Eternity of Vengeance : Book 7 of the Heku Series

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Authors: T.M. Nielsen

Tags: #vampire, #vampire fiction, #vampire fantasy, #vampire legend, #vampire books, #heku, #vampire book, #heku series, #chevalier, #equites, #valle, #encala, #vampire adult fantasy, #vampire drama, #vampire action, #heku novel, #vampire council, #ferus, #proditor

BOOK: Eternity of Vengeance : Book 7 of the Heku Series
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Eternity of

Book 7 of the Heku Series



Published by T.M. Nielsen at


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2011 by T.M.


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print at


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Frederick

Chapter 2
- House

Chapter 3 - Robert

Chapter 4 - Woods

Chapter 5 -

Chapter 6 -

Chapter 7
Lord Dexter

Chapter 8 -

Chapter 9 -

Chapter 10
Back To Norma

Chapter 11 -

Chapter 12 -

Chapter 13 -

Chapter 14 -

Chapter 15 -

Chapter 16 -

Chapter 17 -

Chapter 18 -

Chapter 19 -

Chapter 20 - Mortem

Chapter 21 -

Chapter 22 -




Chapter 1 -


“What now?” Alexis asked
as she stood before the Council. She was years older than her
current age of 12, and she watched them with haunting black eyes,
her black hair flowing down against her back.

“We’re wondering where you
were last night,” Zohn asked. He watched her carefully, knowing at
any moment she could turn the Council to ash. She was beautiful,
like her mother, but a few inches taller. This woman knew she was
attractive, and her tight outfit proved she wanted to show

Chevalier could feel the
Council’s fear coming through Emily’s dream, so he tightened his
arms around her.

Alexis smiled, “I wasn’t
aware that I had to report my actions to the Council.”

“Don’t be difficult,
Alex,” Chevalier said. “Just answer the question.”

“Fine, then. I was out
riding my motorcycle through the city.”

“That’s all?” Zohn


“Then the reported attack
on a young man in the city wasn’t you, I take it?”


Chevalier sighed and sat
back in his chair. His 18-year-old daughter was out of control, and
the Council knew it. Her Winchester powers weren’t as strong as her
mother’s, neither was the call of her blood, but she constantly put
herself in danger and seemed to thrive on the negative

“If we find that the
attack was you, there will be dire consequences,” Quinn told

Alexis smiled, “I figured
as much, but it wasn’t me. Can I go now?”

“Were you heading out?”
Chevalier asked.


“In that?” he asked. She
was wearing skin tight black leather pants and a short white halter
top, exposing more skin than her father felt comfortable with. The
thigh-high leather boots added 4 inches to her height and doubled
as a place that Alexis stored small weapons on her

“Yes, in this.”

“You do realize it’s
dangerous for you in the city. If you dress like that, you’re
asking to be attacked,” Zohn said.

Alexis smiled, “I can take
care of myself.”

“Were you heading out to
feed then?”



“Yes, maybe,” she said,
irritated, “I don’t pre-plan feedings… if I meet a guy I like, I
take it from there.”

Chevalier cringed,

She rolled her eyes, “I’m
an adult. I can do whatever I want.”

“You’re still the
responsibility of this Council,” Kyle said, glaring at

Alexis crossed her arms at
her chest and set her jaw. It was amazing to the Council how much
this small gesture reminded them of her mother, “I’m responsible
for myself. If you want a Winchester to order around, talk to
Allen, he’s more than willing to play the obedient

“We aren’t trying to order
you around,” Chevalier growled. “We’re trying to protect

“If you feel the sudden
need to protect someone, ask Mom or Dain. They are always getting
kidnapped and need rescued, but leave me alone.”

“Just because you’ve not
been kidnapped, doesn’t mean it can’t happen.”

Alexis grinned, “I’d like
to see them try.”

“If you’re headed out,
then we’ll have to insist on a guard,” Quinn told her.


“You cannot tell us no,
Alexis. You aren’t Emily,” Kyle growled.

“No, I’m not my Mom… but I
still won’t take a guard.”

“Why not?”

“They slow me down,” she
said, and headed for the door. She shut it behind her and the
Council sat back, deep in thought.

“Can Emily control her?”
Zohn asked Chevalier.

“She comes closer than any
of us, but Alexis still does whatever she wants.”

“She left Chris,” Kyle
said, leaning forward.

“Damnit, she needs to stop
dating the guard staff… they fall in love and she dumps them. It’s
getting harder and harder to find one to watch her, one that hasn’t
dated her,” Zohn sighed.

