Eve Vaughn (5 page)

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Authors: Rebellion

Tags: #Erotica, #Sci Fi

BOOK: Eve Vaughn
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“No!” She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to blank out that night as if it had never happened.

“You did. I can feel your heat even now. You deny the chemistry flowing between us, but it’s there.”

“Did you rescue me from that place to torture me some more?” Chase turned her around to face him. “Is that what you really think I did?” She raised her head to meet his dark gaze defiantly, her lips pursed mutinously.

“What am I supposed to think? You suddenly appear in my life, turn it upside down in a matter of hours and then simply disappear. Now you’re back and causing more chaos and I can’t figure out for the life of me why. All I wanted to do was get information on the Cyrellians and you keep getting in the way! It doesn’t matter what I wanted from you then, right now I want you to leave me alone.” He grasped her face between his palms. “You don’t really mean that, Holly.”

“I do,” she whispered, though it didn’t sound very convincing even to her.

“I had to leave you that night. For one, I didn’t want to place you in any more danger from your association with me. And another thing, how could I ask you to come with me when I wasn’t sure how you’d react?”





“So you came back because you wanted to figure out what you felt for me? That sounds pretty farfetched.”

“I didn’t rescue you because I’m still trying to sort out my feelings. I already know.”

“And how do you feel, Chase?”

“I think it can all be answered with this.” He tilted her head back before lowering his head.


Chapter Five

The moment his lips touched hers, Chase pulled her closer, molding his body against hers. She was so soft and warm, and he was so hard, his cock felt as if it would explode with the need to be inside of her.

That day they’d met he’d taken her to another one of his hideouts. He’d been amused at her ranting, but when Holly continued to scream at him, Chase decided to silence her the only way he knew how. They had nearly fucked right then and there. It had taken every amount of strength in his being to pull away from her. But he had to.

He didn’t want to make love to her when she was in such an emotional state. After all, it was very possible she would have blamed him for taking advantage of her afterward.

He’d left her then, without an explanation why. At the time Chase thought it would be better that way, because the less she knew about him the safer she was. Now he wasn’t so sure if he’d made the right decision.

Holding her in his arms seemed so right and she tasted just as sweet as he remembered, better even. He traced the seam of her lips with his tongue before thrusting past them so he could explore the delightful recesses of her warm mouth.

At first Holly remained stiff in his arms, but she didn’t struggle either. It was as if she was trying to decide whether she should give in to him. Chase could tell by the way she leaned into him that she was getting into this. And then, with a groan, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

He ran his hands down her back until they reached her voluptuous ass. Chase cupped and gave it a healthy squeeze, loving the way she filled his arms so completely.

She slipped her tongue forward to meet his, tentatively at first and then more aggressively. Holly slid her fingers through his hair, holding him closer to her as she deepened the kiss.


Chase held her closer still, grinding his erection against her thigh. Finally he broke the tight seal their lips had created only to graze the side of her neck with his lips.

“Oh, Chase,” she whispered, pressing her breasts against his chest.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. He lifted his head to meet her gaze. “Holly, you do know if we go any further, I’m not going to be able to stop.”

“I don’t want you to.”

He grasped her by the wrists. “No. I want you to understand what’s going to happen.”

“We’re going to fuck,” she whispered, leaning forward to kiss him.

“No. The two of us are going to do a hell of a lot more than that, Holly. When this is over, I don’t want you to blame what happens on our situation or your needing comfort. There’s only one reason I’ll continue on, and that’s if you admit there’s more going on here than just mere circumstances.”

She licked her lips and frowned. “I -- I’m not sure I understand.”

“What I’m trying to say is I want you very badly, Holly. Despite our situation, this would have eventually happened between you and me regardless of what’s going on around us.”

Holly opened her mouth to speak then closed it again. Chase’s heart skipped a beat because he was scared she’d pull away from him. But she surprised him when she smiled. “You’re right. I want this. I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you since our last encounter. I don’t know if this would have happened any other way. But what I do know with absolute certainty is I can’t fight what I’m feeling now. It’s the same emotion I had when we first met.”

Chase sighed, realizing that was the best he would get out of her. Then so be it.

He lifted her into his arms, and carried her the short distance to the ramshackle bed.

