Eve Langlais (20 page)

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Authors: The Hunter

BOOK: Eve Langlais
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“You don’t. When one dies, another one takes their place.”

Suzie shook her head in disbelief. “That’s dumb. In my world, we elect people to represent our wishes. It doesn’t always mean we get what we want, but if they screw up enough, we just don’t elect them when the next election comes around.”

“Interesting,” said Nat pensively. “It would certainly make some of them more accountable if they knew they could lose their power if they didn’t pursue the wishes of the people they represent. And what about the women in your world? You speak like they’re more like me, not tied to the hearth or forced to marry.”

“Women had to fight for their rights. We still do to a certain extent, even today. Some countries still don’t accept women as equals. But in my country, women have as many rights as men. We only marry and have children if we choose to. We wear whatever the hell we feel like and can do any job a man can.

You’d like it over there.”

Nat, about to reply, halted as a noise came from the door leading onto the parapet. An out of breath Molly came out onto the walkway, one hand on her hip, hunched over, as she fought to catch her breath.

Chubby Molly running. Something had happened!

“They’re back,” Molly panted.

Suzie didn’t ask who. She flew, Nat hard at her heels. She ran down the hall and stairs to the front hall and skidded to a stop, looking around. She heard voices from the parlor and headed in that direction when Beverly appeared in the archway to the parlor, blocking her way.

“Molly said they’re back. Did he find Jared? Is he okay?” Suzie asked, heart pumping.

Beverly took her by the arm and moved her away from the doorway. Suzie’s heart clenched in dread.

“What? What’s wrong?” she cried.
Oh God, please let them be all right.

“Hunter’s back with your boy, but before you go charging in, you need to know. Jared shifted while he was out in the woods. He hasn’t been able to shift back. I need to know you’ll be strong enough to face him.”

“What do you mean he’s shifted?” Suzie didn’t understand.

“As suspected, he’s got his father’s genes. He turned into a dragonling. Unusual at his age, but not completely unheard of. Before you go in there, you need to remember that, no matter what he looks like right now, inside he’s still your little boy. If you do or say anything while he’s in this shape, well, that could do more damage to him than his kidnapping did.”

“I don’t care what he looks like. He’s my son,” said Suzie, pricked that Beverly would even think she would ever do or say something that would make Jared doubt her love for him.

“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. And remember, no matter what, don’t reject him. He needs you right now.”

Never would I turn from him
, thought Suzie.
I am his mother, no matter what he looks like.


Suzie approached the doorway again and took a deep breath before walking in. Stupid, but Beverly’s warning had made her slightly nervous about facing her own son.

She saw Hunter’s broad back first. Then he turned, and Suzie gave a silent thank you that Beverly had talked to her or she’d probably have screamed or done something equally stupid. For nestled in Hunter’s arms was a little blue dragon.

Its body seemed to be about the same size as Jared’s, covered in shimmery blue scales. A long tail curved down over Hunter’s arm, and little claws gripped his arms tightly. But when she looked at the little dragons eyes, so familiar, she recognized Jared. His big, brown eyes glistened with unshed tears.

Suzie approached, tears pricking her eyes, and held open her arms. “Come see me, baby,” she said softly. With a flutter of little wings from his back, wings that she hadn’t even noticed, he flew into her arms and buried his scaly face into her chest.

“Mama,” he sobbed, his voice strange sounding and raspy.

Suzie rocked him in her arms, cooing to him softly, a flashback to a time not so long ago when he’d been a baby and colicky. She walked around with him in her arms, singing snippets and snatches of songs, holding him safe and warm as the trembling in his little limbs calmed.
Poor scared baby.

“Hush now, baby. Mommy’s here now. You’re safe.” Suzie’s throat clogged tight with tears. How frightened her boy must have been. And so brave.

Hunter crossed the room to join them, his eyes suspiciously damp. He wrapped his arms around Suzie and Jared.

“You’re safe now, Jared,” Hunter said, echoing Suzie. Together they stood in a warm, three way hug that felt so right.