Chevalier grinned and
tightened his grip around Emily. He was finding this particular
dream to be highly amusing.

Alexis ran out to the
garage and slipped onto the black Yamaha YZF-R1 motorcycle. She
sped out of the city at dangerous speeds, smiling at the gate
guards as she passed and disappeared into the night. There was no
freedom quite like the feel of the motorcycle and the aloneness of
the night. She watched the city fly past her, ignoring traffic
signals and the angry horns from cars as they avoided crashing into

Something strange caught
her eye, and she skidded to a stop. She left the motorcycle and
walked slowly back toward the dark alley, barely making a sound,
then stopped and watched, fascinated by what she saw.

“Please… it was an
accident,” the cowering heku said.

“It’s not something we as
Encala tolerate, feeding and assaulting a young man. You have to be
punished,” the hulking heku said, watching him. Alexis didn’t
leave, even when she saw him pull a tiny dagger from his pocket and
turn the frightened heku to ash.

“What’s an Encala doing so
close to Equites turf?” Alexis asked, smiling at

He spun towards her and
his eyes narrowed, “You’re a Winchester.”

“Yes, I am.”

He took a few steps closer
to her, shocked when she didn’t move back, but squared her
shoulders and watched him, “Out alone so late at night?”

“I can take care of
myself,” she told him, and crossed her arms.

He smiled as he ran his
eyes down her body, “You aren’t afraid of me?”

“No, I’m not.”

“Do you know who I

“Yes, I do. You’re
Frederick, the Chief Enforcer for the Encala.”

Frederick leaned back
against the brick building, “Aren’t you afraid I’ll kidnap

Alexis smiled, “Aren’t you
afraid I’ll turn you to ash?”

“No, I guess I’m

“I’m not afraid of being
kidnapped either.”

“Rumors are wrong. You’re
not like your mother at all,” Frederick said, watching her

Alexis walked up to him
and put her hands behind him on the brick wall. She leaned her body
against his and whispered, “I’m nothing like my Mom.”

He grinned down at her,
“Asking for trouble, are you?”

“Are you trouble,

“Yes, I am.”

“Good, so am I,” she said,
and put her hands on his face to bring him down closer to her. She
pressed her lips against his and ran her fingers through the back
of his dark hair.

Frederick responded by
picking her up so she was closer to his level, and then kissed her
forcefully. She finally pulled away from him and he smiled as she
wrapped her legs around him.

“I do believe you may be
more trouble that I am,” he chuckled.

“Oh, no doubt.”

Frederick set her down and
she took a few steps back.

“You better run on home to
Council City before you find yourself out of your league,” he said,
shaking his head.

Alexis slowly began to
unbutton her shirt, “Wanna taste?”

Frederick’s eyes grew
wide, “You’re… you’re offering?”

She nodded and

As Frederick brought his
teeth to Alexis’ neck, she leaned her head back and
Emily sat up quickly, looking around.

“You do realize, he’s an Elder now,”
Chevalier chuckled, and pulled her back into his arms.

“Yes,” she said, and
pulled closer to him.

He kissed the top of her head, “I’m

“About what?” she asked, kissing his
neck lightly.

“About you going after the Encala and
the Valle.”

She pulled back some and propped up on
her elbow, “I’ve considered it.”

“I know you have. You’ve
been dreaming about Frederick all month. Let us deal with

“I can do it faster and with no

“Yes, you can,” he said,
and wiped a strand of hair away from her face. “However, I’m asking
you to please let us do it.”

“I can’t promise that right

He kissed her forehead,
“Let us handle it. For now, I need to get down to the council
chambers. The Encala are here.”

Emily sighed, “Do you want me

“Yes, come and make sure they remain

She nodded and got out of
bed, and before she could turn to him, he was already gone from the
room. After throwing on a simple green summer dress, she grabbed
her coffee and headed down to the council chambers. She could hear
yelling before she even got there.

Emily opened the door quickly and
yelled, “Behave!”

The Encala turned to her
and William’s eyes narrowed before turning back to the Equites.
He’d brought along his Chief Investigator and four of the Encala
Palace Guards. Emily quickly ran up into the Council’s section and
sat down next to Chevalier.

“Yell at the Equites and I’ll turn you
to ash before you can finish your sentence,” she said, glaring at

William sighed, “We’re simply trying
to ascertain if the Equites have Frederick.”

“Then do it calmly, no

He nodded slightly and
turned to Zohn, “We want our Investigator to spend time here, if
you still deny having Frederick.”

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