He laid her down, his gaze raking her body. Chase was glad she’d put her clothes back on, because he now had the pleasure of undressing her all over again.

She shivered. “Why do you look at me like that?”





“Because you’re beautiful.” He grabbed her shirt and tugged it over her head before tossing it aside. He then removed her pants.

Holly crossed her chest with her arms.

“Don’t do that. I want to see all of you.”

“I’m fat.”

“I wouldn’t say that. Pleasantly plump maybe but never fat. Besides, I find you quite adorable, every single inch of you.” And to prove it he unhooked her bra. Her large mounds were revealed and they were just as gorgeous as the rest of her. Crested with berry-red nipples and large areolas, they tempted him beyond all measure.

Unable to resist their beckoning, he dipped his head to take one tip between his teeth. It came alive in his mouth, stiffening to a tight point.

Holly arched her back. “Oh, Chase! Please…” she pleaded.

He licked and laved the turgid tip until she writhed and wriggled beneath him, yanking at his hair. Chase was relentless in his desire to give her pleasure. The primitive need to leave his mark on her took over. He bit down on her tender flesh, leaving a slight impression of teeth, but not hard enough to break skin and cause real pain.

“Chase!” she cried out. “Don’t you dare stop!”

He lifted his head with a chuckle. “I don’t intend to, baby.” Chase transferred his attention to her other nipple, giving it the same treatment that he had the first one.

When she was moaning incoherently, Chase moved lower, dropping kisses on her silky skin and then circling her navel with his tongue. As he moved down her body, he yanked her panties down and discarded them.

He pushed her thighs further apart and then parted her labia. “Tell me you want this, Holly. I need to hear the words.”

“I do, Chase. Don’t stop doing this. I need you so bad.” Chase grazed her slick folds with his index finger. “I know you do, baby. You’re dripping wet for me.” He licked her where his finger had just been and Holly released a moan from the back of her throat. “Oh, Chase!”





It was all the encouragement he needed. He parted her slick folds and touched her hot engorged button with the tip of his tongue. The tangy, slightly musky, and sweet feminine scent of her was enough to send him into sensory overload. “You have a pretty pussy, sweetheart, so slick and pink and ready to be eaten.” Without further hesitation he buried his face between her legs, sucking her clit between his lips.

Holly ground her cunt against his face as she threaded her fingers through his hair. “More! Please, Chase, don’t stop!”

He didn’t intend to, until she came. Chase slipped two digits into her wet channel. She was so fucking tight. His cock throbbed as he imagined how snugly she’d fit around him. He couldn’t wait to be inside of her, but for now he wanted to make sure she was thoroughly satisfied -- not that he didn’t get off from doing this to her. He did. Holly’s moans were a turn-on and he loved how responsive she was to his touch.

She lifted her hips, grinding her pussy against his fingers with frenzied motions as if she couldn’t get enough of what he was doing to her. Chase fingered her harder and faster, as he increased the pressure of his lips against her clit.

By the way she was wildly thrashing he could tell she was close to her peak.

“God, Chase, I’m going to come.”

He sucked harder, and thrust deeper, goading her to the edge. Holly didn’t disappoint him as she cried out and then began to shake. Her cream oozed out of her pussy and Chase lapped it up, catching every single drop he could get. The taste of her was like nothing else and he didn’t want to miss any of it.

Chase gave her pussy one last lick before getting up to take his pants off. If he didn’t get inside of her soon he’d go insane.

Holly watched Chase remove the remainder of his clothing, weak from the powerful climax she’d just experienced. What was it about this man that made her throw all caution to the wind and act like a sex-starved fiend? The way he stared at her as though she were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen was enough to send her body into flames.





When Chase stood naked before her, she gulped. His body was magnificent.

There wasn’t an ounce of spare flesh on him. He was cut all over, from hills and valleys of rippled abs, to muscular arms and thighs. Her gaze was drawn to his cock, which jutted forward, rock hard and ready.

The length was a little over average, but it was so… thick! Her eyes widened at the very sight of it. How would that thing feel inside of her, stretching the walls of her pussy to their limit? Heat rushed between her legs in anticipation of being filled by such impressive girth.

“Do you like what you see?” he asked, moving closer, his cock bobbing with each step he took.

“You know I do.”

When he knelt beside her, she reached out and ran her fingertips along its length.