Suzie felt a weird sensation in her arms. She looked down to see Jared shimmering, a kaleidoscope of light that made her eyes water. She blinked, and when she looked again, Jared was nestled in her arms, human again, his eyes closed, asleep.

Suzie looked up at Hunter, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. “Thank you,” she whispered. She had her baby back, safe and sound.

“Not a problem. He’s a tough little guy. He saved me a lot of work by escaping on his own.”

Thatta boy
, Suzie thought with pride. “What about his father?” she asked, fearing his answer.

“Never even saw him,” he said regretfully. “I leave again at first light to track him down.”

“What about us?”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Do we stay here or go home?”

“What do you prefer? I know you’re welcome to stay here as long as you need, but if you’d rather go home, that can be arranged as well.” Hunter watched her face intently, as if her answer was important.

“I don’t know. How long will you be gone?” If she left, would he come back to them?

“I don’t know how long it will take. Could be days, a week. I figure two at the most. It all depends on how fast the Dragon is moving and how quickly I find him again.”

Suzie felt torn. Should she stay and wait for him? Or go home and try to get her life and the children’s back to normal?

“Why don’t you sleep on it?” he said. “Now, come on, let’s get Jared to bed. It’s been an eventful couple of days for him”

Hunter took Jared from her arms, cradling him against his chest like he belonged there. Suzie followed him upstairs, and together, they tucked Jared in beside his sister.

As they stood there, side by side, looking down at her sleeping children, Suzie had an urge to tell him to stay. To forget about hunting Damian down. But she knew Hunter would refuse. And a part of her knew he had to do it else they would live in fear the rest of their lives.

Hunter hugged her, his lips brushing the top of her head.

“I should go and get some sleep so I can leave early,” he said.


Suzie felt a moment of panic. She didn’t want him to leave yet. So many things had been left unsaid.

What if he never came back?

But she stayed silent as he left. Fear kept her rooted while her heart screamed at her not to let him go.

Too late.

Suzie wandered around the candlelit room, content at having her son back, but restless.

What the hell is wrong with me?
She should be happy now, but instead, she felt dread. Hunter would be leaving again tomorrow. She might never see him again because she knew she couldn’t stay here.
isn’t my world. It’s Hunter’s. He belongs here
. But if she returned to her life, would Hunter follow when he’d completed his quest? Or was this her last chance to be with him?

And God, she wanted to be with him. Even if it was only once, she wanted, no, needed this. She didn’t want to spend the rest of her life wondering.

She had to find him.

Easing out the door quietly, Suzie did a double take when she saw Nat sitting in the chair.

“What are you doing here?” Suzie asked.

“He’s on the walkway. Go.”

“How—” Suzie started.

“Oh please. The way the two of you make calf eyes at each other is disgusting. Go on. I’ll watch the children.”

“Thanks,” said Suzie over her shoulder as she hurried up the hall and steps.

She emerged into the cool night air and felt a moment of panic when she didn’t see him.

Arms wrapped around her from behind, and she let out a half scream, which Hunter cut off with his mouth coming down hard over hers. Suzie turned in his embrace and clung to him, her lips opening under his, allowing his tongue to slide in and dance with hers. His hands slid down her back and cupped her buttocks, pressing her against him firmly, the proof of his arousal hard against her stomach. She moaned against his mouth as a flash of heat zigged its way through her body, making her melt bonelessly against him. She wrapped her arms around his solid torso, hugging him tight, her knees too weak to support her.

It felt so right to be held by him. Kissed by him. Under his ravishing mouth, she felt her body growing even hotter, igniting a fire that only his body could put out.

He pulled back from her, and Suzie moaned in protest. The night air on the parapets was cold against her wet lips. She opened her eyes and blinked at him dazedly.

“I want you, Suzie. But not here.”

, thought Suzie, head dropping. Once again, she’d forgotten herself. She’d never been an exhibitionist before, but when he touched her, she forgot everything around her. Hell, she almost forgot her name, his kisses were so powerful. She willed her body to calm down. But the fire he’d ignited smoldered inside and refused to go out.

Suddenly, her feet were swept out from underneath her as Hunter swung her up into his arms. She looked up at him, startled.

