Eve Vaughn (3 page)

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Authors: The Factory

Tags: #Erotica, #Sci Fi

BOOK: Eve Vaughn
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One day she was called into a meeting with her manager, a female Cyrellian named Zjanna. Sydney had liked the other woman, who let most of the workers be as long as they did the jobs given them. So it had been a surprise to be summoned to her office.

Recalling that incident, Sydney believed she was going to get in trouble, but instead her boss had smiled. “How do you like the place so far, Sydney? You’ve been here for four weeks and I’ve heard great things about you.” She had let out a sigh of relief to know she hadn’t pissed off the powers that be, but then her unease returned at Zjanna’s next statement.

“It’s been noted that you’ve been staying away from the food provided by the company. Is there any reason why?”

Sydney had frowned, thinking it odd for a manager to ask that of an employee.

She was unsure what this line of questioning had to do with her position. “While I think it’s wonderful that Cryo Cor provides hot breakfasts and lunches as well as snacks for their workers, I prefer my own lunch. I’m a bit of a health nut.”


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The Cyrellian looked at her with huge black eyes, not speaking for several moments. She finally nodded her long head. “I see. We thought maybe something wasn’t to your taste. We like to give the people who work here the first shot at trying new products we’d like to put out on the market.”

“Oh. That’s a clever idea.” Sydney had felt more uncomfortable sitting there under the alien’s scrutiny than she ever had. She’d never once questioned the Cyrellians’ generosity before working here -- never needed to… until now.

She sensed that her employers wanted everyone to eat the food. But why? And if this was what they planned to sell to the masses, there’d be thousands of junk food junkies.

Zjanna had smiled. “Well, maybe you should give our items another try.

Employee feedback is important to us.”

“Sure. I’ll grab a bag of chips when I go back to the break room.”


On top of that strange meeting, running into that renegade hadn’t helped matters. What did he know that he didn’t tell her? Since their encounter, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. How he’d made her feel was another issue entirely, but the mention of a file by the name of GXT had her wondering exactly what was in it.

Through casual questioning, Sydney had learned that Dexter had had access to this sector, which was probably how he’d learned about it. Not able to let the matter go without determining matters for herself, she devised a plan.

She’d find that file!

It took a few days to figure out how to do it, but the answer came in the form of an unsuspecting colleague who made a habit of leaving his security access card on the desk. He also had clearance to get into the file room, so Sydney decided to stay late at work one day and take the pass.

Her co-workers were gone for the day and everything was going according to plan. Most of the Cyrellian bosses stayed in their office and rarely ventured to the area she needed to be in.




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Rifling through the files, Sydney was on the verge of giving up when she noticed a stack of folders away from the others. With shaking hands, she lifted them and thumbed through them. On top was what she was looking for.

There was no time to read it. She’d have to take it with her and then return it tomorrow in hopes that no one would notice it was missing.

Sydney stole out of the room with the precious cargo tucked under her arm and looked from left to right. Maybe she was nuts for doing this, but if there was nothing wrong, this file would prove it and she would finally have the peace of mind she desperately wanted.

Her heart drummed as she retraced her steps and returned the security card before leaving the building. Then she went straight home, making no stops.

Eager to read the fruits of her labor she opened the file and scanned it. To her absolute horror, the drug GXT was an addictive compound developed by the Cyrellians to get people to eat more of their foods. What was worse, there seemed to be no signs that it had been properly tested before it was injected into the food. Were they trying to poison the people of Earth? It explained the yellowish tint a lot of her co-workers had.

If she weren’t reading it with her own eyes, Sydney wouldn’t have believed it.

What was going on? She wasn’t sure what they were doing was illegal because there was no governing body to regulate what went into most of the food. Everyone simply assumed that what they were eating was good for them. So even if she brought this to light, she’d probably look like one of the crazy renegades, but then again they weren’t as far out as she’d believed.

Her stomach turned as she read the rest, unable to believe they were selling this junk to people. She flipped through the file with a frown. Holly had been right!

Sydney was about to close the manila folder in disgust when a note fell out.