His sharp intake of breath told her he enjoyed her touch, but he grabbed her wrist.

“Don’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because if you continue to touch me that way, I can’t be held responsible for what I’ll do next. Besides, my dick wants to get acquainted with your pussy.” Holly giggled at his silly comment and spread her legs wide for him. “Then what are you waiting for?”

With a growl, he covered her body with his. In one swift motion he slid into her, pushing through her slick channel until he was balls deep. Chase grunted before resting his forehead against hers, his breathing ragged. “You’re so tight, baby, just like I knew you’d be. You feel so good.”

Holly couldn’t remember a time when she’d been so deliciously filled. She’d always enjoyed sex, but she had never liked it as much as she did at this moment. Chase inside of her felt… right.

Chase moved to his knees, careful to remain inside of her, and then lifted her up by the hips before he began to gently pump into her. His movements were slow and easy at first. His thrusts became more powerful as his speed increased.





Holly moved with him, pushing forward. She clenched her muscles around his cock, sucking him deeper into her hungry pussy.

“I’ve wanted you for so long,” he whispered.

She wanted to return the compliment, but the words got stuck in her throat and she could do no more than moan his name. “Chase.”

Chase tightened his hold on her thighs and thrust harder. He pushed so hard it created the sensation of pleasure-pain that sent Holly’s senses reeling. No more words were spoken as they moved together in a silent dance as old as time, or man and woman. Of lovers.

This time when Holly’s orgasm hit her it wasn’t an explosion. It was a nuclear bomb. It was so powerful, stars moved before her eyes and her body convulsed with pleasure.

Chase continued to pump away for several more strokes before shooting his seed into her pussy. He grunted his release. “Yes! Oh, Holly! Baby, yes!” She held her arms open for him, accepting his weight when he fell on top of her, panting heavily. A wave of contentment washed over her and she felt more at peace in this moment than she had in a long while.

They lay in each other’s arms, neither one of them speaking. Holly didn’t want to utter a word, afraid she would break the chain of magic they’d just created together.

The sex was out of this world, like nothing she’d experienced before.

Chase was the one who finally spoke up. “Now do you understand why I had to get you?”

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

“We had unfinished business, didn’t we, Holly?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“You were wonderful, just as I knew you’d be.”

She tried to smile, but her mouth wouldn’t cooperate.

Chase frowned as he stroked her hair. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“What now?”





“You and me?”

She shook her head. That was a topic she didn’t have the courage to discuss at the moment. Holly opted for something safer. “No. What will happen to us now that I’m a fugitive?”

Chase gave her a long hard stare before rolling off of her to rest on his side.

“Sooner or later we have to discuss what’s happening between us.” She closed her eyes against his probing gaze. “I know, but please let me know what will happen to me?”

“We’ll go back to our base then talk strategy.”

“Where is your base located exactly?”

“It’s only a few miles from the city.”

“Isn’t it risky to have your base so close to town? Aren’t you afraid the Cyrellians will get you?”

“We’ve safeguarded the place, not that they haven’t tried. They’ve come looking for our group before and they were ambushed. Another reason why we can get away with having our place so close to the city is because we’re not the only group out there.

I believe they don’t see us as much of a threat because they’ve basically discredited us in the eyes of society. Most people only see us as troublemakers. I guess they figure if we do try to spread the word of what they’re doing to our people and this planet, not many of the citizens would believe us.”

“I see. My life is never going to be the same, is it?”

“I’m afraid not. There aren’t a lot of the luxuries back at base as there probably were in your home but it’s actually not so bad. There’s around fifty of us living in this huge old house with several bedrooms. It’s almost the size of one of those palaces I read about in our history books. Maybe it used to belong to someone important.”

“Oh. So you mean there are other groups out there like yours?”

“Some are a little more extreme than we are while others simply want to live a peaceful existence without Cyrellian influence. So basically our only common bond is our hatred and mistrust of the aliens. Why do you ask?”



“She could be anywhere then.”


“Sydney. After she went missing, I was determined to get information on the Cyrellians to bring them down, and that’s how I got caught.” Chase stroked the side of her face. “Sydney wanted to come with me to find you, but we convinced her to stay where she was because it was too dangerous for her to re-enter the city so soon after her incident.”

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