He chuckled. “I didn’t say we had to stop. I just think we need to retire somewhere more discreet.”

“But the children. . .” Yeah, how could she have forgotten? Nice mother.

“Will be fine,” he finished. “Nat is watching them, and she knows where we’ll be if you’re needed. I want you, Suzie, or have you changed your mind? It’s your choice.”

Up to her? The children were asleep and well guarded. The choice? Simple. Suzie kissed him, putting as much of herself as she could into the kiss. He groaned and tightened his arms around her.

Hunter pulled his head back again. “Behave, or we’ll never make it to my room,” he growled. Suzie ducked her head into his chest with a smile. It was nice to know he felt as wild around her as she did around him.


His leggy stride had them down the stairs and in the hall where Nat sat positioned farther up. He opened the door closest to the stairs with one hand—good thing she had her arms wrapped around his neck—and entered a very masculine room. One she didn’t have a chance to really look at for, as soon as the door shut behind them, his hot mouth devoured hers again.

His kiss had urgency to it, an untamed wildness that had her just as frantic. He let her body slide down his, inch by tantalizing inch, and she could feel his hardness pressed against her belly. Suzie slid her hands down his back, stroking the firm muscles under his shirt, before tugging it out of his breeches.

She wanted to feel his skin like she’d dreamed so often of doing. She wanted to do other naughtier things too, like lick it to see if his skin tasted as good as it looked. Sliding her hands up under the fabric, she shuddered at the feel of his smooth, oh so hot flesh. She raked her nails lightly down his back to the top of his trousers. He responded by grinding his hips hard against her.

Lips swollen, his mouth left hers and trailed a path of fire down the side of her neck. Suzie drew her head back to give him better access, but had to grip him tightly around the waist as her knees buckled at the sweet sensation.

Once again, he swept her up, this time to deposit her on the bed. Suzie looked up at him with passion slitted eyes and reached out to him. He leaned over her and kissed her. But Suzie couldn’t take anymore. Her hands tugged at his breeches. He chuckled against her lips and stood up to take them off.

God, glorious didn’t even come close to describing him.

Well acquainted with the view of his muscled torso, she was pleased to see that his lower half appeared just as attractive. Muscled thighs and sandy-colored curls made his jutting manhood seem larger than possible. Hopefully, it would fit.

His eyes grew smoky with desire as she gazed upon him, and she saw his cock jerk like a beast raring to go. He leaned down and started tugging the skirt of her dress up, slowly revealing her legs. He crawled between them and kissed his way slowly up her legs. He tickled the backs of her knees with his tongue while Suzie writhed on the bed.

Oh the sweet torture.

Suzie cried out. “Please.” And with that one cry, he stopped his teasing and pulled her skirt up, baring the crux of her thighs to his view.

He braced his arms on either side of her and leaned down for a kiss before pushing his hardness against her, nudging her, as if asking permission. She thrust her hips up in reply and sighed when he slid his member slowly inside her wetness. Suzie arched up, hands grabbing his buttocks to slide him deep inside, her patience finally at an end. He groaned as she clenched tight around him, savoring his thickness and length.

Then he started to pump, slowly at first. Driving the head of his shaft deep, then holding it there for a few seconds before pulling out. In. Out. Slowly, he pumped her. Each plunge brought her closer and closer till, finally, Suzie reached a peak she’d never climbed before and crested. With a scream, she convulsed around him, her mind and body exploding in a maelstrom of pleasure that had her quivering.

And that was the end of Hunter. With a hoarse shout, she felt him shudder, his seed spilling deep inside. Then, he collapsed on her, breathing hard, as if he’d run a marathon.

Suzie giggled.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, lifting his head and opening one bleary eye.

“I’ve never seen you so out of breath. I should have known all those muscles were just pretty instead of practical.”

The look on his face? Priceless, and Suzie giggled harder.

But she should have known he’d pay her back.

“I’ll show you pretty,” he said with a mischievous grin. “First, let’s clean up. Ever since I met you, I’ve had this naughty fantasy involving you and my large tub.”


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