Frowning, she lifted the small triangle, unfolded it, and read the handwritten note.

My only hope is if someone reads this file before the Cyrellians can destroy it. Cryo Cor is
not only poisoning the inhabitants of Earth with their drugs; the meats they use are not what


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they claim. Anyone who has mysteriously disappeared within the last several months has likely
ended up on dinner tables across the land. They’re on to me, and I fear they’ll do to me as they’ve
done to countless others. I only wish I’d listened to the leader of the Freedom Fighters before this.

Maybe I could have done more.


Sydney dropped the file as if she’d been scorched.


Cryo Cor was turning Humans into cannibals!


Chapter Four

Jack studied the notice on the side of the building. Plastered in the center was the face of Sydney: wanted for theft and destruction of property. The poster stated she was armed and probably dangerous.

Cursing under his breath, he shook his head. They’d found her out. He only hoped she was smart enough to lay low. His mission to save Dexter had failed. They’d killed the man by the time Jack had gotten to the holding facility. He wasn’t going to allow that to happen to Sydney.

She must have gone after that file and it was his fault. Since the entire city was on the lookout for her, Jack knew it would only be a matter of time before they got to her.

His task now was to find her before the Cyrellians did, but where could she be?

Where would a six feet tall, willowy woman with skin like polished mahogany hide out? He had to admit her looks would probably work against her since she had such distinctive features.

He drew the hood of his jacket over his head. It wouldn’t do to have his face recognized either. Seeing no point in sticking around and drawing attention to himself, he set out on his search.

Jack covered the city, checking every alley and hideout he knew of, but there was no sign of her. Had they already gotten to her? With their trackers it was relatively easy for them to find their prey.

On the verge of giving up his search until the next day, he heard a scream. “No!” It was a woman’s voice. One that sounded strangely familiar. Could it be?

Tapping his pocket lightly to ensure he had the weapons he needed, he ran toward the commotion.


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One Human enforcement officer and the other Cyrellian were on either side of a fighting woman, who was scratching and clawing to get free. They had Sydney!

A crowd gathered around to see what was going on. The Cyrellian pulled out a taser and shoved it against Sydney’s ribs. The blood-curdling yell she released spurred Jack into action.

Whipping out his smoke bomb, he tossed it in the center of the crowd. It released a thick grayish fog, cloaking the area. People scattered, coughing and sputtering. It gave him just enough time to break through the throng of fleeing bystanders.

He used the sheer bulk of his body to ram the smaller enforcement officer, making him lose his grip on Sydney. He took his pocket laser from his holster and aimed it directly at the Cyrellian, showing no mercy.

Once the two who’d been holding Sydney were disabled, he grabbed her wrist and tugged her along with him, giving her no choice but to run. Her heels clicked behind them and he was sure she’d give away their position despite the cover of the smoke.

Footsteps pounded the ground behind them. They were being chased! Sydney was panting heavily behind him. She’d slow them both down if he didn’t do something.

Without another thought he tossed her over his shoulder and continued on, not stopping until he reached his first hiding place.

He was sure no one would look in the nook of this alley.

“You can put me down now,” she hissed.

“Shut up,” he whispered. “You’re going to get us noticed.” When Jack was sure their pursuers had gone by, he came out of the hiding place and continued on, playing this game of hide and seek several more times before he finally made it to the outskirts of the city.

Only when he was sure they were no longer being chased did he put her down.

“We have three miles to go until we make it to the compound so I suggest you do something with those shoes of yours.”

“What the hell am I supposed to do with them? They’re the only shoes I have.”


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With a frustrated growl, he bent down and lifted one slender ankle and plucked off her shoe. Then he broke off the heel and threw it back on the ground. “Give me your other foot.”

“You bastard. You’ve ruined them! These shoes cost me very good money!” He didn’t have time to deal with her princess complex. “Give me the shoe or I could simply leave you here for your buddies to get.” She looked like she wanted to argue, but finally gave in and handed him her other shoe, but not without one last glare, her light brown eyes shooting fire.

