Evanescent (38 page)

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Authors: Addison Moore

BOOK: Evanescent
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I’m coming, Laken.

The scenery fills in as a stone grey night
appears around me. Towering evergreens line either side of the
road. They drone on in rows like demonic shadows dipped in a fog as
thick as the lies I’ve been forced to swallow. A lit sign wafts in
and out of existence from across the street,
Welcome to Paragon

Paragon. That’s where Skyla is from.

I step onto the silent highway and feel the
gravitational pull as my body hungers for the girl I love—the girl
I’ve always loved.

“I’m here, Laken,” I whisper. “I can make
this all better. I know I can.”

We’ll navigate this angelic minefield

Wesley Parker is back, and Coop better get
the hell out of my way because there’s not a damn thing he can do
to stop me.






Thank you for reading
Evanescent (The
Countenance Trilogy 2).
If you enjoyed this book, please
consider leaving a review at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your
point of purchase. Look for
the final book in the
Countenance Trilogy
coming late 2013.




To my often insane and yet perfectly awesome
family. Thank you for putting up with my marathon writing and
editing sessions. And especially for understanding that the answer
to “what should we have for dinner” is always sushi.

Big, thank you to Sarah Joy Freese for your
ninja editing skills. I’m so impressed at the velocity in which you
answered all the millions of emails I’ve sent. I’m sure at times it
felt as though you were playing Whack A Mole with your inbox.
Thankfully all the drama and trauma is over—until the next

Giant thank you to Diane S. and Christina
Kendler for the amazing extra pair of eyes! I so, so, SO appreciate
all of your hard work! You do far too much, for far too little, and
I’m forever indebted.

Thanks a million to my wonderful readers,
you bless me every day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for
all of your kindness and support. It’s a thrill to share my mental
musings with you. I hope you enjoyed the triple point of view in
this book as much as I did writing it. I love you like family.

To Him whom every knee shall bow—to your
name be the glory, and power, and honor, forever. Your word is
manna for my hungry soul. I owe you everything.

About the



Addison Moore is a
New York Times
, and
Wall Street Journal
bestselling author who
writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Previously she worked
as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit for nearly a decade.
She resides on the West Coast with her husband, four wonderful
children and two dogs where she eats too much chocolate and stays
up way too late. When she's not writing, she's reading.


Feel free to visit her blog at:







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