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Authors: Cindy Spencer Pape

Tags: #Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Steampunk, #romance, #fantasy, #Action & Adventure, #General

Ether & Elephants (33 page)

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maybe five. Nell rested her hand on her stomach. Nell was waiting to tell Tom, but she didn’t think he’d mind. He had said she could have as many children as she wanted.

Plans for the school were underway, and they would open for the fall term. Stonechase’s old dower house was being renovated and enlarged. Nell would keep rooms there for the occasional night, particularly when Tom was away. When she was at home, her children could walk down with her in the mornings or board with the other pupils, whichever they preferred. The first class would include Sylvia and Will, Ivy Brown, and Emma Teague, along with a number of other students, most of them gifted in some way or another, and several with disabilities. No child would be turned away on the basis of payment.

Nell looked around her, sniffing back tears of joy. She had it all. Everything she’d ever wanted.

“Lovely weddin’, love.” There was Fanny, standing off behind a potted palm in the ballroom. “Take care, me girl. This time, I’m gone for good.”

“Rest well, Mama.” Nell wished she could hug the ghost. “Thank you for everything.”

Fanny’s image faded away just as Tom’s hand fell on Nell’s shoulder. “I saw her. Just for a second, but I did. I’m glad she was here for you.”

Nell wiped away a tear. “Me too. By the way, I think your grandfather and father were over behind the rosebushes during the ceremony. Quite the guest list we had.”

“Come along, darling. Mum and Papa are taking Charlie and Nancy. You’re going to want to say goodbye.” Tom handed her a handkerchief, and pulled her out into the main hall where the Hadrian clan was taking their leave.

Nell hugged both her new children tightly. “Be good for Granny and Grandpa. We’ll be up to get you in less than a week.”

A quick jaunt to Paris had been deemed a more than acceptable honeymoon, then a visit to Hadrian Hall for a few days before returning home to Stonechase.

Home. Nell watched the silhouette of Tom’s family home recede as the Order airship took them off for their honeymoon. They stood at the rail, Tom’s arms wrapped around her, her back pressed to his front.

“Who would have thought a couple of street rats would find so much happiness?” His lips brushed her ear and she trembled.

“I dreamed of it,” she said. “Not the house, but the love and the family. I saw it in your eyes the day I met you. It just took a dozen years or so for you to come around.”

He laughed and pulled her closer. “What can I say? I’m a little slow. But you don’t complain about that in bed. Let’s go down into the cabin.”

It was only an hour to Paris, but who cared? This was their honeymoon. Nell picked up her skirts and ran for the door. “Last one there has to be on top.”

Her husband slowed to a walk and let her win.

They were going to have a wonderful married life.


Author Note

Victorian India comprised much more territory than the nation of India today, and many of the place names are different. Inasmuch as possible, I have tried to render an accurate view of a Calcutta as it might have been in my steampunk world, without delving too deeply into the politics of colonialism or the caste system.

Throughout the Gaslight Chronicles, I have tried to present a world that, much like our own, is on the brink of change and grapples daily with struggles between good and evil, rich and poor, progress and tradition. Mainly, though, I’ve tried to focus on how a handful of characters can work together to make a difference.

Thank you to all the readers who’ve followed this series. Perhaps one day in the future we’ll find out what happens to Jamie and Piers, but for now, the curtain has been drawn on the Order of the Round Table. I sincerely hope you’ll catch up on some of my other stories while waiting for my next adventure.



I have to express my deepest gratitude to Angela James and Carina Press for allowing the world of the Gaslight Chronicles to see the light of day. To my two wonderful editors, Melissa Johnson and Alissa Davis, and the copyediting team, thank you for all your guidance and catching all my mistakes. Further thanks to my agent, Evan Gregory, who helps me navigate the complex world of publishing, and to the Untitled Writers’ Group, whose encouragement keeps me going.

Finally, to the most important of all, my family, who puts up with all my moods and distractions. Care and feeding of writers is a tricky business, and I don’t think I could do this without the strong arms of my husband, Glenn, supporting me.



The Gaslight Chronicles by Cindy Spencer Pape

Suggested reading order


Steam & Sorcery

Photographs & Phantoms

Kilts & Kraken

Moonlight & Mechanicals

Cards & Caravans

Ashes & Alchemy

Dragons & Dirigibles

Ether & Elephants


The Urban Arcana series by Cindy Spencer Pape

Suggested reading order


Motor City Fae

Motor City Witch

Motor City Wolf

Motor City Mage



About the Author

An author of over fifty published stories and novels, Cindy Spencer Pape firmly believes in happily-ever-after and brings that to her writing. She also believes in the magic that a good book can bring to our lives.

Although her degrees are in zoology, she has had a number of careers, from bank teller to college instructor to zoo educator and elected politician. In writing, she has finally found out what she wants to be when she grows up.

Cindy lives in southern Michigan with her husband of over thirty years, two grown children and the cutest granddaughter in the world (although she may be biased), along with an ever-changing menagerie of four-legged family members.

When she’s not writing, or hiding in a corner with her nose buried in a book, she can often be found dressing up for Renaissance, steampunk or pirate events. A frequent attendee and speaker at romance, steampunk and science-fiction conventions, she loves to meet and interact with other writers and readers. She’s also a museum junkie, fascinated by the ingenuity of previous generations.

You can find her online at
or on Facebook or Twitter.



ISBN-13: 9781459290259

2015 by 
Cindy Spencer Pape

Edited by: Alissa Davis

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.


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