He wondered if her fury was an indication of how passionate she’d be in bed.

Where did that thought come from? They were supposed to be running for their lives and his mind was drifting to more carnal pursuits. This wasn’t a good thing.

Once he got Sydney back to headquarters he’d have to put some distance between the two of them. It didn’t help matters that he’d already gotten a taste of her and knew what he was missing, but he couldn’t afford to get involved with someone else so soon after Anna. Jack was still dealing with the fallout from that.

Once she slipped back into her altered footwear, Sydney crossed her arms over her chest and glared. “Now what?”

“We keep moving.” He held out his hand to her. “Let’s go.” She ignored his offering with a shake of her head. “I’ll make it on my own, thanks.”

Jack pursed his lips, annoyed by her action, but chose not to press the matter.

What did he care anyway? Soon enough she’d have to learn he was in charge and called all the shots. He began to jog toward base. “Then you’re going to have to keep up.” She half ran half walked behind him. “Where are we going?”

“To sanctuary.”

Not bothering to slow down, he continued with his grueling pace. Every now and then Jack would look back to see how far behind Sydney had gotten and was surprised to see her never more than a few feet away. He was impressed that she was


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able to keep up. But he could see it was wearing on her judging from the heavy panting and the perspiration drenching her dark brow.

Halfway to their destination, Jack slowed down to a leisurely walk and pulled off the canteen strapped to his hip and offered it to her. “Here. Drink some.” She eyed him suspiciously. “What’s in it?”

He couldn’t help but chuckle. “It’s water. I’m sure you need it.” Sydney looked as though she might refuse, but then took it from him. “Thank you.”

“It sounded as if those words were difficult for you to say. Do you have something against using basic words of common courtesy?” Her lips pursed. “No. I have no problem with displaying my manners, but I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.”

Jack raised an eyebrow, a smile tilting the corners of his lips. Even after what she’d just gone through, she still had her spunk. He liked that. “Oh? And how do you figure? You’re the one being charged with theft and destruction of public property,” he teased.

“You know those charges are trumped up. Well… I did take the file, but I had planned on giving it back. As for the other garbage they’re trying to pin on me, I cry foul.”

He halted. “So you’ve read the file?”

“How could I not when it’s apparently what got poor Dexter Weems in trouble in the first place? And you seemed interested in it. Let’s just say curiosity got the better of me.”

“Where is it now?”

She moistened her lusciously full lips. His gaze followed the movement and in that moment he thought he’d give his right nut to be that tongue.

Get a hold of yourself, man

“When I woke up this morning, I prepared myself for work just like any other day. But I had this nagging feeling in the back of my head, I don’t know, call it female


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intuition. Anyway, before I was heading out, something made me turn on the news. To my surprise, my face was all over it. I knew I couldn’t go to work, but I also knew I had a very important piece of information I couldn’t let them destroy.”

“So then what?” he asked when she paused.

“I took some pertinent pages out of the file and then I went to my friend Holly’s house and slipped the information under her door before I sneaked away. I didn’t want her to get caught up in this mess.” Her lips wobbled as if she would break into tears at any moment, but she didn’t. “I didn’t believe her, but she was right all along.”

“What do you mean?”

“For months now, she’s been saying something wasn’t quite right about the Cyrellians. They seemed too perfect. Even when our friend Bella went missing after going for some kind of treatment to get her hearing back, I didn’t believe it. I thought it was some strange coincidence.”

“She didn’t go to Cyren Clinic, did she?”

“The one you guys blew up?”

“That’s the one.”

“Yes. Why did you do it?”

“We had to blow it up; otherwise they were going to harm more unsuspecting victims.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“People who went for treatment there were usually never seen again. They either use the people as you’ve probably just discovered for Cryo Cor’s meat processing factory or they sell the Humans to the highest bidders in other galaxies for slave labor and God knows what.”

Her hand went to her throat, a stricken expression crossing her face. “Bella could be digesting in someone’s stomach right now?”

