassurance along their bond as she shimmered away to her quiet place inside Delaine’s mind.

Delaine was asleep in seconds, her dreams filled with a redheaded, six–and–a–half– foot, gorgeous hunk of a blue-eyed man.



Chapter Five


Who in the world could be calling her this early in the morning? Delaine grumbled, rolled over in her bed and snatched the phone off the hook. “Hello?”

“Hi, Mom!”

“Hey, babies! How are you?” she said happily, bolting straight up in the bed, now wide awake. “What are you two doing today?”

“We’re working in La Boulainge for brunch,” said Tanna, her oldest.

“Then we’re going to play a round of golf. Finally!” Michael declared. He was Tanna’s spitting image, born only a few minutes behind his sister. Both were enrolled in the Le Cordon Bleu culinary bachelor’s degree program, and Delaine was infinitely proud of them. They’d taken the departure of their father with amazing grace and rallied around her like little soldiers during that rough time. They still had a relationship with their dad, though by his and his mistress-turned-new-wife’s choosing, it was somewhat cool.

“We just called to check on you. How do you like Charlotte?” Tanna asked.

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