Jack felt sorry for her. It wasn’t easy learning that one’s planet was being exploited by aliens who were supposed to be helpful. Knowing they were sucking the


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Earth dry of all its resources, including the people, would be difficult for anyone to handle. “We don’t know that. She might have been one of the ones they sold.”

“Either way I may never see her again.” This time she did break out into tears.

He hated seeing females cry. It was his one weakness. He engulfed the sobbing woman within his embrace and stroked the back of her head as she let it all out.

Sydney lifted her head with tear-filled eyes. “I’m never going back, am I?”

“Not unless you want to be captured.”

“But you did.”

“I’ve been trained, plus I know a lot of good hiding spots. Everything will be okay. I promise.”

“How can I trust you? I put my faith in the Cyrellians only to find out they’re committing terrible crimes against humanity.”

He grasped her chin and dropped a light kiss on her lips. What started out as a gesture of comfort, however, became so much more in that moment when she pressed her breasts against his chest and twined her arms around his neck, silently begging him for more.

“Sydney,” he moaned. “We shouldn’t. We’re almost at our destination.”

“I know, but I’m so scared. I’ve never been so uncertain about my future before.

From an early age, my life had been mapped out for me, but now things are a big mess and I’m no longer in control. I hate that feeling. Just give me this one moment.” She pulled his head down.

Jack couldn’t have resisted even if he wanted to. The woman was a vixen and his will was weak when she was near. His cock grew painfully hard. With a groan, he smothered her mouth with his, pressing his tongue forward in a hungry kiss, tasting her, his tongue sweeping over every inch it could reach.

He was so fucking horny. Jack couldn’t have stopped himself from what happened next. He pulled her top open to reveal the smooth expanse of beautiful brown skin. Thankful she wasn’t wearing a bra, he lowered his head and sucked on one pert tip. Her nipple came to life in his mouth.




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Sydney sighed, threading her fingers through his hair. “Jack,” she whispered.

If he’d stopped to think about their situation, he would have pulled away from her, but for some reason the thought of getting caught only added to the excitement.

Was he debased for thinking this way? Jack wasn’t sure, but coherent thought had no place in this moment.

As he released the taut peak with a wet pop, he yanked up her skirt and pushed her panties aside. Damn, she was wet.

“Oh, yeah. Touch me, Jack.” Sydney shook her head from side to side in apparent ecstasy. She was obviously not thinking clearly about their surroundings either or else he was sure she might have said something.

As long as she was willing, he would go with the flow. He eased his middle digit into her wet passage and slid it knuckle deep. Jack lifted his head to meet her passion-glazed gaze. “Do you like that, baby?”

“Mmm,” she sighed. “I love it.”

“What if I slid another finger inside of this tight cunt?”

“Please,” she said breathlessly.

Jack slipped yet another digit into her passage stretching and fingering her.

Sydney gyrated her hips up and down on his hand. She was beautiful in her arousal. He had to have more of her.

Never removing his fingers from her wet box, he pulled her to the ground and situated his body on top of hers. He wanted to read her expression to see exactly what he was doing to Sydney.

Her lips were slightly parted as she panted with breathy moans and her breasts, though small, jutted forward proudly. Jack dipped his head again and grazed a swollen nipple with his teeth.

Sydney wiggled beneath him, running her hands down his back and tugging his shirt from his waistband. The contact of her fingers running lightly against his bare skin was just enough to send him over the edge.




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He couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted a woman so badly, or ever for that matter. What was so different about her from the others? Granted she was by far superior in the looks department by anyone’s standards, but beauties had flitted in and out of his life before and none had had quite this effect on him.

Jack looked her in the eyes, wanting to establish this was something she wanted too before they went any further. “There’s no going back after this point, Sydney.”

“I don’t care. I want this.”

He searched her face for clues -- some sign of doubt -- but found none. It was just as well, because he didn’t think he could have handled her changing her mind.

With anxious hands, he pushed aside her top, exposing even more of her skin to his hungry gaze and then worked Sydney’s skirt up her hips. Although he was in a hurry to be inside of her, when he took off her panties, he was careful not to rip them.

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